Revision Worksheet - Annual Exam

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Revisoin Worksheet

Academic Session 2023-24

Grade: 6 Issue date: 12.02.2024
Subject: English Submission Not Required
Annual Exam Portions To be discussed in the class.
Name :
1. Read the passage and answer the questions below:
Advancements in technology, particularly automation and artificial intelligence, have
revolutionized various industries, promising increased efficiency and productivity. However,
alongside these benefits, there is growing concern about the potential ramifications for
employment. As automation becomes more prevalent, there is a fear that it may lead to job
displacement and exacerbate existing inequalities in the workforce.
One of the primary concerns regarding the impact of automation on employment is the
displacement of low-skilled workers. Tasks that are repetitive and routine in nature are
often the first to be automated, affecting jobs in manufacturing, retail, and transportation
sectors. While automation can streamline processes and reduce costs for businesses, it
also raises questions about the future employment prospects for individuals without
specialized skills or education.
Moreover, the rapid pace of technological advancement means that workers need to adapt
and acquire new skills to remain competitive in the job market. This presents challenges for
individuals who may struggle to access training opportunities or afford education programs
necessary to transition into emerging industries. As a result, there is a risk of widening the
gap between those who can adapt to technological change and those who are left behind.
On the other hand, proponents of automation argue that it has the potential to create new
job opportunities and drive innovation in sectors that were previously labor-intensive. By
automating repetitive tasks, workers can focus on more complex and creative aspects of
their jobs, leading to higher job satisfaction and productivity. Additionally, automation can
spur the development of new industries and occupations, such as data analysis and
programming, which require skills in technology and STEM fields.
Nevertheless, the societal impact of automation extends beyond employment concerns. It
raises ethical questions about the distribution of wealth and the role of government in
providing social safety nets for individuals affected by technological disruption.
Policymakers must grapple with these complex issues to ensure that the benefits of
automation are shared equitably and that measures are in place to support workers
through periods of transition.

1. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

a) The benefits of automation on job creation
b) The concerns about displacement of low-skilled workers due to automation
c) The ethical implications of automation
d) The potential for automation to drive innovation

2. Which industries are mentioned as being impacted by automation in the second

a) Healthcare and education
b) Manufacturing, retail, and transportation
c) Agriculture and hospitality
d) Financial services and entertainment

3. What challenge do workers face according to the third paragraph?

a) Lack of job satisfaction
b) Difficulty accessing training opportunities
c) High demand for specialized skills
d) Decreasing productivity

4. What is an argument presented by proponents of automation in the fourth paragraph?

a) Automation leads to job dissatisfaction
b) Automation reduces innovation
c) Automation creates new job opportunities and enhances productivity
d) Automation widens the gap between workers

5. What broader societal concerns are raised in the fifth paragraph?

a) Technological stagnation
b) Environmental degradation
c) Wealth distribution and social safety nets
d) Political polarization

6. What is the primary focus of the passage?

a) The history of automation
b) The benefits of technological advancement
c) The impact of automation on employment and society
d) The role of government in regulating automation
7. According to the passage, what must workers do to remain competitive in the job
a) Acquire new skills and adapt to technological change
b) Resist automation and advocate for traditional job roles
c) Demand higher wages and better working conditions
d) Embrace routine tasks and avoid innovation

8. What potential positive effect of automation is mentioned in the passage?

a) Decreased job satisfaction
b) Increased unemployment rates
c) Higher productivity and job satisfaction for workers
d) Decreased innovation and creativity

9. What is highlighted as a challenge for individuals affected by technological disruption?

a) Decreased demand for specialized skills
b) Limited access to education and training programs
c) Increased job security
d) Enhanced opportunities for career advancement

10. What is the overarching message regarding automation and its impact on society?
a) Automation will inevitably lead to widespread unemployment.
b) Automation has both benefits and challenges for employment and society.
c) Automation is solely beneficial for all sectors of society.
d) Automation is detrimental to innovation and economic.
2 Read the passage and answer the questions below:
In the heart of Central America lies the remnants of a civilization shrouded in mystery and
wonder - the ancient Maya civilization. Flourishing for over two millennia, the Maya
civilization reached its zenith between 250 and 900 AD, boasting remarkable achievements
in art, architecture, mathematics, and astronomy. Despite their grandeur, the collapse of the
Maya civilization around the 10th century AD remains one of the greatest enigmas of history.
The Maya civilization was renowned for its sophisticated city-states, with monumental
structures such as pyramids, temples, and palaces dominating the landscape. These
architectural marvels, built without the aid of metal tools or beasts of burden, stand as a
testament to the ingenuity and engineering prowess of the Maya people. The city of Tikal,
nestled deep within the rainforests of present-day Guatemala, is one of the most iconic Maya
sites, boasting towering pyramids and intricately carved stelae.
In addition to their architectural achievements, the Maya were accomplished astronomers
and mathematicians. They developed a complex calendar system, known as the Long Count
calendar, which accurately tracked time over long periods. Their astronomical observations
allowed them to predict celestial events such as eclipses with remarkable accuracy. The
Maya also made significant contributions to mathematics, including the concept of zero and
positional notation.
Despite their advancements, the Maya civilization experienced a mysterious collapse around
the 10th century AD. The reasons for this decline are still debated among scholars, with
theories ranging from environmental degradation to warfare and political unrest. The
abandonment of major cities and the decline of population suggest a combination of factors
may have contributed to the downfall of this once-great civilization.
Today, the legacy of the ancient Maya civilization lives on through its magnificent ruins,
intricate artwork, and enduring mysteries. Archaeologists continue to unravel the secrets of
this enigmatic civilization, shedding light on its remarkable achievements and ultimate
demise. Yet, amidst the ruins of ancient cities, the Maya people persevere, maintaining their
rich cultural heritage and connection to the past.
1. Describe the architectural achievements of the ancient Maya civilization.
2. What were some of the significant contributions of the Maya civilization to astronomy
and mathematics?
3. Discuss the factors that may have contributed to the decline of the Maya civilization.
4. How do archaeologists continue to uncover the mysteries of the ancient Maya
5. Describe the enduring legacy of the ancient Maya civilization in modern times.
3 Write an article on ‘Marine Ecosystem’. You are Priya.
4. You are Meera/Mohan, a student of Class XI of ABC School, Kolkata. Write a letter to the
Manager of a local bank requesting information about the procedure for opening a student
bank account. Sign the letter as Meera/Mohan.
5 Fill in the blanks with appropriate verb tenses.
1. She __________ (watch) a movie when the power went out.
2. They __________ (go) to the beach every summer.
3. By the time I arrived, he __________ (leave) for work.
4. We __________ (play) board games last night.
5. She __________ (study) Spanish for two years now.
6. They __________ (travel) to Europe next month.
7. He __________ (read) a book when the phone rang.
8. I __________ (not finish) my homework yet.
9. We __________ (visit) our grandparents last weekend.
10. By this time tomorrow, they __________ (fly) to Paris.
6 Fill in the blanks with suitable modal auxiliaries.
1. You ________ win the lottery, but the chances are low.
2. Haley _____________ get braces.
3. ________ I get my grade tonight, Mr. George?
4. It ______________ rain tomorrow.
5. I __________ eat this cotton candy in three seconds.
6. They ____________ complete their parts of the assignment, or they will fail.
7. Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns.
1. Sarah and __________ went to the park to have a picnic. (Me / I)
2. __________ of the cake is left. (Any/Much)
3. __________ can come to the meeting if they wish. (Anybody / None)
4. __________ is welcome to join the club. (Everybody/Many
5. __________ has called me since I moved. (Anyone/Nobody)
6. There wasn't __________ left in the basket. (Something/anything)
7. She did the assignment __________ without any help.
8. He __________ promised to finish the project on time.
9. The children cleaned the room __________ before their parents came home.
10. You can do it __________ if you put your mind to it.
11. The car parked __________ in the garage when left in Autopilot mode.
12. __________ of the proposals has been approved by the board yet.
13. __________ of the options will be sufficient for our needs.
14. __________ of the proposals has been approved by the board yet.
15. __________ of the options will be sufficient for our needs.
8. Identify the voices in the following sentences and change them in to other voice.
1. The cat chased the mouse.
2. They are cooking dinner.
3. She wrote a letter to her friend.
4. The teacher is explaining the lesson.
5. The students are reading books.
6. The car was fixed by the mechanic.
7. The house was destroyed by the storm.
8. Football is being played by them in the park.
9. Delicious food is being cooked by the chef.
10. A cake will be baked for her birthday by her.
9. Convert them into the other speech
1. She said to me, "I love to read."
2. He asked, "Are you coming to the party?"
3. The teacher said to the student, "Please sit down."
4. He exclaimed, "What a beautiful sunset!"
5. She says, "The sun rises in the east."
6. He said that he had finished his work early.
7. She asked the shopkeeper where the nearest bank was.
8. The coach ordered us to run faster.
9. They exclaimed with delight to the Waiter that it was a delicious meal.
10. He said that water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
Answer the following with reference to the context
10. ‘She was thinking about the fun they had.’
a. Who does ‘she’ refer to?
b. Who does ‘they’ refer to?
c. What ‘fun’ is she thinking about?
11. ‘And charging along like troops in a battle. All through the meadows the horses and cattle:’
a. What charges like troops in a battle?
b. Where can the poet see the horses and cattle?
c. Why do you think the poet uses the term ‘troops in a battle’ here?
12. ‘Each a glimpse and gone forever!’
a. What is the poet referring to in this line?
b. Why does the poet use the word ‘glimpse’ here?
c. What does the poet mean by the term ‘gone forever’?
13. ‘‘With lutes in our hands ... world is our home.’
a. Who are the ‘we’ in the first line?
b. What is the poet trying to say when she says, ‘All men are our kindred’?
c. Can the whole world be one’s home? Why or why not?
14. ‘What hope shall we gather; what dreams shall we sow?’
a. What does this line mean?
b. Why does the poet asks these questions?
c. What is the mood of the poet?
15. ‘He had the most appealing look in his eyes I ever saw on the face of a dumb or a talking
a. Who is the speaker?
b. Who is he talking about?
c. Why does the person being spoken about has such a look on his face?
16. Each a glimpse and gone forever!
a. What is the poet referring to in this line?
b. Why does the poet use the word ‘glimpse’ here?
c. What does the poet mean by the term ‘gone forever’?
17. Answer the following questions in brief:
1. What do we learn about their teachers from the story ‘The Fun they Had’?
2. How did Margie submit her homework and test papers? How were her mark calculated?
3. Is the train going through the countryside or a city? What makes you think so?
4. Describe everything that the poet sees through the window of the railway carriage.
5. Why did the child lose interest in the things he wanted earlier?
6. Do you think the lost child will be reunited with his parents? Discuss.
7. Discuss what ‘wind’ stands for in the line, ‘The voice of the wind is the voice of our fate’.
8. What tales do the songs depict in the poem ‘The Wandering Singers’.
9. Do the singers sing about stories that happened in
10. What does the Fir Tree tell about the most beautiful spot on Earth?
11. What is the narrator’s name? Who is the Red Chief?
12. When do the two kidnappers realise that their plan may backfire??
13. How does Bill react when he returns to the cave?
18. Answer the following questions in detail:
1. ‘Margie was thinking about how the kids must have loved it in the old days. She was
thinking about the fun they had.’
2. What does this statement show us about Margie’s feelings at the end of the story? Give
examples from the story to support your answer.
3. Briefly describe the history of Shantiniketan
19. 1. At the fair, he wants many things. What are they? Why does he move on without waiting
for an answer?
2. When does he realise that he has lost his way? How have his anxiety and insecurity
been described?
3. The man who had rescued the child was compassionate and kind. What values of
humanity are reflected through the character of the kind man?
20. 1. Shantiniketan, which means abode of peace, is the cultural icon of the country. Do you
agree with this? Support your answer with examples.
2. Deforestation is one of the most critical environmental issues that the world faces today.
Trees and forests are being cleared to make way for agricultural and urban spaces. What
are the consequences of deforestation? How can we take steps to address this problem
and raise awareness about it among people?

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