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Write a paragraph (80 -100 words) about a natural disaster happening in Viet Nam

that you witnessed or heard about.

Flood is considered as one of the most dangerous disasters in the world. There was a
"historical flood" that happened in Ha Noi in 2008. The rain was so heavy and lasted
for many days consecutively that it inundated many streets of Ha Noi. The rain was
considered the heaviest in the last 100 years, which caused people to suffer from a lot
of damage. According to statistics, many families even suffered from inundation as
high level of water flew into their houses. Offices or schools had to make emergency
announcement to let their employees and students be at home to avoid any potential
accidents that may be caused by the pouring rain. Life had a lot of disturbance and
people had to wait until it stopped raining. People are in danger because of the
outbreak of epidemics resulted from the flood. Luckily, after a few days, life began to
come back to the way it was thanks to effort of both local authority and city dwellers.

Write a paragraph (80 -100 words) about a way of communication that you often use.
There are several ways of communication, including face-to-face conversation, phone
calls, text messaging, email, social media, and video conferencing.

One way of communication that I like best is face-to-face conversation. While

technology has made it much eaiser to communicate with people across great
distance, there is something special about being able to sit down and talk to someone
in person. When you are face-to-face with someone, you can pick up on nonverbal
cues like facial expressions and body language, which can help you better understand
their message and intentions. Additionally, face-to-face conversation allows for a
more personal and intimate connection between people, which can be especially
important in building and maintaining relationships. While other forms of
communication like phone calls, text messages, and video chats have their benefits, I
believe that face-to-face conversation is the most effective and meaningful way to
communicate with others.

Write a short paragraph to talk about advantages and disadvantages of online


Nowadays, more and more people buy something on the internet more than
shopping in markets or supermarkets. This essay will show the benefits and some
disadvantages of shopping online that customers can encouter.
The greatest advantage is convenience. With an internet-enabled phone, people
can stay at home and order things from shops around the world. Secondly, it is very fast
and you can find what you are looking for quickly and easily. One additional benefit is
the cheap price. The price of products bought online is usually lower than that of one
bought in shops.

However, shopping online also brings some disadvantages. Firstly, you cannot
touch or try on the product before you buy it which means that you may end up with
something that is not what you wanted. Secondly, there is always the risk of getting
scammed or being overcharged. Thirdly, the quality of some products may not be as
good as you expect. Fourthly, it can be addictive and you may find yourself buying
things that you do not need.

Shopping online has both advantage and disadvantages. People should consider
many aspects to buy the goods they like. We believe that e-commerce companies will
take strong measures to protect customer interests soon.

Write a short paragraph about the ways to protect the environment.

Nowadays, the development of human world causes causes many bad effects to the
environment. We throw garbage everywhere, exploit too much natural resources or
contaminate the air. Therefore, our environment is being seriously polluted and we
need to protect it from now. First of all, we should reduce, reuse and recycle. Instead of
using plastic bags, we can use leaves to wrap food. We can recycle plastic bottles, cans,
paper to reduce garbage. Using public transports and decreasing the number of
motorbikes and cars are also good ways to reduce carbonic in the air. Besides, we
should purify contaminated lakes or rivers in order to lessen the pollution in the water.
Last but not least, the gorvernment should propagandize about protecting the
environment to everybody so that they can aware of it. Especially, we need to punish
people who contaminate the environment with great severity. In conclusion, the Earth
is our home so protecting it is everyone's responsibility.

Write an email (200-300 words) to your friend about the impacts of modern technology
on lifestyles.
Dear Anna,

I hope this email finds you healthy and happy. I write to share with you the impacts of
modern technology on lifestyles.
The world today is very developed, which means that science and technology are also
very developed, they play an important part in our lives today, they have many
advantages. Because they are very useful, and especially for our students. By
technology, we can look up learning materials, helping us to study better. And we can
also use technology to communicate with teachers more easily, especially during a
pandemic like this.

And now, it's even more useful to our students than learning through television, to
ensure that knowledge is not lost. You can already see how great Technology is for our
students, though it still has its downsides. On the Internet, there are still some bad
websites, which will affect the development of students. Even so, Science and
Technology are still necessary things for our life

What do you think of the impact that technology exerts on our life and education?
Waiting for your next email.

Yours lovingly,


Write a short paragraph about Tet holiday in Viet Nam.

I would like to talk about the Tet holiday in Vietnam.

It is a very important holiday for all Vietnamese people. It often takes place from
the end of January till the end of February. People use the Lunar Calendar to count the
dates. It is also spring time. So the weather is very suitable for this festival.
It takes place to welcome the New Lunar Year. Another reason is because people
have worked hard for the whole year and they need a break. Moreover, we also need to
spend time with our family and Tet holiday is a good occasion.
Before the festival, people should do a complete spring cleaning. During the
festival, they will visit their friend's and relatives' houses, enjoy some special food, play
cards and exchange lucky money. In addition, they will also visit pagodas and pray for
a good year of work. First, I can get together with my family and friends after a year of
hard work and study. Second, I'm happy to get dressed up in nice clothes and take a
walk in public places. Third, I can visit pagodas and pray for a lucky coming year. in
this festival.
So, that's all I would like to say. I hope that this holiday will come soon.

Write a short paragraph about one of the Vietnamese groups that you know.

Kinh is a major people group of Vietnam. The Kinh people are also known as the

Vietnamese and are the majority ethnic group. The Kinh people have the largest

population in Vietnam, accounting for about eighty six percent of the population and

they live all over the country. Vietnamese is the native language of the Kinh people.

They have traditional costumes such as Ao Dai, Ba Ba shirt. Rice cultivation is the

main economic activity of the Kinh people. They also raise livestock and poultry. The

Kinh people have many festival such as: Lunar New Year, Mid-Autumn Festival,

Hung King's death anniversary,... In addition, Kinh people also have many relics and

temples such as: Huong Pagoda. Today, they are developing an economy based on

industry and technology. They aim for a convenient and modern life. I like Kinh

people and I am proud of Kinh people.

Write a short paragraph about the teenagers’ stress and how to deal with them.
I think teenagers are as stressed as adults because of many reasons related mainly to

schoolwork, peers and family.

In fact, doing well at school involves a lot of pressure, because they have to complete school

work, projects and reports and study hard for exams. Then, there is also the stress of having a

social life and being accepted by their peers in popular groups in addition to the physical

stress which result from some emotional and physical changes which can leave adolescent

confused and stressed.

Finally, we can mention also the stress that comes from family problems and sibling rivalry.

Thankfully, there are many methods that can help us cope with stress. One of the best
solutions is to talk to a close friend or relative about our problems. Most importantly, people

should have a reasonable schedule and a healthy lifestyle in order for stress to go away easier.

Write the advantages and disadvantages about living in the coutryside.

Living in the country is something that people from the city often dream about

However, in reality, it has both advantages and disadvantages.

There are certainly many advantages to live in the country. First of all, you can

enjoy peace and quiet. Moreover, people tend to be friendlier. A further advantage is

that there is less traffic, so it is safer for young children.

However, there are certain drawbacks to life outside the city. Firstly, because

there are fewer people, you are likely to have few friends. In addition, entertainment

is difficult to find, particularly in the evening. Furthermore, the fact that there are

fewer shops and services means that it is hard to find work.

In conclusion, it can be seen that the country is more suitable for some people

than others. On the whole, it is often the best for those who are retired or who have

young children. In contrast, young people who have a career are better provided for

in the city.

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