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Pre-colonial literature in the Philippines

-by one means or another gave us an illustration from the past. It underscores on
how our literature began in the country which is the Philippines.
Pre- colonial writing system
- During the early period almost everyone in the society male or female
knows how to read and write. They have their own method of writing in
which they use sharp-pointed tools, leaves, bamboo and trunks skin. They
write from top to bottom and read it from left to right.
Alibata- is an ancient writing system that was used in what is now the Philippines.
Although it was all but extinguished by western colonization, variants of it are still
used in parts of Mindoro and Palawan and it is also increasingly used by Filipino
youth as a way to express their identity.

1. Oral literature- a broad term which may include ritual texts, curative chants,
epic, poems, musical genres, folktales, creation tale, songs, myths, spells,
legend, proverbs, riddles, tongue twisters, word games, recitations, life
histories or historical narratives. It refers most simply to any form of verbal art
of traditions, cultures which is transmitted orally or delivered by word of
mouth (Finnegan 1970.)
a. The most appreciated riddles (bugtong) of ancient Philippines are those
that are rhymed and having equal number of syllables in each line.
b. Proverbs- on the other hand, are short statements that teach good
conduct and lessons. In tagalog it is better known as the salawikain.
c. Tanaga -is a short poem of four lines with seven to eight syllables.
2. Folk tales- are inspiring stories of human travails and triumphs depicting all
kinds of emotion. It is to entertain and teach morals. Folktales also means a
characteristically anonymous, timeless and placeless tale circulated orally
among a people (Meriam-Webster)
a. Legends- explain the origin of things how they came to be and why
things came as they are.
b. Myths- a traditional story in prose concerning details of gods and
demigods and the creation of the world and its inhabitants.
c. Epics- the most significant pieces of oral literature that may safety be
presumed to have originated in prehistoric times are folk epics.
3. Folk songs- are poetic in nature that illustrate historical and cultural
background of a certain group. The folk song is a form of folk lyric which
expresses the hopes and aspirations, the people lifestyle as well as their loves.
These are often repetitive and sonorous, didactic and naïve as in the children’s
songs or Ida-ida (Maguindanao), tulang pambata (Tagalog) or cansiones para
abbing (Ibanag). The few examples are lullabyes or Ili-ili (ilongo) panawagon
and balitao (Ilongo); Harana or serenabe (Cebuano); the bayok (Maranao).


1. It practices the art of “story telling “called oral traditions.

2. Common themes of Philippine pre- colonial literature are
a. Nature
b. super natural events
c. bravery of heroes
d. Customs and ideologies
3. Philippine pre- colonial literature was considered their truth.
4. Philippine pre- colonial stories have plots that are generally
5. Language is full of melody and rhythm.


Imagery- is a poetic element that tries to create a picture in the
mind of the reader.
Gabu- is a poem that depicts coastline in Ilocos that constantly
experiencing the battering restlessness of the sea.
Panahon na muling Padaluyin ang Agos – is a persuasive essay that
focuses on the patent capacity of a national language to arouse
patriotism and love of country and its people.
1. Poetry
2. Drama
3. Fiction
4. Non fiction


-Illustrated novel- this is a story or text and illustrated images
-50% of its narrative is presented without words
-No text at all.
Digi- Fiction- is a triple media literature this combine 3 media.
a. Navigation
b. Reading
c. And viewing in all three forms
Graphic Novel- is a narrative and comic book formats
Manga – a Japanese word for comics
Ameri- Mango – is sometimes used to refer to comics created by
American artist- in manga styles.
Doodle Fiction - the author incorporates doodle writing, drawings and
hand writing graphics in place of the traditional font.
Text-talk novels – narratives written in blogs, email, IM and messaging

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