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I hereby, _______________________________, in date: ____________________, as the holder

of the credit and/or debit card whose details are given below, (hereinafter the "Cardholder"), I agree to validate the
charge made to the card number:

Expiry Date: ___ _____ / ____ _____

Cardholder's Address:

Cardholder's home and/or mobile phone:

Cardholder´s email: ________________________________________________

I hereby authorize the charge to the above-mentioned card by Concesionaria Vuela Compañía de Aviación, S.A.P.I. de
C.V. (hereinafter "VOLARIS"), for the total amount of $ _________ ( / ) V.A.T.
included, the amount corresponding to the reservation number_________ to be paid by VOLARIS.

Likewise, by signing this letter I declare that I have read, accept, know, and fully understand the scope and legal force of
the terms and conditions applicable to the travel agencies registered in (hereinafter, the "Terms and
Conditions") and other policies that may be applicable for the purchase of "Volaris Tickets", as such term is defined in
the Terms and Conditions. Finally, I declare that I agree that my credit and/or debit card may be traced in this letter.

Cardholder´s Signature

Space for tracing the card

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