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Your name: Eduardo Torres Hidalgo Name of the student you are evaluating: Adrien Ripoll

Coherence between the

Busines Model Criterion 5: Name
Criterion elements of the business
Industry 2030
Grade of Innovation
_______________ TOTAL
Is the business Do you think the Business Model Explain the criterion
Are each of the elements The Business Model
model inspired or is innovative? Does it serve a proposed
of the Business Model proposal belongs to an
used as the new market? Does it use Are the financial
related, is there a industry with growth emerging technology? Does it projections realistic and
fundamentals of
relationship with the value potential, scalable and solve a problem that has not based on sound
existing business
proposition? attractive been resolved before? Etc. assumptions?
Score 1 to 10
(10 being highest)
9 9 8 10 7 44

The elements in the The industry and market There has been similar I think it is a very Although the idea and
business model that I´m of the business model has businsses models innovative idea and business model is good, it
evaluating does aline with good potential and is compared to this one, but business model to requires a big investment
the value proposition growing at an increasingly there is not an exactly execute it. It uses and involves a medium
good pace. equal one. emerging technology and risk since is difficult to say
Clearly and in solves a problem most that it would work.
detail justify people have.
the score

Final comments for the business model you are evaluating:

I really like the idea and how my partner managed the business plan. Although I do think it has quite a risk and requires a lot of investment, so it is not a secure
Add an image of the Business Model you are

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