Covid Olfaction

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OPINION COVID-19 related olfactory dysfunction
Katerina Karamali a, Michael Elliott a, and Claire Hopkins b

Purpose of review
This article reviews the literature on COVID-19 related anosmia, focusing on the epidemiology,
pathophysiology recovery rates, current available treatment options, and research regarding novel
Recent findings
Loss of sense of smell is one of the most prevalent symptoms reported by patients after COVID-19 infection.
Even though there is a high self-reported recovery rate, recent studies have demonstrated that up to 7% of
the patients remain anosmic more than 12 months after onset, leaving millions worldwide with severe
olfactory dysfunction. Olfactory training remains the first line recommended treatment. Given the paucity of
effective medical treatments options researchers are exploring novel therapeutic options.
Olfactory dysfunction remains a significant and persistent legacy of the COVID-19 pandemic, but
heightened awareness may stimulate research that leads to the development of much-needed treatment
anosmia, COVID-19, olfactory loss

INTRODUCTION Self-reporting of loss of smell has been shown to

Postviral anosmia is the leading cause of adult underestimate the true prevalence of OD when
olfactory dysfunction, accounting for up to 40% evaluated with psychophysical tests, as demon-
of all cases [1,2] It was therefore perhaps unsurpris- strated by Moein et al. in 60 hospitalised partici-
ing to see an increase at the onset of the SARS-CoV-2 pants; 98% had some degree of OD on formal
pandemic. However, the high prevalence of olfac- testing, whereas only 35% of participants self-

tory dysfunction and importance as a diagnostic reported loss of taste or smell [5 ]. In contrast,
marker has shone a spotlight on what has hitherto evaluation with psychophysical tests alone could
been a largely neglected sense. Here, we aim to overestimate prevalence of residual COVID-19-
review olfactory dysfunction that occurs as a con- related olfactory loss by including all those subjects
sequence of COVID-19, the underlying pathophys- who were unaware of having premorbid olfactory

iology, recovery rates and potential therapeutic dysfunction [6 ].

options Loss of smell may be the only presenting feature
for patients with COVID-19 [3];preceding other
symptoms in 20% (95% CI: 13%–29%) of reported
PREVALENCE AND PRESENTATION OF cases included in a systematic review from May
OLFACTORY LOSS IN COVID-19 2020, and presenting concomitantly with other g
After early newspaper reports in Germany, Korea symptoms in a further 28% (95% CI: 22%–36%) of
and Iran, olfactory loss emerged as a potential
marker of COVID-19 in March 2020, generating a
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Guy’s and St Thomas NHS Foun-
intense media interest [3]. A large body of evidence dation Trust and bGuy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London,
now demonstrates loss of sense of smell to be one of United Kingdom
the most common symptoms of COVID-19 infec- Correspondence to Professor Claire Hopkins, BMBCH, FRCS(ORLHNS),
tion; a meta-analysis of 3563 patients published in Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom.
May 2020 found the mean prevalence of self- Tel: +02071882215; e-mail:
reported loss to be 47% (95% CI: 36%–59%) in, Curr Opin Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2022, 30:19–25
ranging from 11% to 84% in included case series [4 ]. DOI:10.1097/MOO.0000000000000783

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Nose and paranasal sinuses

62.8%–80.7%) than among men (55.7%; 95% CI,

KEY POINTS 45.2%–65.8%; P ¼ 0.02) [14]. A systematic review
 Recent studies demonstrated that up to 7% of the suggested a lower reporting of OD with increasing
patients can remained anosmic following COVID-19 age [15], in keeping with age dependent reduced
expression of Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2.
 Patients may develop delayed parosmia following (ACE2) receptor in the olfactory epithelium [16].
However, this may also reflect the increasing back-
 ACE2 plays important role in the viral entry of SARS- ground prevalence of underlying OD. There also
CoV-2 to the sustentacular and basal cells appears to be significant differences in the preva-
lence of olfactory dysfunction with different viral
 Olfactory training remains the first line
recommended treatment. variants, with widely varying geographical rates
being reported [17 ], but also variable rates at differ-
 Platelet rich plasma to the olfactory cleft showed some ent time points in the pandemic [18 ].

encouraging initial findings.

& &
cases [4 ]. A French study [7 ] of 114 patients with Despite a growing body of evidence, the underlying
confirmed COVID-19 infection showed that 47% of pathophysiological mechanism of anosmia in
the patients developed loss of sense of smell but less COVID-19 remains uncertain. Proposed mecha-
than 5% of the patients had other sinonasal symp- nisms include conductive loss due to olfactory cleft
toms such as rhinorrhoea and nasal congestion. oedema, injury to the olfactory epithelium (OE) and
Other studies [8] have also found that patients with injury to the olfactory bulb (OB) itself.
COVID-19 related anosmia do not report rhinitic Localised obstruction caused by oedema within
symptoms typically associated with a common cold. the olfactory cleft may contribute to early OD restrict-
It has been postulated that olfactory dysfunc- ing the delivery of odorants to the OE, although nasal
tion may have prognostic value in predicting the congestion is less frequently reported in COVID-19
severity of COVID-19. An early study by Yan et al. compared to other endemic coronaviruses [19,20].
& &
[9 ] suggested that olfactory loss associated with Although one study [21 ] found a high prevalence of
milder disease not requiring admission; admitted complete obstruction of the olfactory cleft in MRI
patients were significantly less likely to report anos- scans performed within 15 days of onset of COVID-19
mia/hyposmia (26.9% vs 66.7%, P < 0.001) [9 ]. This related OD), other radiological studies of patients
aligns with systematic reviews that have found the
with more persistent loss [22 ] have found this to
prevalence of self-reported smell loss was highly be an uncommon finding.
dependent on setting; in hospitalised patients the Olfactory epithelial injury has previously been
overall prevalence was 31% but rising to 67% in demonstrated in cases of postviral olfactory loss
mild-to-moderate symptomatic home-isolated [23]. Postmortem studies of COVID-19 patients
patients [4 ]. In contrast, a prospective study of reporting anosmia showed focal atrophy of the
106 patients [10 ] found no correlation between OE, leukocytic infiltration of the lamina propria
olfactory function in the first week of infection and evidence of axonal damage in the olfactory
and disease severity. In a different study [11 ], the nerve fibres [24]. Animal models of SARS-CoV-2
same group demonstrated no correlation between [25 ] demonstrated massive destruction of olfactory
viral load and severity of olfactory loss. In a third epithelium after nasal inoculation and loss of cilia;
prospective study [12 ] the same group again failed evidence of recovery was observed as early as day 4
to demonstrate any significant statistical correlation although incomplete by day 14 [26 ].
between baseline olfactory loss and the severity of ACE2 receptors, important for viral entry of
chest CT findings. The authors speculate that short SARS-CoV-2, are expressed by the sustentacular sup-
lived olfactory dysfunction may simply be over-
& &
porting and basal cells of the OE [27 ,28 ]. Damage
looked in more severe disease due to over-riding to these cells may induce reduced sensitivity and
respiratory symptoms and associated anorexia lead- loss of cilia from the ORNs, resulting in OD even
ing to reduced dietary intake and they suggest that though the ORNs do not themselves express ACE2
any association between OD and a milder course is or become directly infected. This hypothesis is con-
an artefact. Similar findings were reported by an sistent with the pattern of early recovery as direct
independent research group in Spain [13] ORN injury would require a significantly longer
One study has suggested that anosmia may be period to achieve resolution of OD. More recent in
more frequent among women (72.4%; 95% CI, vivo studies using mucosa brush sampling

20 Volume 30  Number 1  February 2022

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COVID-19 related olfactory dysfunction Karamali et al.

demonstrate both infected mature sensory neurones RECOVERY OF OLFACTORY LOSS AFTER
as well as sustentacular cells, confirming entry into COVID-19
the ORNs themselves, with evidence of apoptosis of Many studies have now been performed to evaluate
both cell groups [26 ]. recovery rates, and risk factors for persistence, using
Some of the most recent studies propose an questionnaires or objective olfactory tests. Early
inflammatory-mediated loss of odorant receptor reports suggested very high rates of rapid recovery
expression on otherwise intact ORNs; this is sup- [41] with many self-reporting complete recovery
ported by animal models, and in olfactory epithelial within a mean duration of olfactory loss of 10 days
biopsies harvested from COVID-19 patients post- [42]. The recovery rates in self-reported studies
mortem. A study of SARS-CoV-2 in golden Syrian & &
[43,44 ,45,46 ] varies from 31.7% to 89%.
hamsters has demonstrated that the local immune However, it has become clear that self-reporting
response increases macrophage expression in the OE likely over-estimates the degree of recovery (in con-
and lamina propria, which may prevent recovery of trast to under-estimating the initial prevalence of
the OE and restoration of the ORNs [25 ]. In an in olfactory loss.) In a study performed by Boscolo-
vivo study of patients with persistent loss, viral per- &
Rizzo et al. [46 ] a significant mismatch was found
sistence has been demonstrated in the olfactory between self-reported olfactory function and psy-
epithelium with associated on going inflammation, chophysical evaluation; interestingly, of 112
elevated IL6 and apoptosis.[26 ]. The regenerative patients with self-reported normal sense of smell
capacity of basal stem cells has been shown to be at 6 months only 41% revealed normosmia with
significantly impaired by inflammation and this UPSIT testing.
mechanism may therefore account for prolonged A number of studies have now published out-
olfactory dysfunction [29]. Anecdotal reports of comes at 6 months and beyond. Leedman et al. [47 ]

enhanced recovery after vaccination perhaps reflect report that in a consecutive series of patients with
more effective viral clearance [30 ]. proven COVID-19, 64% were normosmic at
Propagation of viruses by retrograde axonal 6 months, 3.5% were anosmic and the remainder
transport to the OB and to the CNS is well described hyposmic, based on evaluation with UPSIT tests.
[31,32]. Animal models of OC43 coronavirus infec- &
Boscolo-Rizzo [48 ] has undertaken a case-controled
tion have demonstrated viral particles within the study, with mean follow-up of 401 days after infec-
OB 3 days after inoculation and the cortex by day 7 tion; 46% and 10% of cases and controls were found
[33]. ACE2 transgenic mice inoculated with SARS- to have olfactory dysfunction, with 7% of COVID-
CoV-1 similarly supported a route of viral entry 19 cases being anosmic. Given the high numbers of
through the OB with rapid invasion of the CNS people affected by COVID-19, even with the best-
[34]; similarly high viral RNA loads were found reported recovery rates, a significant number world-
along the entire routine form the olfactory endo- wide will be left with severe olfactory dysfunction.
thelium to the bulb [26 ]. Several case reports docu-
mented hyperintensity in the olfactory bulb which
resolved on repeat imaging one month later with QUALITATIVE OLFACTORY DYSFUNCTION
subsequent loss of volume of the OB [35,36,37], – PAROSMIA AND PHANTOSMIA
whereas one neuroimaging cohort reported signal Many patients report the development of parosmia,
abnormalities of the OB in 19% of cases [38]. One typically after a period of 2 to 3 months and often
patient with persistent COVID-19 induced OD had following a period of apparent recovery [49 ]. Some
MRI imaging prior to COVID-19 infection which patients may develop parosmia even without report-
provided baseline volumes and confirmed signifi- ing the initial loss of sense of smell. The ‘COVID
cant atrophy of their OB in images performed smell’ is generally unpleasant, with a burnt of chem-
2 months after onset [39]. PET imaging found hypo- ical like odour. Common triggers are coffee, onion,
metabolism in the gyrus rectus in 2 patients with garlic, meat and citrus along with toiletries such as
persistent COVID-19 OD [40]. Although these stud- toothpaste [50 ].
ies have reported evidence of neurotropism, atro- The underlying mechanism of parosmia and
phy and hypometabolism, this may be an indirect phantosmia remains unclear. One theory is that a
consequence of loss of function at the level of the decreased number of functioning olfactory neuro-
OE and they do not provide direct proof of retro- nes leads to incomplete odorant characterization
grade transport of SARS-CoV-2 into the OB. [51], supported by findings of reduced numbers of
Progress in our understanding of the mecha- ORNs and a predominance of immature neurones in
nism of olfactory loss will help to drive therapeutic histopathological examination of the olfactory epi-
options and therefore further research in this area thelium. There has also been a proposal that paros-
is essential. mia may reflect ephaptic firing in demyelinated

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Nose and paranasal sinuses

neurones [52] or a central mechanism, with evi- recovery, systemic corticosteroids are not indicated
dence of abnormal activity on positron emission in the first few weeks after onset in order to avoid
tomography or functional MRI [51]. overtreatment of those who will recover spontane-
There is a near absence of evidence to inform ously. However, recovery plateaus after 30 days and
treatment recommendations for qualitative loss, this would seem an optimal time to discuss potential
although anecdotal evidence exists for the use of risks and benefits in those with persistent loss who
anticonvulsants, such as gabapentin to suppress seek treatment.
distortions in severe cases [51]. Current guidance on management with other
interventions is therefore largely extrapolated from
trials in postviral or idiopathic loss.
CURRENT THERAPEUTIC OPTIONS FOR There is evidence to support that olfactory train-
ANOSMIA AND HYPOSMIA FOLLOWING ing improves olfactory function in patients with
COVID-19 PVOL. A meta-analysis in 2016 [59] including all
There are a paucity of established interventions for aetiologies of OD concluded that olfactory training
postviral olfactory dysfunction, and although a num- achieved statistically significant improvement in
ber of trials are ongoing, there is currently very little discrimination and identification but not threshold,
evidence to inform treatment choices specifically in although subgroup analysis for patients with PVOL
COVID-19 related olfactory dysfunction. A living sys- reduced level of confidence. A meta-analysis in 2017
tematic review [53 ] has included only one eligible [60] included 6 studies and 455 patients with PVOL.,
RCT study but identified 8 ongoing registered ran- reporting that identification, discrimination and
domised trials where results are currently unavailable. odour threshold improved significantly. A prospec-
The study that was included [54] provides weak tive single-blinded study published in 2017 [61]
evidence regarding the effect of the intranasal steroids after the SRs, included 70 patients with PVOL.
(INCS) and oral steroids (OCS) compared to no inter- Patients were followed for 5 months. 45% of patients
vention, administered in a small group of patients with PVOL achieved a significant and clinically
30 days after onset, with olfactory scores measured meaningful improvement in TDI. There is evidence
at baseline, 20 and 40 days. 5 out of 9 participants that longer training, change in odors every 12 weeks
in the active treatment group achieved normosmia, and higher odorant concentration yields better out-
compared to no control arm participants. Larger num- comes. Most included studies lacked control groups,
bers, longer follow-up and further studies to look at the and therefore spontaneous recovery contributing to
individual components are required before strong benefit shown cannot be excluded. However, given
recommendations can be made. the very low risk of harm, all guidelines recommend
In a systematic review published in 2019, it was that patients should undertake olfactory training.
concluded that topical steroid sprays do not Patients should be directed towards patient groups
improve olfactory dysfunction in nonchronic rhi- such as AbScent ( and Fifth Sense
nosinusitis-related olfactory loss [55]. In constrast, ( to provide further support,
there is one study showing benefit of budesonide information and instructions on performing OT.
irrigation combined with olfactory training, with There is limited nonrandomised evidence that
44% showing improvement in the active arm com- considers other treatments, applied in a variety if
pared with 27% using olfactory training (OT) [56]. underlying aetiologies in olfactory loss, including
Given the low risk of harm from topical steroids, topical Vitamin A, Omega-3 supplements, Alpha-
steroid irrigations could be considered for patients lipoic acid, theophylline and sodium citrate but
with persistent OD after COVID-19. these require further evaluation before recommen-
In one systematic review looking specifically at dations on use can be made. Certainly, the COVID-
the use of OCS in PVOL [57], the authors note that 19 pandemic has led to heighted awareness of the
placebo arms usually achieve a similar level of ben- impact of olfactory loss, and stimulated research
efit as oral steroids, but conclude that Level 4 evi- into new treatments. Guidelines and systematic
dence supported benefit from use. A more recent reviews will need to be updated regularly to capture
review looking at all non-CRS aetiologies concludes new evidence.
that there is weak evidence supporting use [55].
Guidelines published to support treatment deci-
sions in COVID-19 olfactory loss [58 ] suggest that POTENTIAL FUTURE THERAPEUTIC
oral steroids are an option in patients with loss APPROACHES TO ANOSMIA
persisting beyond 28 days. However, OCS are asso- In the absence of spontaneous recovery of olfactory
ciated with a high rate of adverse events; it is clear function, what more can be done?
that caution is required and given the high early

22 Volume 30  Number 1  February 2022

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COVID-19 related olfactory dysfunction Karamali et al.

Recognising that stem cells activation may be CONCLUSIONS

suppressed, stimulating these cells may promote As the cumulative number of patients infected by
recovery. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is known to SARS-COV-2 surpasses 250 million worldwide, as
have anti-inflammatory and pro-regenerative prop- many as 10 million people may have long-lasting
erties, which include upregulation of growth factors anosmia. The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed
including transforming growth factor, vascular decades of underfunding of research and neglect
endothelial growth factor, epidermal growth factor, of our one of our senses, with limited availability
and insulin-like growth factor, and may neurode- of diagnostic testing and few therapeutic options.
generation. A small pilot study [62 ] examined the For those suffering persistent loss, the importance of
effectiveness of PRP injection into the olfactory cleft sense of smell has never been more apparent, but the
in seven patients. Results were recorded on the 1st heightened awareness of the impact of olfactory
and the 3rd month using Sniffin’ Sticks; two patients dysfunction will surely pave the way for major
with anosmia have no improvement, five patients advances in this field in years to come
with hyposmia showed improvement. A trial in
COVID-19 patients is underway and results are Acknowledgements
eagerly awaited. None.
If stem cells are irreversibly damaged by disease,
can they be transplanted into the OE? In 2009 a Financial support and sponsorship
team undertook mucosal transplants from the olfac- No funding has been received for this article from any
tory cleft of transgenic mice with an 83% 30-day source.
survival rate in the olfactory bulb (83%, 5 out of 6 There was no financial support to this work.
grafts). histological examination demonstrated the
development of dendritic processes similar to those Conflicts of interest
seen from olfactory sensory [63]. A more recent There are no conflicts of interest.
study in knock-out mice where genetically induced
hyposmia was improved after infusion of purified
tissue-specific stem cells intranasally. Engraftment- REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDED
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