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Invalid Dates: What happens if an invalid date (e.g., February 30th) is entered?

Leap Years: How does the function handle leap years, especially for dates like February
Time Zone Issues: How does the function handle dates near midnight that fall into
different time zones?
Historical Dates: How does the function handle dates before the commonly agreed upon
start of the zodiac calendar (March 21st)?
Birthdays on the Cusp: How does the function handle individuals born on the cusp
between two zodiac signs?
Boundary Dates: How does the function handle dates very close to the start or end of a
zodiac sign's range?
Calendar Systems: How does the function handle different calendar systems (e.g., Julian
calendar vs. Gregorian calendar)?
Future Dates: How does the function handle dates in the future, especially if the current
year isn't considered?
Ambiguous Dates: How does the function handle ambiguous dates like February 29th for
those born in leap years?
Negative Dates: How does the function handle negative birthdates, if at all?
Performance: How does the function perform when processing a large number of dates
Considering these edge cases will help ensure that the function is robust and handles a wide
range of scenarios effectively.

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