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Terms of Reference – None LTA


Title of TOR Post Flood Assessment on Gender Base Volence Against Girls

Anticipated start date Feb 1, 2023

Anticipated end date June 30, 2023

Pakistan was hit hard by the floods that caused vast devastations causing death of more than 1,700 lives and
destruction of assets and land costing billions of dollars. An estimated 20.6 million people, including 9.6
million children, need urgent humanitarian assistance. The houses of more than 2.3 million families have been
damaged, including 900,000 destroyed across the country. Some 5.4 million people still remain displaced,
while others have started returning to their places of origin with limited prospects of shelter, income
generation, and access to services.

According to recent data of Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, 10.69 per cent of population aged 5 and above are
identified to be living with some form of functional difficulty in the country; amongst these, 3.41per cent are
people with permanent disabilities1. There are approximately 13 per cent children (age 2-17) with one or more
functional disabilities in Punjab and Sindh, more than 16 per cent in Khyber Pakhtunkwa, while 20.5 per cent
in Balochistan and among these, most of the children with disabilities are found within poorest to middle
income quintiles2. Considering 11 per cent disability prevalence in Pakistan1, roughly an estimated 3.83
million persons with disabilities are affected and need humanitarian assistance and protection3 in the flood
affected areas. However, this may be an underestimation as data for Gilgit Baltistan and for children with
disabilities is not yet available.

In disasters (climate induced or otherwise), persons with disabilities are the most adversely affected, sustaining
disproportionately higher rates of morbidity and mortality, and having least access to emergency support 4.
With the predicted economic loss and growing inflation5 existing inequalities particularly for persons with
disabilities may aggravate. The national welfare benefit offers a very limited support and persons with
disabilities receive smaller proportion of social protection benefits at 0.57 per cent of GDP per capita
compared to 1.57 per cent received by those without disabilities6.


Globally, an estimated 736 million women have been subjected to physical and/or sexual violence (30 per
cent of women aged 15 and older)7. Violence against women and children remain a serious human rights
violation and an important health concern during disaster situations such as floods. In general, increased
incidents of violence-such as physical injuries, financial challenges in a household, including loss of livelihood

Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement Survey (2019–20). Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, Government of Pakistan: PSLM 2019
Provincial Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS).Punjab MICS (2017-18), KPK MICS (2019), Balochistan MICS (2019-20), Sindh MICS
The estimated number of affected persons in the calamity-hit districts are calculated by correlating percentage of functional disability of each
province mentioned in PSLM 2019-20 Survey with the population data 2017 provided by PBS.
IASC guidelines. Available at:
IRC Press Release: Pakistan floods will devastate the economy, likely leading to widespread hunger and violence against women, warns IRC.
Available at:
Enhancing ADB’s Support for Social Protection to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals Pakistan: Social Protection Indicator Prepared by
Hina Shaikh For the Asian Development Bank. (2022). [online] Available at:
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or earning, access to basic services, post-traumatic stress disorder, have been observed in both human-caused
crises and natural disasters such as floods. It is observed that gender discrimination and societal norms may
place women and girls with disabilities, particularly adolescent girls, at additional risk including child
marriage and sexual abuse8,9. Recent data shows that girls with disabilities are already more vulnerable to
violence and exploitation10,11,12. As a result of flood women and girls also face an increased risk of gender-
based violence.

Against the above background, UNICEF Pakistan is planning to conduct a study with a focus on women and
adolosecent girls aged 14-17 in flood-affected districts of Pakistan. The findings of the study will support
UNICEF's work for women and particularly girls by formulating policy recommendations for the protection
of girls in the area.

Study Objectives:
UNICEF aims to conduct a study to get an understanding of how the flood has affected violence against
women and girls in flood affected provinces and related policy responses in communities, in particular about
post-flood scenarios.

The objectives of this study are as follows:

• To determine the extent to which recent flood affected wome and adolsence girls in terms of :
o Accessibility to common support such as food, shelter, health care, essential medicines, safe
drinking water and sanitation supplies and education interventions.
o Access to specialized need or target support like provision of assistive devices, financial
support, information accessibility etc.
• To understand the most pressing needs, from the perspective of women and adolosecent girls .
• Also to understand knowledge, attitude and perception of humanitarian actors and local communities
towards adolosecent girls in the emergency situation.
• Analyze the risks that women/adolosecent girls are facing and the factors that contribute to those risks.
• Identify barriers and enablers that impede and/or improve access to humanitarian assistance for wome
and particularly adolosecent girls.
• Understand the roles and capacities of women and adolosecnet girls and their agencies, in
humanitarian response. Also explore community behaviors, perceptions and attitudinal trends towards
women with a key emphasis on young and adolescent girls.
• Accessibility, usability and effectiveness of emergency cash grants received by women and adolescent
• Identify any correlation between flood and violence women, adolescent girls and to assess nature or
forms and severity of violence including physical, sexual, psychological or emotional, deprivation or
• To analyse whether the risk or protective factors for violence changed13 due to floods.
• Assessment of mental health and psychosocial issues of women and adolescent girls exposed to
violence in humanitarian situation.

UNICEF, The state of world’s children-Children with disabilities 2013:
UNICEF Flash Appeal, Flood Response Plan, 2022
Bista, S. B., & Sharma, S. (2019). Violence against women and girls with disabilities during and after the 2015 Nepal earthquake: thematic
analysis of qualitative data. The Lancet Global Health, 7, S45.
Fact Sheet: Violence against women and girls with disabilities (2013). The 57th session of commission on the status of women. Plan
UNICEF General Guidance-Including children with disabilities in humanitarian action:
Protective factors that can reduce the risk of violence include connectedness to family, Whereas risk factors are characteristics as those that may
increase the likelihood of experiencing violence against children with special needs e.g., disability, mental health issues etc.

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• To analyse the current response mechanisms in relation to complaints received on account of

violence/harassment cases.
• To assess the functionality and effectiveness of current formal and informal redressal mechanisms
and platforms. UNICEF and service provider will jointly agree on key research questions and scope.


The service provider is expected to propose an appropriate methodology and approach for accomplishing the
assignment covering study objectives. The list of districts and sample size will be provided by the service
provider after initial desk review of the available data on losses, damages to infrastructure, services and also
taking into account population size and socio-economic indicators (such as poverty) in the flood affected
districts. UNICEF and service provider will jointly agree on most desirable methodoliogy, sample size and
survey plan.

Ethical Standards and Compliance

The survey on gender base volence touches a sensitive subject that could potentially impact the physical safety
and psychological well-being of both respondents and interviewers. Therefore, the service provider will have
to comply with UNICEF (2021) ethical standards which ensures protection of, and respect for, human and
child rights within all UNICEF research, studies, evaluation and data collection and analysis involving human
subjects or the analysis of sensitive secondary data. In practical terms, the operationalization of ethical
standards and procedures means that, the hired consultant team / consultancy firm must develop a clear
understanding of basic principles and requirements of UNICEF ethical procedures and of the relevant terms
highlighted in contracting and partnership agreements that specify adherence to these standards and must agree
to uphold them. The consultant team / consultancy firm is required to share certificates on ethics in evidence
generation. If no past trainings have been completed, then the consultant team need to complete UNICEF
Mandatory training on “Introduction to Ethics in Evidence Generation” prior to commencement of work.

The scope of work will be around following deliverables.
A. Draft inception report consists of following sections (max 5 pages excluding annexure).
i. Methodology
ii. List of indictors
iii. Data collection tools
iv. Outline of final report and data visualization plan
v. Work Plan
B. Detailed Findings (Power Point Presentation)
C. Final Report highlighting actionable information for decision making.
D. Data (this includes raw and clean data as well data analysis sheets along with script/syntax (for data
clean, analysis and visualization)

It is expected that service provider will conduct field visit for data collection and will held meetings (virtual
and in persons) with relevant stakeholders.
Study Area:
The study area will consist of 23 most flood affected districts (30% of entire affected districts) across four
provinces (Balochistan, KP, Punjab and Sindh) in the country.


The service provider will directly report to Chief Social Policy at UNICEF Pakistan and any other
stakeholders during the implementation process.

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Consultancy fee proposals are invited based on these Terms of Reference


1. Deliverable
Final inception report (max 5 pages excluding annexure)adhering to UNICEF quality standards and after
incorporating review and comments by UNICEF.
Estimated Estimated
% Milestone
No Deliverable number of days Completion
required Date
Final Inception report
01 05 5th Feb 2023 20%
(with all comments addressed)

2. Deliverable
Findings in the form of Power Point Presentation
Estimated Estimated
% Milestone
No Deliverable number of days Completion
required Date
Detail Findings
02 30 24 March 2023 30%
(Power point presentation)

3. Deliverable
Final study report adhering to UNICEF quality standards and after incorporating review and comments by
Estimated Estimated
% Milestone
No Deliverable number of days Completion
required Date

03 Final Report with summary brief 20 25 April 2023 30%

4. Deliverable
Complete data sets including raw and cleaned data as well data analyais sheets with script/syntax for data
clean, analysis and visulationsation.
Estimated Estimated
% Milestone
No Deliverable number of days Completion
required Date

04 Complete Data Set 3 5 May 2023 20%

UNICEF reserves the right to withhold all or a portion of payment if performance is unsatisfactory, if
work/outputs is incomplete, not delivered or for failure to meet deadlines.

Chief Social Policy


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The assignment is expected to be undertaken by an institution/company/ academia to produce the expected results.
The potential service providers are expected to submit a proposal/expression of interests based on these Terms of
The institution must have full capacity to carry out data collection activities in Pakistan, and extensive experience
in research on thematic areas mentioned in TORs . Specific requirements are:

• Proven track record of conducting field based surveys, producing high quality research and reports at
National or International level is required;
• Demonstrated capacity of research assesnments, surveys and field work with diverse and remote
communiteis across Pakistan is required;
• Demonstrated capacity to communicate research findings to diverse audiences is required
• Previous experience of conducting field level work through using diverse approaches/methods in
humanitarian setting is required
• Previous experience of conducting similar studies in post disaster scenario is required.
• Proven track of working on disabilities agenda and disable population of children/adults required
• Past experience of disability related researches and assessment is desirable
• Exeprince of UN (UNICEF) or other development agencies in a similar area is required.


Each proposal will be assessed first on its technical merits and subsequently on its price. In making the final
decision, UNICEF considers both technical and financial aspects. The evaluation team first will review the
technical aspects of the offer, followed by review of the financial offers of the technically compliant vendors. The
proposal obtaining the highest overall score after adding the scores for the technical and financial proposals
together, that offers the best value for money will be recommended for award of the contract.

The Technical Proposal should include but not be limited to the following:

- Methodology
Detailed Methodology / approach to requirement detailing how to meet or exceed UNICEF requirements
for this assignment

- Company Profile
Ensure to include information related to the experience of the company as required and outlined in item 10
of this document.

- References
Details of similar assignments undertaken in last 3 years including the following information:
o Title of Project
o Year and duration of project
o Scope of Project
o Outcome of Project
o Reference / Contact persons

- Work Plan
Proposed work plan showing detailed sequence and timeline for each activity and role of each proposed
team member

- Team Composition
Title and role of each team member

- CV’s
CV of each team member (including qualifications and experience)

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The Financial Proposal should include but not be limited to the following:

Bidders are expected to submit a lump sum financial proposal to complete the entire assignment based on the
terms of reference. The lump sum should be broken down to show the detail for the following:

- Resource costs
Daily rate multiplied by number of days

- Conference or workshop costs (if any)

Indicate nature and breakdown if possible

- Travel Costs
All travel costs should be included as a lump sum fixed cost.
For all travel costs, UNICEF will pay as per the lump sum fixed costs provided in the proposal.
A breakdown of the lump sum travel costs should be provided in the financial proposal.

- Any other costs (if any)

Indicate nature and breakdown

- Copy of the company registration

- Recent Financial Audit Report

Report should have been carried out in the past 2 years and be certified by a reputable audit organization.

Bidders are required to estimate travel costs in the Financial Proposal. Please note that i) travel costs shall be
calculated based on economy class fare regardless of the length of travel and ii) costs for accommodation, meals
and incidentals shall not exceed the applicable daily subsistence allowance (DSA) rates, as propagated by the
International Civil Service Commission (ICSC). Details can be found at

The financial proposal shall indicate budget estimated in PKR.

Proposal Evaluation Criteria

• Professional profile - 10
• Proposed Methodology and Approach – 30
• Quality of Personnel and Suitability for the assignment – 10
• Interview-20
Technical Proposal Evaluation Form Max. Points
1 Professional profile 10
1.1. Organization Profile, including vision, objectives and evidence of relevant experience
in similar type of research/surveys. Orgnaization profile may include organization
policy and procedures / evidence documents relating to Child Protection Policy and
Gender Policy.
1.2. Previous experience of assessing needs of women and adolosecent girls in post
disaster scenario
1.3. Previous experience of assessing accessibility, usability and effectiveness of
emergency cash grants received by women and adolosecent girls.
1.4. Experience of UN (UNICEF) or other development agencies in a similar area 1
2. Proposed Methodology and Approach 30
2.1. • Research design (method proposed to achieve objectives of the study):5
• Statistical and literature based rationale for the proposed research design:3

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• Proposed sample size (based on statistical rationle):2

• Relevance of proposed indictors and tools:5
• Qualitative tools their rationale , data collection , processing and analysis:5
2.2. Data collection, processing, analysis and quality assurance meachinism
• Data collection tools: 2 point
• Data processing(qualitative and quantitative) and clean methods: 3 10
• Validation and triangulation of data and results: 3
• Quality assurance : 2
3 Quality of Personnel and Suitability for the assignment 10
3.1. Research company personnel with at least the following expertise and experience in
the following areas, i.e.
• Demonstrated experience on content developing and understanding of UN
writing style is a must.
• Demonstrated experience in working with multiple stakeholders across
CSOs, government and civil society in the areas of data, research, and
evaluations 4
• Designing, managing national surveys and undertaking quantitative,
qualitative, observational analysis
• Demonstrated experience in conducting surveys with field presence.
• Developing and disseminating research reports
Clear Team Composition with well-defined roles and responsibilities (provide CVs
of team members).
3.2. Team Lead:
• An advance University degree in one of the following fields is required:
Social Science, Gender Studies, Economics, MBA, Public Policy, or another
relevant technical field. (Development Studies, Anthropology, Political
science, International Relations, Statistics, Research any other.)
• 15 years of relevant professional experience in the field of Gender Studies
carrying out evidence based researches in Emeergency or development sector
including coordination, communication, and liaison with key stakeholders
3.3 Sector Expert:
The expert for the assessment needs to be from or affiliated with the
international/national research institution with a significant experience in social and
behavioural research, with focused on women and adolosecnt girls
3.4 Analyst(s), with at least 3 years of experience and a Bachelor or Master’s degree in
Social Sciences or relevant field, who will be responsible for quantitative and 1
qualitative research, primarily in relation to the analysis of primary survey data.
3.5 Data visualization expert, with at least 3 years of experience and a Bachelor or
Master’s degree in Social Sciences or relevant field, who will be responsible for 1
visually representing the survey data and findings.
4 Interview 20
4.1. Prsentation of proposal 20

Financial component (total of 30 points)14

- Technical proposal evaluation. Proposals passing the minimum technical pass score (49 points-70% of the
maximum points obtainable for technical proposal) will continue into the Financial proposal evaluation.
- Financial proposal evaluation. The lowest price proposal will be awarded the full score assigned to the
commercial proposal.

Financial offer will be reviewed only if Technical proposal meets minimum required quality standards.

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- Recommendation. The recommendation for award of contract will be based on best combination of
technical and financial score.
- Final award and contracts. Based on verified nominations and final scores, contract negotiations could be
initiated with one or more successful Proposers.
- The UNICEF evaluation team will select the Proposal, which is of high quality, clear and meets the stated
requirements and offers the best combination of technical and financial score.


All the data and information collected or received for the purposes of this study will be kept strictly confidential
and will be used exclusively to execute the ToR. The completed dataset and all utilized or deleted content thereof
will be the property of the UNICEF. The selected firm may not use the data for replication of any kind under any
circumstance, including research purposes or license the data to others UNICEF exclusively owns all rights in
and to any work created in connection with this agreement, including all data, documents, information, copyrights,
patents, trademarks, trade secrets or other proprietary rights in and to the work. The selected firm is not allowed
to post or publish (electronically or in print) any projectrelated information without the explicit permission of the
UNICEF Pakistan.

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