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1. Is also known as 'NIFE' (a) core
2. The lower oceanic crust is also called (a)
3. Braj Bhasha and Rhariboli are foam of (d)
4. Translated ramayan in (b) kamban
5. Guru Gobind Singh was the guru or Sikhs
(a) 10
6.Was the founder of Maratha Empire
(d) Shivaji Maharaja
7. Was known as 'Zinda pir' (b) Aurangzeb
8. Regarded as the founder of the Delhi
sultanate (b) qutubudhin aibak
9. The detailed discription of each soldier in
his army knows are (a) chehra
10. The first battle of Panipat was fought
between babur and Ibrahim Lodi (a) 1526
11. Shivaji maharaja ranked (c)Surat in 1664 ce
12. Mir jumla was the general of (d) Aurangzeb
13. The alvars are devotees of (b) lord Vishnu
14. The Virashaiv movement was found by (a)
One line
1. Name the two ancestors of Babur.
->two famous ancestors of Babur are Timur and
Ghenghis khan.
2. Who is known as zinda pir?
-> Aurangzeb was known as zinda pir for his
simple living.
3. Who is jagirs?
->when mansabdars receive salary in the form of
revenue assignment is called jagirs.
4. Name any two towns that develop an
important trade center.
-> Surat and Masulipatnamare 2 towns developed
as important trade centre.
5. Name the foreign traveller’s during the period
under study?
-> Nicalo conti , Abdul razak &domingo pae.
6. Why is Masulipatnam also known as
->the masulipatnam is also known as
macchilipatnam because the entrance of town is
decorated by fish eyes.
7. Meaning of the term patrilineal.
->a patrilineal system is one in which inheritance
of property,authority etc is on from father to
8. Who were the Bhuiyans?
->when ahoms crossed into north eastern india
and settled own in bramha valley in the 13th
century they supressed the locally powerful
landlords called the bhuiyans.
9. Which book contain Meerabia’s song?
->padvali contains meerabais songs.
10. What is an active volcano?
->an active volcano in the one which erupts
frequently or has erupted in recent times and
shows signs of instability.
11. Where were armchair-shaped depressions
formed by glaciers found?
-> armchair-shaped depressions formed by
glaciers are found in scotland france and whales.
12. What is natural vegetation?
->natural vegetation is defined as the original and
large scaled plant cover that grows naturally with
little or no human interference.
13. What is settlement?
->a settlement is defined as an organised group of
human habitation where people build their
houses to live in.
14. Name the five patterns of settlement.
->the five patterns of settlements are linear
circular dispersed nucleated and radial.
15. What are the four major forms of transport?
->the four major forms of transport are roadways
railways waterways and airway.
16. What is the name of the predominant natural
vegetation in the Amazon basin?
->the predominant natural vegetation foound in
the amazon basin is tropical rainforest selva.
17. What kind of animal is Addax?
->the addax is an desert antelope.
18. What is the Sundarbans natural park?
->the sunderbans national parks is one of the
largest reserves for the bengal tiger the large
mangroove forest in the world and a unesco
world heritage sie located in the sunderbans elta
in west bengal.
19. What are the two forms of mass media?
->two form of mass in india are newspspers and
20. Name the two kinds of market.
->markets are classified into two main types retail
and wholesale market
21. Which dynasty adapted the Marathi language
as a court language?
->the yadava dynasty adapted marathi as a court
22. Who and in which year laid the foundation in
->the foundation of railways in india was laid by
by british in the year 1583
23. Where is the Sahara desert located?
->sahara desert is located in africa
24. What was the capital of the Vijayanagara
->hampi is the capital of vijaynagara empire
25. By what name is the Brahmaputra is known
in Tibet?
->yarlang tsangpo is name of bahmaputra in tibet
26. What is tarn?
->a tarn is defined as the lake formed by filling of
corrie with water when the ice melts
27. Nand Rishi was a Sufi mystic from which
region of India?
->nand rishi was a sufi mystic from Kashmir

1.What were the causes of Surat towards the
end of the 17th century?
-> Surat began to decline towards the end of 17th
century when maratha leader shivaji maharaj
ransacked it in 1664 ce
*the mughal empire lost control over its markets
and productivity
*sensing the weaness of the mughal power the
english shifted their headquarters to cambay
->the akbarnama mentions the yard* surat was
finally taken over by the british
2.What does Akbharnama tell us about the
kingdom of Garha Katanga?
The akbarnama mentions the gond kingdoms of
garha katanga
*it comprises of 70000 villages
*it has a well structured administrative system
*it became a rich kingdom by selling wild
elephants to other kingdoms
3.Who were the Alvars and Nayanas?
->the bhakti movement in south india was spread
by the alvars and the nayanars
the alvars were devotees of Vishnu or
vaishnavites while the nayanars were the
devotees of SHIIIV or shaivites
they preached personal devotion to god as a
route to salvation
4. who was the founder of Mahapiruxiya
Dharma? What were the major tenets of his
religious teaching?
->srimanta sankardeva founded the religious sect
known as manupuruxiya dharma main tenets:
he opposed the caste system and stressed on
social synthesis
his verses about the glory of lord krishna continue
to be popular today
5.What was Adi Shankaracharya’s contribution
to the Bhakti Movement?
->contributions of adi shankracharya:
shankrachary is remembered as one of the first
hindu thinkers who re examined and reformed
the early veduc philosophy
he laid the foundation of four mathas or monastic
centres at srigeri (karnataka) dwarka(gujarat)
puri(odisha)and jyotirmath(uttarakhand) with the
aim of propogating his philosophy
6.Define Mangal Kavya’s.
->mangal kavyas were long poems composed in
medieval bengal that dealt with local deitiesnlike
manasa and chandi
7.What is Kalamkari?
->textiles and prints which are created by painting
designs in coloured dyes onto the cloth using a
bamboo kalam(pen) are called kalamkari
8.What is the Market?
->a market is a place where buyers and sellers
meet each other and exchange goods and sevices
in return for money
9.Name the Nomadic Tribes that transvers the
->the nomadic tribes that traverse the sahara are
arab bedouins berbers and tuaregs
10. Define opinion.
->public opinion refers to the views of the
common people on the issues of their interest
11. Why was Hampi chosen as the capital city?
->hampi was chosen as a capital city because it
was strategically located on the banks of the river
tung bhadra in northern karnataka.
12. Who is the wholesaler?
->people who buy goods in bulk from the
manufacturers or their agents and sell them to
retailers and industrial users are known as
13. What are rocks?
->Rocks are natural masses of mineral matter in
the crust of the earth.
a)They are composed of one or more
minerals,include hard and compact rocks and
loose particles like clay
b)they have different colours, sizes and textures.
14. Who were ‘iqtadars’?
->Iqtadars collected taxes from the farmers and
used the income for maintaining the army.
1. What were the administrative steps taken by
the Nawab of Bengal?
->Administrative steps taken by the nawabs of
Bengal are:
*restructuring of the administration.
*tackling corrupt and inefficient officials.
*encouraging the growth or agriculture,trade and
*regularizing the collection of revenue.
2. Examine the land revenue administration of the
->Land revenue was the main source of income for
the marathas statex. It was contiguent on the
quality of land and its yield.
*two kinds of taxes were lived on the Mughals land
chath and sardeshmukhi.
*chath was one-fourth of the yield of the territory
*sardeshmukhi was the one-tenth of the yield.
*in the swarajya land,each farmer paid two-fifth of
his produce to the state as tax,either in casin or
3. What are Franchise Outlets?
->In franchise outlet:
*the franchise is the person who opens the outlets.
*the franchise refers to the company which lease
out the product to be sold.
*the franchise pays the franchisor the certain
amount of money in return to the permission to sell
the product.
*the quality of the product cannot be compromised
and it has to sold at the same price as fixed by the
4. Which animals are reared by Ladakhi’s and
->The animals reared by the ladakhi’s are
yaks,dzo,sheep and goats because yaks provide
milkwool and hair while goats and sheep privides
milk,meat and hide.
5. Differentiate between Ladakh and Sahara.
->main difference between ladakh and sahara:
*ladakh is hot derest while ladakh is cold derest.
*sahara is located in Africa whereas ladakh is
located in Asia.
6. What kind of houses are built by people residing
in the Amazon region?
->amazonians mostly live near water in either floats
houses on huge logs in the river or in villages, the
highter grounds where they built permanent
wooden structures sometimes on stilts.
7. What is the Mansabdari system?
->*it was introduced by Akbar.
*it was grading system used to fix the rank salary
and military responsibilities of the officers.
*each officers were known as mansabdar was given
a rank or a mansab.
*the ranks were divided into zats and sawar.
*zat fixed the mansabdars personal status and
*sawar indicated the number od calavarymen the
mansabdar could keep.
*the lowest rank was 10 and the highest rank was
5,000 for nobels.
8. What was one of the greatest advantages of the
Ahoms? Give Reason.
->A major achievement of the ahoms was the
maintenance of paik system of info labour which
provides useful because the ahoms did not need to
maintain a regular standing army.
9. What were the major teachings of Sant Kabir?
-> The major teachings of Saint Kabir are as follows:
*Kabir preached humanity, revenue, peace and love
as necessary attributes to achive unit with god.
*he believed in one god whom he called by several
names such as Govinda, Hari, Sain sahib Allah, and
lord Rama.
*he was against idol worship, rituals, and
Because he believed in the equality of all human
beings, he opposed all kinds of discrimination, and
rejected caste separations and the practice of
*he felt that the person can be reformed under the
guidance of a guru or teacher.
10. What were the causes of the decline of Surat
towards the end of the 17th century?
-> Surat began to decline towards the end of 17th
century when maratha leader shivaji maharaj
ransacked it in 1664 ce
*The Mughal Empire lost control over its markets
and productivity
*sensing the weakness of the Mughal power the
English shifted their headquarters to cambay
* Surat was finally taken over by the British
11. Describe the life of nomadic tribes of the
Sahara Desert.
->The nomadic tribes of the Sahara desert include
Arab Bedouins, Berbers, and Tuaregs.
*These tribes practice animal rearing and move
with their herds of camels, sheep, horses, and
goats, in search of food and water.
*People wear long, light-coloured light colored and
loose clothes to beat the heat and protect
themselves from dusty winds.
*These tribes practice agriculture near oasis or
river valleys.
12. Why is core called NIFE?
->The core is called NIFE because it is made of
heavy metals especially nickel and iron or Ferrum.
13. What is the khel in Ahoms society?
->The Ahom society was divided into clans or khel,
which control several village communities and even
the king paid heed to their decisions.
14. What is meant by stereotype?
->A stereotype is a very firm and simple idea about
what a particular type of person or thing is like, or
how a person should or should not behave.
15. List factors that determine the type of
vegetation in an area.
->The two factors determining the type of
vegetation in an area are the availability of sunlight
and rainfall in the region.
16. What is Elephant Grass?
->Elephant grass is tall, coarse grass, growing more
than 2 meters in height during summers, dries up
and turns brown in winter giving a parched
appearance, has long roots that ensure that the
grass survives till the next rainy season.
17. Why are igneous rocks also called primary
->Igneous rocks are also called primary rocks
because they were the first rocks to be formed.
18. Why do metamorphic rocks belong to the
secondary group of rocks?
-> Metamorphic rocks belong to the secondary
group of rocks because they are formed from
existing igneous and sedimentary rocks.
Give Reason/ Value-Based
1. What are the factors Representing the choice of
location and growth of a settlement?
->The factors responsible for the choice of location
and growth of a settlement are:-
*topography of a region.
*availability of water.
*favorability of climate.
*trade potential.
2. How are Airways better than other means of
->Airways are better than the other means of
transport because besides transporting people
freight from one place to another.
*helicopters and cloppers are of great help in
natural calamities such as earthquakes and floods.
*airways are important for defence purposes.
*takes less time to travel by air than all other means
of transport.
3. What are the climate conditions in the Amazon
->Climate condition in the Amazon basin:
*The climate here is hot and wet throughout the
*The average temperature is between 25 degrees
Celsius and 30 degrees Celsius.
*The annual rainfall is here over 250 cm and it rains
almost every day.
*The rainfall is usually convectional in nature and
takes place in the afternoon.
4. Why is the Amazon River also known as the
“King of Water”?
->The Amazon River is also called the “King of
Water” because:
*It is the world's largest river in terms of the whims
of water it carries.
* It is also the second longest river with a length of
about 6,400km.
5. What are the five significant features of the
Right to Information Act.?
->The significant features of the Right of
Information Act are:
*every public authority established or controlled by
the government must maintain all its records.
*every public authority must publish information
about its organization, functions, duties, important
policies, and decisions.
*every public authority must appoint Public
Information Officers.(PIOs) in all its units to provide
information of the people.
*the act specifies that the citizens have a right to
take photocopy of documents and request any
*they can also acquire information in the form of
printouts, tapes, photocopies, or in any other
electronic mode.
*an information commission must be set up at all
centres and in every state, to receive and look in
complaints from the public.
*anything that affects the security of the country, it
sovereignty and integrity, its strategic or economic
intrest, on any information that could help illegal
activities not covered under this act government
bodies are not bound to give in format on questions
regarding then.
6. What are the advantages of Road Transport?
->The advantages of road transport are as follows:
*it can be laid in all kinds of terrain including
mountains, hilly, and desert regions.
*provides a door-to-door flexibility.
*Acts as a feeder to all other kinds of transport.
*modern highways aid in the fast movement of
traffic in both directions.
7. Describe the climate of Ladakh.
->* Ladakh virtually receives no rainfall.
*The annual rainfall is as low as 10 cm.
*westerly disturbance and the bitter cold winds
from Central Asia bring snowfall to the region,
which feeds the glaciers in the mountains.
*The climate here is extreme with summer
temperature varying between 30 degrees during
the day and may reach as low as -35 degrees.
*the water entering through the passes bring heavy
snowfall during winter.
8. What are the uses of Rocks and Minerals?
->Rocks and minerals can be of use to human beings
in the following ways:
*They are used to make roads and houses.
*rocks are used as building material,
example:granite, sandstone, and marble.
*minerals such as natural gas, coal and petroleum
are fossil fules which are sources of power.
*Decomposition and degradation of rocks forms soil
which is essential for agriculture.
*Rocks with mineral content are used in different
*Chemicals found in rocks are used as fertilizers.
1. Name the three layers of rocks and write one
point on each layer.
->Rocks are classified into 3 groups igneous,
sedimentary, and metamorphic.
*The word igneous is derived from the Latin word
ignis meaning fire.
*The word sedimentary is derived from a Latin word
sedimentum which means settle down.
*The word metamorphic is derived from a greek
word metamorphosis which means change of form.
2.Write a note on the climate conditions of the
Sahara Desert.
->The Sahara desert climate is characterized by:
*extreme temperature wherein summer
temperatures sour to almost 55 degrees celsius
while winter temperatures drop to 15 degrees
celsius, and even reach cold.
*days are scorching not while nights are freezing
*rain-bearing winds from the atlantic ocean lose
most of their moisture by the time they reach this
3. Describe the Objection of the Beti Bachao, Beti
Padhao Scheme.
->The beti bachao, beti padhao scheme, launched in
2015 has the following objectives:
*prevention of gender-biased sex selective
*ensuring survival and protection of the girl child.
*ensuring education of participation of the girl
4. Who introduced the system of Dagh and Chera?
What was it?
->*Alauddin khijli introduced the system of dagh
and chehra for better organization of his army.
*chehra was a maintenance of descriptive record of
each soldier in his army.
*Alauddin Khilji also bramded each horse in his
army which was known as dagh.
5. distinguish between extrusive and intrusive
->*extrusive or volcanic rocks are formed from
molten material or magma which reaches the
earth's surface as lava, through the volcanic vents
or fissures, cools and solidifies. When lava is
exposed to the air, it cools rapidly and fine-grained
crystalline rocks are formed.
*intrusive or plutonic rocks are formed when
molten material or magma cools and solidifies
below the earth’s surface. As the molten material
within the earth cools slowly larger crystals or
coarse-grained crystalline rocks are formed.
6. distinguish between personal communication
and mass communication.
->--Personal Communication
*Personal communication takes place between two
or more people.
*Telephones ,emails ,fax or cellular /mobile phones
are means of personal communication.
*It is a compartitively slow way of disseminating in
formation than mass communication.
--Mass Communication
*Mass Communication reaches a large number of
people at the same time.
*Radio , tv , newspapers and magazines are means
of mass Communication
*It is a faster way of disseminating information to a
large number of people at the same time.

Short Note
 e Choupal
*E-Choupal provides farmers with up to date
marketing weather related and agricultural.
*It was a ITC initiative launched in 2000.
*It is aimed at empower in small and marginate
farmers installing computers with Internet access in
rural areas
*The word 'choupal' means a 'village meeting place
' where the elders of the village meet to discuss
matters of discuss matters of importance 'E' stands
for an electronic communication through an
internet connection.
*The system also serves to unite farmers and
protect them from being cheated at the time of sale
of their produce.
 Queen Durgawati
*Rani Durgawati assumed the reins of government
in her hands when Dalpat shah died in 1548ce
leaving behind miner loan.
*Durgawti's kingdom was attacked by Mughal
forces under Afzal Khan in 1565.
*She put up a strong resistance against a Mughal
forces , but she was defeated.
*She and her son died during the fight against the
Mughals .
*Dalpat sangram shah's son married princess
Durgawati the daughter of salbhan.

 Tropical Evergreen forest

*The tropical rainforest are found in the hot and
wet eqatorial regions characterised by heavy
*The tropical rainforest are also known as selvas.
*The climate here is very hot and humid with the
heavy rainfall throughout the year that encourages
the growth of dense evergreen vegetation.
*The Vegetation is dense and layered structure with
tall trees trees of medium
height,shrubs ,creepers,grasses,ferns,mottles and
*The trees which are commonly found in tropical
Evergreen forest are hardwood trees like
mahogany,ebony, Rosewood and rubber.
*The thick canopy that forms at the top preventd
the penetrations of sunlight even during the day
 Gonds
*Gonds are largest tribes of medieval India.
*Gonds live in area calls Gondwanaland.
*Gonds chief assumed rajputs titles in an attempt to
recognised as rajputs.
*Gonds also gave lands to grants of brahamanas.
*Gonds kingdoms was divided into territorial
division called Gonds. Crust
 Crust
*It is solid outerment layers of the earth.
*It is composed of rocks and minerals.
*The crust comprise of 2 distinct layer(a)upper
continental crust (or) sial.(b) Lower organic crust
(or) Sima.
*This layer of earth is extremely thin.
*It average thickness varies between 8km-50km.
 Continental Drift Theory
*It was introduced around 1915.
*Thus, theory was introduced by Professor 'Alferd
Wogener' a German meteorologist.
*In this theory,Alfred Wogener suggested that all
continents were joined together, are knows as
*This began to break about 200million years ago,
resulting in the drifting of the apart of the
continents from each other.
*Super continent was known pangaea and ocean
was known as Panthalasa. Raziya Sultan
 Raziya sultan
*Raziya Sultan the only Muslim woman ruler of
Delhi succeed illtutmish.
*She succeeded in establishing law and order
throughout the empire.
*Her rule marked the beginning of a power struggle
between the Sultan and chahalgani
*Defying the gender bias and arthodox cultured of
practises of her age shepil on malecttire and
appeared unveiled In public.
*She was murdered as part of a cospiracy by pobles
while she was on way to redaism her empire.
 Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaja
*Shivaji was born in official at court of
bijapur shahji bhonsle.
*Shivaji son sambhaji was defeated and killed by
the Mughals.
*Shivaji seized the fort of torana at age of 16 year.
*Shivaji succesfully dealt with Mughals bypassing
their main forts and attacking ,their cities and
supply lines.
*He assumed the title of 'chhatrapati' in 1674 ce in
ceremony at raigad

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