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Evaluating a work of art mean?

-It will open the way to new questions, not only mesmerize by beauty; it leads you to shoot
questions; you are being challenged; either you agree or disagree to what you see or read (literature).


-the evaluation process: art as beautiful, ugly, bad, good, etc.

- is to grasp and put forth its value—that is, a property unique to it. A human person is unique
because your value cannot be found in somewhere else, that is, you are original; you cannot be copied
nor repeated.

-the evaluation says nothing about the evaluated work, but only betrays the value standards of
the reader (You like a book because it challenges you or the book agrees with me). Even entering a
friendship, we have biases, it betrays our evaluation.

Purpose of Evaluation

The special place of that thing among other things of the same kind; and in the case of a literary
work its place among the works of its kind, i.e. among works in the literary field it belongs to…

When you think of creativity, you think of a person behind a piece of art like musician, singer,
writer. You are in awe because they have mastered their piece to be perfect—hours and hours and
invest their time on making their piece excellent. That makes their art valuable- the time and effort
invested upon making them.

1. To understand the work in question

2. To assign a work a place in its field, that is, determine the place-the value- of this work.
the author does not need to promote. On does not need to promote his/her work, the
reader determines the success and value of it through giving new perspectives.
“Newness” or “novelty” which is out of ordinary- saying something new. A new experience
is offered before you (Desmond) this is what you experience when you watch a good movie.
“Valuableness” is tantamount to successfulness. It does not mean that it is valuable, it is
3. A new question about a work, concerning the value or the significance of the possibilities of
experience and action, which are pointed at. A new meaning from the understanding from
evaluating it and quoting it. It offers something new, novel because it points out to realities
that we have neglected in our ordinary life.

Success vs valuable

What the meaning is for Man, for our world. What is aesthetically valuable because it speaks of our
humanity, and it opens to us how to be a better human person. It provokes us to see; our ethical and
moral values. Example: Pop Music, it feeds as popular culture: the experiences and dynamics.
Note: Empirical life can be brutal. Art allows us to step back, or redirect us, and look at a more objective
understanding of what we are supposed to be as human being. That is why when you watch a good love
story, it reminds you how to love despite tragedy.

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