Hirjak, 2021, Progress in Sensorimotor Neuroscience of Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders

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Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 111 (2021) 110370

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Progress in sensorimotor neuroscience of schizophrenia spectrum disorders:

Lessons learned and future directions
Dusan Hirjak a, *, Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg a, Fabio Sambataro b, c, Stefan Fritze a,
Jacqueline Kukovic d, Katharina M. Kubera e, Robert C. Wolf e
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Central Institute of Mental Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany
Department of Neuroscience (DNS), University of Padua, Padua, Italy
Padova Neuroscience Center, University of Padua, Padua, Italy
Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany
Department of General Psychiatry at the Center for Psychosocial Medicine, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany


Keywords: The number of neuroimaging studies on movement disorders, sensorimotor, and psychomotor functioning in
Sensorimotor domain schizophrenia spectrum disorders (SSD) has steadily increased over the last two decades. Accelerated by the
Psychomotor addition of the “sensorimotor domain” to the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) framework in January 2019,
neuroscience research on the role of sensorimotor dysfunction in SSD has gained greater scientific and clinical
Schizophrenia spectrum disorders
relevance. To draw attention to recent rapid progress in the field, we performed a triennial systematic review
(PubMed search from January 1st, 2018 through December 31st, 2020), in which we highlight recent neuro­
imaging findings and discuss methodological pitfalls as well as challenges for future research. The identified
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies suggest that sensorimotor abnormalities in SSD are related to
cerebello-thalamo-cortico-cerebellar network dysfunction. Longitudinal and interventional studies highlight the
translational potential of the sensorimotor domain as putative biomarkers for treatment response and as targets
for non-invasive neurostimulation techniques in SSD.

1. Introduction perspective, altered modulation of dopaminergic-based motor networks

(e.g., increased dopaminergic turnover) driven by glutamate- and
Over the last three decades, the number of neuroimaging studies on GABAergic non-motor cortical networks, are crucial in the pathophysi­
sensorimotor abnormalities in schizophrenia spectrum disorders (SSD) ology of sensorimotor abnormalities (for review see also Hirjak et al.
and other mental disorders has grown steadily (Hirjak et al., 2020a; (2020a); Northoff et al. (2020a)). Furthermore, several lines of evidence
Hirjak et al., 2018c; Mittal et al., 2017b; Walther and Strik, 2016; indicate clinically relevant applications based on sensorimotor system
Walther et al., 2020). Congruent evidence generated by multimodal pathology, such as (1) sensorimotor abnormalities as vulnerability
neuroimaging data analysis strategies provided a neuromechanistic markers in psychosis risk syndrome (Bernard and Mittal, 2014; Kent
understanding of the sensorimotor domain and its dysfunction, partic­ et al., 2019; Kindler et al., 2019; Mittal et al., 2014, (2) sensorimotor
ularly with respect to aberrant structure and function in the cortical–­ signs and symptoms as predictors of the clinical course of SSD (Cuesta
thalamic–cerebellar–cortical (CTCC) circuit. This is also in line with et al., 2018; Cuesta et al., 2014, (3) neural correlates of sensorimotor
models suggesting that schizophrenia is a “misconnection syndrome” of functioning in SSD and related psychoses (Hirjak et al., 2019c; Martino
the CTCC (Andreasen et al., 1998; Andreasen and Pierson, 2008). In et al., 2020; Martino et al., 2018; Northoff et al., 2004; Walther et al.,
particular, Andreasen and co-workers emphasized that CTCC is crucial 2017a; Walther et al., 2017b), and (4) sensorimotor system as a novel
for monitoring and coordination of mental activity (synchrony) and target for transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS; Mittal and Walther,
hence, aberrant CTCC activity might lead to disordered cognition 2019), respectively. However, despite the exponentially growing
(‘cognitive dysmetria’) and characteristic schizophrenia symptoms research in the field of movement disorders, as well as sensori- and
(Andreasen et al., 1998; Wiser et al., 1998). From a biochemical psychomotor functioning in SSD in the last three decades (Hirjak et al.,

* Corresponding author at: Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim D-68159, Germany.
E-mail address: dusan.hirjak@zi-mannheim.de (D. Hirjak).

Received 18 March 2021; Received in revised form 15 May 2021; Accepted 28 May 2021
Available online 1 June 2021
0278-5846/© 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
D. Hirjak et al. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 111 (2021) 110370

2018a; Hirjak et al., 2020a; Hirjak et al., 2018b; Walther et al., 2020), conference abstracts or poster presentations were not considered. We
initial failures to replicate earlier findings, methodological shortcomings imposed the following methodological restrictions for the inclusion
(e.g. clinical scales of varying psychometric quality, lack of studies on criteria: (a) Studies (>16 participants/group Friston (2012)) with MRI,
genetic factors, antipsychotic medication, small sample size, etc.), and PET, or SPECT that investigated movement disorders as well as senso­
poor understanding of neurobiological mechanisms (e.g. interaction rimotor and psychomotor functioning in SSD; (b) Studies that were re­
between structure and function, the relationship between different ported in an original article in a peer-reviewed journal. In case of
sensorimotor categories, association with other domains, etc.) have also multiple publications, the most up to-date or comprehensive informa­
led to controversies. tion was used. Articles considered of interest were reviewed and cross-
Motivated by a number of promising studies demonstrating the high checked independently by three authors (DH, KMK, and JK). Similar
relevance of sensorimotor dysfunction in mental disorders as well as by approach has been used previously in systematic reviews on SSD and
contrary results and inconsistent conclusions, in January 2019, the other mental disorders (Baum et al., 2015; Ewers et al., 2011; Hirjak
Research-Domain-Criteria (RDoC)-Initiative of the National Institute of et al., 2018c; Naismith et al., 2012).
Mental Health (NIMH) introduced the sensorimotor domain to the RDoC
matrix. Through this addition, the RDoC Initiative seeks to foster earlier 3. Results
and more precise identification of the role of sensorimotor dysfunction
in psychopathology and aid in the development of more effective We conducted a systematic literature search using the above-
treatments for patients who are affected with sensorimotor abnormal­ mentioned search criteria and identified a total of 472 articles (Fig. 1).
ities (Mittal et al., 2017a). Two years after its introduction, it is timely to After reviewing titles and abstracts, a total of 387 references were
summarize the results, corresponding progress, methodological pitfalls, excluded from the analysis (e.g., no information regarding the sensori­
and future directions of sensorimotor neuroscience in SSD. We chose to motor dysfunction, case reports, EEG studies, clinical studies with
conduct a triennial review because the scientific evidence on sensori­ medication, unclear setting or clinical rating scale, etc.). 85 full-text
motor dysfunction in SSD and other mental disorders published until articles were assessed for eligibility. We identified 10 MRI studies on
mid 2018 had already been summarized and discussed in numerous NSS (Table 1; Ciufolini et al., 2018; Cuesta et al., 2020; Fritze et al.,
narratives (Hirjak et al., 2018a; Northoff et al., 2020a; Peralta and 2019; Galindo et al., 2017; Herold et al., 2020; Hirjak et al., 2019c; Kong
Cuesta, 2017) and systematic reviews (Haroche et al., 2020; Hirjak et al., et al., 2019a; Kong et al., 2019b; Quispe Escudero et al., 2020; Wolf
2020a; Hirjak et al., 2018b; Hirjak et al., 2018c; Walther et al., 2019b). et al., 2020b), 8 MRI studies on AIMS (Table 2; Huber et al., 2018;
In order to draw attention to recent rapid progress in the field, the Magioncalda et al., 2020; Molina et al., 2018; Viher et al., 2019; Wertz
goals of this triennial review were threefold: First, we systematically et al., 2019; Wolf et al., 2020a; Yu et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2018) and 8
reviewed the current literature on neuroanatomical and biochemical MRI studies on catatonia (Table 3; Dean et al., 2020; Foucher et al.,
correlates of movement disorders as well as sensorimotor dysfunction in 2019; Foucher et al., 2018; Fritze et al., 2020; Hirjak et al., 2019a; Hirjak
SSD to provide a comprehensive picture of neurotransmission and et al., 2020c; Viher et al., 2020; Wasserthal et al., 2020) using several
neuromodulation of the sensorimotor system and its psychopathological structural (e.g. grey matter (GM) volume, white matter (WM) volume,
correlates. Second, based on very recent neuroimaging studies, we cortical thickness, local gyrification index, complexity of cortical folding
discuss the most eminent methodological questions for future sensori­ (CCF), fractional anisotropy (FA), clustering coefficient (CCO),
motor neuroscience in SSD. Finally, we discuss how future neuroscience betweenness centrality (BC)) and functional metrics (regional homoge­
research on sensorimotor system pathology might contribute to the neity (ReHo), fractional amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations
development of innovative treatment response markers and to novel (fALFF) and regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF), as measured by
targets for psychopharmacological research in SSD. continuous arterial spin labeling (CASL). There were no relevant PET or
SPECT studies published in the last 3 years. The identified MRI studies
2. Methods on this topic have been approved by three authors (DH, JK, and KMK).
Two MRI studies on NSS (Cai et al., 2021; Li et al., 2021) and three MRI
2.1. Search strategy and study selection studies on parkinsonism (Fritze et al., 2021; Wasserthal et al., 2021;
Wolf et al., 2021a) were published after the above mentioned period of
The search strategy and study selection followed PRISMA guidelines. the systematic literature search.
The literature was searched using MEDLINE (source PubMed, January 1, For reasons of readability, to keep the heterogeneity of the results as
2018 to December 31st, 2020), and Google Scholar databases, and by low as possible, and because of their transnosological value and trans­
additional hand searches through reference lists and specialist psychi­ lational potential, we focused on NSS, abnormal involuntary move­
atric and neuroscience journals. The main goal was to identify neuro­ ments, parkinsonism, akathisia, and catatonia and excluded
imaging studies reporting associations between sensorimotor system neuroimaging studies investigating basic aspects of sensorimotor func­
dysfunction and brain structure or function in SSD. The following search tion, such as those investigating inhibitory control (response inhibition),
terms or their combinations were used: “schizophrenia”, “psychosis”, finger-tapping, perception of movement, movement observation, and
“schizophrenia spectrum disorders”, “ultra-high risk”, “neurological soft gestures. The identified neuroimaging studies on this topic were
signs”, “neurological signs”, “NSS”, “discrete signs”, “subtle neurolog­ approved by three authors (DH, JK, and KMK).
ical deficits”, “abnormal involuntary movements”, “catatonia”, “cata­
tonic symptoms”, “motor symptoms”, “sensorimotor symptoms”, 4. Discussion
“parkinsonism”, “dyskinesia”, “tardive dyskinesia”, “akathisia”, “psy­
chomotor dysfunction”, “psychomotor slowing”, “magnetic resonance The rapidly growing body of research on the neuroimaging of
imaging” (MRI), “MRI”, “positron emission tomography” (PET), “PET”, sensorimotor dysfunction is remarkable. The following five sections
“single-photon emission computerized tomography” (SPECT) and discuss the lessons learned from current neuromechanistic studies on
“SPECT”. The automatic search was complemented by a manual check of sensorimotor dysfunction, methodological considerations, conceptual
the reference lists of the papers and relevant review articles identified by refinement, translational promises, and key directions for future
the computerized literature search. We also searched for articles pub­ neuroscientific and clinical research.
lished in any language and scrutinized references from these studies to
identify other relevant studies. There were no language restrictions with 4.1. Refining neurobiological models of sensorimotor dysfunction in SSD
respect to publication date or country of origin, although the majority of
ultimately extracted articles were in English. Unpublished studies, In the past two years, multimodal neuroimaging and advanced data

D. Hirjak et al. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 111 (2021) 110370

Records idenfied through Addional records idenfied

Pubmed searching through other sources (e.g.
(n = 472) systemac reviews)
(n = 0)

Records aer duplicates removed

(n = 472)

Records excluded
Records screened (n = 75)
(n = 160) -No relevant informaon
on sensorimotor
-Other diagnosis

Full-text arcles excluded,

Full-text arcles assessed with reasons (studies on
for eligibility solely ultra-high risk
(n = 85) individuals, animal
studies, case reports,
other diagnosis, CT
studies, no detailed
informaon on
sensorimotor dysfuncon
MRI Studies included in etc.)
qualitave synthesis (n = 59)
(n = 26)

MRI studies on NSS MRI studies on MRI studies on catatonia

(n = 10) parkinsonism, akathisia, (n = 8)
psychomotor slowing and
other AIMS
(n = 8)

Fig. 1. PRISMA flow chart of included neuroimaging studies on sensorimotor abnormalities in schizophrenia spectrum disorders patients.

analysis techniques have substantially contributed to the progress in 2019) found that so-called “periodic catatonia” (Leonhard, 1999) was
sensorimotor neuroscience in SSD (for overview see Fig. 2). In addition specifically associated with increased rCBF of the left pre-motor regions,
to the classic voxel-based morphometry (VBM) analysis focusing on GM in-line with previous independent findings (Walther et al., 2017a).
and WM volumes, structural MRI studies published in the last two years Until 2018, MRI studies have been unimodal, mostly providing in­
have also used different methods (Fritze et al., 2019; Fritze et al., 2020) formation on structural alterations or neural activity underlying senso­
and examined other structural parameters such as LGI, CCF, FA, CCO rimotor dysfunction separately, with very few exceptions highlighting
and BC (Hirjak et al., 2019a; Wasserthal et al., 2020). In particular, there both abnormal structure and function (Walther et al., 2017a; Walther
is preliminary evidence that cortical features of distinct evolutionary et al., 2017b), albeit on a descriptive level. In the past two years, sub­
and genetic origin differently contribute to catatonia in SSD (Hirjak stantial advances have been made by multimodal neuroimaging data
et al., 2019a). In addition, two MRI studies using Freesurfer also showed fusion analysis strategies (He et al., 2017; Sui et al., 2012; Sui et al.,
that brainstem structures play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of NSS 2013) in order to provide a more comprehensive understanding of brain
and catatonia (Fritze et al., 2019; Fritze et al., 2020). Two more recent mechanisms in SSD patients with NSS, catatonia or parkinsonism. First,
MRI studies found that WM alterations in the corticospinal tract and Hirjak and colleagues used canonical correlation and joint independent
CCO of the left orbitofrontal cortex, primary motor cortex, supplemen­ component analysis (mCCA + jICA) to investigate co-altered patterns of
tary motor area, and putamen might contribute to catatonia in SSD GMV and intrinsic neural activity (INA) in SSD patients exhibiting NSS
(Viher et al., 2020; Wasserthal et al., 2020). These studies warrant (Hirjak et al., 2019c). This study found that NSS complex motor task
replication given very recent negative findings (Dean et al., 2020). Using score was associated with joint frontocerebellar/frontoparietal net­
MRI-based perfusion-imaging, Foucher and colleagues (Foucher et al., works. In a more recent landmark MRI study on NSS, Wolf and

D. Hirjak et al. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 111 (2021) 110370

Table 1
MRI studies on NSS in SSD.
Study Sample characteristics Motor assessment Neuroimaging Important findings

Galindo et al., SP: N = 27, mean age = 37.60 years ± 7.0; m = 16, f Neurological 3.0 T MRI SP showed hyperconnectivity in dorsolateral prefrontal
2017 = 11; all patients medicated Evaluation Scale (NES) cortices and middle frontal gyri compared to HC.
REL: N = 23, mean age = 41.39 years ±10.30; m = for NSS
10, f = 13
HC: N = 35, mean age = 36.60 years ±8.0; m = 18, f
= 17
Ciufolini FEP: N = 60, mean age = 27.65 years ±7.94; m = NES 3.0 T MRI FEP with higher rates of NSS showed reduction of
et al., 2018 20, f = 40; DOI: 37 weeks; all patients medicated cortical thickness in postcentral and precentral gyri,
superior temporal, inferior-parietal and fusiform gyri
and smaller surface areas of superior temporal gyrus
and frontal regions.
Kong et al., UHR: N = 21, mean age = 17.81 years ±4.48; m = NSS score with the CIN 3.0 T MRI Higher NSS scores in UHR were associated with
2019a 11, f = 10 decreased GMV in the superior and medial frontal
Fritze et al., FEP: N = 27, mean age = 31.41 years ± 11.15; m = Heidelberg NSS Scale 3.0 T MRI Correlation between pons volume and NSS in FEP; no
2019 15, f = 12; DOI = 0.11 months ± 0.32; 22 patients significant association between brainstem structures
medicated; all patients reached a partial remission and NSS in MEP.
for one week (> 25% reduction of symptoms)
MEP: N = 65, mean age = 41.48 years ± 11.14; m =
39, f = 26; DOI = 16.11 months ±9.89; 64 patients
medicated; all patients reached a partial remission
for one week (>25% reduction of symptoms)
Hirjak et al., SSD: N = 37, mean age = 34.41 years ±11.00; m = Heidelberg NSS Scale 3.0 T MRI This study highlights aberrant structure and function,
2019c 20, f = 17; DOI = 8.76 years ±9.81; all patients predominantly in cortical and cerebellar systems that
medicated and reached a partial remission for one critically subserve sensorimotor dynamics and
week (> 25% reduction of symptoms) psychomotor organization.
HC: N = 37, mean age = 34.08 years ± 11.83; m = AIMS, SAS and BARS
20, f = 17 for potential EPMS and
Kong et al., SP: N = 101, mean age = 27.36 years ± 7.73 ; m = Heidelberg NSS Scale 1.5 T MRI Associations between NSS and cortical-subcortical-
2019b 63, f = 38; DOI: 20.36 months ±39.97; all patients cerebellar morphology in patients
Cuesta et al., SP: N = 48, mean age = 25.7 years ±5.8; m = 34, f UKU Scale for EPMS 1.5 T MRI Association between EPMS and NSS and iron load in left
2020 = 14; DOI: 4.57 months ±3.99; all patients basal ganglia.
HC: N = 23, mean age = 23.4 years ±5.9; m = 17, f Bush-Francis Catatonia
=6 Rating Scale for
catatonic signs
Evaluation Scale for
Quispe SP: N = 81, mean age = 24.9 years ±4.8; m = 57, f Heidelberg NSS Scale 1.5 T MRI Correlation between GM reduction in frontal,
Escudero = 24; DOI: first episode; all patients medicated subcortical and cerebellar areas and NSS score
et al., 2020
Herold et al., CSP: N = 49 (middle-aged); DOI: 20.31 years ±14.0; Heidelberg NSS Scale 3.0 T sMRI with NSS correlated with GM reduction in the inferior and
2020 all but one patient medicated SPM12/CAT12 middle frontal gyri, thalamus and cerebellum.
HC: N = 29 analyses
Wolf et al., AVH: N = 42, mean age = 40.29 years ±13.12; m = Heidelberg NSS scale 3.0 T MRI Right inferior parietal lobule regional homogeneity
2020b 22, f = 20; DOI: 13.79 years ±11.44 (ReHo) and NSS integrative functions predicted AVH
nAVH: N = 34, mean age = 37.09 years ±9.52, m = BPRS severity.
18, f = 16; DOI: 9.18 years ±9.34
All patients reached a partial remission for one week

SP = schizophrenia patients; REL = unaffected relatives; HC = healthy controls; FEP = patients with a first-episode schizophrenia; UHR = individuals at ultra-high risk
for psychosis; MEP = patients with a multiple-episode schizophrenia; SSD = schizophrenia spectrum disorders; CSP = chronic schizophrenia patients; AVH =
schizophrenia patients with auditory verbal hallucinations; nAVH = schizophrenia patients without auditory verbal hallucinations; DOUI = duration of untreated
illness; DOI = duration of illness; m = male; f = female; EPMS = extrapyramidal motor symptoms; NSS = neurological soft signs; GM = grey matter.
CIN = Cambridge Neurological Inventory.
AIMS = Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale.
SAS = Simpson and Angus scale.
BARS = Barnes Akathisia Rating Scale.

colleagues (Wolf et al., 2020b) showed that right inferior parietal lobule et al., 2015b; Zhao et al., 2013). On the other side, the IPL, STG, and the
ReHo as well as NSS scores are able to predict auditory verbal halluci­ transverse temporal gyrus (Heschl's gyrus) are crucial regions in the
nations (AVH) in schizophrenia patients. This multimodal MRI study pathogenesis of AVH (Dierks et al., 1999; van Lutterveld et al., 2014).
provided the first evidence for a common pathophysiological mecha­ Further, sensorimotor dysfunction in the form of aberrant self-
nism that could lead to different clinical phenotypes such as NSS and monitoring could lead to a misattribution of inner speech as externally
AVH. Similarly, other studies have also pointed to the link between generated and finally to AVH (Allen et al., 2007; Fletcher and Frith,
motor and sensory alterations in SSD. On one side, NSS are associated 2009; Shergill et al., 2014). Another interesting connection arises be­
with alterations of the inferior frontal gyrus, paracentral gyrus, inferior tween sensorimotor and affective domain. For instance, Williams and
parietal lobe (IPL), bilateral putamen, cerebellum and both the superior colleagues showed that similar neural mechanisms serve motor control
and middle temporal gyri (STG and MTG; Hirjak et al., 2018c; Hirjak and emotional regulation, so that subsequent motor actions are tightly

D. Hirjak et al. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 111 (2021) 110370

Table 2
MRI studies on other abnormal involuntary movements in SSD.
Study Sample characteristics Motor assessment Neuroimaging Important findings

Molina et al., SP: N = 22, mean age = 33.94 years ±8.09, SAS 3.0 T MRI Total SAS scores were negatively correlated with
2018 m = 10, f = 12; DOI: 64.66 months ±78.98; fractional anisotropy in right rostral middle prefrontal-
all patients medicated caudate tract in SP.
HC: N = 14, mean age = 36.70 years Brief Assessment in
±10.90; m = 6, f = 8 Schizophrenia Scale for
cognitive assessment
Zhang et al., TD group: N = 26, mean age = 45.6 years Schooler and Kane's TD 3.0 T MRI SP with TD showed a correlation between reduced brain
2018 ±10.6; m = 15, f = 11; DOI: 21.9 years criteria, AIMS activity in the occipital lobe compared to HC and
±10.2 decreased fALFF in the left cuneus compared to the NTD
NTD group: N = 26, mean age = 45.5 years group.
±7.8; m = 16, f = 10; DOI: 22.3 years ± 8.5
HC: N = 30, mean age = 46.4 years ±8.4; m
= 19, f = 11
Yu et al., 2018 TD group: N = 32, mean age = 46.9 years Schooler and Kane's TD 3.0 T MRI The study showed larger GM volume in brainstem and
±10.0; m = 20, f = 12; DOI: 22.8 years criteria, AIMS inferior frontal and precentral gyri in patients with tardive
±10.2 dyskinesia. Lower GMV in cuneus and lingual gyri
NTD group: N = 31, mean age = 45.7 years correlated positively with AIMS scores.
±7.5; m = 19, f = 12; DOI: 22.6 years ±8.4
All patients medicated
HC: N = 32, mean age = 45.6 years ±7.7, m
= 19, f = 13
Huber et al., 56 UHR, 55 FEP and 25 HC; Excited Component of the 3.0 T MRI Patients with higher BPRS-EC showed a smaller left
2018 BPRS-EC high group: N = 49, mean age = Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale lingual GM volume than HC.
25.5 years ±6.1; m = 37, f = 12; (BPRS-EC)
BPRS-EC low group: N = 62, mean age =
26.1 years ±7.0; m = 44, f = 18; HC: N = 25,
mean age = 27.7 years ±4.5; m = 11, f = 14
Viher et al., SP: N = 19, mean age = 32.6 years ±8.4, m NES, St. Hans Rating Scale for 3.0 T MRI Patients showed decreased functional connectivity
2019 = 75%; DOI: 110.63 months ±67.27 EPMS, Salpetriere between bilateral dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and left
All patients medicated Retardation Rating Scale caudate nucleus. Reduced functional connectivity
HC: N = 16, mean age = 30.6 years ±6.7; m between left putamen and bilateral supplementary motor
= 89.5% area was found.
Wertz et al., SP: N = 49, mean age = 32.71 years ±8.61; AIMS, BARS and SAS 3.0 T MRI Hyperactivity in left sensorimotor cortex (SMC) during
2019 m = 32, f = 17; DOI: 11.35 years ±8.40 proactive response inhibition, along with decreased
HC: N = 54, mean age = 33.13 years ±7.70; A multisensory attention/ cortical connectivity with left SMC in patients with SP.
m = 36, f = 18 response inhibition task
Magioncalda Study Dataset 1: Psychomotor Items in PANSS, 3.0 T MRI SCZ patient with psychomotor inhibition showed
et al., 2020 SCZ (LPM): N = 18, mean age = 40.1 years YMRS, Hamilton Depression decreased functional connectivity (FC) between thalamus
±11.6; m = 9, f = 9 Scale (HAMD) and sensorimotor network and reduced FC between
HC: N = 19, mean age = 34.3 years ±5.6; m substantia nigra and basal ganglia/thalamus and between
= 6, f = 13 raphe nuclei and basal ganglia/thalamus. SCZ patients
Study Dataset 2: with psychomotor excitation showed an increase of FC
SCZ (ToS): N = 43, mean age = 36.7 years between thalamus and sensorimotor network and a
±8.8; m = 32, f = 11 reduction of FC between raphe nuclei and basal ganglia/
SCZ (HPM): N = 20, mean age = 38.4 years thalamus.
±8.1; m = 16, f = 4
SCZ (nPM): N = 23, mean age = 35.3 years
±9.3; m = 16, f = 7
HC: N = 108, mean age = 30.9 years ±8.5;
m = 59, f = 49
Wolf et al., SZ-nonP: N = 22, mean age = 38.64 SAS 3.0 T MRI There was a correlation between SAS tremor score and
2020a years±12.96; m = 14, f = 8; DOI: 11.36 loadings of the cortical sensorimotor network. This study
years ±11.37 showed an association between the SAS glabella-
SZ-P: N = 22, mean age = 40.41 years salivation score and loadings of the frontothalamic/
±11.38; m = 14, f = 8; DOI: 15.50 years cerebellar and cortical sensori- motor network.

SCZ = patients with schizophrenia; V = violent behavior; SP = schizophrenic patients/other mental disorders; HC = healthy controls; TD = patients with tardive
dyskinesia; NTD = patients without tardive dyskinesia; CHR = Clinical High Risk for Psychosis; UHR: ultra-high risk individuals; ESZ = Early Illness Schizophrenia;
FEP = first-episode psychosis patients, HV = healthy volunteers; LPM = low level of psychomotor activity; ToS = total score; HPM = high level of psychomotor activity;
nPM = non-altered psychomotricity; SZ-nonP=SCZ patients without parkinsonism; SZ-P=SCZ patients with parkinsonism; fALFF = fractional amplitude of low-
frequency fluctuations.
DOI = duration of illness; m = male; f = female; TD = tardive dyskinesia.
BPRS-EC = Excited Component of the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale.
NES = Neurological Evaluation Scale.
AIMS = Abnormal Involuntary Movements Scale.
BARS=Barnes Akathisia Scale.
SAS=Simpson Angus Scale.
YMRS=Young Mania Rating Scale.
PANSS=Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale.

D. Hirjak et al. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 111 (2021) 110370

Table 3
MRI studies on catatonia in SSD.
Study Sample characteristics Motor assessment Neuroimaging Important findings

Foucher et al., PC: N = 20, mean age = 38 years ± 13; m = 10, f = 10; BFCRS 3.0 Tesla MRI Patients with PC showed an increased rCBF in the left motor
2018 DOI: 15.60 years ±12.70 and premotor areas.
C: N = 9, mean age = 38 years ± 7; m = 4, f = 5; DOI:
14.40 years ±6.40; all but 3 patients medicated
HC: N = 27, mean age = 39 years ± 9; m = 13, f = 14
Hirjak et al., SSD with catatonia: N = 25, mean age = 39.12 years NCRS 3.0 Tesla MRI Patients with catatonia had a reduced surface area in parietal
2019a ±11.42; m = 14, f = 11; DOI: 13.68 years ±11.99 and medial orbitofrontal cortex; reduced LGI in temporal
SSD without catatonia: N = 22, mean age = 40.18 gyrus, and higher LGI in rostral cingulate and medial
years ±11.83; m = 11, f = 11; DOI: 8.50 years ±9.54 orbitofrontal gyrus.
Hirjak et al., SSD with catatonia: N = 24, mean age = 38.92 years NCRS 3.0 Tesla MRI SSD patients with catatonia showed abnormalities in
2020c ± 11.62; m = 14, f = 10; DOI: 13.38 years ± 12.15 frontothalamic and corticostriatal networks. NCRS affective
SSD without catatonia: N = 22, mean age = 40.18 scores associated with frontoparietal intrinsic neural activity.
years ±11.83; m = 11, f = 11; DOI: 8.50 years ± 9.54
Foucher et al., Patients from 2 studies: iADAPT, RETONIC DSM-5 criteria and Wernicke- 3.0 Tesla MRI rCBF increases in left SMA and lateral premotor cortex
2019 PC: N = 8 (RETONIC), N = 1 (iADAPT), mean age = Kleist-Leonhard classification reached positive predictive values of 94%, only when used in
40 years ±13; m = 6, f = 3; DOI: 17 years ±12; 8 for diagnosis combination with clinical criteria.
patients medicated with AP, 5 with AD
Depressed patients with non-PC (iADAPT): N = 23, BFCRS
mean age = 52 years ±12; m = 9, f = 14; DOI: 21 years
±14; 10 patients medicated with AP, 13 with AD
pCC patients with non-PC (RETONIC): N = 3, mean
age = 35 years ±9; m = 2, f = 1; DOI: 18 years ±7; all
patients medicated with AP and AD
HC: N = 37, mean age = 43 years ±11; m = 18, f = 19
Wasserthal SSD with catatonia: n = 30, mean age = 39.40 years NCRS 3.0 Tesla MRI Variations of left corticospinal tract, left orbitofrontal cortex,
et al., 2020 ±10.49; m = 16, f = 14; DOI: 12.27 years ±11.53 primary motor cortex, SMA and putamen were present in SSD
SSD without catatonia: N = 29, mean age = 38.0 years patients with catatonia.
±11.25; m = 14, f = 15; DOI: 7.31 years ±8.86
All SSD patients reached a partial remission for one
week; all but 5 medicated
HC: N = 28, mean age = 35.14 years ±14.18; m = 20,
Dean et al., SSD with catatonia: N = 43, mean age = 27.4 years BFCRS 3.0 Tesla MRI SSD patients with a history of catatonia showed decreased GM
2020 ±8.15; m = 32, f = 11 volume in anterior cingulate, insular, temporal and medial
SSD without catatonia: N = 43, mean age = 27.9 years frontal cortices compared to HC.
±6.63; m = 35, f = 8
HC: N = 86, mean age = 29.9 years ±9.24; m = 64, f
= 22
Viher et al., SSD with catatonia: N = 13, mean age = 40.7 years ± BFCRS 3.0 Tesla MRI SSD patients with catatonia had a higher fractional anisotropy
2020 13.6; DOI: 17.3 years ± 13.1 in left lateralized white matter regions like internal and
SSD without catatonia: N = 35, mean age = 37.4 external capsule, superior longitudinal fascicle and
years ± 11.4; DOI: 11.3 years ± 12.2 corticospinal tract compared to HC.
All SSD patients: m = 30, f = 18; 44 patients
HC: N = 43, mean age = 38.6 years ± 13.7; m = 25, f
= 18
Fritze et al., SSD patients with catatonia: N = 30, mean age = NCRS 3.0 Tesla MRI Patients with catatonia had smaller midbrain volumes in
2020 39.40 years ±10.49; m = 16, f = 14; DOI: 12.27 years comparison to non-catatonic patients. NCRS motor scores in
±11.53 catatonic patients correlated with whole brainstem volumes.
SSD patients without catatonia: N = 29, mean age =
38.00 years ±11.25; m = 14, f = 15; DOI: 7.31 years

PC = patients with periodic catatonia; C = patients with cataphasia; HC = healthy controls; SSD = schizophrenia spectrum disorders; pCC = pseudocompulsive
catatonia; DOI = duration of illness; m = male; f = female; BFCRS: Bush Francis Catatonia Rating Scale; NCRS = Northoff Catatonia Rating Scale; rCBF = regional
cerebral blood flow; LGI = local gyrification index; GM = grey matter.

linked to emotions (Williams et al., 2020). From a clinical perspective, reduction in the frontothalamic network may impact on the INA of the
sensorimotor abnormalities (e.g., akinesia, akathisia, or psychomotor frontoparietal circuit, resulting in impaired processing of negative
slowing) may occur together with affective symptoms (e.g., anxiety, emotional stimuli and cessation of sensorimotor functioning, which can
aggressiveness, or apathy). This situation is visible not only in negative lead to affective and behavioral catatonic symptoms (Hirjak et al.,
syndrome of SSD but also in affective disorders. Overall, these findings 2020c). Finally, unlike in the previous decades of neuroimaging
shed light on how the sensorimotor dysfunction mediates other di­ research in SSD, parkinsonism has been the subject of an in-depth
mensions such as negative/positive valence systems, cognitive systems investigation by multimodal imaging. Wolf and colleagues (Wolf et al.,
or social processes in SSD. 2020a) found that correlational coefficients of interrelated frontotha­
Another multimodal data fusion technique (as described in (Hirjak lamic/cerebellar sMRI component and a cortical sensorimotor rs-fMRI
et al., 2019c)) was used to investigate differences between SSD patients component differed significantly between patients with and without
with and without catatonia. Hirjak and colleagues (Hirjak et al., 2020c) parkinsonism. The authors suggested that parkinsonism in SSD is a
detected frontothalamic and frontoparietal networks that represent multidimensional clinical construct in which subcortical deficits,
joint, co-altered GMV-INA components that differ between catatonic particularly in the thalamus and cerebellum, could lead to an alteration
and non-catatonic SSD patients. The authors suggested that GMV in bottom-up (“vertical”) modulation of sensorimotor cortical regions

D. Hirjak et al. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 111 (2021) 110370

(Wolf et al., 2020a). (Strik et al., 2017): language, affectivity, and motor behavior. However,
the SyNoPsis framework has been specifically developed for psychotic
4.2. Methodological considerations disorders. Thus, a direct translation of this framework to other mental
disorders is difficult and very likely also premature prior to a decidedly
Despite the introduction of the RDoC sensorimotor domain, there is transnosological refinement of SyNoPsis. An internationally important
still ongoing skepticism regarding the validity and clinical relevance of initiative to develop a research classification system for mental disorders
sensorimotor neuroscience in SSD and beyond. We suggest several pit­ based upon dimensions of neurobiology and observable behavior i.e.,
falls and methodological practices that can increase the credibility of the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) project was launched in 2009 by
neuroscience research on the sensorimotor domain in SSD: (1) Modern the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH; Cuthbert, 2014; Cuthbert
studies increasingly use sensing and wearable technologies (smartphone and Insel, 2013). The near-term goal of the RDoC initiative is to define a
apps, wrist devices, and other smartwatches) to assess different aspects new framework of research that can produce pioneering new findings
of sensorimotor behavior. This is a very promising development, but at and approaches to inform future versions of psychiatric nosologies
the same time, only a few studies have been published validating these (Cuthbert, 2014; Cuthbert and Insel, 2013). Still being developed, the
new technologies against more traditional clinical rating scales (Damme NIMH RDoC initiative has added the “sensorimotor domain” to the RDoC
et al., 2020). Therefore, it is currently not known to what extent matrix (Garvey and Cuthbert, 2017; Mittal et al., 2017b; Sanislow et al.,
instrumental assessment of sensorimotor dysfunction correlates with 2019). However, the major criticism of the current RDoC sensorimotor
well-established clinical rating scales. This issue requires cross- domain is that this approach primarily targets motor-related changes in
validation, replication, and tests of generalizability. (2) The identified dopaminergic cortico-striato-pallido-thalamo-cortical motor circuits
MRI studies have used different acquisition, processing, and analysis (Mittal et al., 2017b; Walther et al., 2019a). Therefore, in recent years
modalities and methods to observe different aspects of the sensorimotor (but originally beginning in the early 1800s), the “psycho-motor”
system disruption. As shown by the extant MRI fusion data, acquisition concept in its literal sense has been revived, specifically focusing on
and simultaneous processing of >2 data modalities yield clear advan­ psycho-motor (rather than motor) mechanisms of mental disorders
tages over conventional unimodal and regionally confined brain local­ (Northoff et al., 2020a). More specifically, this concept involves both
ization approaches. Therefore, we strongly acknowledge multimodal domains, namely, that of “psycho” (i.e., cognition and affectivity) and
neuroimaging studies followed by fine-grained spatiotemporal con­ that of “motor” (movement). From a clinical perspective, psychomotor
nectomics analyses. (3) Another methodological limitation of previous dysfunction can be characterized by specific symptom patterns, that is,
MRI studies on sensorimotor abnormalities is the overlap of different specific constellations of motor (rigor, dyskinesia, festination, counter­
sensorimotor symptoms and signs. The above mentioned studies sepa­ acting, posturing, catalepsy, etc.), affective (aggression, anxiety, flat
rated study groups based on the presence of either catatonia or affect, affect incontinence, etc.), and cognitive (disorganized thinking,
parkinsonism and hence, they used overlapping patients' samples. slow thinking, poor concentration, impaired higher or ‘executive’
However, from a clinical point of view, some patients may show both functioning, impairment of short term working memory, etc.) symptoms
catatonic and parkinsonian symptoms. This said, it is not always possible (Bernard and Mittal, 2015; Mittal et al., 2017b; Sarkheil et al., 2020). A
to distinguish between catatonia and parkinsonism using clinical rating recent comprehensive publication by Northoff and colleagues provides a
scales. This might be a possible explanation for overlapping brain re­ highly informative narrative review of biochemical modulations of
gions underlying catatonia and parkinsonism. Only large-scale and psychomotor dysfunction in psychiatric disorders (Northoff et al.,
deeply phenotyped patient samples might be able to disentangle the 2020a, 2020b). On a neural level, Northoff and colleagues (Northoff
effects of various hypo- and hyperkinetic behaviors on a technical/sta­ et al., 2020a, 2020b) proposed that psychomotor mechanisms (assuming
tistical level. (4) Although it would be very beneficial to study a direct interaction between psychic and motor function) can be char­
antipsychotic-naive SSD patients, the recruitment and inclusion of this acterized as interactions between the (i) dopamine- and substantia
particular patient group is not always possible for both ethical and nigra-based subcortical–cortical motor circuit modulated by primarily
practical reasons. The contemporary clinical imperative to initiate non-motor subcortical raphe nucleus and serotonin via basal ganglia and
antipsychotic treatment vitiates undertaking such complex in­ thalamus (as well as by glutamate and GABA); (ii) cortical motor net­
vestigations in the antipsychotic-naïve state. However, the above works to other networks like default-mode and sensory networks; and
mentioned investigations were made among deeply phenotyped SSD (iii) global cortical activity to motor cortex (Northoff et al., 2020a,
patients without and with sensorimotor dysfunction in the course of 2020b). More precisely, the third psychomotor mechanism is defined as
stable antipsychotic treatment, to reflect the reality of intrinsic processes an alteration of the global distribution/signal (GS) of neural activity
as risk factors for antipsychotic drug-exacerbated effects. Therefore, the manifested in specific local regions (Zhang et al., 2020). This mechanism
authors suggest that developmentally determined cortical abnormalities has significant transdiagnostic implications, because it might be
(Hirjak et al., 2019a; Hirjak et al., 2015a; Hirjak et al., 2016) are involved in different phases of bipolar disorders. Whereas altered GS in
pervasive findings and a strong candidate for elements in cortical- bilateral motor cortex was shown to characterize manic states, aberrant
striatal-thalamocortical network dysfunction that underlie intrinsic GS spatial topography in hippocampus was found in depressive states
sensorimotor system disruption and confer vulnerability to further (Zhang et al., 2019). Overall, these three promising concepts provide a
dysfunction in that network during treatment with antipsychotic drugs mixed picture of the sensorimotor domain, but overall suggest its rele­
(Wolf et al., 2021a). vance for clinical practice. Still, further discussion and detailed, fine-
grained examination details (particularly using the new armamen­
4.3. Conceptual refinement tarium of instrumental and ecological momentary assessments) of each
concept are needed to redefine and therapeutically exploit the sensori­
There are different terms and definitions in the literature concerning motor behavior of patients with mental disorders.
sensorimotor behavior in patients with mental disorders. In recent years,
several research initiatives have been launched to create new framework 4.4. Translational promises
conditions for modern sensorimotor neuroscience: Since the late 1990s,
the Systems Neuroscience of Psychosis (SyNoPsis; www.synopsis.net) Sensorimotor neuroscience exhibits diagnostic and therapeutic
project aims at linking a revised phenomenology of psychoses and brain relevance (i) for early diagnosis of at-risk mental states and manifest
circuits, without the use of intermediate neurophysiological or neuro­ mental disorders (Mittal et al., 2014; Osborne et al., 2020), (ii) for early
psychological constructs (Strik et al., 2017). In particular, SyNoPsis has detection of motor side effects of antipsychotic medications as well as
introduced three neurobiologically informed behavioral dimensions clinical outcome monitoring (Cuesta et al., 2014; Peralta and Cuesta,

D. Hirjak et al. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 111 (2021) 110370

Fig. 2. Core brain networks frequently associated with catatonia and parkinsonism in schizophrenia spectrum disorders (Abbreviations: GMV = grey matter volume;
WM = white matter; INA = intrinsic neural activity; rCBF = regional cerebral blood flow).

2011; Sambataro et al., 2020), (iii) treatment of psychomotor syndromes (2018b)). In particular, gray matter volume increase of left cerebellar
(e.g. catatonia; Cuesta et al., 2018; Cuesta et al., 2014), and (iv) iden­ area VIIa crus I (region ascribed to the “affective/limbic cerebellum”)
tification of new targets for non-invasive brain stimulation (e.g., trans­ after treatment with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) was associated
cranial magnetic stimulation, TMS; or transcranial direct current with overall symptom relief (Depping et al., 2017). Another study
stimulation, tDCS; Cuesta and Peralta, 2018; Hirjak et al., 2019b; Mittal showed that SSD Patients with AVH have lower GMV in cerebellar
and Walther, 2019; Stevens, 1974; Walther et al., 2019a; Walther and lobule VIIIa when compared to SSD patients without AVH (Cierpka
Strik, 2012; Walther et al., 2020), respectively. As mentioned for recent et al., 2017) and hence, lobule VIIIa GMV was negatively associated with
discoveries made with the above mentioned techniques, a better un­ overall positive symptoms. In Tourette syndrome (TS), cerebellar
derstanding of the sensorimotor domain has begun to emerge. Although disinhibition might lead to hyperactivity of cortical regions such as
there is still much to learn about CTCC network dysfunction in the primary motor cortex resulting in development of motor tics (Caligiore
pathophysiology of aberrant sensorimotor behavior, the cerebellum is et al., 2017). Finally, both increase and decrease of a neurotransmitter
increasingly considered to play an important role in sensorimotor within the cerebellar networks can influence the psychomotor activity of
neuroscience and beyond. a person. Imbalance between the individual neurotransmitters within
Cerebellar circuits are strongly interconnected with the limbic re­ the affective, cognitive and motor parts of the cerebellum might lead to
gions of the basal ganglia and multiple motor and non-motor regions of psychomotor dysfunction (Northoff et al., 2020b). However, there is
the cortex (Bostan and Strick, 2018). Cerebellum modulates multi- little evidence for this assumption, e.g. the GABAergic dysregulation in
transmitter based motor, cognitive and limbic networks, which are SZ and catatonia (Nair et al., 2020). For instance, pharmacological ef­
responsible for action planning (Bostan and Strick, 2018). More specif­ fects on cerebellar metabolic factors (pH or glucose) has been found in
ically, the cerebellar modulation of dopamine-based subcortical–cortical BD patients with lithium (Johnson et al., 2015). These findings along
motor network is crucial in the pathogenesis of motor, social, emotional, with the most sophisticated developments in biochemical neuroimaging
and cognitive features of psychiatric disorders across the life span. This have a strong potential to facilitate the development of novel psycho­
said, the cerebellum is not only involved in clinically relevant abnor­ pharmacological models based on psychomotor mechanisms in mental
malities in motor balance, gait, coordination, timing, integration and disorders (Hirjak et al., 2021).
learning in ultra-high risk individuals (Bernard et al., 2014; Bernard
et al., 2018), but also in manifest SSD characterized by typical psycho­
motor syndromes such as catatonia and parkinsonism. Furthermore, the 4.5. Key directions for future research and clinical practice
cerebellum is responsible for temporal coordination (incl. Time
perception and production (Andreasen and Pierson, 2008)) of distinct Sensorimotor neuroscience needs to translate neuroimaging findings
regions (Moussa-Tooks et al., 2019) in order to provide temporal map to into vulnerability prediction and multimodal treatments. We propose
all three, motor, affective, and cognitive function (Bostan and Strick, distinct multi-omics layers to guide neuroscience and clinical research
2018; Northoff et al., 2020b; Northoff et al., 2020c). According to (for overview see Fig. 3; Hirjak et al., 2019d):
Andreasen et al. (1998), cerebellar dysfunction in SSD can lead to so First, the above-mentioned studies shed light on the intersection of
called ‘dysmetria’ which may be better parsed out into ‘motor dysme­ sensorimotor, affective, and cognitive networks in the pathogenesis of
tria’, ‘affective dysmetria’, and ‘cognitive dysmetria’. But cerebellar sensorimotor abnormalities, but they provide only a limited amount of
involvement in impaired motor performance and psychomotor func­ information on complex spatial and temporal interactions between
tioning does not only apply to SSD, but has been consistently demon­ networks. Sensorimotor abnormalities may essentially arise from
strated in major depressive disorder (MDD), BD (Depping et al., 2018), spatiotemporally unstable within and between functional network
autism (Mostofsky et al., 2009) and ADHD (for review see Hirjak et al. connectivity (FNC) interactions that eventually could lead to deficient
adaption of sensorimotor function to constantly changing

D. Hirjak et al. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 111 (2021) 110370

environmental demands, as may be the case in catatonia (Northoff et al., even to the development of sensorimotor abnormalities in SSD (Wolf
2020a). et al., 2021b). In particular, cannabinoids modulate motor (e.g. cata­
Second, the precise functional interactions between different senso­ lepsy, decreased motor activity, hyperactivity or stereotypy) and
rimotor brain regions and their neurotransmitter systems have not been cognitive performance in both humans (Fernandez-Ruiz, 2009; Muller-
explored in any depth. Therefore, we strongly acknowledge proton Vahl et al., 2020) and rats (for review see (Rodriguez de Fonseca et al.,
magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS), PET, and SPECT studies in 1998)). A recent study in regular cannabis users showed an increased
SSD, which examine in fine detail the activity profiles of GABAergic, postural sway, possibly reflecting disrupted cerebellar processing of
dopaminergic, glutamatergic, and serotoninergic systems. In particular, incoming peripheral nervous system information (Bolbecker et al.,
catatonia is a paradigmatic model for RDoC-based investigation of 2018). Yet, cannabinoids might also have a positive influence on
GABAergic system, because there is (1) a mechanistic animal model of sensorimotor functioning in TS patients with psychiatric comorbidities
catatonia, (2) catatonic symptoms can be easily measured using modern (Fernandez-Ruiz, 2009; Muller-Vahl et al., 2020).
examination methods, and (3) catatonia is based on a complex interplay Fourth, from a translational perspective, a comprehensive charac­
between dysfunctions and dynamics of neural circuitry (Braun et al., terization and long-term monitoring of the above mentioned modulators
2018) underlying sensorimotor function, behavior, affective processing, of the sensorimotor system is needed. Future studies should increase the
and cognition (Hirjak et al., 2019d). A neurochemical model that arsenal of methods (e.g., combination of multiple sensor data, multi­
received some support in the past years suggests that catatonia is caused modal MRI, and machine learning algorithms) and conduct longitudinal,
by a disbalance between GABAA (decrease) and GABAB (increase) receptor pharmacological, and preferably transnosological trials to answer key
activity (Carroll et al., 2007; Hirjak et al., 2020b). Furthermore, a recent questions about whether early administration of pharmacological agents
umbrella review by van der Burg et al. (2020) showed that genetic can prevent the development of neuroanatomical and neurophysiolog­
variations in 10 genes (e.g. DRD3, DRD2, CYP2D6, HTR2A, COMT, ical sensorimotor system abnormalities associated with SSD and other
HSPG2, and SOD2) may increase the odds of tardive dyskinesia. mental disorders (Hirjak et al., 2018b)(Hirjak et al., 2021). We strongly
Therefore, it is obvious that dysregulation of both GABAergic and acknowledge that researchers should focus on transdiagnostic domain-
dopaminergic systems might modulate the development of sensorimotor related processes that correspond better to known neurocircuitry than
abnormalities. do ICD-10 or DSM-5 mental disorders. In line with this, the RDoC
Third, we still do not know whether the use of psychotropic illegal sensorimotor domain should be extended to include psychomotor and
drugs (cannabis, cocaine, amphetamine, etc.) and their signaling path­ psychosensory abnormalities and hence, future studies should consider
ways might contribute to the vulnerability of the sensorimotor system or recruiting patients with a specific domain-related dysfunction or

Fig. 3. Key methods and directions for future neuroscientific and clinical research on sensorimotor abnormalities (Abbreviations: SMA = supplementary motor area;
M1 = primary motor cortex; mPFC = medial prefrontal cortex; BG = basal ganglia; OFC = orbitofrontal cortex; MB = midbrani; Cer = cerebellum).

D. Hirjak et al. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 111 (2021) 110370

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