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Green University of Bangladesh

Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)

Semester: (Spring, Year: 2024), B.Sc. in CSE (Day)

Software Test Environment of ATM


Course Title: Software Testing and Quality Assurance Lab

Course Code: CSE 454
Section: 203 D3
Lab Report 01

Students Details
Name ID
MD. Abu Jafor 203002048

Submission Date: March 2, 2024

Course Teacher’s Name: MR. SUDIP GHOSHAL
Designation: Lecturer
[For teachers use only: Don’t write anything inside this box]

Lab Project Status

Marks: Signature:

Comments: Date:
• Find out the key areas to setup in Test Environment of given project

• Describe the process for setup of Software Test Environment of ATM system

0.2 Objective
• To establish a controlled environment for testing the software of an ATM system.

• to ensure the reliability and security of the ATM software by creating a dedicated
testing environment


0.3.1 The key areas to set up in the test environment of a given

• System and applications: : Ensure that the necessary system components such as
servers, databases, etc. are configured correctly.

• Test data: Prepare and populate the test environment with various datasets to
simulate real-world scenarios.

• Database server: Stores test data replicating the production database structure.

• Front-end running environment: Where the user interacts with the software

• Client operating system settings: Configurations on user machines to ensure com-


• Browser: Software used to access the front-end application

• Hardware: Physical components like servers, network devices, and client ma-

• Server operating system: Software managing the server hardware and resources.

• Network: Infrastructure connecting various devices and facilitating communica-


0.3.2 The process for setting up of software test environment of

ATM System
• Define System Requirements: Analyze and document hardware, software, and
network specifications for the ATM system.

• Hardware Setup: Procure and configure necessary hardware components such as
ATMs, servers, and networking equipment to meet system requirements.

• Software Installation: Install compatible operating systems on ATMs and servers,

along with middleware and drivers required for ATM software functionality.

• ATM Application Installation: Deploy and configure the ATM application on

designated servers, ensuring alignment with test environment requirements.

• Database Configuration: Set up and configure the database server to support the
ATM application, including schema creation and data population.

• Test Data Preparation: Generate and insert diverse test data into the database to
simulate various scenarios, covering different account types, transactions, and
edge cases.

• Network Configuration: Establish communication protocols between ATMs, servers,

and central systems, ensuring seamless data exchange.

• Security Measures: Implement security controls including access controls, en-

cryption, and authentication mechanisms to protect the test environment.

• Front-End Setup: Ensure compatibility of the ATM application with different

ATM types, screen sizes, and input methods.

• Emulation of External Systems: Simulate external systems like banking networks

and payment processors to test end-to-end integration and communication.

• Documentation: Create comprehensive documentation detailing the test environ-

ment setup, configurations, and procedures for future reference.

• Training and Support: Provide training to the testing team on utilizing the test
environment effectively and establish a support system for issue resolution during
• Version Control: Implement version control for the ATM system application
and test data to track changes and facilitate rollback if necessary.

0.4 Conclusion
The process involves creating a controlled environment for testing, developingtest scripts,
executing tests, and reporting results. The ultimate goal is to identify and addres-
sissues before deploying the ATM software in a production environment, ensuring a
safe,efficient, and user-friendly experience for ATM users.

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