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Easy Self-Hypnosis



The Hypno Guy



Welcome to the world of self-hypnosis! Congratulations on taking the first step

towards exploring the incredible power of your mind and unlocking its
potential for positive change. By downloading this self-hypnosis guide, you've
embarked on a journey of self-discovery, relaxation, and personal growth.

Self-hypnosis is a powerful technique that allows you to tap into the innate
abilities of your subconscious mind to create positive changes in your
thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. It's a gentle and natural way to
communicate with your inner self, guiding your mind into a state of deep
relaxation and heightened receptivity to positive suggestions.

Whether you're new to hypnosis or have some experience with it, this guide
will provide you with a step-by-step approach to practicing self-hypnosis
effectively. You'll learn how to induce a state of hypnosis, create your own
hypnotic suggestions, and use techniques to deepen your trance for maximum

As you journey through this guide, you'll discover how self-hypnosis can be a
valuable tool for self-improvement, stress reduction, habit change, and
personal empowerment. It's a versatile technique that can be used in various
areas of your life, from improving your confidence and motivation to
enhancing your performance in sports, academics, or professional pursuits.

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This guide will equip you with practical tips, techniques, and exercises that
you can easily incorporate into your daily routine. It's designed to empower
you to take control of your mind and harness the power of self-hypnosis to
achieve your goals, overcome challenges, and create positive change in your

Remember that self-hypnosis is a skill that requires practice and patience. Be

kind to yourself as you embark on this journey, and allow yourself to explore
and experiment with different techniques to find what works best for you. With
dedication and practice, you'll develop the ability to enter into a state of deep
relaxation and receptivity to positive suggestions, unlocking the limitless
potential of your subconscious mind.

So, get ready to embark on an exciting journey of self-discovery and

transformation with self-hypnosis. Open your mind, relax your body, and let
the power of your subconscious mind guide you towards a more empowered
and fulfilling life. Welcome to the world of self-hypnosis, where the
possibilities are endless!

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About Me
Hello, I'm Jainish Patel, a psychologist and hypnotherapist with over 8 years of
experience in hypnosis. I am passionate about helping individuals achieve
personal growth, positive change, and transformation through the power of the
mind. You can find me on instagram @the.hypno.guy

As a psychologist, I have had the privilege of working with clients from

diverse backgrounds, helping them overcome challenges such as anxiety,
depression, stress, and trauma. I am trained in various therapeutic approaches
and techniques, and I believe in taking a holistic approach to understanding
and addressing the unique needs of each individual.

In addition to my work as a psychologist, I am also a certified hypnotherapist. I

have witnessed the profound impact of hypnosis in helping individuals tap into
the power of their subconscious mind and unlock their inner potential for
positive change. I have successfully used hypnotherapy to help clients with
issues such as habit change, confidence building, performance enhancement,
and personal empowerment.

My approach to therapy and hypnotherapy is client-centered, compassionate,

and evidence-based. I believe in building a strong therapeutic alliance with my
clients, providing a safe and non-judgmental space for them to explore their
thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. I am committed to helping my clients
develop the necessary skills, insights, and resources to overcome their
challenges and achieve their goals.

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Apart from my clinical work, I am also passionate about spreading awareness

and education about psychology, hypnotherapy, and mental health. I have
conducted workshops, seminars, and training programs for individuals, groups,
and organizations, aiming to empower them with knowledge and tools for
mental well-being.

As an author, I am excited to share my expertise and experiences in the field of

psychology and hypnotherapy with a wider audience. I believe in the power of
education and self-empowerment, and my writing reflects my commitment to
providing practical, evidence-based, and empowering information to readers
who are seeking to improve their mental health and well-being.

I am honored to be part of your journey towards self-improvement and positive

change. I hope that my writing will inspire, educate, and empower you to tap
into the incredible potential of your mind and create the life you deserve.
Thank you for joining me on this exciting journey of self-discovery and

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SELF-HYPNOSIS - A Step By Step Guide

"The mind is like a garden, and self-hypnosis is the seed that can plant positive
thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors."

How self-hypnosis works

Everything you think, feel, act and speak is stored in the subconscious.
Amongst these feelings and thoughts are all the negative beliefs you have
about yourself. How you initially feel about a situation largely affects how you
react to a similar situation or emotion in the future. Self-hypnosis is a way of
re-calibrating your emotional responses in order to prevent them from
interfering with your life, by addressing your triggers and helping you learn
from previous situations. We choose our responses and while many won‟t
believe this is true, it‟s entirely in our power to select a response to situations
which trigger us to model anger, fear, resentment and jealousy.

These negative emotions can manifest in undesirable behavior that reflects

poorly on us and can impact our success in all areas of our lives. Getting to the
bottom of them is one self-hypnosis can be your best friend.

Self-hypnosis is a technique that involves inducing a hypnotic state in oneself

for the purpose of achieving various goals, such as relaxation, self-
improvement, or behavior change. It is a form of self-directed hypnosis where
you guide yourself into a state of deep relaxation and heightened suggestibility

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to access your subconscious mind and make positive changes.

Self-hypnosis typically involves using relaxation techniques, deep breathing,

and visualization to enter a trance-like state, similar to the state achieved
during hypnosis with the help of a trained hypnotist. Once in a hypnotic state,
you can use positive suggestions or affirmations to communicate with your
subconscious mind and reinforce desired behaviors or beliefs.

Self-hypnosis can be a powerful tool for personal growth, self-improvement,

and behavior modification. It can be used to manage stress, improve sleep,
boost self-confidence, enhance creativity, overcome fears and phobias, and
even support physical healing. It is a flexible and adaptable technique that can
be practiced in the privacy of your own home, at your own pace, and tailored
to your specific needs and goals.

As with any technique involving the mind and body, self-hypnosis should
be practiced safely and responsibly. It is not recommended for individuals
with certain medical conditions, such as epilepsy or severe mental health
issues, without consulting with a qualified healthcare professional. It's also
important to remember that self-hypnosis is a complementary technique
and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical or mental
health care when needed.
A classical self-hypnosis session has three parts. These parts should be
pursued in the order described, if the session is to be effective. As with any
procedure, it is better to familiarize yourself with these stages before
attempting the actual process. The first stage involves preparation for a self-
hypnosis session, while the second stage is about the actual hypnosis. Finally,
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the third part is about precautions to be taken and how to end a session.

Steps involved in practicing Self-Hypnosis

1. Preparation: Find a quiet and comfortable space where you won't be disturbed.
Sit or lie down in a relaxed position. Set a clear intention for what you want to
achieve with self-hypnosis, such as relaxation, stress reduction, or behavior

2. Relaxation: Begin by using relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or

progressive muscle relaxation, to calm your body and mind. You can inhale
deeply and exhale slowly, releasing any tension as you breathe out. You can
also focus on relaxing different muscle groups in your body, starting from your
toes and working your way up to your head.

3. Induction: Once you feel relaxed, you can start the process of inducing a
hypnotic state. You can use visualization, such as imagining yourself in a
peaceful place, or repeat a mantra or affirmation to help guide yourself into a
state of heightened suggestibility.

4. Deepening: Deepen your hypnotic state by further relaxing your body and
mind. You can count down from 10 to 1, imagining yourself sinking deeper
into relaxation with each count, or use other techniques like visualizing
descending a staircase or going down an elevator.

5. Suggestion: While in the hypnotic state, you can give yourself positive

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suggestions or affirmations related to your goal. For example, if you're

working on self-confidence, you can repeat affirmations like "I am confident
and capable" or "I believe in myself" in your mind. It's important to use
positive and present-tense language as if the desired change has already

6. Visualization: Use the power of your imagination to vividly visualize yourself

achieving your goal. See yourself succeeding, feeling confident, or behaving in
the desired way. Engage all your senses to make the visualization more vivid
and impactful.

7. Emerging: When you're ready to end the self-hypnosis session, you can slowly
bring yourself back to full awareness. You can count up from 1 to 5, telling
yourself that you will become more alert and awake with each count. Take
your time and allow yourself to fully return to the present moment.

It's important to practice self-hypnosis regularly to build your skills and

achieve the best results. With consistent practice and a clear intention,
self-hypnosis can be a powerful tool for personal growth, self-
improvement, and behavior change. Remember to always practice self-
hypnosis safely and responsibly, and consult with a qualified healthcare
professional if you have any concerns or medical conditions.

Step 1 - Preparation

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The start of a session should be simple. This will ensure you don‟t deviate
from your intentions concerning the hoped for outcome of pursuing self-
hypnosis. A complicated start will only make things confusing and you may
get in your own way by wasting time on an unproductive session. The
preparation for a self- hypnosis session involves several factors which should
be addressed before the second stage can be started. Let‟s have a look at these
factors in detail.


Self-hypnosis is usually performed inside a closed room. The place you

choose is important, because it sets the tone. The kind of environment you‟re
in just before inducing self-hypnosis will have an effect on your thoughts.
You should be alone in the room and it should be in a place with minimal
noise and little possibility of disruption. People talking or even walking
around can be disturbing to a hypnosis session. Ensure that the room is
comfortable; not too cold or too hot. It is also shown that softer lighting is
helpful and makes for an effective self-hypnosis environment.


As mentioned earlier, the temperature in the room is crucial. A very hot

room will make you sweat and you‟ll feel uncomfortable. Besides this, there is
also the chance of you becoming dehydrated because of excessive sweating.

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A cold room, on the other hand, will affect the blood flow in your body
and might distract you from the hypnosis session. So it‟s better to choose a
comfortable temperature that is neither too hot nor too cold. If you plan on
being seated for a long period of time during the session, this factor is very


Avoid tight-fitting clothing. It can distract you from the session, because it can
become uncomfortable when seated for long periods. Loose, simple clothes are
preferred. Sweats or loose shorts are the ideal clothes to wear for a self-
hypnosis session.


The biggest threat to a self-hypnosis session is disturbance and distraction from

outside sources. Before starting a session, make sure all phones are off, doors
are locked, windows closed and alarm clocks turned off.

If possible, even tell the people who live with you to be extremely quiet or
choose a time when they are not around or will not disturb you. Never start a
session if you expect to get an important call. Finish the call and all other work
before starting the session. This session is for you. Nobody else should be
allowed to disturb it.


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Posture is also an important aspect of hypnosis. How you sit is just as

important as where you sit. Choose your favorite chair or the most comfortable
chair in the room for your session. Ensure you sit straight, with legs and arms
uncrossed and relaxed. Slouching or leaning to the side is not an ideal
position, mainly because it could affect your back due to the duration of the

****An agenda****

Always have an agenda for a session. Never start a session with the thought
that you will just „wing‟ it. Self-hypnosis is a methodical procedure.

This means you need to have a plan of action before you start. The agenda
can be as small as you like. For some people, it could be a relaxation method.
For others, it could be to deal with an emotional situation, or other challenge.
Unless you decide on a particular agenda to work on, your mind won‟t be able
to fully focus. Why are you doing this? Answer the question fully and then
decide who you intend to respond to the reason for pursuing a self-hypnosis

Here are some possible objectives for a self-hypnosis session:

 Getting rid of bad habits! Whether that‟s excessive drinking, a drug habit, or
overeating, hypnosis can be successfully used to help rid yourself of these

 An increase in brain function is a common reason for people to start using self-

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hypnosis as a life practice. The brain is an organ that can be trained to

perform as you want it to. If you train it to think quickly and logically, it will.
Self- hypnosis can help you gain control over the way your brain processes and
retains information.

 Mental peace is something everybody craves in today‟s world. Most people

have such busy lives they rarely find peace. Self-hypnosis allows them to
achieve a state of peace. As with meditation, the effects of self-hypnosis walk
with practitioners even when not in mid-session.

The first stage of self-hypnosis is about preparing yourself physically and

mentally. This stage is of utmost importance. Take the time to ensure that
you‟ve taken steps to create the right conditions for successful self-hypnosis,
by addressing the facets listed above. Every strong structure needs a strong
foundation. This first stage is the foundation of a well-structured self-hypnosis
session. Now that we‟ve set the scene and made sure we‟re comfortable, in
a quiet setting where we‟ve reduced the likelihood of being disturbed, or
disrupted, let‟s talk about the self-hypnosis session, itself.

Step 2 and 3 – Relaxation and Induction

This stage of the session deals with the actual beginning of self-hypnosis
and how important it is that induction is achieved slowly and deliberately. An
abrupt introduction to the session can prevent its ultimate success, so it‟s of
paramount importance that you take special note of the following information.

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Some ways to achieve relaxation are as follows;

1. Close your eyes

Closing your eyes has a calming effect and tends to slow the world around you
down. Closing your eyes is symbolic of shutting out the world, because our
eyes are what we use to see and connect with it, before any other sense.
Closing your eyes helps to reduce the visual distractions presented by your
physical setting. Nearly 50% of distractions can be eliminated just by
closing your eyes. This also helps you reduce light inflow.

2 . Shutting down your thoughts

This is the most crucial part of the session. When you start a session, it is
essential that you don‟t allow any stray thoughts to throw you off the intended
course of your self-hypnosis session. They pose a distraction that will cause
you to wander from the purpose of the session. However, it isn‟t easy to keep
the mind completely clear of thoughts. When you first start self-hypnosis,
you‟ll find half a dozen thoughts just waltzing in and out of your mind.
What‟s for dinner? Did I leave the iron plugged in? Don‟t be disheartened.
It takes practice to completely eradicate competing thoughts.

Keep practicing and you will eventually master the tendency to stray from your
purpose. Once you have successfully removed all stray thoughts, you can move
on to the next step in your session.

The most effective way to manage stray thoughts you‟re unable to remove
from your consciousness is to cast yourself as a passive observer, or
uninvolved onlooker, rather than a participant. Be aware of your thoughts,
but don‟t attach any value or significance to them.
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They‟re just your mind working, as it always does. Basically, you need to
stand by and watch the thoughts flow, rather than mentally comment or
otherwise react to them, or become annoyed by them. For example, if your
favorite food is the thought flowing through your mind, just let it go. Don't
let it affect you.
Also, eat before a session to prevent thoughts of food from crossing your mind.
It‟s also advisable to drink enough water to be properly hydrated, but not
enough to need to break off a session to visit the washroom. .

3. Identify tension spots

Your body holds tension in various places which need to be relaxed before
you start yourself-hypnosis process. Identify each of these spots on your body.
To do this, you need to feel the different tensions in each body part separately.
Start from your toes and move upwards slowly, towards your head. Focus on
each part keenly, until you feel the tension going away.

Visualizing the tension leaving your body is a good way to relax. Imagining
the path it follows, as it leaves, will help you connect to the tension and release
it. The release of tension should be slow and not rushed, as hurrying defeats
the purpose of the exercise.

4. Breathing

The way you breathe is an integral part of a self-hypnosis session.

Breathing can help you slow down and relax, so that you can start your session

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in a frame of mind conducive to the process. (Slow, deep breathing is also

beneficial to your health, as a side note).

As you breathe, your lungs expand (inhalation) and contract (exhalation).

Be aware of these movements. Visualize the breath flowing into and out of
your lungs. This slow breathing will help your mind to slow down and focus.
As you inhale, you can visualize positive energy entering your body.

As you exhale, you can visualize the negative energy being released with the
exhaled breath. You can use your imagination to visualize the energy entering
and leaving your body, picturing it as a substance and providing inhalations
and exhalations with their own colors, to reflect their respective qualities as
either positive or negative.

Any device you choose to use in order to better visualize as an accompaniment

to deep, mindful breathing, is yours and yours alone, so choose something that
works for you.

5. Imagination

Hypnosis relies on your imagination in order to get to you to a place in

which your mind is relaxed and focused. Now that your imagination is
flowing, it‟s time for you to let go completely. Try to imagine that you are at the top of
your favorite mountain and there is nothing below you. Now imagine that you have
the gift of flying, but haven‟t used it before. Take a few steps toward the edge and
then just let go. Imagine yourself falling down and as you fall, feel yourself gliding and
eventually, flying. This is the start of your freedom from the mental exhaustions of life.
Make your imagination as vivid as possible. The more detailed it is, the easier it will be
for your mind to believe it.

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Step 4- Deepening your trance

Now that you have taken the leap of faith, it is time for you to delve more
deeply into your mind. Goal is to go deeper in relaxation and in the mind. Use
any of the below two or both to go deeper.

 Imagery and Visualization: Use vivid imagery and visualization to deepen

your state of self-hypnosis. You can imagine yourself descending a staircase or
an elevator, with each step or floor taking you deeper into a state of relaxation
and trance. Alternatively, you can visualize yourself floating on a cloud,
drifting deeper into a peaceful state of mind.

 Counting Down: Counting down from a higher number to a lower number can
also be an effective deepening technique. For example, you can start by
counting down from 10 to 1, telling yourself that with each count, you are
entering into a deeper state of hypnosis. As you count down, allow yourself to
let go of any tension or resistance, and sink deeper into a relaxed state.

Step 5 and 6- Suggestions and Visualization

This is the stage of self-hypnosis where you actually start working towards
your goal. Pick a statement that leads you toward your goal for the session. For
example, if your goal is greater success at work, then your statement could be
something like “Need to think outside the box”. Or “I must perform better at
work”. Keep the statements simple and definitive. Don‟t let them sound like a

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question, like, “Should I perform better?” or “Maybe I should perform better”.

Statements/questions like these give your mind the freedom to wander away
from your focus, throwing your goal into question. Even the way you say it can
make a difference. If your statement is firm and unequivocal, then your
mind will accept it as fact.

Once you reach the point at which you feel that you are floating, try saying the
statement in a loop for a minute or two. Repeat the sentence slowly 5 times a
minute, with gaps between each repetition.

Create a mental image: Once you start repeating your statments, start creating a
mental image of the desired outcome or goal. Use your imagination to make
the image as vivid and detailed as possible. Engage all your senses - sight,
sound, smell, taste, and touch - to make the mental image as realistic as you
can. For example, if your goal is to quit smoking, visualize yourself in a
situation where you would normally smoke, such as after a meal, and imagine
yourself feeling repulsed by the cigarette smoke and effortlessly resisting the
urge to smoke.

Make it emotional: Emotion is a powerful driver of human behavior, and

incorporating emotion into your visualizations can make them more
potent. Try to evoke positive emotions, such as joy, excitement, or relief, as
you visualize yourself achieving your desired outcome. Emotionally
charged visualizations can help to create a stronger imprint in the
subconscious mind and reinforce the positive changes you want to make.

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Repeat and reinforce: Repeat the visualization several times during your self-
hypnosis session to reinforce the desired outcome in your subconscious mind.
Each time you repeat the visualization, try to make it even more vivid and
emotionally charged. You can also use affirmations or positive self-talk during
the visualization to further reinforce the positive changes.

Step 7- Emerging

Emerging from a state of self-hypnosis is an important step to ensure a smooth

transition back to your normal state of consciousness. Just as inducing
relaxation and entering into a hypnotic state require specific techniques, so
does emerging from self-hypnosis.

Follow these steps to smoothly and safely end your self-hypnosis session:

 Gradually return to full awareness: Start by gently counting from one to five in
your mind, telling yourself that you are becoming more alert and awake with
each count. Take your time to slowly bring your focus back to your physical
surroundings and become fully aware of your body and the environment
around you.

 Take deep breaths: As you count and become more alert, take a few deep
breaths to oxygenate your body and re-energize yourself. Breathing deeply can

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also help you ground yourself and feel more present in the moment.

 Stretch and move: After emerging from self-hypnosis, it's a good idea to
stretch your body and move gently to help awaken your muscles and bring
yourself fully back into your physical body. You can slowly wiggle your
fingers and toes, roll your shoulders, and stretch your neck, arms, and legs.

 Reflect on the experience: Take a few moments to reflect on your self-hypnosis

session. Notice any sensations, thoughts, or emotions that arose during the
session. Reflect on any insights or changes you may have experienced, and
acknowledge and appreciate yourself for taking the time to engage in self-
hypnosis for your personal growth and well-being.

 Ground yourself: Grounding is an important step to ensure that you feel

centered and balanced after self-hypnosis. You can do this by connecting with
your physical senses and the present moment. For example, you can touch
objects around you, listen to sounds in your environment, and pay attention to
the sensations in your body. This helps you feel anchored in the present
moment and fully present in your daily activities.

 Maintain positive suggestions: As you emerge from self-hypnosis, it's

important to continue to reinforce any positive suggestions or affirmations that
you may have used during the session. Repeat them in your mind or say them
out loud to yourself as a way of further reinforcing the positive changes you
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want to make in your life.

 Practice self-care: Lastly, remember to take care of yourself after a self-

hypnosis session. Drink water, eat a healthy snack, and engage in activities that
help you relax and integrate the experience, such as journaling, meditating, or
going for a gentle walk. Self-care after self-hypnosis helps to ensure that you
continue to nurture yourself and support the positive changes that you have
initiated during the session.

By following these steps, you can effectively and safely emerge from self-
hypnosis, feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to continue with your day.

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Closing remarks

As we come to the end of this self-hypnosis guide, I hope that you have found
it informative and empowering. Self-hypnosis is a valuable skill that can be
harnessed for personal growth, self-improvement, and positive change. By
learning and practicing the techniques of self-hypnosis, you have taken a
powerful step towards tapping into the potential of your own mind and
unlocking the power of your subconscious.

Remember that self-hypnosis is a skill that requires practice and patience. It

may take time to master the techniques and experience the full benefits. Be
kind to yourself and allow yourself the space and time to explore the depths of
your subconscious mind and uncover the limitless possibilities within you.

As you continue your self-hypnosis practice, remember to always prioritize

your safety and well-being. If you have any underlying medical or
psychological conditions, it's important to consult with a qualified healthcare
professional before engaging in self-hypnosis.

I encourage you to continue your self-hypnosis journey with curiosity,

openness, and a willingness to embrace positive change. Remember that you
have the power to transform your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and behaviors
through the practice of self-hypnosis. As you integrate self-hypnosis into your
daily life, you may begin to notice positive shifts in your mindset, behavior
patterns, and overall well-being.

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I wish you success on your self-hypnosis journey and hope that it serves as a
valuable tool for your personal growth and self-improvement. You have the
power within you to create the life you desire, and self-hypnosis can be a
powerful ally on that path.

Thank you for embarking on this self-hypnosis journey with me. I wish you all
the best in your continued practice of self-hypnosis and the positive changes it
can bring into your life. Will be back with more useful resources soon,

With warmest regards,

The Hypno Guy

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