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What are the best

on being the best

you can be?

Your biggest competition is yourself, you need to drive yourself
to be the best EVERY single training critical, ask
yourself.. What can I do better, even after doing something
well! These are the goalkeepers and people that succeed in
the position!

Work hard on becoming very quick around the goal, make
sure you are doing the agility drills to the best of your ability.
Goalkeeping has become a very physical position too in this
day and age.

Whether it’s dealing with bigger crowds, or when you’re
younger, staying awake to what is going on.. Make sure you
stay concentrated throughout sessions to give yourself the
best chance to be concentrated in games, you can use
methods like “Self Talk”, which is literally that, talking and
reminding yourself to be switched on!
Be assertive all the time, your team needs you to lead them..
You can see the whole pitch, imagine a scout comes to watch
a game, neither goalkeeper is busy at all, what do they judge
on? How loud you are, how much presence you have!

Don’t rush, in training or games.. If the attackers are close,
don’t guess.. stand up and react.. Trust your instincts. If the
attackers have time on the edge of the box, have patience...
you have more time than you think to deal with the ball
coming. Also have patience in yourself climbing up the ladder,
it takes time!

Be a true leader on the pitch, vocal. You have one of the best
views on the pitch and it gives you the opportunity to be the
eyes and ears of your defenders. Enjoy this side of the game, if
you do, it will in turn keep you more focussed!
All of this gets taught in our sessions, these attributes are vital
if you want to see where your goalkeeping can take you and I
hope this inspires you to become the best version of yourself
that you can!

To get a head start and come along for a free session to see
what all the fuss is about, visit our Facebook Page at
“Chris Haigh Goalkeeping”

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