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BS cizoh ea coved (Ye WY ACL a elon a Peeriech cures. tint esa sere” Michers Betton eee ane acai cent Caaanin En Meceetaarl 4 Romer Mate oleRe has sToR a roles ig * ae ald qe ia) i et fallout, these ims onfthelapel) society have en i Petaacat) aires mole Sagi) diel ler vce el Male acey aS GHat WeCeRaten mele foresees eee Welter TVS ICO meieeat tol aiaecic.' “Stale Patri ies ces Sune ero discourse and cea sanew ens acs Content eet josyecaad om Ie NCR Couk1, Spe clue Rtaca age Lijabaan|shopping efintre-and § porthuis @&ntrum- Cede Geese: es A cuMgr alls keine tose cco a ters ‘Work through texts and Englisimtrapstations, a ‘documentatign from the archiv@s./Mhis material is p ime te Wyo eel uo Ue oS Lt Role(s ee Sol aol sc lun ola acs Aerts te) cole Compiled and edited by Dirk finden Heuvel, aa Cecio sc acrtemectial 1 Laeaciiease (Cue Men ite Pe Tweet guar UMP o aE Lint RP ala getup Y CaauCUNa timed \peae tln okey c Cte Vato Cit lela U2 Vas ele aussi tarde ge eT eT Rec tab Graphic design by Jaap vanTri¢st. Pee sgen of UFe be ¥ oy deh ea (ees oe Sict effes at 2 Lrdteumanphotorapls Patterns of use 4 Gan Boner Preface (bin vnconbee! The elusive bigness of Bakema Amanwithamission 2s ".vinineBowr Total space and the opensociety 18 hupaitensimuginlicore Towards an architecture of society = 5%) Research projects for C1AM © up itemanenleser Post Box for the development of the Habitat». 1 hapfalons The humane core acivie centre for St.Louis 1»: 2 Hauptstadt Berlin competition = 8 cuouHem Architecture and cold war_ the case of the Hauptstadt Berlin competition 1987-58, "wo Skopje reconstruction competition 1: 101 TelAviv-Jaffa town planning competition {ot Pampus, Amsterdam ss 114 jpBaanaslevsonlacurs From chair to city -astory about people and space 1%: 12 nunca mene fore Am ideatist 125. unen mune Hnaboge Ione word: Emery Building social relations 100 AoldReipdom The aspirations of an open society, then andnow “44 Construction supervisor'soffice, Rotterdam {80 Social-cultural centre Zuidplein, Rotterdam : 456 Lantaarn'tVenster, Rotterdam’ ie Lijnbaan shopping centre, Rotterdam irx:s=1 9) 170 juptsems Relationship between men and things 1: 17) Housing 't Hool, Eindhoven 1 to Tower block Hansaviertel, Berlin 406 Town hall, M: 192 upasten The free form 1s Reformed church, Nagele 9: ‘empty polders and stark detail Shopping centre and housing, Bergen «1 ‘Town hall, Terneuzen * jon for Expo'70, Osaka 24 ontSiphe: Communication mach 1 humarui cleats Working with against Bakema, 234 aru onions Inside the office Growth and change stan Architecture and democracy_contestations in and ofthe open society ts Liinbaan shopping contre, Rotterdam so 0 2s Gityplan, Eindhoven. kr Mammeimannsberg, Hamburg 374 Siemens research centreand offices, Munich Perlach © of total urbanization (64 points) v7 ah Tanthof, Del 280 Growing houses, Wulfen and Eindhoven 1 2 Sporthuis Centrum holiday resorts 290 erior ut pohbaen The lure of bigness ot rior a Sobmens Father figure 24 128,238 30 jonanes Sehr photopaphe Vertleals and horizontals. 405 Biographical notes 19 Bibliography bia Index industries Het Nieuwe ecalpsoune redo rotor tarchecars ond Urano Tethered pein, Rolland Pron 2 pen ientakamastedyerre a Intbngref cron Conia eae Sateen ony Bere our Boome Melero, La ese Fol Urea rata aetna eine iE Rareesionterhocc eres, Gentgetn gets fiechetieedttonattarancae Hetnmnd anata iieenocesertatatn Settee fen era ag aor rk den Hew sinker sie foi raf Out nog eg dpi esi a nin “sion: Roby. Deg Dae het den Books. Amstern tubing fn open 8), (©2018 The authors and Archi Amstrd impantbemtatsaon) inves ‘rk conden ten an acs prfeor t Gatien celsccntafie suse Butter Sderot eng ery bard aa uty ae (He Alea raso ar Cs ‘punto wad pon i ater SSaeeacia Bublender sets Pa pute rcp ofc Pasa aaaeepenet ies ease é Sores ‘rn aise Amano SEE item cece Et =, BUG iitte hardin oe Caer cagets Armee Hewat rf Siureledeesieet Sper too re sue wrap Ip antes pcg ahi topcoat an Sitiverapitetypouate He compte a ‘ont Saibne tar Sten Crouwel pane wns topes nh re, Be sae tantra = Bede ar rte tree Headband ‘pew Heelan ae eo laeme Ca timamgepieacr mere Rare SSLIEETR hema. Oundn (Gree (Gabe tear fe or oer oman ‘sof lcnife ensr so ‘ngs tnd Seong arin Hepat er” aac Seer Socueaan nn eee Zale eeawsner seebree cs matebran ‘Ge i enaengeneee Uae ice ase ce SER NEE Serene om ogni aoe ESS pemrtrmeorae From chair to city-astory about people and space ‘Bakara became a ncinal igure when he presented his ideas on architecture And planning ina series of elevision broadeasts entitled From chal toc In 962 when ce sores stared, there was jist one channel avaliable Brondeaes were black-and-white and were during ening only Standing in ron of Blackboard witha pice of chalk ins and aema talked othe ation and ‘xplained his ideas on architecture and planning in 964 hese sevsion elk, trerepublihed in booklet of about ‘eo pags. Yon tou tt sad con ehaal ter menten en nt, edited by Nis daughcer Bria. The book retold is story ‘rough am since compton of Shore statements,many of is sketches Sd potogrphs af eed projects Jaap and Brita Bakema worked together ‘n'a English edition a the Book, which ‘was never published bt whichis Kept inthe archive of Het Nieuwe Inset Baler wanted an alernatie te fr eis Kecordng to Bria her father ee hac the Characteristic Tem 10 cer of doorstep beter sited his argument for an architecture based on the interrelations he pate and inmate indi ‘ealm wich the public dimensions of the bigmodern city The diferenc in word ‘hole was alse bared onthe difrence Setmeen the oo angoage Bakers ‘considered the alteration ofthe Dutch swordsstoe! ands sppeaing to larger audience beyond te architectural profession, “The public urban space and the private (arehteceral) space communicate with fone another by means of transitional Semen, which are discernible i he bualding programme of evry big bung Meeting places emerge connection wi the if hat has evolved with machines nd people. Larger in eae than was the Caen a medieval cy. bute could be ‘varied Buildings could make friends gin inthe same way that happens with people vi one another’ children or pet Buildings ike people, can have faces, {ull ofexpresion our what eset piace there Architecture could once again fan expression of human behaviour, between private and publi space not nial buts realty that occurs because people, faced with decisions, fen Eddeniy dacover tha ice the only ay, Inincreasingly dense NewYork ths gov Fise to the Lever House where a the f ‘ofthe main buldinga patio was erented ‘whereby the space between Park Avenue tnd the Lever House became once mo !namiable encounter The Netherlands ‘hould beware of importing an obsolete ‘Americanism Ice better to see hows ‘the counery where high-rise was born, thare appears tobe reappraisal of Drinciplos that are once more related to human fesling, which ean searealy be formulated in committee reports and analyses, but can indeed be artclated ‘with architecture s0-st Juse ae buldings ‘coud shake hands With one anoter again soto speak {Lo too withthe two sides ofa street (Originally. the old ey corre, the "reet wa the pace where people {elt free to move many drecton, But when, due o mechanzatio tad to accommodate creat wall, the sidewalks on either side ofthe street were separated from one other Now the notion of being able to be fageher Inthe space ofthe tree is raking return Architecture can Be Used co make it clear thatthe space of the streets a place where de pedestria ‘an move around rely. She on de! tp fe Upton nd Spo ena ae Ds poe (enna) rnin de ne cnc i Sai ph feaneemcrt cco nu wet ding mane vn mene nee {ingest svat oon pase aga woah Se WLLL SS Ig ta erent! eg oi a ett oe - Raeraraaee et a ae 102 sass What will the architecture of fan open society be tke? Sorel lease such tae the forms we bail will make clear that every individual asa right toa declaration of fe hat suis them? wap nd eh of apne cen one ‘some eae en Foaling at home" in the space cll for Confiquations were tat need has been {akon into consideration inthe design [As wellas a receptiveness to change, thore ie alo's need to understand the nature of relationships withthe Configuration eled ety or region. ‘The trantons fom the immedi surroundings of tbe, chair and Bed to those with motorway or shopping centre tn ge ise to diversity without that necessary leading co abtraring Darehieceur and town planing are an Indieation of how we lve together 38 our storia cown centres ones made clear. Stes of YH oa Emde Sr ees Sh oes re 1 | seep e tops ‘Scena ee bcm el vet ane SS sateen tm cor | 103 402-103 ‘Thus nthe cate of» church forecourt was created, which forms the transition from the space ofthe vilage co the p3c8 ‘of che biling in which people come together, Perhaps the space also for tomporary protection fram the wind ofthe pole sheltered environment thas both of bulding and ofthe vilage- And once Inside, one looks out ofthe walled spice ‘towards che space ofthe ville Sts Mepe 2s pata peoien n e ea o Soon ecu cones recom ‘etewrrasrs poem ent arora t Secaaun sic tous roses a bona Sew ‘nous west momen shaw sina ch son el 118 ‘Sulu en wergebovmen Ek gboum met meena pre Segrouneno aus nun was omits pon ‘Sou op con ltnd vrislon aver fun perpen Osionbean nero glter pmo tra nba er Pap aseeeeee estes Seagal o i 120-129 Big trafic circles around which the tafe moves. are rato bocome even bgger.the Contra area eannat be intended foley for grazing goa. ‘his contre could be che hear of urban dscriete with administrative caeural tnd ark buildings Each bing with [cs contre and peripheral (cranstonl tlements, which merge in such away {thatthe transitional elemencs make clear ‘where the centres are andthe centres {ra distance alk about thelr periphery. ‘Around tha again the core-wal buldngs ‘hac tlk about the wae, but atthe ime time about protection aguinst about boing safe inside chovebuldings through {fen openings one can atthe se tine fee all ind of trafic, 10-119 “Thus there are many places n buildings and ces which serve to fll explicit greemencs but che les explicit things, ‘which should also be given ther de, {re sometimes more imporeant. They maybe things the in the lst instance {re more about fe and death than we fre able eo indicat in reports Ande isimporeane co realize cis nan ag6 that giver grater credence to reports tnd analyses than to unreportable Felatonship, The man water ly encounter was Spd nsucha way hate was eo Inara decide what was Important water {rnd-or he relations Between tem cee cepacia itt ane Te netons that curren concern ‘muta Telatonships only ‘become reality throug arcectere and town paning Input decsons based on mane Ilan rerpect or he otal pace Inweh bev The experience of it {oul space decermined bythe spec tina finda Tere wil be tv tthe diversi of pal experence wibaye bean mporean par of our Nani ad te more tae buldings bier opportune for tat the more War exence ‘The interior ofthe ety of Rotardam scquired a threshold co the source of its existencethe river This threshold became a meeting Pace through the sting of Zadkine' sculptural representation of erie even affecting the city (destruction feom the ar with machines In 940) and also through the creation of ‘eps pavng, anda fee lower beds and plots of grass with eres. The way thie (ccurred meane chat many people became ware on this spot of fe and death- defining circumstances. The river clyy ‘elationship became through architecture town planning place where people ‘counter one another and perhapa fel pare of things that define total life “The cey thus like a house with contre and rooms and corridors And the various reas are in tar recogizablo, cag Visble and audible, Shh of nln and ma pa Sere rey a ome coe Meena ne a (ged iso eter mee ie

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