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1.What is a stimulus that precedes any behavior observed from a learner?

a. Relation
b. Actuation
c. Antecedent
d. Consequence

2.The evidence that Assyrians encouraged education can be seen in

a. The 15 beautifully decorated gates
b. The building of a library containing thousands of clay tablets
c. The uncovering of a clay tablet that tells the story of creation and the flood as it is told in
the Bible
d. The presence of Assyrian art

3.Afghanistan is the only country in the world to put a ban on girls' access to education. What
kind of discrimination exists in this situation?

a. Gender discrimination
b. Class discrimination
c. Racial discrimination
d. Political discrimination

4.What is placed in the bottom of Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience?

a. Demonstration
b. Pictures
c. Text
d. Direct Purposeful experience

5.It is viewed that the Kasaysayan ng Pilipinas as a component of Araling Panlipunan deals
with facts and information about the past. How can the teacher successfully reconcile this
view with the principle of teaching the discipline more meaningfully toward concept mastery?
a. Make a quiz to assess student learning and familiarity on facts and information.
b. Prepare games to enjoy recalling and remembering facts and information.
c. Conduct drills and exercises to master the facts and information given.
d. Connect the facts and information to relevant life experiences of learners.

6.From where did the famous Pandanggo sa Ilaw dance originate?

a. Ilocos
b. Mindoro
c. Panay
d. Quezon

7.What is the systematic explanation of observations on social manifestation patterns of social

a. Opinion
b. Belief
c. Theory
d. Truth
8.Maps have several advantages over the globe but this is NOT one of them.
a. They can be folded, carried, and stored.
b. They give true picture of one or two features of the Earth.
c. They are found with true scales.
d. They can show details of the earth’s surface.
9.When a student tries to monitor and assess the steps and the processes he/she used to
interpret a historical map in a world history class, he/she is using some
a. Affective learning strategies
b. Socio-emotional learning strategies
c. Cognitive learning strategies
d. Metacognitive strategies
10.It analyzes the ethical virtue in the philanthropic program of the Development Bank of the
a. Case study
b. Panel study
c. Trend study
d. Cohort study
11.This replaced the tribute as a form of taxation in the Hispanic Philippine colony in 1884.
a. Donativo
b. Santotum
c. Diezmos prediales
d. Cedula personal

12.Under the principle of separation of church and state, the following are allowed but NOT
to include
a. Tax exemption
b. Some holidays as legal holidays
c. Belief or non-belief in religion
d. An official religion

13.It is a religious monarchy and state observer in the United Nations

a. Kingdom
b. Holy See
c. Caliphate
d. Holy Faith
14.The fact that official development aid from the international aid organizations worldwide
and from 18% in 1979 to only 3.5% by 2004 (FAO Report) shows that this industry lost its
a. Technology
b. Agriculture
c. Science
d. Education
15.On the sociology of knowledge, which consists of accumulated facts about the world along
its biological and physical aspects?
a. Prenatural knowledge
b. Technological knowledge
c. Supernatural knowledge
d. Natural knowledge
16.It is a deliberate deception made by advertisers who say “Everybody used Gugo skin
whitener and so you should do the same.”
a. Circular thinking
b. Personal attack
c. Falsehood or Big Lie
d. Bandwagon
17.Culture is related to ________ as it shapes man’s understanding of reality?
a. Physiology
b. Law
c. Zoology
d. Psychology
18.What characterizes logical reasoning in thought process?
a. Clarity
b. Morality
c. Speed
d. Reasonable

19.What is the most shared way of the psyche or inner national consciousness in the elements
that make up a society?
a. Unity in culture
b. Shared geographical territory
c. Shared identity
d. Common way of life
20.On the stages of pre-operational thought, what refers to the child’s inability to see a
situation from another person’s point of view?
a. Egocentrism
b. Animism
c. Centration
d. IrreversibilityANIMISM
21.What do we call those people who are for the revival of classics in social trends?
a. Reformists
b. Humanists
c. Existentialists
d. Rationalists
22.Rice granary, vegetable basket, sugar capital, and tobacco capital are some ways by which
the regions of the Philippines are known. To which of the following factors can
this be attributed?
a. The population’s primary means of livelihood in the region.
b. The topographic features that characterized the region.
c. The region’s agricultural produce.
d. The role and significance the region had in the history of the country.

23.In which part of the Philippines is Taiwan visible in a clear day?

a. Hundred islands
b. Camiguin
c. Tacloban
d. Batanes
24.Which best describes social science research as a scientific inquiry?
a. It comes from authority.
b. It follows common sense.
c. It relies on tradition.
d. It is fact-based.
25.In his Araling Panlipunan class, Teacher Emma assigned dramatization as a task for a
historical event. To which multiple intelligences group does this cater
a. Spatial
b. Musical
c. Intrapersonal
d. Bodily-kinesthetic

26.How do we call the general knowledge that we have on the general use of computers, such
as in encoding?
a. Computer expertise
b. Computer excellence
c. Computer competency
d. Computer literacy

27.To what kind of learners do the class of Mrs. Santiago belong to if they like the use of
pictures, diagrams, illustrated books, flip charts, and videos?
a. Music learners
b. Kinesthetic learners
c. Visual learners
d. Tactile learners
28.For which are the state policies on “equal access to opportunities for public service and
prohibition of political dynasties” and “strengthening the merit and rewards system”
a. To increase labor protection and social security.
b. To put men and women on equal footing.
c. To uphold the quality of public service.
d. To build an egalitarian society.
29.He was the Greek scholar and librarian who introduced the word geography.
a. Aristotle
b. Erastosthenes
c. Homer
d. Humboldt
30.In rearing the youth for civic efficiency and development or moral character, the
constitution states that it shall receive the support from the
a. Civic groups
b. Government
c. Church
d. NGOs

What does development economics emphasize?

a. Development of domestic and international policies toward
financial stability.
b. Transition of economy’s structure toward growth and progress.
c. Making the economy be renowned through new branding
d. None of the aboveQuestion 32
What is NOT a facet of foreign cultural acculturation by
Music – Jazz
Folkways – hospitality
Politics – democracy
Cuisine – Italian foodQuestion 33
In the study of social institutions, which issues are related
to churches, creeds, and norms?
Social control
KinshipQuestion 34
If you use “lived experiences” as facts on which to base your
research findings, which research approach is most
Case study
Phenomenology as an approach
Metalinguistic analysis
Survey research
- single case
- language and cultureQuestion 35
Which is a human right rather than a civil right according to
the Philippine Constitution?
Right to assembly
Right to life
Right to property
Freedom of speechQuestion 36
To what does Economics refer to on matters of moral
behavior in business?
PhilosophyQuestion 37
A research study on sex values in the Philippines pointed out that the Filipino
family puts too much stress on boy’s masculinity. They are given more
freedom but lesser responsibilities which is entirely opposite with that of
girls who are given less freedom but more responsibilities. What theme can
be extracted from the given finding?
Artificial separation
Parental regulation
DiscriminationQuestion 38
In the context of Outcome-based Teaching-Learning,
which are the bases of evaluation?
a. Learning content
b. Learning resources
c. Learning outcomes
d. Instructional strategiesQuestion 39
Who declared that “all life comes from life” while
discovering the idea of spontaneous generation of life from
inert matter?
Madame Curie
PasteurQuestion 40
It is a fallacy or direct deception made by a politician who
puts an ugly, unfair, and defamatory label on people, eg.
“Activists are terrorists”
Name calling
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