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Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Michala Lucas Date: 2-28-24

Group Size: Whole Allotted Time: 25 minutes Grade Level: Kindergarten

Subject or Topic: Introduction to Plants

Common Core/PA Standard(s)

Eligible Content - S.K-2.B.1.1.1

Describe the basic external structures of animals and plants.

Learning Targets/Objectives
The students will be able to identify what a plant is by looking at different pictures.

Formative Assessment Approaches Evidence observation or method of

1. The students will complete a sorting collection
worksheet. 1. I will check to see if the student’s
2. placed the pictures in the correct
…. category.

Assessment Scale for any of the assessments above if needed

Summative if applicable: N/A

Subject Matter/Content to be taught in the lesson

- Being able to recognize that plants can grow and change
New Key Vocabulary
Plant: a living thing that can grow from the soil and turn light from the sun into food.

The students will learn what a plant is and the different types of plants.
Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies
To start off my lesson, I will play a video that explains to students what science is. After the
video, I will tell them that “in the next couple of days, we will be learning all about plants so
we can have our own garden! Today we will start by learning the different types of plants.”
Development/Teaching Approaches
I will start by asking my students if they have ever seen a plant and if so, what it was. I
will also ask if anyone has ever planted a plant before and how they did it. Then I will
bring up the slideshow of different pictures of plants to show the kids. On the first slide
is a video that I will play that explains what plants are. I will go over each of the
pictures and then explain why they are plants (because a seed is planted and with water
they grow). I will also explain to the students that plants are living things. The last slide
is pictures of items that are not plants. I will ask the students to “take a look at these
pictures. I want you to tell your neighbor why you think these are not plants”. I will
give them a couple of seconds to discuss and then I will call on some students to share.
Then as a class we will talk about where plants can be found (outside of your house, at
school, on a farm).

Closure/Summarizing Strategies
To end the lesson, the students will complete a sorting worksheet. The student of the day will
pass out the worksheet and the tidy bins. Then they will have to cut out pictures of items that
are and are not plants. Then will paste them into the correct category. Once they are done, they
will bring it up to be checked.

- For the students who are having trouble, I can pull them back to my table to help them
identify pictures and classify them into groups

Materials and Resources:

- Pencil
- Scissors
- Glue

Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels

Remediation Plan (if applicable)

Personal Reflection Questions

Additional reflection/thoughts

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