Annie - Science Symposium

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Hello everyone,

My name is Anaisha and I am in Grade 5 Inquirers.

Today, I am excited to show you the incredible human respiratory system. Imagine your body as a
house, and the respiratory system as its ventilation system, bringing in fresh air and getting rid of the
old. Come, let us take a tour!

First stop, the entrance: the nose and mouth. Air comes in through here and travels down a special tube
called the windpipe or trachea. It is like the hallway leading to the main rooms of our house.

Next, we reach the lungs, our body's air-filled balloons! Inside the lungs, there are small tubes called
bronchi, leading to even smaller tubes called bronchioles, like branches on a tree. At the end of these
branches are tiny air sacs called alveoli, where the magic happens!

In the alveoli, oxygen from the air we breathe passes into our blood, while carbon dioxide from our
blood goes out. It's like a little exchange window where oxygen comes in and carbon dioxide goes out.

However, our lungs are not alone! They are surrounded by a superhero muscle called the diaphragm
that helps us breathe in and out by moving up and down like a parachute.

Whats more our body has its own cleaning crew too? Tiny hairs and sticky mucus in our nose and throat
catch dust and germs to keep our lungs clean and healthy.

Lastly, let us talk about keeping our respiratory system healthy. Just like we tidy up our house, we need
to take care of our lungs too. Eating healthy foods, staying active and avoiding smoking help keep our
lungs strong and happy.

So, that's the amazing human respiratory system! It is like a well-oiled machine, keeping us breathing
and alive every single day.

Thank you for joining me on exploring the wonders of the respiratory system. If you have any questions,
please feel free to ask and Happy breathing!

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