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Symbolism and Technical Elements Table

SYMBOL Meaning

Side view mirror Past and reflection, checking your

surroundings before acting.

Bucket Something that eventually fills up.

Keys Gateways, a lot of opportunities.

Dirty Pool Clean pools usually reflect clarity, but with this
dirty pool her mind is clouded, inaction.

Gardener Trying to clean up or make sense of what is

left at the hotel.

Childhood picture Time Jane will never get back.

Mirror True self, she looks at herself because it

solidifies the fact that she’s real.

Camera tracking (scene 7) Make us feel the turbulence she feels during
that scene.

Music (Starting scene 6, ends before The violins are usually said to sound like
monologue) voices, maybe its her mind trying to tell her
stuff, also just for dramatic effect.

Close ups Enhance her reactions/focus on them

Sound effect of the drips A constant reminder that she will die.

Dark color grading The way Jane sees everything.

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