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Contents Preface ix Course Objectives xi Course Methodology xiii Orientational Guidelines for Teachers xv Expectations from Students xvii Course Syllabus xix Module 1 — Introduction to Value Education Lecture 1 Understanding Value Education 3 Lecture 2. Self-exploration as the Process for Value Education 7 Lecture 3. Continuous Happiness and Prosperity — the Basic Human Aspirations 12 Lecture 4 Right Understanding, Relationship and Physical Facilities 16 Lecture 5 Happiness and Prosperity — Current Scenario 20 Lecture 6 Method to Fulfill the Basic Human Aspirations 24 Module 2 — Harmony in the Human Being Lecture 7 Understanding Human being as the Co-existence of Self (‘I’) and the Body 29 Lecture 8 Discriminating between the Needs of the Self (‘I') and the Body 32 Lecture 9 The Body as an Instrument of 'T' 36 Lecture 10 Understanding Harmony in the self (‘I’) 38 Peoessonal Fuh Vans and Presson Moma 11 Harmony of these (1) with the Body 2 is pwure Sanyam and Swasthya 45 ecure 12 Program w Ei ~ Harmony in the Family and Society wai Ure 18 Hari he i Lecture 15. “Trust ~ the Foundational Value in Relationships 57 crane 16 ‘Ropes te Right Eralaon 7 deer 7 Undosanding Harmony in the Socey 6A tear it Vion hte Und Humes Orr 67 Module 4 — Harmony in the Nature (Existence) Lecure 19 Understanding Harmony in the Nature 2B Lecure 20 Interconnectedness, Self-egulation and Mutual Fulfillment among the Four Orders of Nature 76 Lecture 21. Realizing Existence as Co-exstence at All Levels 81 Lecture 22 The Holistic Perception of Harmony in Existence 83 Module 5— Implications of the Holistic Understanding — 4 Look at Professional Ethics Lecure 23. Natural Acceptance of Human Values 89 Lecture 24. Definisveness of (Ethical) Han Conduct — 93 lecture 25 A Basis for Humanistic Education, Humanistic Constitution and Universal Human Order 95 Lecture 26 Competence in P ofesional Ethics 7 Lecture 27 Holistic Technologies, Production Syitems and Management Models Typical Case Sudies 100 Lecture 28 Strategies for Transition rowarts Value based Life and Protesion 102 Guideline and Content for Practice Seon Guidelines for Evaluation References 7 INTRODUCTORY LECTURE & — Begin the course with introduction of the teacher and the students, Introduce the course objective, course methodology, course structure and give a brief overview of the course contents (as given in the syllabus). % Also give some orientational guidelines as to how to participate in this course. ‘ — Motivate the students by pointing out the importance of the issues being discussed and the likely outcome in terms of making them more clear and comfortable in their thinking, and more confident about life and profession. pe eT STUER Ee Understanding Value Education Need for Value Education e All human beings continuously aspire for a happy life, a fulfilling and successful life, and the purpose of education is to provide adequate competence to actualize this aspiration. © For this, it is essential to understand- what is really VALUABLE for human being, and, what is really conducive toa happy and fulfilling life? - this is the VALUE domain. ‘Then, one should know - How to actualize it? How to make it happen? - This is the domain of 'SKILLS'. Hence, there is an essential complementarity between "VALUES' and 'SKILLS’ for the success of any human endeavor. 4 Maman Wales aan his The subject which enables us co understand "What is Valuable’ for human happiness is called "Value Education’ we, ¢ Thus, VE cnables us to understand our needs and visualize ‘our goals correctly and also indicate the direction for their falillment. I also helps to remove our confusions and contradictions and bring harmony at ll levels, ‘¢_Thepresenteducation system has bocome largely skil-based. Theprime emphasis ison science and technology. However, science and technology can only help to provide the means to achieve what is considered valuable. Is not within the scope of science and technology to provide the competence of deciding what rally is valuable. (© VEisa crucial mising linkin the present education system. Because ofthis deficiency, most of our efforts may prove to be counterproductive and serious crises atthe individual, societal and environmental level are manifesting, Hence, there isa strong need to rectify this situation. £] Basic Guidelines for Value Education In order to qualify for any course on Value Education, the following guidelines for the content ofthe course ae important: © Universal:Ic needs to be applicable to all the human beings irrespective of cast, creed, nationalities, religion, etc, forall timesand regions Rational: has to appeal to human reasoning, Natural and verifiable: Ic has to be ‘naturally acceptable {2iks human being who goes through the course and there ‘eds o be every provision in nature for ies fulfillment. It Jouoton a VateFdseation 5 next 0 be Extn wera, nde dogmas belforsuimplons nt #4 9 Be on © All encompassing: Weeds to cover all the dimensions (thought, behavior, work and realization) and lens (individual, family, sociery, nature and existence) ofhumay lifeand profesion. © Leading to harmony: The Value Education ulimatey is targeted to promote harmony within the individual, among ‘human beings and wih natu. Content of Value Education What are Human Values? ‘Value of any unit in this existence isits participation in he larger ‘order of which itis part, eg value ofa pen ie tha it can write ere writing is the participation ofthe pen in the bigger onder in which pen, paper, human being, all ae present. Value ofan eye is that ie can be used for seeing. Value ofa spinach plants that gives nusrcion ro animals and humans. ‘What is the value of « human being? shun Tisquesion imps vats prank cing ne bg ree Tht big er ces han Png ps i wae i arias ie The ae of Mamet ipn than ing ne csr arpa n ok ner one Hear ay meningeal ar PIETERS I eo nan ean TSirnaecsecee relationship with exc Scope of Study sneon value education must include su behavior, work 8 realization and sjvidual family; sociery, nature &¢ existence file Education wll be to understand pines and understand the other entities mn being, understand the goal of human “s cmprohensvels. undetand the innate inter-connectediess, order ‘vegulaton and the recyclability in nature Ie 4 encompass understanding of harmony at various levels, namely 1 amily acer, nature and existence. And finally, tis 0 lear lve im acordance with his understanding by being vigilant behavior and work. Process of Value Education. ‘© The process for Value Education has to be that of Self exploration, and not of giving sermons or telling dos 8 don'ts. Whatever is found as truth or reality may be stated 28a proposil and every students robe encouraged to veri on hisher own right mieenncerio re This process of Self-exploration has to be in the form of a dialogue -a dialogue bean co be in the form a tle beween the teacher and students within the student finally. TAKE-AWAY The need, basic Value Education line: Content and process of j j Self-exploration as the Process for Value Education RECAP The last lecture explained the need, basic quidelines, content and process of Value Education. Let us now understand the process of ‘Self-exploration’ in more | detail (83 Meaning and Purpose of Self- exploration 1, risa process of dialogue between what you are’ and what you really want to be’ Ie isa proces of focusing attention on yours. belie and aspirations vsri-vis what you re (that ist say, what is naturally acceptable to 90 Isis a proces of discovering that there is invariant and universal in all urn be to look at our confsions and contra them by becoming aware of our natura 2. Iisa processof self-evolution through set-investigation esuccessively enables you to evolve by bridging she gap between ‘what you are’ ond ‘what you really want to be Ho Ieisaprocessol nowingoneselfand through that Ln 5, Teisa proces covire EX sna basing simple Uti: ABOU yoy lay aban or Wcing and then clarity ayy ing around YOH Theaxpl snaps of eongizingones elation with very ng spevistence and fling i. preces of becoming aware about your right relationship her entices in exinence and through that discovering vv smerconnectednes, co-existence and order in the entre cxitence, and living acordingly. 5. Ieisa process oFknowing ethical human conduct, human character and living accordingly. Irisaproces of discovering the defnitiveness of human conduct and buinan character and enabling one to be definite in thought, behavior and work 6. _tisaprocessofbeingin harmony in oneselFand in harmony with entice existence This proces of elf exploration helps you to be in harmony with ourself, and with everything around. Iisa process of Swatantraté 0 exploration of Sata Se Swe ntve: _Innatenss of Self- the natural acceptance of harmony Swatantrata: B ms é ecloranied —being in harmony with ones Introduction to Value Education 9 Swarijya: — Sclf-expression, Selfextension ~ living in harmony with others ‘Swatva —> Swatantrata > Swardjya The Swatva is already there, intact in each one of us. By being in dialogue with it, we attain Swatantratd enabling us to work for Swarajya. Content of Self-exploration Desire/Goak What is my (human) Desite/Goal? 2. Program: What is my (human) program for fulfilling che Desite? The main focus off exploration is Myself the Human Being Basically, it should dwell on the following two key questions 1. What do I really want in life, or whas is the goal of human fe 2. Hows fulfil? What is the program to actualize rhe above? In short, the above two questions cover the whole domatin of ‘human aspirations and human endeavour. Thus, they form the content of self-exploration. Process of Self-exploration “Whatever is being presented isa PROPOSAL. © Don'tassume it robe true immediately, nor ejectiewithout proper exploration. «© Verify icin your own ight, on the bass of being narrally acceptable to you, —— | rv scsi Ebi saan aes an Tee 7 10 Baran Sep ee ofequipmentfinstrument data «assertion by other human beings, gard will be presented during sitions in this re sng your artention: ‘Nor on the basis Notoa the basisofth ap has already cari outsome exploration on thee em for yor assent, your enaluatin. inieeenial tocar ponder ver these on your eke ace these asec immediately 0 reject them rey without proper exploration Don's acer thee nly on the basi of the following «because something lke thisldifferent from this, bas Been mentioned in sriptures, on because it has been preached/denied by some great men, © on alge number of people poses such a view / a different © orit is claimed 1 have been verified through some physical instrument or, elaimed that this is beyond the domain of verifiable by physica instrument Remember, itis a proces of ef-expl a : af elfexploration, therefore, it bas wt ahead by you alone by means of erifaion att of natural acceptance and experiential validation. Introduction to Valve Education It PROCESS OF SELFEXPLORATION peo Votaaeexperertay ying accororaiy linrelaorsne) Vvonty (wanin yours) in behavior in wore on tne bai of ou" Xs Natural Accptance vith naman being wah st of nate Yate mae Realization Y ndertansing Tike for example: a proposal- respec’ isa value in human relation. When I verify at the level of nasural acceptance, 1 find shat iti naturally acceptable to me. Similarly when I behave with respec, it is muanaly fulfiling to me and tothe other. Thus the proposal is ‘True’. If it fails om any of the two tests, it is unerue. This verification leads to realization of the eruhfilness ofthe proposal and is becomes part and parcel of my understanding, Its reflected in my thoughts and in my behavior TAKE-AWAY Self-exploration-its content and process. Continuous Happiness and prosperity — the Basic Human Aspirations RecA in the lost lecture, it was pointed out that 'N tural Aeceatonce’ and ‘Experiential Validation’ ore tuo important mechanisms for selF-exploration. Through exomples, let us draw attention to our Noturol Receptance’. ¢.9. hot is naturally acceptable to me: relationship or opposition? What is naturally acceptable to me: respect or disrespect? ete. EB] Desire - Continuous Happiness and Prosperity © veify whe ther you want 0 be happy or unhappy “eri bee you want tobe prosperous or deprived. * His all your desires tn cm to Vale Faocaton 4 Seewhether the base wpination in tat desire is happine andlor prosperity © Verify whether you want continuity of happiness and prosperity cor discontinuity of happiness and prov Some Possible Questions/Confusions © Iwill be bored of happiness if am always happy © Lill grow only if Lam unhappy. If become happy. my growth will sop. © need 10 be unhappy to recognve thar Lam happy © We think of others only when we are unhappy. Tus importantluseful to be unhappy s0 that one can help others © Happiness and unhappiness go together, they cannot be separated. © Yes, F want happines. But my desire does not gusrantce it So, why 10 talk of desire? © My happiness depends on the others. What can I do © We do not want happines for ourelves - make others happy (while we stay unhappy)! lite © Happiness isa small thing. We have higher sp contentment, peace, bls, etc! © Do not bother me with such abseract concepe, I have m0 lite sand deal with things in my real lif ——————— 1 HYoman Vhs and Profesonal ies Guidance for answering these types of questions shee quosions let the student reflect upon himselfherself coed eis tobe happslunbagpy and secondly if the dino be happy continuously [ts important that helthe is able etna the desie is always to be happy continuously, Secondly, ‘ng about the desre~ and not about bow things sand vény Let the student verify at the level of Natural Acceptance, snasocver be the narmalpre-conditonings [EJ Happiness {he tatelsitution, in which Five, if there is harmony/synergy sn then Hike ta bein that state or situation. © Tobeina state of liking is Happiness © Tobein harmony is Happiness, Unhappiness 4f cheteis contradiction/disharmony in it, then I don’t like to be Jobe forced 1 bein that state of disliking is unhappiness. One needs o wh aneclf- whether Lam happy in any given ‘1waton or when ther is harmony a disharmony? Peseanally F wan barmany in me an sunt everthing che, ” es 3.3] Prosperity The feting o Dre fecling of having more than rae required physical facilites is Interaction ts Vahee Edacation 15 For Prosperity, ewo things ate required 1. Identification of the required quantity of p and 2. Ensuring avalabiliy/production of more than requiced, physical facilities One needs to ask oneelf. Is prosperity abundance of physical asilte? Isit having more and more of certain kinds of pscal “fuiltes? Or iit a correct appraisal of my physical need: and ncuring ‘more than what I need in terms of physical failiie® TAKE-AWAY | want happiness, | wont prosperity and | wont continuity of both. Corect appraisal of hoppiness ond prosperity is essential to actualize these. ayaoea 190109 811 ED cuorvurdnn ung Surf sng ong pr gston 77 yo 20M Se uatynban ¢ 20 2241 2S sas 30 oO . su auiasy Suypunssrpan, HE mee: sou ap Bupunssape sx rg, 0) pr fostufo rt yaw dupes Suef sunsuo of age wa | OY SeNpUsLIp UM ghia A ent sid fp a P21 0198 MT songs poisty saya fiuapy As9ae? 2 uaraduas 910724 [OP MH ® so pod Buna pos aD WPA pur suo ano ug gg fo su 7g SA GSUOHP. fo gory 04 20 ra rygd oo urd x» 0920 1 al uoM pag “dquo ado Bans 40 songpo0f rrstgd aun uy eu ana fo wou wy Sunand 2% 210 229M sf prucrsad anu pr G0 ws wo pu a Gyn ano wna os pu 3 LL digsuorsrps “fay a ng fo 0] 08 2088 suuaygoad 298 cep ap ages oy ano ws suaygend 4027900] 24f7 st unaoduas sey 91 dagsuoyspes ps Susog wrung 42410 GP upp dagouozanas, us soon post wags 210 oon am op age 14m pu 205 wary 48 UO ous Saya gon 24 a0 a a0 3048 8 3 vp gags Suan poof apm erg, spe pos, syenbapes Sug usuny na fo aus pwos2 74D sos agen 02 APH t seme asta ¢ | UANAMTSN uO SINGW3HIN034 3159 suopeardsy weumy Jo quouy [MY 10J squomormbay ose eT “ayy | warp 2zI}Or0 o2 ‘sapio ul pooxsiopun Ajprauio aq 02 enoy si) 6U120 Uowny zane 40 Svo!9011050 21809 210 Ays205040 6.0 ssauiddoy snonunyo> ‘ain222} 350] 249 U! P220210U! Se bien nlanineiec pbeie ae du3u sayqyyioed jeoistyq pue diysuone|ay ‘Surpueysiapun 1y3'y RE Right Understanding, Relationship and Physical Facilities lecure, continu happiness sspirations of every human tote conrertiy understood in order =) 7 ¥ : [ agora Kitt sphrvical facilities Brut 1 this all tha than thi? Can © Other than phy swith opher human be fe If we back asthe problem: in ou the problems mare due relationship? This we need w ‘them in society and in our profes © Where are we putt phic facilites or esarig Teamsman irony moar live that large due to lack of relation ‘and attention are focused on a7 How do | become compe phys facilisis’ 1am able f Tees by igh understanding A | 8 . rig feelings in relaionhi om th nlf and ofthe, Th, righ wndersanding asic requirement So, there are 3 requirements > Bi Relavionship and Pirpoal Fs fulfilling urna 0" {(y The Correct Priority J. ight Understanding, ee 1 ebies IS. Homan Vatos an Profesional Innrbction 0 Valve Baton 19 (¢ This transformation from Animal Consciousness to Haman Consciousness forms the bast for Human Values and Value based-living. This is the prime objective ofthe present core 2. Relationship 3, Physical Facilities “ets the shove priaitycorect? Does it appeal to your natural vr Faiinae tis exploration through examples. Ak, wwhar priority are we presently maintaining in our day 20 day life TAKE-AWAY The bosic requirements for fulfilment of the basic ‘aspirations of every human being are: 1. Right Understanding 2. Relationship, & 3, Physical Foclties. [EJ Animal Consciousness versus Human Consciousness Giving al priorities to physical facilities only, may be termed ‘Animal consciousness’ Physical Facilities: Requirement “ial Haman beng reeeaary Ye Yer ‘cones Te We © Foranimal, physical facility is necessary as well as complete — whereas for human beings it is necesary but not complete © Working only for physical facilis is living with Animal Consciousness © Working for right understanding as the first privity followed by relaionship and physical facilities implies living with Human Consciousness loa ‘ane fr wasfomaton, from Animal Consciousness 1 Human Consciousness I can be accomplished on ‘working for right understanding as he first prioriey —_,,, Pec Happiness and Prosperity — Current Scenario Recap We have goined some clarity about happiness and srosperity ond the three basic requirements for ‘ufilment ofthese ospitations of every human being ith theircoreet priority, we have also been able to discriminate between living with ‘animal consciousness’ ond living with’ human consciousness’. Inthis chapter, let us look ot the prevailing worldview in this respect and its consequences. Two Categories Persons Two categories of persons in terms of Happiness and Prosperity Preenthy as we look around, we find most ofthe people in the following rwo categories: __, SVDD-Sadban Vibeon Duh Daridra-Materially deficient, Unhappy and deprived SSDD-Sadban Si D ‘ampann Dukhi Daridra-Materiall «affluent - Unhappy and sll deprived (so ret psp) 7 While the natura hile the natural acceptance of all human beings is to be SSS: Sadhan Sampann Subbi Samviddha Invtedactn to Valve Fvcaton 21 Materially adequate-Happy and prosperous Let us explore the above suggestion. Is 1 rue? One can ases, in which of these three categares one lis SVDD, SSDD or SSSS? © Ife are working only for physical facilities, the macimum achievement that one could have is that one could sf from SVDD to SSDD. Bus the goa isto be SSS. And vhs can be accomplished by working for right underisanding and relationship with high priority © Currently our education isjust training asta shfi fom SYD. 0 SSDD. aud Odi [What is the Prevailing Notion about Happiness and its Continuity? © Explore and analyse what is the present perception bout ‘happiness and its continuity Indicate how fulfil perception has proven to be ‘© Acommon notion among people is that consinssous can be achieved through maximisation of ple interactions Explore she sruthflness ofthe abore by veri3ing atthe level af your natural acceptance. Als, investigate by studying the consequences of such a notion in the prsene scenario. Is it posible to ensure continuity of happines rough maximisation “ofpleasant sensor interactions? lino: self defeating? Analyze- discuss some casestudies al Yah What is the Prevailing Notion about ity? Attaining Prosperity? prevailing notion about prosperity ton of pha fais? wants are unlimited and then struggling ied wants with limited resource! avon, ii eer posible to be prosperous? 1» maintain harmony with Nature, to maintain logical balance in this way? snd te above balances inereasingly disturbed, can human nal be at al stained on tis planet? & Whar isthe way out? abink! in, with assumed unlimited wants and limited resources, oes not exploitation and sie among human beings become neviable? ‘nsucha situation, is peaceful and harmonious co-existence of duman beings ever possible? What is he way out? think! ERI Where do we Stand Today? ‘An appraical ofthe current scenario - © Atthe level ofthe individual rising problems of depresion, ‘ity suicides, tres, insecurity, increasing health problems, kefonidereandcomvctonets ° A: the lesel of the family — breaking up of joint familie, ‘nist and dibarmony in relationships, divorce, generation 9h dowry deaths, neglet of elder people exe net Vale Fact At the level ofthe Socety — growing ne rience communaliom, ra ces of terrors, and ethic erage. corruption, adulteration, seccrimes, explotaton, war erween nation proliferation of lethal weapons ex At the lve of nature~ global warming, weather balance depletion of miner and energy reoure, efrrecation, so degradation et. All the problems are a direct outcome of an incorrect understanding, our wrong notion about happiness and Prosperity and their continuity ~ This is an swe for serious exploration! What isthe way ous? [BG] Urgent Need Under such a situation, where basic human aspirations send co become unachievable, contradictions, tensions and insecurity at sarouslvelsare bound to increase, hence peace and harmony among ‘human beings are increasingly at peril Further, the global environmental imbalance is serous threat. 10 Human survival a this planet. Hence, chere is an urgent need to recifj his siruasion and the prime most step isto acquire the right understanding and lara to lve in accordance with it, TAKE-AWAY ‘The prevailing notion about happiness and prosperity ‘ore seriously in error. This is an urgent need to rectify this situation through right understanding among human beings. Method to Fulfill the Basic Human Aspirations RECAP. et us devote the first holf of this lecture to recopitulote ‘He calient points learnt in Module. Inthis introductory module, we have tried to bring out the need, content dad process of value educotion. We have also tried understand and begin applying the process of self- exploration for gaining right understanding, Then we have tried to gain some clarity about Hoppiness and Prosperity which are the basic cspirations for all human beings. We have also tried to draw attention to the inadequacy in the prevailing notion of happiness and prosperity ond its hazardous consequences. We have also tried to establish that Right Understanding, Relationship and Physical Facilities together in the right order of priority are essential to fulfil the basic human aspirations. We have also been able to distinguish between Animal Consciousness and Human Consciousness, and | the strong need to initiate such a transformation. | This forms the Core objective of Value education Let us now begin our journey towards right | understanding, : Tove Eascaton 25 [The Universal Human Desi ProgamtoFulfilit Desire: To live with continuous happiness and prospesi, Program: "To acquire the right understanding about oneself vis-a-vis rest of existence. To identify the innate harmony a all levels of existence and to live in consonance with it (The Four Levels of our Living It is necessary to recognise the harmony atthe follow levels of our living/existence 1. Intheself 2. InFamily 3. InSociety 4, InNatute (existence) © Observe shat your expanse of living is right om your the whole existence. © Observe that you are related t0 each and every unit in existence. © Observe that you want to bein harmony a all the lvel of _your living To conclude, se All burma beings want lve happily a all ime ae are striving fr this goal. sie oman Vales art Protea Fai sus is being in harmony within oneself being Continous pp Poehers and being in harmony with nature. harmony with | an inherent harmony and co-existence i the se etonce and the prime goal for buman being sto gain ei understanding ofthis harmony at various levels and into lve in accordance with it This is she way towards continuous and collective human nappies at well as sustainable prosperity © bn the falowing modules, we shal look at the harmony at the level ofthe individual, family, sociery, nature and the existence asa whole TAKE-AWAY The program to ensure continuous happiness and prosperity Is to understand and learn to live in hhormony ot all levels of existence. MODULE-2 ®Harmony in the Human Being? Understanding Human being as the Co-existence of Self (‘I') and the Body RECAP The need for gaining right understanding starting from the Human reality and going up to the whole existence has been sufficiently highlighted in the previous module. Let us begin this module by trying to understand ‘ourselves’ i.e. the human being in correct perspective. When I observe myself, I find the following: In Co-existence ith Human = T (self) S$ Body Mead (Respect) Information (Food) Need Happiness Physical facilities In Time Continuous Temporary In Quantity | Qualitative Quantitative (No quantity) Fulfilled by Right understand & right feeling (Limiced in quantity) Phy Chemical Things (food, shelter. etc.) Contd. anes” 4a man Ves an Peso es xing sein | ne breathing te a am ‘Recognizing, eee Fulfilling Recognizi Falling ae Consors Micra (Non-matril) Human being is the co-existence of 1’ and the Bod ie. T sid Body exist together and are related. There is a flow of ‘armation from To the body and from body tothe T’ e An example ofthe need of T'— say respect, while the need of the body is a thing like food. The two things are qualitatively differen 4 Allche needs of T can be called as Happiness (Suh), while the needs of Body are physical facilities (Suvidha. © The need of T is continuous, while the need of Body is for a limited rime. None ofthe needs of the body is continuous! © There is no relevance of quantity for the needs of I as itis qualitaive, while the needs of body are quantitative, and they ave limited in quantity ©The activites of Tare activities like, desiring, thinking, aclecting, while the activities of body are activities like eating, breathing etc © The mode of interaction of includes knowing assuming, recognition & fulfillment. The fulfillment depends on recopnivion, depends on assumption and assumption depends ‘on knowing or not knowing (belief) Harmony in he Human Being. 3 If assuming is based on knowledge, then recognition wl correct & fulfillment wil becomes ue If assuming isnot based on knowledge, then things may surong. The mode of interaction of bodys only recognising an filing TAKE-AWAY The Human being can be understood in terms of a Uren bat ro | Innecessary and tasteless =>fntlera ot Inolerabe Example: Let take te example ofan de beginning, i satisfies my hunger and I find deco, He necessary and tasteful. But once my stomach is to ear hough Lstil enjoy the taste Now iis am If Lill continue to eat~ I do not enjoy the point, itis unmecesary and tastes. If 1 intolerable ‘To every need in the category of Suh the following applies: fits naturally acceptable, I want it continuously. Ifnot acceptable, I do not want it any moment “Any feeling in me is eisher narra: acceprable at all If nasualy acceptable it rp every moment, andifnor acceptable it any moment! ‘One point robe noted eres ht fangand is ris are difee hings Newt un oan wl capable eling (value) bt nos he oni of CO fee then vt fe, ese ‘shang me by my hand. But wha ite dees nex 8 prpcand “ier neetine Shaking hands son an prone PS nt respet in isl 34 Human Values and Professional Fes Sukh is qualitative whereas quantitative Suvidha is The novon of quantity dos not apply to Sikh. For Example : "har ane needs 5 Kg oftrust or 2 metres of example, one cannot 1 respect. But one does quantify EE] Sukh is ensured by Right ‘Understanding and Right Feelings, while Suvidhd is ensured by Appropriate Physico-chemical Things Example: Imagine shat you are sitting in an air-conditioned room ‘on a big soft with a friend wich whom you have the feeling of apposition, How do you fel? happy or unhappy? You have enough Suavidba hee, but no the right feeling. Hence Sukh is not ensured. aalinc taco are seated alone in an air-condisioned room, nu tenseldepresed. How do you feel?—happy or unhappy? You have «again enough Suvida her, but not the right understanding. Hence Subh is not ensured. Human being needs both ~ Sukh and Suvidha. One cannot replace the other. sample: II vs a fiend ~ my desire is that be sreats me with rec aswel as provides date for. my bungryeinay bods fratine Leisa fend and provides me with lof deions fel rats me wth eontemp, How would fel Thee canoer veats me with wrmost warmth but does not even ask ‘me for water. How would I feelin this situation? ‘the food, eles, means of transport HLarmeny in the Human Being 35 A common mistake is that we mix the two set Subh and Suvidha. Working for Suvidhd, we asume that it willensure Sukh, while we need work fr Suh and Suvi. both, But the progeam forthe rwo are qualitatively different. One cannot ensure the aber. Where are we investing most of our time presently? working for physical facilities, or working for right understanding and right eelings? TAKE-AWAY The need of | is happiness (Sukh), the need of the body is physical faxilities (Suvidhd). The two needs cre different, and the programs to ensute the to ofe ols different. One can not replace the other. _"~ ~~» (81 Body as an Instrument of I Levu explore the following proposal: The Body as an Instrument of RECAP Hoving understood the distinct needs of ' ond the Body, let us now proceed to clorify the complementary and the respective status of and Body re [bea Tarte Bod i used a a nstuent wart ve wh Fer nature body penal apps food is needed {erm promal gone. 3 | ame oo or wd | Boyan rt Lone is nro, hea a | esi Gascon ae eeaenns rat wit ee omer re | oer 7 ra | ee ‘ody is my instrument, Lam the ee ‘he ane who takes decisions, the Huarmeny inthe Haran Being 37 Beample: Eating this involves both, me aswel a 1 decide to eat and pas the information 19 es ae a food spiked, chewed and then swallowed. Nove thas is the Tel thar bases to eat and mesa che of wha ty as and bras winch 10 ea. The body is nsed jut ax 00 instrument in the proces of eating : Lyantto live with continuous happiness. Forse body phy facilites are required in a limited quansry and tempor For the nurture of the body, food is required. For protection clothing and shelter are required. For right us instruments are required. [My complese program st understand ard live in harmony at al the four level, Production of phic fa par of my complete program for happine isonly a Tam the ser. Lee rough ees the ees don see, they are jst an instrument wsed by me. Inthe ees diferen ‘are formed everytime it is T who is ables relate 2018 meaning. am the doer. [select do, and use the hands or fie or ober ‘parts ofthe body t do the bins. Lam the enjoy, When I ea, [get he sate, The bod jt _gets in touch with the food and sends she informaion ro me itis T’ who enjoys he food TAKE-AWAY Iam the seer, the doer ond the enjover he bod 'S my essential instrument. Usually, 46 recognize cuyselves largely on the basis of Body onl which is not right. Understanding Harmony inthe self (‘I’) RECAP eS ne none we recognize the importance of 'T as “ne doer, the enjoyer and thus directly vceopraible forhappiness, On the other hand, We also ee mnot our knowledge, our fomiliority with "Tis chs immediately highlights the need to ngerstand ''inmore detoil, with more clority. Let us “roenowe this study in the present lecture. [LG] Activities of T sone familar let us focus attention on ourselves: the activities of '- Let us explore into ourselves © Siar observing ~ What am I doing? What is going on in me sand what is going on in my Body? . Dare hough pain are activities in T, not in the ‘dy They are collectively termed as Imagination, At the level fia af haar nd pe Observe that : Observe thatthe activities of Tare continuous, going on every moment, while the activites o i ‘insermitsently eee 2. Deere imegeg a sores SI 5. Expectation” t Seecing J Sensation ——geravor Wore S300 2 Expectation (For happiness)- operating continuously 1 she form of selecting and tasting © Iris tobe seen whether these activites are operazona on the basisof a. sensation, or b. preconditioning, or natural acceptance © Sftheyare operating onthe basis oem or preconditioning ‘Lam controled by exiraneous actors (Parcanora).Ifthey are operating on the basis of natural acceptance, 1 am SELE- ORGANISED (Swatantra). ‘See whesher they are coming from © Make a lis of desires. or fom marural sep sensations cor preconditioning © jessonal ies desires coming om sensation cong and what partis comi 440: Yauman Vacs ar Prot apartefmy ng om preondti rural acceprance. roveles, We can also say that higher faculties, Te undernonding and realization are not activated. Sp nino as for as becomes the activation ofthe [[E} Harmony in the Self (1) [rnonr wre ser ettes 1 Realization Understanding 3 Desre ony 4.Trowght ——Anlyang ++ 4 + 5.Expecaton Selecting Set exploration of harmony at all the Luck of my ving pres Fae acceptance, and experiential validasio Trace iting accordingly, leads to Realizasion a Indersanding, This ensures harmony in I “Hiarmony inthe Human Being 41 Once Realization and Understanding are aetioated, the other three activities (imaging, analyzing, selecting) get self organized. This is harmony shis is happines! Iftwe operate atthe level of 3,45, there is uncertainty Ifwe aperate at he levelof I 2, there willbe cetainay (definitenea). {TAKE-AWAY Activities of la (desire), analyzi pe LEC TUE flag Harmony of the self (‘I') with the Body RECAP Inthe lost lecture, we focused attention on the solient powers ond oxtivities ofthe Self which is continuously cctive in the pursuit of happiness. Hoppiness is sothing but the harmony ia the activities of the Self |). Now we will try to understand the harmony between ‘land the body, and its implications. [EE1 Harmony of T with the Body Les us understand the saliens aspects of harmony between I' and ‘the Hod which manifits x Sanya an the partof land Swasthya sn the Bad, ln the light of this harmony, we will alzo revisit the issue of prosperity, i the appropriate asessment of physical needs sand the way to their fulfillmen. oe aa Coexistence fase = ty Censebsness Materia Pes Heath ee © Sanyem <0 el mam =I takes the responsibilty of urtuing, protection & t 4 Food Clothing. Sheter t 4 | Lites urntes ee Need for Physical facilities is limited in quantity Swasthya (Health) 1. The Body acts according to the needs of | 2, There is harmony among the parts of the Body 4 Sanyam is the feeling of responsibility in I sowards the Doody for its mursure, provecion and rg & Suststhya bas 00 elemens- the body ‘me, and there is harmony in the bods 7 together. + Explore, what is more basic: Sanpam or Su there is Sanyam, health can be ensured. Bs is not there, a good health can ako be bs ‘more basic? And, where are we in energy and resources today- in es sreatment of the unhealthy body EEE] A Re-look at Prosperity Prosperity: Feeling of having more than required physical Flic. © For Prosperity, ewo things are required: Appropriate assessment othe physical neds with hse required limited quanciey and sonal vin pesion oor than equa seal files ned only with the right understanding ‘iudentood that physical facilites xd that toa ina limited she Bad, Ir isto be ‘eneeds ofthe Body and not Ts an widen ast what quantio of physical . ada. we are not able ae edad hrf, we continue el deprived aes of any ann of lyse fis we have nn zrms of food, clothing, house, other implements ete. Al tae tock of whae isalveady available ro you and comment sus of yur prosperity so fel prosperous now? Note that ust by understand the ced for physical facilites for your body, you can prospevous in a moment, if you already have more than need you have asesed, On the other hand, if one doesn caplove the need for physical facilites, he can never prosperous, whatsoever be the amount of bis possessions! to internalize this. © Thevoay so ensve available of pica cilities is production ous which we will alk in Module 3 TAKE-AWAY Harmony of ' with the body is Sanyam in the Self (I) ‘and Swésthyo (Health) in the. body, hope erived from oppropriate assessment of physical | needs and ensuring thelr production/avalloblity In ‘more than required quantity, FURL Program to Ensure Sanyam and Swasthya RECAP, In the last lecture, we looked at the harmony of 1 ith the Body, leading to conect appraisal of ourneed for physical facilities and the woy to their fulfillment. | further, we olso tried to understand Sanyam and | Swasthya. We will now proceed to elaborate futher | ‘on the programs to actuolize Sanyam and Suésthyo. [2B Sanyam Ensures Swasthya ‘As we disused, Sanyam is the feeling of rapo Self () towards the Body, With right understanding. [ge self organized and take care ofthe Body properly. With ack of right tnderstanding, I am not able todo is and che body becomes unhealthy. Another important thing here is thar with right understanding and right feelings. she body gers favorably affected. ure and presare Example: When 1am happy the tempers se, they get in the body are normal, when 1 am angry 0 ¥en pst. 4 Human Values ane Programs of Sanyam Nurturing of the Body (Poshan) sar fr fd forthe Bod for proper mary, ‘ens which make a complete food need tobe «proper ene tthe body Th flowing ke care of Med + Ingestion (Grahan): The food needs be chewed wel, swallowing. Ifchewed wel the work ofthe lower sry i smplfed penete Digestion (Pachan): This is done by the body itself :0 be facilitated by eating only when feng age | ‘he fod which scaly digsible, chosing he prope pons while taking food, eating the right quantity of food, a Excretion (Nibkisen): The somach needs io be empi ‘wel everyday and only then the sh food can be obey in ‘re undigested food needs tobe removed from the body afta “gen time aritsart ling the body interaction of dy ae be such that tbe encre paper Hoare te bd tein ou net Th right amount "prep fercuoning WME nd 0 is reauired 0 armen nthe Haman Being 47 Along with this, ced tn encae the llowing © Proper upkeep (Vihar) ofthe body: This includes and movement of the body Proper ros © Labour (Shram) Labour mean: emplrying the bay pyc for production and maintenance of physical facilites Physical Exercises (Vyéyém) @ Asan-Prandyam: The sptems of the body have wo be kept running properly through Asanas (giving the body proper postures by sisting or bing) and Prnayiis (reasheng exercises) © Treatment (Upchar) of the body: The body may get unhealthy at times. Then I need to treat the body 9 mate i healthy again. For this, I may go withous food fr some tsme or arrange for only specific kinds of food forthe bdy which ae (fit to use in that period. may seat the body with air, water sam, sil, herbs or medicines, Here one thing to understand is thas, he stems ofthe body work in a self-organized way and I only need filizae the selforganization ofthe body ‘At times, I may need to go for surgery ofthe body 100 Right Utilization of the Body (Sadupyog) in for right usilization of I need to arrange for equipmenedinseraments for righ the body. oe the eficiency and capacity ofthe body “Another thing bere is that when Temple my body for right ‘fase behavior and work it has favorable es onthe bd a Te it for acting in opposition with other human eee ree quarreling, fighting, biting, it bas adverse ee rman Vas am Professional Abies salient Conclusions of this Module nt conclusions arising out of the exploration nodule towards understanding myself: o re a follows! continuing the process of self-exploration on oF Nusa Acceptance and Experiential Validation, ¢ and the Body are two complementary but distin constituents of Human Being ‘a Their characteristics, activities and needs are to be disti understood. “MODULE-3} «The activites of the Self (I) are continuous while activities of the body are time-dependent. Harmony in the Family and Society? © Moving towards harmony in the activities of the Self through self exploration isthe way to continuous happii ‘© Further right understanding of the harmony of Self (I) wit the Body enables us to assess the need for physica fail and also indicates the way to ensure prosperity. TAKE-AWAY Sonyom ensures Swasthya, The programs of Sant indude nurturing, protection and right utilization o} the body so that this instrument can be used for the purpose for which it is meant, That is to gain ane ‘octualize the right understanding. ee LECT UR Bellare] Harmony in the Family — the Basic Unit of Human Interaction RECAP. Having explored harmony at the level of individual (Human Being), we will now proceed to study the harmony in human-human relationship i.e. the universal values characterizing the relationship. 113.1] Family is the Basic Unit of Human Interaction The family is a natural laboratory and learning ground 1. to understand the harmony in relationship with human beings and 2. to practice it in terms of its fulfillment, evaluation and ensuring mutual happiness before we extend this to every unit in the Society and then to Nature. © We naturally live in a family. In family, we have relationships where we interact with other human beings. A child starts interacting with mother, father and other members in the family, and starts understanding relationship. Family is the foundation of society, and provides the basts of continuity of human tradition on the earth. 52 Human Valves and Profesional Pies interact, understand, “Human being gets the opportunity 10 interact, understa : full. “har ond work jin mutual relationships living in q family Harmony in the Family — between ‘I’ & 'T' 1. Relationship is, +. Therearefeelingsin relationship — of one ‘I’ with the other 3, ‘Thesefeelingscan be recognized -theyare definite 4. ‘Theiefulllment and evaluation leads to Mutual Happiness. © Relationship isa reality Itisnot an assumption or illusion or notion. [tis very much there, though I may not be able snderstand it © Irisprimarily between T' and TT, and not between one b and the other ‘© In every relationship, there are feelings between '’ and T. These feelings are innate and intrinsic to relationships. TI are naturally there, and are 0 be understood. The felings have defniivenes, hence these can be recognized. Once the feelings are recognized, fulfilled and rightly evaluated, it leads to mutual pimess, ee happiness, chat is to say, both Feelings (Values) ‘Thesalior valusin human-human lationship are the lowing: following: 1. Trust (Vishua)—+ Foundational Value all relationships. (Vishwa) - Foundational Value in al rel Harmony in he Family nd Society 53 Respect (Samman) AMfection (Sneha) Care (Mamata) Guidance (Vatsala) Reverence (Shraddha) Glory (Gaurava) Gratitude (Kritagyatd) Love (Prem) -> The Comprehensive Value ‘The feelings in relationship are the values in relationship. All the feelings are already within you -wnderssanding only makes you aware and once you are aware of it, there is continuity ofthese felings and you are able to full hem. ‘Trust isthe foundational value of relationship, i. relationship starts only when we have trst, and love is she comple value We will discuss in detail abous these values inthe succeeding Lectures. TAKE-AWAY Family is the basic unit of human interaction. In relationship, there ore nine values which canbe clearly recognized and understood. on In the last lecture, we started exploring about Justice (Nydya) Values in Human-to-Human Relationships ‘RECAP relationship. Relationship can be understood naturally ino family, We olso storted exploring the values in relotionship. Now we will see that understanding and focilitating these volues in the relationship ensures harmony in the family. It leads to mutual fulfillment, it leads to Justice (Npdya). Jase the Region of aus in dani, Fulfillment ight evaluation and ensuring of Mutual happiness (Ubhay-tipa Thus thr ar four cemensof justice: cognition of alc fillment, evaluation and mutual happiness. ‘What do you think. we “ you nk ‘we want justice only on few occasions: What do you think- ‘v0 think: the justice will be ensured inthe family among human beings or ju 8 oF courts of jurisdiction? Harmony ithe Faryad Soir 55 fe [cistobe evaluated in how many relationships nd ‘many occasions, we are ensuring justice? onhow Harmony in Relationships = ‘Justice’ ir = Justice’ (from Family to the World Family) ‘© Justice starts from family and slowly expands to the world family. ‘¢ Family - relationship recognized, fulfilled and evaluated leading to mutual happiness ‘@ Undivided Sociery (Athand Samaj feeling ofbcing related to every human being.) © Universal Human Order (Sarvabhaum Vjarastha) - (feeling of being related to every unit.) ¢ Harmony in individual -» family > society — narure > entire existence © We want harmony at all levels of living. Harmony in she family isthe building blak for harmony im the oe ed sociery, which s © Harmony in the society makes an wn ‘he cherished desire of each one of us. We de not want see) ta be divided on grounds of case creed. se rat bli Bat ‘thas can happen ony wen wearable 0 csure barney = the family, whe we can learn 10 do justice iversal Human Onder, where diving with plants animals long with unan © Undivided society leads 10 Uni swe are abl to ensure synergetic air, water, soil, and evry omer wn beings. 4 man Vales ad Professional Ethics 5 Human Trust fy be asured that the ther human being wants £0 make me happy and prosperous. hiss 10 be explored within oneself whether the other wan, te me happy or unhappy. The assurance thatthe other ways, «happy is trast, (We will explore mare about it in the Respect. Respects righ evaluation Need of 1 is that I should be evaluated as I am, I should evaluate others a they are. If do not do this, i is disrespect. (We sill explore more about it in lecture 16) TAKE-AWAY Establishing harmony in relationships is justice. Trust ‘ond Respect are prominent values while love Is the comprehensive value. ase eee ‘Trust’ — the Foundational Valye in Relationships necnp "We explored the harmony in the forily ond had a | look at the meanings of justice, trust ond respect. Now, we will look more deeply into the meaning of trust. Exploration about Trust (Vishwas) To be assured that the other wants to make prosperous is Trust (Vishud). Verify the following: Ja. Twant to make myself happy 2a, Twant to make the other happy: 3a, The other wants co make himselfersel happy 4a, The other wants to make me happy ‘Whar is the answer? Also verify the following: myself happy 1b, Tam able co always make myselt PP other happy 2b. Lam able to always make the other ha Protea 58 Human Vales and Poses rays make himself/herself happy, ab. The other is able to alw apse n= DPT eee 44h. The other is able ro aw What is the answer? ‘Respect! —as the Right Evaluation sr quesonare related on Natal Acepang i © Thefin he next fur to our COMPCEENCE ¢ Intention and Ih very important to differentiate beoween thee to Intention (Natural Acceptance) & Competence we started observing about | two different aspects, namely, intention ond competence. We generally mix the two and get into ‘opposition with the other. The two need to be evalvated separately. We will tlk cbout evaluation of competence here. ‘To be assured that the intention of the other is ah correct is Trust saa the intention is always correct, only competence i st don’t assume it 10 be true explore it time again, until you come to realize it. We generally evaluate ourselves on the bass of our inten EEE] Respect (Sammai and others on the basis oftheir competence! “ iu pest (Samundn) © Weseldom look at our competence and others’ intention, Respect = right evaluation © Sfwehave ron Intention, we have a feling of being rl Disrespect (Apman) ithe ober & mesure helping she ater 0 iprool a 7 competence, if he does not have enough. (Over evaluation-To evaluate more than what ies © fe do not have trust on Intention, we have a f : —— ti Under evaluation -To evaluate less than wha iis pposion withthe other which utimately leads Sd sone end wa Otherwise evaluation To evaluate other than what itis Whenever she enauation isnot righ. i i disc forthe aser If we observ, we wil ind throw dy day reco. soe redo done of these tre leading 20 dpe rasher thin respect. TAKE-AWAY Intention, every human being wants to do what so ie como may be lacking whic ea rough proper understanding are human being in terms . sve mistake is to evalu A grave mistake is t0 © eee of the body only, which means eva being otherwise. ee cE {60 una Vales a Evaluation on the basis of I (of a Human b | 1 Generally, we are : hich certainly sos illerentiation in the name of respect with the other. H] Differentiation ind Profesional ties seLwanew be continuously happy and prosperous, sang ‘§ Our Natural Acceptance isthe same, 4c Tam able co live happily by understanding and living jn harmony at all the four levels, same with che other, 4 Our Program isthe same. As continuously operate in the form of Desire, Thou, Selection, same with the other. % OurPorental is the same. The other is similar to me © Thisisthe conclusion we reach on the bass of these criteria. 4% Thisistheminimun conten ofrespect fora Human: The difference coud only be atthe level of Understand ; {and not just information) which connects usin a mu complementary tole; Ifthe other has better understanding than me, I w ‘o understand from the other. “ Iftheorher hasless understanding than me, [accept responsib 'y toimprove the understanding of the othet. ing wally acceptable, Harmony nthe Fama Sey 6 OF OWFFERENTIATION PS Dterertaten Differentiation based on one or alleen = isespect leading to reentmens and pre If we ary 0 respect people onthe bas of caccualy disrspecting them. With every human being, expecially or = alert us coer word, ery eves, you we wn. Men) COT tohar you bave done or sid 10 the oben respect and tras for him? ison the basis of One needs to be aware whether & the body or Note that: - sive of whether he Everyone has good incenions it wh she has competence to fullicor 295 oa robecnlu Every is ike mean human BEE ee primarily on che bass of therefore © islike me ye cs an reso FAS 62 Mame , lrmeny nthe Fay and Seiery 6 [LX Other Salient Values in Relationship This leads to Undivided Society - tarts fom fam and slowly expands ta world family: without heiny rensted the rest seven values fl 4 obstructed at any intermediate level Wa) Tiuscand b) Respect Afcvion (Sneha The feeling of acceptance of the other as + Everyhuman being has natural acceptance for espanding cones relative (feeling of being related to the other) up 10 world family through this feeling of lve, bac dag, 40 lack of understanding of relation:hip. one not ble 10 ensure a relationship of mutual fulfliment ith one, family members. Once we have the trust and respect, acceptance fall utara le stares with fing of relationship with one, the sity espands to many and finaly to all Care (Me-ness) (Mamata) Ve feeling of responsibilcy umn and proteting the other: asmyselt | e 4 Guidance (Vatsalya): The feeling of ensuring right nent car ee a4 oie Att added ong *_Reverence (Shraddhi)s'Vhe feeling of acceptance for th acellence GJ What do you want - to Work for Excellence, or Competition? # Working for Excellence & Working for Compe not the same. '* In Excellence, one helps to bring the other toh Competition, one hinders the other from reach own level. Here, Excelence eventially means Harmony cette Hamany-csah Gta, "YT Exes Ata Dai Corp always relative, with no definite state, no point of vompletion. Sin (Caran th ing for shoe who have made «lor for Excellence © Whar do you want to work for Excellence of Competition? Clete (Kritagyaa: The foling of ace ane for sod © When do you excel more when you understand che purposefulness of the work that you are doing oe when you ‘compete with the other? “ho have mnadelfon for My Hacellenne, Love Prem): Ve fecting obi unitine ee lated to all, to every + brall tars wih TAKE-AWAY Understanding of the nine values in relationship Starting from trust, and then respect. affection, core, guidance, reverence, glory. gratitude ond love. Excellence vs competition. | SAE Harn ry the Fay ac Sey 65 love of Find out all that we expect atthe e Summing up all our e PPECALION:, our tarp individual bas right understanding she cE 8 eer Understanding Harmony ‘ai fons a ang te pose aney in the Society co-ettence n the nature 7 te ea These are the fo alin values in the sie RECAP © Explore what we are doing right now are we wo Silfillment ofthe above mentioned Human Goa 10 accumulate unlimited money acceptable tous? We explored about the harmony in family (relotionships) so for, now we extend our exploration to the level of the society, And whar i: naturals Evolving towards Universal Human _ Order (Manviya Vyavastha [EE] Harmony in Society viva Vyavastha) (On the basis of the comprehensive human gol, menone vading harmony (Akband Samdj) - from family to the the society gets organized harmoniously in the folowing onder 7 Y Be yy! Family - Family cluster - Village - Village cluster --- World © Dowe want harmony only among a limited scion of people Fanily aed on cate, creed, religion, nationality, ee. or with all be ‘people on the globe? © In society the organization flows the above order hs inthe fay ea harry inte cs i. Comprehensive Human Goal —> Fa a lan: enlace to the d sue ensure the harmony fom family the wor In order to ensure a harmonious sociery the following buman goal 7 Feed e the harmony fo ‘as 1 be understood in a comprehensive manner ae 5, a 5 i Human irae 2 Prosperty 9. Featlessness 4,Co-Existonce. Five Dimensions of Universal standing ‘rsh Ons : ‘ ‘ ‘ pensive o actualize the comprehens! “Every idol in Every Famiy in Saclety ig Nature The activity in the society to lowing five dimensions goal can be visualized in terms of the Ce ng the right understanding of which essen y —— 8 Feueation Inculation (Shiksha Sanskar) astice Protection (Nyaya Suraksha) TSC ; fe sian (Srnsige Sexpeny Vision for the Universal ion - Work (Utpidan-Karya) Human Order Exchange Storage Vinimaya-Kosh) RECAP Wi will ds in detail about the five dimensions in the TAKE-AWAY We need to work towards the comprehensive Human Goo, consisting of Samédhén, Smridhi, Abhay & Soh- astitva to ensure happiness in a holistic way, and EEA] Five Dimensions of Human Order not just concentrate on economic development only. (Manviya Vyavastha) to look in detoll the five dimensions 2 Manos Vyavsthd' to actualize this goo! Ja, Education ‘To understand Ib. Sanskar = To live in harmony = Tolivein harm whole existence % — Thecontentof education at all evel of living Understanding is followed by 2s The competence gained by wakes in the form of Sani - Human-Human relation’ — its sccognition, fulfillment, evaluation - leading vo matual Happiness. 2a Juste (Nv) Serbs = “Human Rest of nature’ relation - itg recognition, fulfillment, evaluation - leading to mutual Prosperity. = Enrichment, Protection, Right Utilization of natuee. Nya relates tothe relation between human and human suraksha (Protection) relates to relation between dpuman and the rest of nature. Swratshi involves three shings: enrichment, protection and right utilization of resources of Nature. Example: culsivate wheat: thisis enrichment, I protect 150 tha eis fit to eat: hiss protection, and I eat it as ery need (and do not waste it: his is right utilization BS = The Body is fit to act according to the Self (1) ‘There is harmony among the various pars of the Body © Svan = Leaking the responsbilcy of Seweng protection and proper utilization of Body ' Food Clothing, Shelter Equipment/Iastruments 4a Work "abour that human does on the rest of nature *S- Moducion. Things obtained out of work Re "Harmony the Fay and Scie 69 Here two important issues are: ¢ What to produce? - Physical facilities fog nurturing, protection and right urilie, Body. 4 How to produce? “Through rece able proces in harmony with nature 1. Notonly does it ha has to ensure that enriched. 5a, Exchange- Exchanging of produce for 4 With a view of mutual fulfillment, not MADNESS of profit 5b. Storage - Storing of produce after full use of others. % With a view of right utilization in HOARDING TAKE-AWAY The Five dimensions of Ménvija Vpavast’s are to be comrectly visualized. € Harmony in the Nature (Existence) Understanding Harmony in the Nature RECAP We started exploring the harmony at all levels of our living, starting from the human reality, then to the family followed by the society. Now, let us explore the harmony at the level of Nature. i Understanding Nature -its Interconnectedness & Mutual Fulfillment Theaggregate of all the mutually interacting units-big or small, sentient orinsentientrogether can be called nature: These units are infinite in sumberand we could easly observe that there exists dynamic balance, cel regulation among all these units. To facilitate understanding, we can categorize all these units into four distinct orders. Mutual Fulfillment amongst four orders. Mutual Fulfillment = relatedness + fulfillment 7 . There are four orders in the nature. oo ° Hf There is mutual fulfillment amons the four orders of ature as well as within them. 7 a, Mutual fulfillment implies that each wit of the four order i io each ener We wl related to each other and enriching verify this through self exploration. 24 Homan Vales sess 1 [EX The Four Orders in Nature nadarth-aasthd) Maserial Onter (Uiadirth Pranic Order (Priam) Animal Onder (Jeeo-atastha) ’ t Human Onder (Gyan-awastha) revial order includes material things like soil, water and sin Pranic order includes plans etc, Animal order includes “inumale and birds, and Human order includes human beings, “hese four orders can be distinctly recognised in terms of their characteristics, participation with other units in similar order, activities, partern of inheritance, etc, We will discus about these elaborately in the meet lecture. [15 Mutual Fulfillment among the Four Orders Pranic Order Plante ateral Order Sol, Water Air ‘Asimal Oot “animale 8 ras armamy i the Nate Existence) 75 © Verify whether the Gao whether the four order are usualy fling eater © You will find that in naare al man order are mutually others. Only human ade fulfilment. © Only the human onder is rponible for problem sus as pollution, resource depletion, extinction of animal, global swarming and other threats to human race on earth, Ul the three orders other than fulfilling for chemelves a well 7 has to work to ensure mutual © Mutual fulfillment is ofcourse, naruraly acepeeble to human drder it just as t0 be realized and lived according © Inerinsically there is covrizence among all the units ofthe existence, about which we will keep exploring TAKE-AWAY The aggregate of all the units in existence which ore if mutual interaction is called nature. There is on Interconnectedness & mutual fulfillment among the four orders of nature. Interconnectedness, Self-regulation and Mutual Fulfillment among, the Four Orders of Nature RECAP Inthe earlier lecture, we studied about the mutual fulfilment omong four orders in nature. Now let us explore the four orders in more detail. [DE] Understanding the Four Orders Key concepts Dharand (Characteristic) at which is innate toa unit. © Material continues to exist. © Material is conserved as material, It is nether ereated not destroyed. © Pranic order bas existence as well as growth, oe bods is lke plants only. In '' of animals, there is the wilt ive Harmony he Nae asec 77 © Human bodys lik plan only tu The with bappines igh undertanding, i Swabhava (Participation) Participation in the harmony at higher levels of existence With burma means, the felings which ae readily acceptable in participation a higher lve of existence. 7 © Bycomposing, small material structures ransform ino bigger structures and by decomposing, big structures ancfrm into smaller structures. 7 ¢ APranic unit enbancesor worsensiminelfand he other pranie unit © Theswibhava of animal body is ume as plans. The ssabhava of the Self) in animals is Deenaua, Heenats, Krarat Deenatit (Wretchedness): The feling that I my needs Heenata (Cuenningness): The feeling that I cannot fulfil my needs 50 go for cheating, manipulation et Kruratéi (Cruelty): The feeling tha cannot 10 1 go for forceful violence. The swabhava of human body is same as plants For T of uman beings, it s- Dheerata (Perseverance): Being assured that she all encompassing solution is to understand and live in harmony at all Sour levels Veerata (Bravery): Being assured that the all encompassing ‘elton sto understand and lve in harmony a al fowler and 1.4m ready to help the other gertng asured of it. snanityt: ing assured that the alt Lidar oe and and live in harmony a alt Ra scam iy to bep te ater gesting assured of, oe | inn ef body and wealth 10 Belp the com a of mre Kriya (Activity) saterial unit only recgnies and fulfill 2 ‘Activity | Recognizing. Futiimers 4s phepanicwnitsoo oly recognises and fulfils | fe on «e_Ficanimal’s body operate like the plants while in the Self ae | Soewserenen : sci ee activity of assuming, recogniing and flfling — eThe human body too operate like the plants, while in the Order ‘ioe CIV. there isthe activity of knowing, assuming, recognizing Things “hrral Boy / (vest) “1 and fulfilling est __ ft ther way of studying the activity is that the material unit ney) Secoaatn « ucnies of composition and decomposition, the plants hae tecenal + spunton and decomposition aswell as respiration. The boi Charedersic | Exsone sGrowe | Eaves “Sow per and human beings operate like te plants, In the eff (Oreranay |) P ne wt nore snimal onky selection is active, while in the Self (1) of humans Saar es ee (Swabhava) | Deconpeston ‘Enhance Worsen boay + Wretenasress Gumangness, Cty = deie.shought and selection are active. Anushangita (Inheritance) ‘Activity Fescogning, Fuirest : wo invody » ©The material inherits the outcome of physico-chemical aci®t iad cae ee lag funimetet © The pranic unit inherits the attributes of seed. ‘hertance | Varsharusens | (Anushangita) | (inhering Bees) | evetrgaaceo es | © Animals and birds inberit the lineage (Vansh). — © Human beings inherit the Shiksha-Sanskt - ; Re ability and Self-regulation in Reeyelability Nat e exes rxyelaility and self-regulation. Recylability Waring sorme and finally comes re tabiliy. Sch eyes eam a process, a material unit nature thck to the same form, it is termed ibe studied operating frequently ample: Cycles of water, oxygens nitrogen, ete breeds ofanimals and plants continue Self regulation: The ed ily Fulfling manner. «cxat by themselves in a murual ‘Examples: Populasion of animals and plants are regulated such away thatall che breeds continue 60 exis. [DE] Interconnectedness and Mutual Fulfillment in Nature lo the nature, all the units are connected to each other and sling each other, Human being is relaced to all other human ibeings. On ths basis, we have feelings and emotions for everyone Human being s connected toll the material units in the existence and gets aware of as he/she starts exploring Similaely, we can explore about other units in the existence, “nowing there characteristic and participation. TAKE-AWAY ‘identification of the choraxteristic of various units ia ‘oture-Dhrana, Swabhava, Kriya and Rnushangicaof ll the four orders in nature. Further, recognition of the innate recyclability, self-regulation, interconnectedness ‘od mutual fulfilment in nature. Ea ay Realizing Existence as Co-existence at All Levels RECAP Till now, we studied about the units in various orders of nature. Now we will study the Existence as o whole which includes the units of nature submerged i ail. pervading, and immutable space. EEE] Harmony in Existence Existence = Exist + Essence, whatever exiss L L tobe harmony EXISTENCE i _ Nature submergedin Space (Collection of Units) (Emp) Limited itso Uoliniced Active cans Ale) No activigy slays Energized Equilibrium energy a abies ‘Allreflecting» aivesand fils ae eae Self-organization is seiborganised - All pervasive Unie : Abundance with diversity All per eo Mee ee (Unlimited in space Material - Ari atin inanaar: Limited in space, unlimited in time, Anita Limited in space and time) Submerged in Space [IE Every Uni 4 IcsselFonganizd in space. ‘¢ _erecognizesand fulfills the relationship with othersin space TAKE-AWAY lstence to be recognized as the co-existence of ‘mutually interocting units ond the unchanging sPo°e. thus, constituting the whole. The Holistic Perception of Harmony in Existence RECAP Having recognized the whole existence os < existence let us elaborate how it leads to a holistic | perception. | See the chart on the nexc page. It encapsulates all char we talked so far, a holistic view of Existence. The existence is units in space. We studied about space earlier The units are of two types 1. Material (insensient) 2. Consciousness (the Sentient '') The material units are transformable. and sheir composition seeps on changing, hence hese are garhansheel. The oer category of units, the Sentient 'T, do not transform and are complete in composition, hence gathanpurna ‘The material units are change (with acivities of recgnizing sand fulfillment only) while dhe other kind of unis are continuous (wich activities of knowing, assuming, recognizing and fulfillment). The material units are available in two orders- material order and pranie order Fy ~—D - =z yy atu ant Pofesoal FAhee . ines with another ato — smaterial onde. an arom combines wit . a meee similar forms a molecular sructure, forms: lumps and fluid ‘$4 Homan V hestenee) 85 sn firm mel Noa tures ae rion to pranc order. In pranic order, the ch combine with other cell to form found in 0, aids give mur couleur plant cells wh wanimal bodes and human bodies swith the animal body becomes the animal "7 with the human body becomes the The co-existence of T' ander, andthe consistence of ‘puman order. Compleson of igh understanding in human being i called Kriyapurnaa and ability to lve wih complet understanding is «called Acharanpurnata. If we lok atthe lft side ofthe chars, she transformation seeps taking place andthe transformation is cyclic in mature. But con the right hand side, the transitions are acyclic. This implies that tchar we have understood continues to stay with us, We will never sn it. This isa transition none direction. This is actually called development (Vikas) TAKE-AWAY Gistence is Co-existence at all levels and this is the ey to the holistic perception 3 gj i -MODULE-S- €implications of the Holistic Understanding — a Look at Professional Ethics? Ae Rea eemres Natural Acceptance of Human Values RECAP Before going into the implications of the Holistic Understanding, we would like to recapitulate the core theme of this course, i.e. ‘Harmony and co-existence at all levels’ which we have studied from Module-2 to Module-4 starting from the ‘self and going up to the whole existence. Now, we will retrace this path by again looking at the harmony and co-existence from €istence—Nature—Society—Family —the Human Being. This common thread has to be clearly grasped by the students and the process of self-exploration has to continue and become a part of our day to day living as well as our professional work. Let us also recapitulate what transformation, what change 'n our world view has it initiated in each one of us- this is to be brought out by listening to the feedback from she students and the "ecessary discussion to facilitate sufficient clarity. nan Then we also observe that the right understanding leads to a uy - Sn acceptance of Universal Human Values. It also leads 10 ‘teness of human conduct or what may be called the evhical al Tas yes at Protesi ome sersal and eterna Tis will by sich is aan 0 conduct W nest lecture uma FET values inderstood as participation i nt res in earlier lectures. mutual relationship, Vasa = studied about val 7 Juman beings, we studied the nine Tove etc Similarly, when working kinds of values: tn relationship with sauchas rst FSpects ings there af O80 cipation of a physical facilcy in jon of the body. value swith macerial Unity value: The parti suring nuctition and protect sie-value: The participation arth waization of the body 1 of a physical [EE] Natural Acceptance of Human Values Actually the Human Values are, ‘¢nocrobe enforced through fear #nottobe enforced through enticement ‘otto be enforced through blind fath/belief “The values are tobe naturally acceptable, asa result ofthe sight understanding gained through selEexploration. This provides the real basis for inculeation of Human Vales inthe society Any attempe to ensure vale based tours far enicrent or Bind belie will not be tenable, Only th PPE ofself exploration will lead to harmony in the society oF O78 Irene Hoo Uadeanig 9 Hersandng 9 aa Swatva-Swatantrata-Swardiya Asdiscussed in lectuce 1, the transition the society follows from the undersea one of us. This Staatoa is the natural ac loavaluchasedfningin inding of Swatoa in, e ceptance whichisinnare, invariantand univers. Each one us berms suben Ee et bstvir and work by being in doe with his Sato. This rocon of rgelets neat harmony atall levels of living. Realization of harmony in eit and living accordingly (which follows natural « Seana ‘Working for ensuring harmony in the larger order ie. the ocr is Swardjya. Implications of Value Based Living At the level of the individual ~ Happiness, peace, contentment and bliss in the self, perseverance, bravenyand ‘generosity in living of the individual © At the level of the family ~ Mutual fulfillment in relationships, prosperity in the family, sustenance of joint families, family as the building block of societal order in place of law enforcing bodies, respect for all without differentiation on the basis of age, gender, caste, race, money, post, creed, etc. © At the level of the Society ~ Fearlessness in the sociery, holistic systems for education, health, justice, production, exchange and storage, harmony between nations, world growing asa family. Ac the level of nature — ‘Co-existence of all units in nature, earth getting more and more suited for sustenance of all tities on the globe, balance of seasons, proper development a yr al Yes 4 Profesin ales 92 Haman { pranie units through right availability of ee a Mer sniand othernatual sources, that nti Human Orde, TAKE-AWAY falu naturally acceptable. Their ‘eens ‘paves oy for Universal Human Order Definitiveness of (Ethical) Human Conduct RECAP Itis importantto remember thot in this course we ae trying to proceed systematicall natural acceptance to Swota organised, being in harmony with oneself futher by | understanding Swatva we can move towers | Swordjya i.e. self-expression, self-extension ie. | Participating in harmony at various levels of existence, This is what paves the way for undivided society | (Akhand Saméj) ond universal human order. This is | what can lead to sustainable happiness and | Prosperity of all human beings. lyfrom Swatve, ie. my | nkFAt. i.e. being sel- Ethical Human Conduct In accordance with the above understanding, the ethical human conduct can be characterized in terms of Mulya-Neeti-Charitra © Values (Mutya): Competence ofiving in acondance with Cuversal human values - mutually fulfilling elatonship - Competence of Nyaa, x a Amepanec oot for right tiation, abc Ner ent ofall che assets inching the ray andthe Physical Resouress «Character (Carita + chasyincojgal aon (Spare ner) sy_acess 1 ightfily acquired wealth (Sta-dhar). vork(Daipurna Kinga «Compassionate behavior and w Viawahan) 1g notion about ethical human Discussion on the prevailin shoe idee? sivuivers? Also start evaluating your wwe conduet om these lines 1 may be repeatedly pointed out that continuous sel cxploravon with perseverance is the process for bridging the gap jourpresent conduct and the ethical human conduct. Finally iemay be appreciated that fe and profession cannot se seen ina segregated manner. Profession is only a subset of the svties needed for our living, therfore, a subset of life 4 human being with ethical human conduct and with uiste professional skills can only be a good professional, samely, a good engineer, a good manager, a good teacher seeacher a good technocrat, tc TAKE-AWAY The ethical Human conduct is definite and universol. It is characterized by universal human values ond hence, we con talk about it with definitiveness: ‘manifests in terms of Mulya, Neeti and Choritro A Basis for Humanistic Education, Humanistic Constitution and Universal Human Order RECAP In the last lecture, we hove realized thot the right | understanding finally leads to definitiveness of Human Conduct, i.e. the ethical conduct which is also the foundation of professional ethics. To facilitate the process of right understanding in the soci (0 createa favorable ambience for this and ro ensure a continuity of this process among human beings from generation ro generation, itis crucial to visualize and co work rowards the following key clements of Manviya Voavastha Hi] Vision for Manviya Vyavastha (Universal Human Order) = are the key elements of "Vjavasthi' which will need co be actualized, and therefore, is important to gain some clarity about the following: ™ . ° 1. Humanistic education (Manciya Shiksha) anstixution (Manvia Sarmvid hn) 2 Hom scermal Human order (Manviya Wavastha) scusion on the bass ofthe understanding oa ‘could be the model for the above. nod far as (0 what i sively visualize the This lecture should be devored to collectively ease of the above in contrast to what is prevailing TAKE-AWAY ‘The right understanding about the human reality and the realization of co-existence Inherent at all levels of existence provides us the basis to formulate the, Vision ond the structure for humanistic education, humanistic constitution ete. which are conducive to, ‘move towards universal human order. RT Competence in Professional Ethics RECAP Ie Is Important to understand that the only effective way to ensure professional ethics is through correct appraisal and systematic development of ethical competence in the professional (the human being). fs the right understanding successively comes into our living through self-exploration and proctice, it monifests | Interms of the Following competencies in the individu. EGS} Competence in Professional Ethics 1. Clarity about comprehensive human goal: Samidhin Samriddhi- Abhay- Sabvastitva, and its fulfillment through universal human order Confidence in oneself based on the right understanding of oneselfand the rest of existence Mutually fulfilling behavior: clatcy and confidence in ethical ‘human conduct and its correlation with sustainable personal as well as collective happiness and prosperity Mutually enriching interaction with Nature:self sufficiency in fulfillment of physical needs ability co assess che needs J acs _ and theit flfillment harmony in the nature the ability t identify eco-friendly) ‘This will beelaborared sor psi faites Fo the family shrough pr Inthe light of and develop 2p?" nologies production 5) in dhe next lecture the above mentioned points (nineacvesesion today adequaelysequited) yee one's own present caplore and ana a cies and Fave mentioned compet Each one of us may ifevolucion though continuous sel szaas in terms of the 2 ccordingly proceed with sl Seploation and practice EE Salient Unethical Practices in the Profession at Present shereisno tangible mechanism co develop f the individual and the dominating. fit-oriented. Let us have a critical look lemmas because of the prevailing Inthe presenter the ethical competence of ‘worldviews primarily pro atthe contradictions and dil ‘vor view in profession today. Corruption at various levels an in different forms b. ‘Taxevasion and misappropriation offunds Unethical nature of advertisements and sales promotion 4 ‘Cathoat competition ¢Adultration and spurious production f Exploitation ar various levels Negligence and dstgard for environment 1, Promotion of unsustainable technologies Limplications of the Holistic Undestanding 9) Discuss the above problems isues through real life examples and facilitate ce studens ta find out the nae fibespablne Some more isues may alo be included on the suggesion of the students. Contradiction and Dilemmas Using the above examples, bring ou the sien conadictons and dilemmas existing coday. “To understand the above situation correctly, itis necesary to appreciate thatthe present ethos guiding all our activities is primarily peofi-maximization; wealth maximization, comfor ee imization and ll the systems and efforts are influenced by By now it should have Been clear that such an ethos is nor conducive to continuous human happiness and prosperity. Inan seerarching environment of profit maximization, ro expect cthical conduct by individuals isa contradiction in terms, Hence. ic ges thwarted time and again. Without rectifying our world view, we are erying ro ensure ethical conduct through checks and controls, through oaths, through punishments and rewards rc. Butsuch a remedy proves untenable, Frustrating, ull of dilemmas. Hence, a change of ethos, a change of perception is the prime requisite, which is core message of this course. The prime needs codevelop the ethical competence through right understanding. TAKE-AWAY The realmethod to promote professional ethics isto evelop adequate ethicel competence among wen beings (professionals). The prevalling ‘contradiction and dilemmas con onl therightunderstending. veresonedutn i F Holistic Technologies, Production Systems and Management Models-Typical Case Studies RECAP __ In this course, so far, we hove tried to understand the vnetnodology to develop ethical competence among ciman beings and to evolve systems which will help sromotion of ethical competence In the society. One significant aspect of the competence in Professional Eris isthe ability to visualize and develop appropriate rolistic) technologies, production systems, ond ‘onogement models. Let us nou look ot these. *) Ability to Develop Holistic Systems must have become clea that understanding of harmony = vatious level along with the appreciation of comprehensive Human goal enables us to characterize the criteria of “ehrepratnes (people-friendlines and eco-friendliness) of production systems and management models. Forexample, the ple the following criteria will acquire importane® © Preservation of natural halance © Utilizing local resenirces and © Decentralized and conc mi : @ Catering to real needs © Matching of production dst Case studies of Typical Holistic Technologies, Management Models and Production Systems Biomass based Energy Technologies ‘@ Micro-hydel and Wind power Prime-movers © Solar Energy Devices ‘© Eco-sanitation Technologies © Green Building Materials and Techniques © Water shed Management © Eco friendly Agriculeure omg stds of Management modsis< Gram Bank Liza operatives, Auroville, Ralegzon sidvi, Brahma Kumats ec. TAKE-AWAY i. ae understanding provides a holistic vision for modes gies: Production systems ond management Hie lere are a number of inspiring experiments ah in this direction which con provide us good 19 ANd confidence in the alternative. SEs Strategies for Transition towards Value-based Life and Profession RECAP In this course we have so far tried to explore various elements ofthe right understanding and its implications in life ond profession. In this concluding lecture it is pertinent to visualize hour a transition in this direction canbe ocual initiated starting from the present state, © Avche level of individual and © Atche level of society and organisations EEE) Strategies for Transition We will ey to identify some tangi le steps in the light of «standing gained to initiate transition from the present situation to the desired situation. © What can be done at the. ‘individual level? * Wharcanbe done atthe evel ofsociety and organisations? . ‘Whaccan be taken up immediately? What can be harcan be taken up asa long term strategy? Fp a The answers tothe abo. : "questions aretobe brainstorming with active participation of are one hough the teacher acts asa facta a” OY ten, TAKE-AWAY The journey for transition begins by ins by odequate appreciation of the need ond the femenc wet the framework for gaining right understanding, Noturcily. the free intervention has to be made is through education The present course is a preliminary but nece: son) in this direction! oe

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