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Utterson Reputation: Essay plan – beginning, middle, end

Thesis statement:
Presented as a reputable gentleman law abiding and diligent. Utterson's
reputation as reputable is established through his professional integrity, sense of
duty, social standing, and rational demeanour, all of which contribute to his role as
a trustworthy and respected character in the novella.

Para 1:
Stevenson presents Utterson as one of the arguably one of the most reputable
characters in the novella, reflecting the reputation which many Victorians abided
by. From the very introduction of his character, he seems incredibly mindful of his
reputation due to his plethora of repressed desires
- ‘austere’, ‘a lawyer’
- Drank gin to mortify the taste for vintages’.
- ‘hadn’t been to the theatre for 20 years’

Para 2:
Middle of extract:
- ‘His affections like ivy were the growth of time’.
- ‘he was conscious of some touched of that terror of the law and the laws
offices’  not afraid to be candid All the way through the novel, Utterson
does not share his suspicions about Jekyll because he wants to protect his
friend’s reputation:
- For example, when he suspects Hyde’s letter has been forged or believes
Jekyll is hiding Hyde, he keeps it a secret in order to shield Jekyll from any
public disgrace Further, Utterson is motivated to maintain the appearance
of respectability and propriety even though he is aware of the depravity of
Hyde’s actions

Para 3:
End of extract:
- Utterson is motivated to maintain the appearance of respectability
and propriety even though he is aware of the depravity of Hyde’s actions
Even at the conclusion of the novella, Utterson remains steadfast in his belief that
Jekyll’s reputation must be upheld: for example, “I would say nothing of this
paper. If your master has fled or is dead, we may at least save his credit”

- pathetic fallacy and the descriptions of the fog are used to create an
atmosphere of concealment. ‘the fog lifted a little’, then ‘settled back down’
- The eyes of conscious within the novella- our perception doesn’t differ


 Stevenson conveys how reputation is based merely on one’s appearance to

society, rather than one’s actual conduct and this leads to ideas about
 Stevenson demonstrates the extent to which the characters place
reputation and respectability above responsibility

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