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Effective communication is the process of exchanging ideas, thoughts,

opinions, knowledge, and data so that messages are received and understood
clearly and purposefully. When we communicate effectively, both sender and
receiver will feel satisfied. With effective communication, it can also establish a good
relationship between the sender and receiver. There are several factors that can
affect effective communication in our daily lives.

First and foremost, the clarity of the message is important to ensure that the
ideas and information conveyed are easily understood by the recipient. Unclear or
vague messages can cause confusion and loss of important information. So a lot of
information is not optimally reached by the recipient if the information provider does
not tell clearly and in detail. That is why we need to convey a message to someone
clearly, concisely and using language that is easy to understand to avoid
misunderstandings between the recipient and the sender of the message.

The second factor is active listening. Active listening involves paying your full
attention to the speaker and showing genuine interest in what they are saying,
without interruptions or quick judgments. This allows us to better understand what is
being communicated and provide an appropriate response. To practice active
listening, show eye contact, ask clarifying questions, and summarize the main points
of what we get from the sender of the message.

Last but not least, non-verbal signals are also one of the factors that influence
effective communication because they play an important role and can give a big
impact on how your message is received. Nonverbal cues include body language,
facial expressions, and tone of voice. The correct use of non-verbal cues can add
additional information and show our feelings or intentions in giving a message. In
addition to helping build trust and warmth towards the recipient and the sender of the

In conclusion, message clarity, active listening and non-verbal cues are some
factors that can influence effective communication. By understanding and taking into
account these factors, we can improve our communication skills and achieve a better
understanding with others.

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