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Confidence intervals
and confidence regions
In Section 8.2, the basic concepts about confidence intervals, etc. were introduced; the
detailed discussion was deferred to the present chapter. The point estimation problem,
in its simplest form, discussed extensively in the previous chapter, is as follows:
On the basis of a random sample X1 , . . . , Xn with p.d.f. f (·; θ), θ ∈  ⊆ , and its
observed values x1 , . . . , xn , construct a point estimate of θ , call it θ̂ = θ̂(x1 , . . . , xn ).
Thus, for example, in the N(θ, 1) case, we are invited to pinpoint a value of θ ∈  as
the (unknown to us but) true value of θ. Such estimates were, actually, constructed
by way of at least three methods. Also, certain desirable properties of estimates
(fixed sample size properties, as well as asymptotic properties) were established or
Now, declaring that (the unknown value of) θ is, actually, x̄ may look quite
unreasonable. How is it possible to single out one value out of , x̄, and identify it as
the true value of θ ? The concept of a confidence interval with a given confidence
coefficient mitigates this seemingly unreasonable situation. It makes much more
sense to declare that θ lies within an interval in  with high confidence. This is, in
effect, what we are doing in this chapter by formulating the questions and problems
in rigorous probabilistic/statistical terms.
The chapter consists of four sections. The first section concerns itself with
confidence intervals of one real-valued parameter. The following section considers
the same kind of a problem when nuisance (unknown but of no interest to us)
parameters are present. In the third section, an example is discussed, where a
confidence region of two parameters is constructed; no general theory is developed.
(See, however, Theorem 4 in Chapter 12.) In the final section, some confidence
intervals are constructed with given approximate confidence coefficient.


We formalize in the form of a definition some concepts already introduced in the
second section of Chapter 8.

Definition 1. Let X1 , . . . , Xn be a random sample with p.d.f. f (·; θ), θ ∈  ⊆ .

(i) A random interval is an interval whose end-points are r.v.’s.
An Introduction to Probability and Statistical Inference
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330 CHAPTER 10 Confidence intervals and confidence regions

(ii) A confidence interval for θ with confidence coefficient 1 − α (0 < α < 1, α

small) is a random interval whose end-points are statistics L(X1 , . . . , Xn ) and
U(X1 , . . . , Xn ), say, such that L(X1 , . . . , Xn ) < U(X1 , . . . , Xn ) and
Pθ [L(X1 , . . . , Xn ) ≤ θ ≤ U(X1 , . . . , Xn )] ≥ 1 − α, for all θ ∈ . (1)

(iii) The statistic L(X1 , . . . , Xn ) is called a lower confidence limit for θ with con-
fidence coefficient 1 − α, if the interval [L(X1 , . . . , Xn ), ∞) is a confidence
interval for θ with confidence coefficient 1 − α. Likewise, U(X1 , . . . , Xn ) is
said to be an upper confidence limit for θ with confidence coefficient 1 − α, if
the interval (−∞, U(X1 , . . . , Xn )] is a confidence interval for θ with confidence
coefficient 1 − α.

Remark 1. The significance of a confidence interval stems from the relative

frequency interpretation of probability. Thus, on the basis of the observed values
x1 , . . . , xn of X1 , . . . , Xn , construct the interval with end-points L(x1 , . . . , xn ) and
U(x1 , . . . , xn ), and denote it by [L1 , U1 ]. Repeat the underlying random experiment
independently another n times and likewise form the interval [L2 , U2 ]. Repeat this
process a large number of times, N, independently each time, and let [LN , UN ] be
the corresponding interval. Then the fact that [L(X1 , . . . , Xn ), U(X1 , . . . , Xn )] is a
confidence interval for θ with confidence coefficient 1 − α means that approximately
100(1 − α)% of the above N intervals will cover θ, no matter what its value is.

Remark 2. When the underlying r.v.’s are of the continuous type, the inequal-
ities in the above definition, regarding the confidence coefficient 1 − α, become

Remark 3. If L(X1 , . . . , Xn ) is a lower confidence limit for θ with confidence coef-

ficient 1 − α2 , and U(X1 , . . . , Xn ) is an upper confidence limit for θ with confidence
coefficient 1 − α2 , then [L(X1 , . . . , Xn ), U(X1 , . . . , Xn )] is a confidence interval for θ
with confidence coefficient 1 − α.

Indeed, writing L and U instead of L(X1 , . . . , Xn ) and U(X1 , . . . , Xn ), and keeping

in mind that L < U, we have:
Pθ (L ≤ θ) = Pθ (L ≤ θ, U ≥ θ) + Pθ (L ≤ θ, U < θ)
= Pθ (L ≤ θ ≤ U) + Pθ (U < θ), since (U < θ) ⊆ (L ≤ θ),

Pθ (θ ≤ U) = Pθ (U ≥ θ, L ≤ θ) + Pθ (U ≥ θ, L > θ)

= Pθ (L ≤ θ ≤ U) + Pθ (L > θ), since (L > θ) ⊆ (U ≥ θ).

Summing them up, we have then

Pθ (L ≤ θ) + Pθ (U ≥ θ) = 2Pθ (L ≤ θ ≤ U) + Pθ (U < θ ) + Pθ (L > θ ),
10.1 Confidence intervals 331

2Pθ (L ≤ θ ≤ U) = Pθ (L ≤ θ) + Pθ (U ≥ θ) − Pθ (U < θ) − Pθ (L > θ)

= Pθ (L ≤ θ) + Pθ (U ≥ θ) − 1 + Pθ (U ≥ θ) − 1 + Pθ (L ≤ θ)

= 2[Pθ (L ≤ θ) + Pθ (U ≥ θ) − 1],

Pθ (L ≤ θ ≤ U) = Pθ (L ≤ θ) + Pθ (U ≥ θ) − 1
α α
≥ 1− + 1 − − 1 = 1 − α,
2 2
as was to be seen.
This section is concluded with the construction of confidence intervals in some
concrete examples. In so doing, we draw heavily on distribution theory and point
estimates. It would be, perhaps, helpful to outline the steps we usually follow in
constructing a confidence interval.
(a) Think of a r.v. which contains the parameter θ, the r.v.’s X1 , . . . , Xn , preferably
in the form of a sufficient statistic, and whose distribution is (exactly or at least
approximately) known.
(b) Determine suitable points a < b such that the r.v. in step (a) lies in [a, b] with
Pθ -probability ≥ 1 − α.
(c) In the expression of step (b), rearrange the terms to arrive at an interval with the
end-points being statistics and containing θ .
(d) The interval in step (c) is the required confidence interval.

Example 1. Let X1 , . . . , Xn be a random interval from the N(μ, σ 2 ) distribution,

where only one of μ or σ 2 is unknown. Construct a confidence interval for it with
confidence coefficient 1 − α.


(i) Let μ be unknown. The natural r.v. to think of is n(X̄−μ)/σ , which satisfies the
requirements in step (a). Next, determine any two points a < b from the Normal
tables for which P(a ≤ Z ≤ b) = 1 − α where √ Z ∼ N(0, 1). (See, however,
Exercise 1.1 for the best choice of a and b.) Since n(X̄−μ)
σ ∼ N(0, 1), it follows
n(X̄ − μ)
Pμ a ≤ ≤ b = 1 − α, for all μ,
so that step (b) is satisfied. Rearranging the terms inside the square brackets,
we obtain:
bσ aσ
Pμ X̄ − √ ≤ μ ≤ X̄ − √ = 1 − α, for all μ,
n n
332 CHAPTER 10 Confidence intervals and confidence regions

so that step (c) is fulfilled. In particular, for b = zα/2 (recall P(Z ≥ zα/2 ) = α2 )
and a = −zα/2 , we have
σ σ
Pμ X̄ − zα/2 √ ≤ μ ≤ X̄ + zα/2 √ = 1 − α, for all μ.
n n
It follows that
σ σ σ
X̄ − zα/2 √ , X̄ + zα/2 √ = X̄ ± zα/2 √ (for brevity) (2)
n n n
is the required confidence interval.
 nS2 n
(ii) Let σ 2 be unknown. Set S2 = 1n ni=1 (Xi − μ)2 and recall that σ2
= i=1
( Xiσ−μ )2 ∼ χn2 . The r.v. nS
satisfies the requirements of step (a). From the Chi-
square tables, determine any pair 0 < a < b for which P(a ≤ X ≤ b) = 1 − α,
where X ∼ χn2 . Then
nS2 nS2 nS2
Pσ 2 a ≤ 2 ≤ b = 1 − α, for all σ 2 , or Pσ 2 ≤ σ2 ≤
σ b a
= 1 − α, for all σ 2 and steps (b) and (c) are satisfied.
In particular,
nS2 nS2
Pσ 2 ≤ σ2 ≤ 2 = 1 − α, for all σ 2 ,
χn; α/2
2 χn; 1−α/2

where P(X ≤ χn2; 1−α/2 ) = P(X ≥ χn2; α/2 ) = α2 . It follows that

2 2 n
nS nS
, , S2 = (Xi − μ)2 (3)
χn2; α/2 χn2; 1−α/2 n

is the required confidence interval.

Numerical Example. Let n = 25 and 1 − α = 0.95. For part (i), we have zα/2 =
z0.025 = 1.96, so that X̄ ± zα/2 √σn = X̄ ± 1.96 × σ5 = X̄ ± 0.392σ . For σ = 1, for
example, the required interval is then: X̄ ± 0.392. For the second part, we have
χn2;α/2 = χ252
= 40.646, and χn2;1−α/2 = χ25
= 13.120. The required inter-
val is then:
25S2 25S2
, [0.615S2, 1.905S2].
40.646 13.120

Example 2. On the basis of the random sample X1 , . . . , Xn from the U(0, θ) (θ > 0)
distribution, construct a confidence interval for θ with confidence coefficient 1 − α.

Discussion. It has been seen (just apply Example 6 (ii) in Chapter 9 with α = 0
and β = θ) that X = X(n) is a sufficient statistic for θ . Also, the p.d.f. of X is given by
(see Example 14 in Chapter 9) fX (x; θ) = θnn xn−1 , 0 ≤ x ≤ θ . Setting Y = X/θ , it is
10.1 Confidence intervals 333

easily seen that the p.d.f. of Y is: fY (y) = nyn−1 , 0 ≤ y ≤ 1. The r.v. Y satisfies the
requirements of step (a). Next, determine any 0 ≤ a < b < 1 such that a fY (y)dy =
 b n−1 b
a ny dy = a dyn = yn | ba = bn − an = 1 − α. Then
Pθ (a ≤ Y ≤ b) = Pθ a ≤ ≤ b = Pθ ≤θ ≤ = 1 − α, for all θ,
θ b a
so that steps (b) and (c) are satisfied. It follows that [ Xb , Xa ] = [ b(n) , a(n) ] is the required
confidence interval.
Looking at the length of this interval, X(n) ( 1a − 1b ), setting a = a(b) and minimiz-
ing with respect to b, we find that the shortest interval is taken for b = 1 and a = α 1/n .
That is, [X(n) , α 1/n ]. (See also Exercise 1.5.)
Numerical Example. For n = 32 and 1 − α = 0.95, we get (approximately)
[X(32) , 1.098X(32)].

1.1 Let  be the d.f. of the N(0, 1) distribution, and let a < b be such that
(b) − (a) = γ , some fixed number with 0 < γ < 1. Show that the length
b − a of the interval (a, b) is minimum, if, for some c > 0, b = c and a = −c.
Also, identify c.
1.2 If X1 , . . . , Xn are independent r.v.’s distributed as N(μ, σ 2 ) with μ unknown
and σ known, then a 100(1 − α)% confidence interval for μ is given by
X̄ n ± z α2 √σn (see Example 1(i)). Suppose that the length of this interval is 7.5
and we wish to halve it. What sample size m = m(n) will be needed?
Hint. Set m = cn and determine c.
1.3 The stray-load loss (in watts) for a certain type of induction motor, when the
line current is held at 10 amps for a speed of 1500 rpm, is a r.v. X ∼ N(μ, 9).
On the basis of the observed values x1 , . . . , xn of a random sample of size n:
(i) Compute a 99% observed confidence interval for μ when n = 100 and
x̄ = 58.3.
(ii) Determine the sample size n, if the length of the 99% confidence interval
is required to be 1.
1.4 If the independent r.v.’s X1 , . . . , Xn are distributed as N(θ, σ 2 ) with σ known,
the 100(1 − α)% confidence interval for θ is given by X̄n ± z α2 √σn (see
Example 1(i)).
(i) If the length of the confidence interval is to be equal to a preassigned
number l, determine the sample size n as a function of l, σ , and α.
(ii) Compute the numerical value of n, if l = 0.1, σ = 1, and α = 0.05.
1.5 Refer to Example 2 and show that the shortest length of the confidence
interval is, indeed, [X(n) , X(n) /α 1/n ] as asserted.
334 CHAPTER 10 Confidence intervals and confidence regions

Hint. Set a = a(b), differentiate g(b) = 1a − 1b , with respect to b, and use the
derivative of bn − an = 1 − α in order to show that dg(b)
db < 0, so that g(b) is
decreasing. Conclude that g(b) is minimized for b = 1.
1.6 Let X1 , . . . , Xn be independent r.v.’s with the Negative Exponential p.d.f.
given in the form f (x; θ) = θ1 e−x/θ , x > 0, θ ∈  = (0, ∞).  Then:
(i) By using the m.g.f. approach, show that the r.v. U = ni=1 Xi has the
Gamma distribution with parameters α = n and β = θ.
(ii) Also, show that the r.v. V = 2U θ is distributed as χ2n .

(iii) By means of part (ii), construct a confidence interval for θ with

confidence coefficient 1 − α.
1.7 If X is a r.v. with the Negative Exponential p.d.f. f (x; θ) = θ1 e−x/θ , x > 0,
θ ∈  = (0, ∞), then, by Exercise 2.2 in Chapter 9, the reliability
R(x; θ) = Pθ (X > x) = e−x/θ . If X1 , . . . , Xn is a random sample of size n
from this p.d.f., use Exercise 1.6(iii) in order to construct a confidence
interval for R(x; θ) with confidence coefficient 1 − α.
1.8 Let X1 , . . . , Xn be a random sample of size n from the p.d.f.
f (x; θ) = e−(x−θ) , x > θ, θ ∈  = , and let Y1 be the smallest order statistic
of the Xi ’s.
(i) Use formula (28) of Chapter 6 in order to show that the p.d.f. of Y1 , call
it g, is given by: g(y) = ne−n(y−θ) , y > θ.
(ii) Set T(θ) = 2n(Y1 − θ) and show that T ∼ χ22 .
(iii) Use part (ii) in order to show that a 100(1 − α)% confidence interval for
θ, based on T(θ), is given by: [Y1 − 2n b
, Y1 − 2n
], for suitable
0 < a < b; a special choice of a and b is: a = χ22;1− α and b = χ22; α .
2 2

1.9 Let the independent r.v.’s X1 , . . . , Xn have the Weibull distribution with
parameters γ and θ with θ ∈  = (0, ∞) and γ > 0 known; i.e., their p.d.f.
f (·; θ) is given by:
γ γ
f (x; θ) = xγ −1 e−x /θ , x > 0.
(i) For i = 1, . . . , n, set Yi = Xi and show that the p.d.f. of Yi , gT (·; θ), is
Negative Exponential parameterized as follows:
g(y; θ) = θ1 e−y/θ , y > 0.
(ii) For i = 1, . . . , n, set Ti (θ) = 2Y i
θ and show that the p.d.f. of
Ti (θ), gT (·; θ), is that of a χ22 distributed r.v., and conclude that the r.v.

T(θ) = ni=1 Ti (θ) ∼ χ2n 2 .

(iii) Show that a 100(1 − α)% confidence interval for θ , based n on T(θ), is of
the form [ 2Y b , 2Y
a ], for suitable 0 < a < b, where Y = X
i=1 i . In
particular, a and b may be chosen to be χ2n 2
;1− α
and χ2n
2 , respectively.

2 2
10.1 Confidence intervals 335

1.10 If the independent r.v.’s X1 , . . . , Xn have p.d.f.

1 −|x|/θ
f (x; θ) = 2θ e , x ∈ , θ ∈  = (0, ∞), then show that:
(i) The independent r.v.’s Yi = |Xi |, i = 1, . . . , n have the Negative
Exponential p.d.f. g(y; θ) = θ1 e−y/θ , y > 0.
(ii) The independent r.v.’s Ti (θ) = 2Yθ i , i = 1, . . . , n are χ22 -distributed, so
that the
nr.v. T(θ) = ni=1 Ti (θ) = θ2 ni=1 Yi = 2Y θ ∼ χ2n , where
Y = i=1 Yi = i=1 |Xi |.
(iii) A 100(1 − α)% confidence interval for θ, based on T(θ), is given by
[ 2Y
b , a ], for suitable 0 < a < b. In particular, a and b may be chosen to

be a = χ2n 2
;1− α
, b = χ2n
2 .

2 2

1.11 Consider the p.d.f. f (x; α, β) = β1 e−(x−α)/β , x ≥ α, α ∈ , β > 0 (see

Exercise 1.11 in Chapter 9), and suppose that β is known and α is unknown,
and denote it by θ. Thus, we have here:
1 −(x−θ)/β
f (x; θ) = e , x ≥ θ, θ ∈  = .

(i) Show that the corresponding d.f., F(·; θ), is given by:
F(x; θ) = 1 − e−(x−θ)/β , x ≥ θ, so that
1 − F(x; θ) = e−(x−θ)/β , x ≥ θ.
(ii) Let X1 , . . . , Xn be independent r.v.’s drawn from the p.d.f. f (·; θ), and let
Y1 be the smallest order statistic. Use relation (28) in Chapter 6 in order
to show that the p.d.f. of Y1 is given by:
fY1 (y; θ) = e−n(y−θ)/β , y ≥ θ.
(iii) Consider the r.v. T = Tn (θ) defined by: T = n(Y1 − θ)/β, and show that
its p.d.f. is given by: fT (t) = e−t , t ≥ 0.
1.12 In reference to Exercise 1.11:
(i) Determine 0 ≤ a < b, so that P(a ≤ T ≤ b) = 1 − α, for some
0 < α < 1.
(ii) By part (i), Pθ [a ≤ n(Y1β−θ) ≤ b] = 1 − α, since T has the p.d.f.
fT (t) = e−t , t ≥ 0. Use this relation to conclude that
[Y1 − bβ aβ
n , Y1 − n ] is a 100(1 − α)% confidence interval of θ.
(iii) The length l of the confidence interval in part (ii) is l = βn (b − a). Set
b = b(a) and show that the shortest confidence interval is given by:
[Y1 + β log α
n , Y1 ].
Hint. For part (iii), set b = b(a), and from e−a − e−b = 1 − α, obtain
da = e
db b−a by differentiation. Then replace db in dl and observe that it is >0.
da da
This implies that l obtains its minimum at a = 0.
336 CHAPTER 10 Confidence intervals and confidence regions

1.13 Let X1 , . . . , Xn be independent r.v.’s with d.f. F and p.d.f. f with f (x) > 0 for
−∞ ≤ a < x < b ≤ ∞, and let Y1 and Yn be, respectively, the smallest and
the largest order statistics of the Xi ’s.
(i) By using the hint given below, show that the joint p.d.f., fY1 ,Yn , of Y1 and
Yn is given by:
fY1 ,Yn (y1 , yn ) = n(n − 1)[F(yn ) − F(y1 )]n−2 f (y1 )f (yn ),
a < y1 < yn < b.
Hint. P(Yn ≤ yn ) = P(Y1 ≤ y1 , Yn ≤ yn ) + P(Y1 > y1 , Yn ≤ yn ) =
FY1 ,Yn (y1 , yn ) + P(y1 < Y1 < Yn ≤ yn ). But P(Yn ≤ yn ) = P(all Xi ’s ≤ yn ) =
P(X1 ≤ yn , . . . , Xn ≤ yn ) = P(X1 ≤ yn ) . . . P(Xn ≤ yn ) = [F(yn )]n , and:
P(y1 < Y1 < Yn ≤ yn ) = P (all Xi ’s are > y1 and also ≤yn )
= P(y1 < X1 ≤ yn , . . . , y1 < Xn ≤ yn ) = P(y1 < X1 ≤ yn ) . . . P(y1 < Xn ≤
yn ) = [P(y1 < X1 ≤ yn )]n = [F(yn ) − F(y1 )]n . Thus,
[F(yn )]n = FY1 ,Yn (y1 , yn ) + [F(yn ) − F(y1 )]n , a < y1 < yn < b.
Solving for FY1 ,Yn (y1 , yn ) and taking the partial derivatives with respect to y1
and yn , we get the desired result.
(ii) Find the p.d.f. fY1 ,Yn when the Xi ’s are distributed as
U(0, θ), θ ∈  = (0, ∞).
(iii) Do the same for the case the Xi ’s have the Negative Exponential p.d.f.
f (x; θ) = θ1 e−x/θ , x > 0, θ ∈  = (0, ∞).
1.14 Refer to Exercise 1.13(ii), and show that the p.d.f. of the range R = Yn − Y1
is given by:
n(n − 1) n−2
fR (r; θ) = r (θ − r), 0 < r < θ .
1.15 Refer to Exercise 1.13(iii), and show that the p.d.f. of the range R = Yn − Y1
is given by:
n − 1 −r
e θ (1 − e− θ )n−2 , r > 0.
fR (r; θ) =
1.16 In reference to Exercise 1.14:
(i) Set T = Rθ and show that fT (t) = n(n − 1)tn−2 (1 − t), 0 < t < 1.
(ii) Take 0 < c < 1 such that Pθ (c ≤ T ≤ 1) = 1 − α, and construct a
confidence interval for θ, based on the range R, with confidence
coefficient 1 − α. Also, show that c is a root of the equation
cn−1 × [n − (n − 1)c] = α.
1.17 Consider the independent random samples X1 , . . . , Xm from the N(μ1 , σ12 )
distribution and Y1 , . . . , Yn from the N(μ2 , σ22 ) distribution, where μ1 , μ2 are
unknown and σ12 , σ22 are known, and define the r.v. T = Tm,n (μ1 − μ2 ) by:
(X̄ m −Ȳ n )−(μ1 −μ2 )
Tm,n (μ1 − μ2 ) = .
(σ12 /m)+(σ22 /n)
Then show that:
10.2 Confidence intervals in the presence of nuisance parameters 337

(i) A 100(1 − α)% confidence interval for μ1 − μ2 , based on T, is given by:

σ2 σ2 σ2 σ2
[(X̄m − Ȳn ) − b m1 + n2 , (X̄m − Ȳn ) − a m1 + n2 ] for suitable
constants a and b.
(ii) The confidence interval in part (i) with the shortest length is taken for
b = zα/2 and a = −zα/2 .
1.18 Refer to Exercise 1.17, and suppose that μ1 , μ2 are known and σ12 , σ22 are
σ2 S2
unknown. Then define the r.v. T̄ = T̄m,n (σ12 /σ22 ) = 12 × Y2 , where
σ2 SX
 1 n
SX2 = m1 m
i=1 (Xi − μ1 ) and SY = n
2 2
j=1 (Yj − μ2 ) , and show that a

100(1 − α)% confidence interval for σ12 /σ22 , based on T̄, is given by
[a , b ] for 0 < a < b with P(a ≤ X ≤ b) = 1 − α, X ∼ Fn,m . In
particular, we may choose a = Fn,m;1− α2 and b = Fn,m; α2 .
1.19 Consider the independent random samples X1 , . . . , Xm and Y1 , . . . , Yn from
the Negative Exponential distributions
f (x; θ1 ) = θ11 e−x/θ1 , x > 0, θ1 ∈  = (0, ∞), and f (y; θ2 ) = θ12 e−y/θ2 ,
y > 0, θ2 ∈  = (0, ∞), and set U = m i=1 Xi , V = j=1 Yj . Then, by
Exercise 1.6(ii), θ1 ∼ χ2m , θ2 ∼ χ2n and they are independent. It follows
2U 2 2V 2
2V /2n 
θ2 θ1 θ1 m nj=1 Yj
that 2U /2m = θ2 × mV
nU = θ2 × m
n i=1 Xi
∼ F2n,2m . Use this result in order to
construct a 100(1 − α)% confidence interval for θ1 /θ2 .
1.20 In reference to Exercise 4.3 in Chapter 9, construct a 100(1 − α)% (Bayes)
confidence interval for θ; that is, determine a set
{θ ∈ (0, 1); h(θ|x1 , . . . , xn ) ≥ c(x1 , . . . , xn )},
where c(x1 , . . . , xn ) is determined by the requirement that the Pλ -probability
of this set is equal to 1 − α. (Notice that this α is unrelated to the parameter α
of the Beta distribution.)
Hint. Use the graph of the p.d.f. of a suitable Beta distribution.
1.21 In reference to Exercise 4.5 in Chapter 9, construct a 100(1 − α)%) (Bayes)
confidence interval for θ as in Exercise 1.20 here.


In Example 1, the position was adopted that only one of the parameters in the
N(μ, σ 2 ) distribution was unknown. This is a rather artificial assumption as,
in practice, both μ and σ 2 are most often unknown. What was done in that
example did, however, pave the way to solving the problem here in its natural
338 CHAPTER 10 Confidence intervals and confidence regions

Example 3. Let X1 , . . . , Xn be a random sample from the N(μ, σ 2 ) distribution,

where both μ and σ 2 are unknown. Construct confidence intervals for μ and σ 2 ,
each with confidence coefficient 1 − α.

Discussion. We have that:

√ n  2
n(X̄ − μ) (n − 1)S2  Xi − X̄
∼ N(0, 1) and = ∼ χn−1 2
σ σ2 σ
1 n
where S2 = n−1 i=1 (Xi − X̄) , and these two r.v.’s are independent. It follows that
√ √
√ n(X̄−μ)/σ
= n(X̄−μ)
S ∼ tn−1 . From the t-tables, determine any pair (a, b)
(n−1)S2 /σ 2 (n−1)
with a < b such that P(a ≤ X ≤ b) = 1 − α, where X ∼ tn−1 . It follows that:
n(X̄ − μ)
Pθ a ≤ ≤ b = 1 − α, for all θ = (μ, σ 2 ),
Pθ X̄ − b √ ≤ μ ≤ X̄ − a √ = 1 − α, for all θ .
n n
In particular,
Pθ X̄ − tn−1;α/2 √ ≤ μ ≤ X̄ + tn−1;α/2 √ = 1 − α, for all θ ,
n n
where P(X ≥ tn−1; α/2 ) = 2 (and X ∼ tn−1 ). It follows that the required confidence
interval for μ is:
X̄ − tn−1;α/2 √ , X̄ + tn−1;α/2 √ = X̄ ± tn−1;α/2 √ (for brevity). (4)
n n n
The construction of a confidence interval for σ 2 in the presence of (an unknown)
μ is easier. We have already mentioned that (n−1)S
∼ χn−1
2 . Then repeat the process

in Example 1(ii), replacing χn2 by χn−1

2 , to obtain the confidence interval.

(n − 1)S2 (n − 1)S2
, 2 , S2 = (Xi − X̄)2 . (5)
; α/2 χn−1;1−α/2 n−1

Remark 4. Observe that the confidence interval in (4) differs from that in (2) in that
σ in (2) is replaced by an estimate S, and then the constant zα/2 in (2) is adjusted to
tn−1;α/2 . Likewise, the confidence intervals in (3) and (5) are of the same form, with
the only difference that (the unknown) μ in (3) is replaced by its estimate X̄ in (5).
The constants n, χn2;α/2 , and χn2;1−α/2 are also adjusted as indicated in (5).
Numerical Example. Let n = 25 and 1 − α = 0.95. Then tn−1;α/2 = t24;0.025 =
2.0639, and the interval in (4) becomes X̄ ± 0.41278S. Also, χn−1 2
= χ24
2 2
39.364, χn−1
= χ24
= 12.401, so that the interval in (5) is [ 39.364
24S 24S
, 12.401 ]
[0.610S , 1.935S ].
2 2
10.2 Confidence intervals in the presence of nuisance parameters 339

Actually, a somewhat more important problem from a practical viewpoint is that

of constructing confidence intervals for the difference of the means of two Normal
populations and the ratio of their variances. This is a way of comparing two Normal
populations. The precise formulation of the problem is given below.

Example 4. Let X1 , . . . , Xm and Y1 , . . . , Yn be two independent random samples

from the N(μ1 , σ12 ) and N(μ2 , σ22 ) distributions, respectively, with all μ1 , μ2 , σ12 ,
and σ22 unknown. We wish to construct confidence intervals for μ1 − μ2 and σ12 /σ22 .

(i) Confidence interval for μ1 − μ2 . In order to be able to resolve this problem,
we have to assume that the variances, although unknown, are equal; i.e.,
σ12 = σ22 = σ 2 , say.
Let us review briefly some distribution results. Recall that X̄ − μ1 ∼
N(0, σm ), Ȳ − μ2 ∼ N(0, σn ), and by independence,
2 2

1 1
[(X̄ − Ȳ) − (μ1 − μ2 )]/ σ + ∼ N(0, 1). (6)
m n

Also, if
1  1 
m n
SX2 = (Xi − X̄)2 , SY2 = (Yj − Ȳ)2 ,
m−1 n−1
i=1 j=1

(m−1)SX2 (n−1)SY2
∼ χm−1 , ∼ χn−1 , and by independence,
2 2
then σ2 σ2
(m − 1)SX2 + (n − 1)SY2
∼ χm+n−2 .
From (6) and (7), we obtain then:
(X̄ − Ȳ) − (μ1 − μ2 )
(m−1)S2X +(n−1)S2Y 1  ∼ tm+n−2 . (8)
m+n−2 m + 1

Then working with (8) as in Example 1(i), we arrive at the following confidence
(m − 1)SX2 + (n − 1)SY2 1 1
(X̄ − Ȳ) − tm+n−2;α/2 + ,
m+n−2 m n
(m − 1)SX2 + (n − 1)SY2 1 1
(X̄ − Ȳ) + tm+n−2;α/2 +
m+n−2 m n
(m − 1)SX2 + (n − 1)SY2 1 1
= (X̄ − Ȳ) ± tm+n−2;α/2 + . (9)
m+n−2 m n
340 CHAPTER 10 Confidence intervals and confidence regions

(m−1)SX2 (n−1)SY2
(ii) Confidence interval for σ12 /σ22 . By the fact that ∼ χm−1
2 , ∼
σ12 σ22
SY2 /σ22 σ12 SY2
2 , and independence, we have = × ∼ Fn−1,m−1 . From the F-
SX2 /σ12 σ22 SX2
tables, determine any pair (a, b) with 0 < a < b such that P(a ≤ X ≤ b) =
1 − α, where X ∼ Fn−1,m−1 . Then, for all θ = (μ1 , μ2 , σ12 , σ22 ),
σ2 S2 S σ2 S2
Pθ a ≤ 12 × Y2 ≤ b = 1 − α, or Pθ a X2 ≤ 12 ≤ b X2 = 1 − α.
σ2 SX SY σ2 SY
In particular, for all θ,
SX2 σ12 SX2
Pθ F
2 n−1,m−1; 1−α/2
≤ ≤ F
2 n−1,m−1; α/2
= 1 − α,
SY σ22 SY
where P(X ≤ Fn−1,m−1;1−α/2 ) = P(X ≥ Fn−1,m−1;α/2 ) = 2 (and X ∼ Fn−1,m−1 ).
The required confidence interval is then
2 n−1,m−1; 1−α/2
, Fn−1,m−1;α/2 . (10)
Numerical Example. Let m = 13, n = 14, and 1 − α = 0.95. Then tm+n−2;α/2 =
t25;0.025 = 2.0595, so that the interval in (9) becomes
12SX2 + 13SY2 1 1
(X̄ − Ȳ) ± 2.0595 + (X̄ − Ȳ) ± 0.1586 12SX2 + 13SY2 .
25 13 14
Next, Fn−1,m−1;α/2 = F13,12;0.025 = 3.2388, Fn−1,m−1;1−α/2 = F13,12;0.975 =
SX2 S2
F12,13;0.025 = 1
3.1532 0.3171. Therefore the interval in (10) is [0.3171 2 , 3.2388 X2 ].

2.1 If the independent r.v.’s X1 , . . . , Xn are N(μ, σ 2 ) distributed with both μ and
σ 2 unknown, construct a 100(1 − α)% confidence interval for σ .
2.2 Refer to Exercise 1.18 and suppose that all μ1 , μ2 , and σ12 , σ22 are unknown.
Then construct a 100(1 − α)% confidence interval for σ1 /σ2 .

10.3 A CONFIDENCE REGION FOR (μ, σ 2 ) IN THE N(μ, σ 2 )

Refer again to Example 1 and suppose that both μ and σ 2 are unknown, as is
most often the case. In this section, we wish to construct a confidence region for
the pair (μ, σ 2 ); i.e., a subset of the plane determined in terms of statistics and
containing (μ, σ 2 ) with probability 1 − α. This problem is resolved in the following
10.3 A confidence region for (μ, σ 2 ) in the N(μ, σ 2 ) distribution 341

Example 5. On the basis of the random sample X1 , . . . , Xn from the N(μ, σ 2 )

distribution, construct a confidence region for the pair (μ, σ 2 ) with confidence
coefficient 1 − α.

Discussion. In solving this problem, we draw heavily on what we have done in

1 n
the previous example. Let X̄ be the sample mean and define S2 by S2 = n−1 i=1
(Xi − X̄)2 . Then

n(X̄ − μ) (n − 1)S2
∼ χn−1 ,
∼ N(0, 1), (11)
σ σ2
and the two r.v.’s involved here √
are independent. From the Normal tables, define
c > 0 so that P(−c ≤ Z ≤ c) = 1 − α, Z ∼ N(0, 1); c is uniquely determined.
From χ 2 -tables, determine a pair (a, b) with 0 < a < b and P(a ≤ X ≤ b)
√ the
= 1 − α, where X ∼ χn−1 2 . Then, by means of (11), and with θ = (μ, σ 2 ), we have:

n(X̄ − μ) √
Pθ − c ≤ ≤ c = 1 − α,
(n − 1)S2 √
Pθ a≤ ≤ b = 1 − α.
σ 2

These relations are rewritten thus:

n(X̄ − μ) c2 σ 2 √
Pθ − c ≤ ≤ c = Pθ (μ − X̄)2 ≤ (= 1 − α), (13)
σ n
(n − 1)S2 (n − 1)S2 (n − 1)S2 √
Pθ a ≤ ≤ b = Pθ ≤σ ≤2
(= 1 − α),
σ2 b a
so that, by means of (12)–(14) and independence, we have:
n(X̄ − μ) (n − 1)S2
Pθ − c ≤ ≤ c, a ≤ ≤b
σ σ2
n(X̄ − μ) (n − 1)S2
= Pθ − c ≤ ≤ c Pθ a ≤ ≤ b
σ σ2
c2 (n − 1)S2 (n − 1)S2
= Pθ (μ − X̄)2 ≤ σ 2 Pθ ≤ σ2 ≤ = 1 − α. (15)
n b a

Let x̄ and s2 be the observed values of X̄ and S2 . Then in a system of orthogonal

(μ, σ 2 )-axis, the equation (μ − x̄)2 = cn σ 2 is the equation of a parabola with vertex
V located at the point (x̄, 0), with focus F with coordinates (x̄, 4n
), and with directrix
L with equation σ 2 = − 4n
(see Figure 10.1). Then the part of the plane for which
c2 σ 2
(μ − x̄)2 ≤ n is the inner part of the parabola along with the points on the parabola.
342 CHAPTER 10 Confidence intervals and confidence regions

s 2 = 1 Σ (xj − x
– )2
a j=1 n

Confidence region for

(m, s 2) with confidence ( m − x–n )2 = c s
2 2

coefficient 1 – a n

1 n
s2 = Σ (x − x–n )2
b j=1 j

0 x–

Confidence region for (μ, σ 2 ) with confidence coefficient 1 − α.

1 1
n n
(n − 1)s2 (n − 1)s2
σ =
= (xi − x̄)2 and σ 2 = = (xi − x̄)2
b b a a
i=1 i=1

are straight lines parallel to the μ-axis, the set of points (μ, σ 2 ) in the plane, which
satisfy simultaneously all inequalities:
1 1
n n
c2 σ 2
(μ − x̄)2 ≤ , (xi − x̄)2 ≤ σ 2 ≤ (xi − x̄)2
n b a
i=1 i=1
is the part of the plane between the straight lines mentioned above and the inner
part of the parabola (along with the points on the parabola) (see shaded area in
Figure 10.1).
From relation (15), it follows then that, when replacing x̄ by X̄ and s2 by S2 , the
shaded region with random boundary (determined completely as described above)
becomes the required confidence region for (μ, σ 2 ). What is depicted in Figure 10.1
is a realization of such a confidence region, evaluated for the observed values of
the Xi ’s. √
Actually, the point c above is zγ , where γ =√(1 − 1 − α)/2, and for definite-
ness, we may choose to split the probability 1 − 1 − α equally among the two tails
of the Chi-square distribution. Thus, we take b = χn−1

and a = χn−12
. Then the
confidence region is:
z2γ 1 
(μ − X̄)2 ≤ σ 2, (Xi − X̄)2 ≤ σ 2 ≤ (Xi − X̄)2 ,
n χn−1
;γ i=1
;1−γ i=1

γ = (1 − 1 − α)/2. (16)
10.4 Confidence intervals with approximate confidence coefficient 343

Numerical Example. As a numerical example, take n = 25 and α = 0.05, so that

γ 0.012661, and (by linear interpolation) zγ 2.236, χ24

42.338, χ24
11.130, and the confidence region becomes:

(μ − X̄)2 ≤ 0.199988σ 2, 0.023619 (Xi − X̄)2 ≤ σ 2 ≤ 0.089847 (Xi − X̄)2
i=1 i=1
or, approximately,

(μ − X̄)2 ≤ 0.2σ 2 , 0.024 (Xi − X̄)2 ≤ σ 2 ≤ 0.09 (Xi − X̄)2 .
i=1 i=1

Remark 5. A somewhat general theory for constructing confidence regions is

discussed in Chapter 12 (see Theorem 4 there and the examples following it).


It is somewhat conspicuous that in this chapter we have not yet dealt with examples,
such as the Binomial, the Poisson, and the Negative Exponential. There is a reason,
however, behind it, and that is that the expressions which would serve as the basis
for constructing confidence intervals do not have a known exact distribution. They
do have, however, an approximate Normal distribution, and this fact leads to the
construction of confidence intervals with confidence coefficient approximately (rather
than exact) 1 − α. The remainder of this section is devoted to constructing such

Example 6. On the basis of the random sample X1 , . . . , Xn from the B(1, θ) distribu-
tion, construct a confidence interval for θ with confidence coefficient approximately
1 − α.

Discussion. The tools employed here, as well as in the following two examples, are
the CLT and the WLLN in conjunction with either Theorem 7(ii) or Theorem 6(iii) in
Chapter 7. It will be assumed throughout that n is large enough, so that these theorems
Recall that Eθ X1 = θ and σθ2 (X1 ) = θ(1 − θ), so that, by the CLT,

n(X̄n − θ)
√ N(0, 1). (17)
θ(1 − θ)

In the denominator in (17), replace θ(1 − θ) by Sn2 , where Sn2 = 1n ni=1 (Xi − X̄n )2 =
 n  n
n ( i=1 Xi − nX̄n ) = n ( i=1 Xi − nX̄n ) = X̄ − X̄ = X̄(1 − X̄), in order to obtain
1 2 2 1 2 2

(by Theorem 7(ii) in Chapter 7),

344 CHAPTER 10 Confidence intervals and confidence regions

n(X̄n − θ)
 N(0, 1). (18)
X̄n (1 − X̄n )
It follows from (18) that
n(X̄n − θ)
Pθ − zα/2 ≤  ≤ zα/2 1 − α, for all θ.
X̄n (1 − X̄n )
This expression is equivalent to:
⎡   ⎤
X̄ (1 − X̄ ) X̄ (1 − X̄ )
Pθ ⎣X̄n − zα/2
n n n n ⎦
≤ θ ≤ X̄n + zα/2 1 − α, for all θ,
n n

which leads to the confidence interval

⎡   ⎤ 
⎣X̄n − zα/2 X̄n (1 − X̄n ) X̄n (1 − X̄n ) ⎦ X̄n (1 − X̄n )
, X̄n + zα/2 = X̄n ± zα/2 (19)
n n n

with confidence coefficient approximately 1 − α.

Numerical Example. For n = 100 and 1 − α = 0.95, the confidence interval in

(19) becomes: X̄n ± 1.96 X̄n (1−
X̄n )
= X̄ n ± 0.196 X̄n (1 − X̄n ).

Example 7. Construct a confidence interval for θ with confidence coefficient

approximately 1 − α on the basis of the random sample X1 , . . . , Xn from the P(θ)

Discussion. Here Eθ X1 = σθ2 (X1 ) = θ, so that, working as in the previous example,

and employing Theorem 6(iii) in Chapter 7, we have
√ √
n(X̄n − θ) n(X̄n − θ)
√ N(0, 1), or  N(0, 1).
θ X̄n

n(X̄n −θ)
Hence Pθ [−zα/2 ≤ √ ≤ zα/2 ] 1 − α, for all θ , which leads to the required
confidence interval
⎡   ⎤ 
⎣X̄n − zα/2 X̄n X̄n ⎦ X̄n
, X̄n + zα/2 = X̄n ± zα/2 . (20)
n n n

Numerical Example.  For n = 100 and 1 − α = 0.95, the confidence interval in

(20) becomes: X̄n ± 0.196 X̄n .

Example 8. Let X1 , . . . , Xn be a random sample from the Negative Exponential

distribution in the following parameterization: f (x; θ) = θ1 e−x/θ , x > 0. Construct a
confidence interval for θ with confidence coefficient approximately 1 − α.
10.4 Confidence intervals with approximate confidence coefficient 345

Discussion. In the adopted parameterization above, Eθ X1 = θ and σθ2 (X1 ) = θ 2 .

Then working as in the previous example, we have that
√ √
n(X̄n − θ) n(X̄n − θ)
N(0, 1), or N(0, 1).
θ X̄n
It follows that the required confidence interval is given by:
X̄n X̄n X̄n
X̄n − zα/2 √ , X̄n + zα/2 √ = X̄n ± zα/2 √ . (21)
n n n

Numerical Example. For n = 100 and 1 − α = 0.95, the confidence interval in

(21) becomes: X̄n ± 0.196X̄n .

4.1 Let the independent r.v.’s X1 , . . . , Xn have unknown (finite) mean μ and
known (finite) variance σ 2 , and suppose that n is large. Then:
(i) Use the CLT in order to construct a confidence interval for μ with
confidence coefficient approximately 1 − α.
(ii) Provide the form of the interval in part (i) for n = 100, σ = 1, and
α = 0.05.
(iii) Refer to part (i) and suppose that σ = 1 and α = 0.05. Then determine
the sample size n, so that the length of the confidence interval is 0.1.
(iv) Observe that the length of the confidence interval in part (i) tends to 0 as
n → ∞, for any σ and any α.
4.2 Refer to Exercise 4.1, and suppose that both μ and σ 2 are unknown. Then:
(i) Construct a confidence interval for μ with confidence coefficient
approximately 1 − α.
(ii) Provide the form of the interval in part (i) for n = 100 and α = 0.05.
(iii) Show that the length of the interval in part (i) tends to 0 in probability as
n → ∞.
Hint. For part (i), refer to Theorem 7(ii) in Chapter 7, and for part (iii), refer
to Theorem 7(i) and Theorem 6(ii) in the same chapter.
4.3 (i) Let X ∼ N(μ, σ 2 ), and for 0 < α < 1, let xα and x1−α be the αth and
(1 − α)th quantiles, respectively, of X; i.e.,
P(X ≤ xα ) = P(X ≥ x1−α ) = α, so that P(xα ≤ X ≤ x1−α ) = 2α. Show
that xα = μ + σ −1 (α), x1−α = μ + σ −1 (1 − α), so that
[xα , x1−α ] = [μ + σ −1 (α), μ + σ −1 (1 − α)].
(ii) Refer to Exercise 4.5(i) of Chapter 9 (see also Exercise 4.4 there), where
it is found that the posterior p.d.f. of θ , given
X1 = x1 , . . . , Xn = xn , h(· | x1 , . . . , xn ), is N( nx̄+μ
n+1 , n+1 ).

Use part (i) in order to find the expression of the interval [xα , x1−α ] here.
346 CHAPTER 10 Confidence intervals and confidence regions

Remark. In the present context, the interval [xα , x1−α ] is called a prediction
interval for θ with confidence coefficient 1 − 2α.
(iii) Compute the prediction interval in part (ii) when
n = 9, μ = 1, x̄ = 1.5, and α = 0.025.
4.4 Let X1 , . . . , Xn be independent r.v.’s with strictly increasing d.f. F, and let Yi
be the ith order statistic of the Xi ’s, 1 ≤ i ≤ n. For 0 < p < 1, let xp be the
(unique) pth quantile of F. Then:
(i) Show that for any i and j with 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n − 1,
 n k n−k
P(Yi ≤ xp ≤ Yj ) = p q (q = 1 − p).
Thus, [Yi , Yj ] is a confidence interval for xp with confidence coefficient
j−1 n k n−k
k=i k p q . This probability is often referred to as probability of
coverage of xp .
(ii) For n = 10 and p = 0.25, identify the respective coverage probabilities
for the pairs (Y1 , Y3 ), (Y1 , Y4 ), (Y2 , Y4 ), (Y2 , Y5 ).
(iii) For p = 0.50, do the same as in part (ii) for the pairs (Y3 , Y9 ), (Y4 , Y7 ),
(Y4 , Y8 ), (Y5 , Y7 ).
(iv) For p = 0.75, do the same as in part (ii) for the pairs (Y8 , Y10 ), (Y7 , Y10 ),
(Y7 , Y9 ), (Y6 , Y9 ).
Hint. For part (i), observe that:  P(Yi ≤ xp ) = P(at least i of
X1 , . . . , Xn ≤ xp ) = nk=i nk pk qn−k , since P(Xk ≤ xp ) = p and q = 1 − p.
Also, P(Yi ≤ xp ) = P(Yi ≤ xp , Yj ≥ xp ) + P(Yi ≤ xp , Yj < xp ) = P(Yi ≤
xp ≤ Yj ) + P(Yj < xp ), so that  P(Yi ≤ xp n≤ Yjr) = P(Yi≤ xp ) − P(Yj ≤ xp ).
For part (iv), observe that nk pk qn−k = n−r q pn−r = nr qr pn−r (by setting
 n  n
n − k = r and recalling that n−r = r ).
4.5 Let X be a r.v. with a strictly increasing d.f. F (Figure 10.2), and let p be a
number with 0 < p < 1. Consider the event: Ap = {F(X) ≤ p} = {s ∈ S ;


F −1( p)

Graph of the d.f. employed in Exercise 4.5.
10.4 Confidence intervals with approximate confidence coefficient 347

F(X(s)) ≤ p} = {s ∈ S ; X(s) ≤ F −1 (p)}. So, Ap is the event in the underlying

sample space S for the sample points s of which F(X(s)) ≤ p. Since for each
fixed x, F(x) represents the proportion of the (unit) distribution mass of F
which is covered (or carried) by the interval (−∞, x], it follows that the
random interval (−∞, X] covers (carries) the (random) proportion F(X) of
the distribution mass of F, and on account of the event Ap , the random interval
(−∞, X] covers (carries) at most 100p% of the mass of F. Equivalently, the
random interval (X, ∞) covers (carries) at least 100(1 − p)% of the
distribution mass of F. Use Theorem 10 in Chapter 6 in order to show that
P(Ap ) = p; i.e., (−∞, X] covers at most 100p% of the distribution mass of F
with probability p. Equivalently, the random interval (X, ∞) covers at least
100(1 − p)% of the distribution mass of F with probability p.

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