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To end your folder you must type a conclusion. This conclusion should be for your final
outcome (painting, textile, mixed media or sculpture), not the whole folder, but you must refer
to specific artists and experiences you saw in Cornwall.


In response to the trip to St. Ives you had to produce a final outcome inspired by the experiences
and artists you encountered in Cornwall.

 What subject did you decide to base your painting on?

 Why did you choose this subject matter?
 Why did you think this would be suitable for your final outcome?
 What, specifically, did you want to focus on, what did you want your work to be about?
(For example, if you decided to produce a landscape painting were you going to be
studying the effects of light on the landscape or weather conditions or the power and
movement of the sea etc?) How were you going to convey your intentions? Consider
colour, use of materials, composition, abstraction etc.
 How did you collect information for this project?


You produced at least one page of preparatory work in your folder specifically for your final

 What preparatory work did you produce? (Collages, drawings, photoshop etc.) What were
you focussing on with this preparatory work?

 What ideas were you experimenting with?

 How did this preparatory work help you, what did you learn by doing this?

 Explain the ideas you had and the decisions you made.

ARTIST INSPIRATION You chose one specific artist to inspire your final outcome.

 Which artist did you choose?

 Why did you choose this artist? What did you like about their work? What did you learn
by studying their work? Consider colour, use of materials, composition, abstraction. Be

REALISATION Analyse your final painting.

 What problems and difficulties did you encounter with your final piece? How did you
attempt to resolve these problems?
 What do you think is successful? Why?
 What were your original intentions, what did you want to achieve with your final
outcome? Have you successfully achieved your intentions? How?

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