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Bil of Materials

Hiring of One (01) No. Brand New Toyota Innova Crysta (Base model) or equivalent, or higher model for vigilance department for the period of
Three (3) years
Sl. No Item Description Unit Qty. Unit Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6

Fixed monthly hiring Charges Excluding GST for

deployment of One (01) No. Brand New Toyota Innova
Crysta (Base model) or equivalent, or higher model for
vigilance department for the period of Three (3) years .

A The quoted price should be inclusive of vehicle Month 36 38,000.00 13,68,000.00

registration,proportionate commercial road tax,
POL,Insurance and repairing & maintenance charges of
vehicle etc. but exclusive of driver's salary,Night Halt
Charges, Parking charges Toll tax, and airport entry
fee,Road permit etc.

Drivers' monthly salary as per Central minimum wages: (Area- A) (w.e.f. 01.04.2023) File No. I / 5( 1)/2023-LS-ll,Covernment of India

Driver Wages as per CMW (Basic +

B Month 36 27,021.00 9,72,756.00

C GST (%) 5%

D Monthly Hiring Charges Including Driver Wages and GST (Sub-total (A + B+C)/36) 68,272.05

E Gross value for Hiring of Vehicle for 03 years including GST (As quoted on GeM Portal) 24,57,793.80

The bidders shall Fill only rate for hiring charges of vehicle and applicable GST percentage against BOQ item No. A &C
respectively and Total price as arrived at BOQ Item No D & E shall be quoted on GeM Portal.
Bidders are also advised to upload financial breakup on GeM strictly as per above format.

Scheduled of Charges: (Shall be reimbursed to the service provider on submission of documentary Evidences)

1 HSD lubricant fuel Charges @ 1 Ltr per 10 km run

Driver's night halt charges @Rs. 400/- per night for stay within the municipal limit & @Rs. 500/- per night for stay outside the municipal
limit. Night halt charges shall be applicable , if vehcile is utilized between 10 P.M. Night to Morning 6 A.M. (Next Day) as per
POWERGRID policy.s. In case the vehicle is used up to Midnight, i.e. 0000 hrs., then night
halt charges shall be halved and utilization beyond midnight, night halt charges shall be paid at full rate.

3 Vehicle parking charges, toll tax, and airport entry fee etc. as per actual

4 Misc. payment due to change in CMW twice in a year, arrear, bonus etc ( if any)

Driver's salary is prepared based on the CMW w.e.f. 01.04.2023 considering AREA-"A" as per minimum wage rates circulated by Central

Rs. 3500/- Incl. GST per driver per year shall be reimbursed to the agency against uniform/liveries for regularly deployed drivers. The
uniform shall contain Pants & Shirts, Shoes & Socks & Sweater,Raincoat.

Rs. 8,190/- Excl. GST per driver per year shall be reimbursed to the agency against Employees Compensation along with Medi-Claim policy
to be taken in favour of driver on submission of documentary Evidences.

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