Surviving Major Disruptions Building Supply Chain Re 2023 Sustainable Manuf

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Sustainable Manufacturing and Service Economics 2 (2023) 100008

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Surviving major disruptions: Building supply chain resilience and visibility

through rapid information flow and real-time insights at the “edge”
Shantanu Dey
Indian Institute of Management, Indore, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Disruptive events with damaging consequences afflict supply chains across industries. The survival of the busi-
Supply chain resilience ness and its consequent recovery depend on the supply chain’s resilience. This exploratory article discusses how
Real-time analytics technology-driven real-time decision-making in a connected supply chain achieves intended business outcomes
Connected supply chain
of resilience, agility, and visibility. Based on an Integrative Literature Review and adopting a Design Science Re-
Edge computing
search Methodology (DSRM), we propose a distributed approach for real-time inferencing in edge near the data
Digital control tower
Data governance sources for rapid autonomous decisioning and recovery planning under disruption. We develop a framework for
building resilience in the supply chain using real-time distributed information sharing in a collaborative partner
ecosystem. Visibility across the supply chain is ensured with a Digital Control Tower by making information
available to any connected node for synchronized action. The important contribution of this research is building
a real-time decision framework for sustainable resilience-building in resource-constrained organizations unable
to invest in big data and enterprise systems. A set of design propositions following the CIMO framework is ex-
pected to help scholars and practitioners alike. A research agenda is provided for the researchers to take forward
hypothesis formulation and empirical validation on the basis of the propositions. (194 words)

1. Introduction (2013) [64] classify supply chain analytics into four areas: descriptive
and diagnostic analysis, predictive simulation and prescriptive optimiza-
Supply chains across industries periodically suffer from unplanned tion, real-time control, and adaptive learning. Among these capabilities,
disruptions, resulting in an imbalance in the supply and demand situa- the data driven analytics capabilities that include real time control and
tion (Munoz and Dunbar, 2015) [2]. Supply chain disruptions are related adaptive learning, can feed to the other areas like optimization (scenario
to climate (NoAA) [11] and human-induced risk (Katsaliaki, Galetsi, and generation) and simulation (disruption identification in real time) for
Kumar, 2021) [34]. Ideally, there should be a quick recovery in sup- supply chain reconfiguration (Ivanov, Dolgui and Sokolov, 2019) [70].
ply chains after a disruption to preserve the continuity of operations Descriptive and diagnostic analysis can be based on the past data and
(Munoz, Dunbar, 2015; Sheffi and Rice, 2005) [2,53]. The ability to post facto analysis of disruptions. Predictive simulation and optimiza-
rapidly recover some or most of the desired level of performance post tion models disruption scenarios and responses for recovery planning.
disruption is called resilience (Munoz and Dunbar, 2015; Ponomarov Real time control enables performance, recovery control, and discovery
and Holcomb, 2009) [2,47]. Enhancing resilience can be a strategic of disruptions that come as an antecedent to predictive and prescrip-
response that helps reinvent business models when situations change tive analytics. Adaptive learning helps in risk mitigation and pattern
(Munoz, Dunbar, 2015; Hamel and Välikangas, 2003) [2,30]. Resilience recognition (Ivanov, Dolgui and Sokolov, 2019) [70]. Gathering and
is the adaptive capability of the supply chain to prepare for unexpected sharing real-time information and insights is extremely important for
events, respond, and recover “by maintaining continuity of operations supply chain recovery planning and collaborative decision-making by
to the desired level of connectedness and control over structure and the ecosystem partners (Sheffi, 2015; Ivanov and Dolgui, 2020) [52,31].
function.” (Ponomarov and Holcomb, 2009) [47]. Therefore, it is essen- Taken together, real time control and adaptive learning help in the re-
tial to adopt suitable mitigating and responsive measures, both ex-ante active phase in identification of disruption scenarios, provide informa-
and ex-post, to prepare for disruptions and reduce the disruption’s im- tion to the control tower for end to end supply chain visibility, provide
pact after its occurrence. New research in designing a resilient supply data to the simulation model for recovery planning and reconfiguration
chain takes the help of real-time analytics-driven decision-making ca- option generation, and develop a feedback loop for predictive, diag-
pabilities for both proactive response planning activities and reactive nostic, and prescriptive analytics using Big data for proactive resilient
real-time control (Ivanov and Dolgui, 2020) [31]. Waller and Fawcett supply chain design (Ivanov and Dolgui, 2020) [31]. Such real-time an-

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Received 19 March 2022; Received in revised form 16 November 2022; Accepted 15 December 2022
2667-3444/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
S. Dey Sustainable Manufacturing and Service Economics 2 (2023) 100008

alytics and decision-making for a collaborative and connected supply • Systems (e.g., information systems breakdown).
chain can happen at the “edge” or near the sources of data generation • Forecast inaccuracies (sudden demand pattern changes).
(Satyanarayan, 2017) [50]. An edge-based information flow can poten-
tially reduce the overall delay in insight generation, transformation, and They can be further classified into demand, supply, and environmen-
inferencing (Wang et al., 2020) [69]. Real-time collaborative decision tal or climate risks (Christopher and Peck, 2004; Katsaliaki, Galetsi,
making is contingent upon a) generation, filtering, and aggregation of and Kumar, 2021) [17,34]. Disruptive events are also characterized
data across the supply chain in an event-driven process chain (Achir by their type, intensity, and duration (Ivanov et al., 2019) [33], fre-
et al., 2022) [1] b) active monitoring and processing of the data near quency, source, and impact (local vs. global) (Katsaliaki, Galetsi, and
the source to reduce the time lag between data generation and deriving Kumar, 2021) [34]. Natural or manmade (geopolitical) disruptions are
insights, and c) a distributed paradigm for sharing information, alerts, low-probability, high impact events with damaging consequences. High
and notifications in real-time among ecosystem partners for collabora- probability and medium impact disruptions include sudden changes in
tive and cognitive decision making in the event of disruptions. A Dig- demand, shortages in supply, congestion in supply or distribution net-
ital Control Tower (DCT), like its analogous counterpart in an airport, work, and sourcing constraints (Scheibe and Blackhurst 2018; Katsali-
can provide visual alerts that warn of disruptive events like inventory aki, Galetsi, and Kumar, 2021) [54,34]. Disruption in any supply chain
shortfalls or congestion and bottlenecks, i.e., potential or actual disrup- node may be propagated and amplified across the connected network
tions (Boute and Udenio, 2021) [12]. The antecedent for such a system in a phenomenon called the ripple effect, which leaves a broader im-
is the focal firm’s connected, digital supplier ecosystem, since one of pact (Ivanov, Sokolov, and Dolgui, 2014; Katsaliaki, Galetsi, and Ku-
the four significant flows of a digital supply chain is information flow mar, 2021) [32,34]. Supply chain density, complexity, and importance
(Garay-Rondero et al., 2020) [27]. The consequences are resilience and of the disrupted node contribute to the severity of the disruption inci-
visibility. dent (Craighead et al., 2007) [21]. The spread of disruption across the
This study analyzes the following research questions (RQ): supply chain is explained by Systemic Risk and Normal Accident Theory
for complex and highly coupled systems (Scheibe and Blackhurst 2018)
• Can supply chain resilience be a business outcome-based on real- [54]. Propagation of disruption across a tightly coupled supply chain
time information analytics in resource-constrained organizations de- may be prevented by monitoring across the supply chain (Craighead
void of Big data (BDA) infrastructure? et al., 2007; Scheibe and Blackhurst, 2018) [21,54], as recovery and
• Which factors influence decision-making through real-time informa- warning capabilities can mitigate the severity of disruption (Craighead
tion mining? et al., 2007) [21].
• How can edge analytics enable rapid real-time information flow
within the constraints of computational resources and ensure visi- 2.2. Resilience as Path to Quick Recovery
bility and resilience as business outcomes?
Post-implementation of an effective response, a subsequent mono-
In this article, the Design Science Research Methodology proposed
tonic recovery period to achieve the desired or pre-disruption level of
by Peffers et al. (2014) [46], which involves six steps, is adopted to
performance is observed (Munoz & Dunbar, 2015) [2]. Ponomarov and
develop a conceptual framework and a set of design propositions as ar-
Holcomb (2009) [47] define resilience as “the adaptive capability of the
tifacts. A design proposition is used as a “template for creating solutions
supply chain to prepare for unexpected events, respond to disruptions,
for a particular class of problems” (Denyer, Tranfield, and Aken, 2008)
and recover from them by maintaining continuity of operations to the
[71]. An integrative review of the literature on edge computing (Tor-
desired level of connectedness and control over structure and function”
raco, 2005) [63] discovers themes that help construct the framework
(Ponomarov and Holcomb, 2009; Munoz and Dunbar, 2015) [47,2]. The
and respond to the RQ. A research agenda section provides scholars
application of proactive and mitigating measures before disruption, and
insights on how multiple research themes and avenues can be devel-
adaptive control, reduce the impact in the aftermath (Munoz and Dun-
oped from the current research. The remainder of this article’s structure
bar, 2015) [2]. There are several strategies to build resilience in the sup-
is as follows. In Section 2, the terms and concepts of supply chain re-
ply chain, including but not limited to slack in resources like high levels
silience, connected supply chains, digitalization, and edge computing
of inventory, unutilized capacity through built-in redundancy, and flex-
are introduced. In Section 3, the methods adopted, the literature search
ibility in selecting alternate sources of supply (Ivanov et al., 2017) [66].
and selection process, and the DSRM framework are discussed. The re-
Resilience increases with enhanced capabilities and reduced vulnerabil-
view findings are presented in Section 4. Section 5 discusses the overall
ities (Pettit et al., 2010) [45]. Capabilities include agility or the ability
framework, theoretical and practical implications, and design proposi-
to react quickly to unforeseen events and the high level of collabora-
tions to address the research questions, and puts forward a research
tion for managing risks (Christopher and Peck, 2004; Pettit et al., 2010)
agenda. Section 6 concludes the study and provides avenues for further
[17,45]. The spread of disruption and recovery depends on the design
elements of the connected supply chain like node density, complexity,
and criticality (Chowdhury et al., 2017) [16].
2. Theoretical Background- Supply Chain Disruption Literature
2.3. Monitoring, Real-Time Alerts, and Inferencing in a Collaborative,
2.1. Supply Chain Disruption Propagation and Impact Connected Supply Chain

Supply chain disruptions are “unplanned and unanticipated events Collaboration and visibility across the supply chain improve supply
that disrupt the normal flow of goods and materials within a supply chain resilience through information sharing on time (Al-Talib et al.,
chain.” (Brüning and Bendul, 2017; Craighead et al., 2007) [13,21]. 2020) [3]. A connected and collaborative supply chain enables early
Since a supply chain may possess multiple layers and tiers, the tier in real-time information flow across the different partners in the supply
which the disruption occurs is a critical consideration (Ponomarov and chain network by developing synergies among partners and facilitat-
Holcomb, 2009) [47]. There are nine major groups of disruptive events ing collaborative planning (Scholten and Schilder, 2015) [55]. Cap-
(Katsaliaki, Galetsi, and Kumar, 2021) [34], of which four are relevant turing data and sharing information in real-time is critical for detect-
from a real-time monitoring and predictive capability perspective: ing problems and their impact and planning the recovery from shocks
(Sheffi, 2015; Ivanov, Dolgui, Das & Sokolov, 2019) [52,33]. Artificial
• Disasters (natural or manmade). Intelligence (AI) in supply chain operations helps trigger alarm through
• Delays (e.g., congestion). continuous monitoring and taking timely actions, deals with an uncer-

S. Dey Sustainable Manufacturing and Service Economics 2 (2023) 100008

tain environment through a fast information flow across an intercon- memory, and storage capacity for filtering and aggregating data and
nected channel, continuous learning, and adaptation (Munoz and Dun- analyzing it with the help of predictive models (Dobrescu et al., 2021)
bar, 2015) [2]. The key contribution of AI is Collaborative Agility, an [25]. The insights generated are shared across the connected network of
ability to adapt quickly to the rapidly evolving environment (Dash, Mc- partners through a Digital Control Tower (DCT) that centralizes and dis-
Murtrey, et al., 2019) [22]. An increasingly dominant theme is data seminates the information and insights. DCT provides a panoramic view
and analytics-driven decision-making for responsive supply chains in of business events such as supply-side disruptions, impending natural
managing risks, including real-time control (Ivanov and Dolgui, 2020) disasters, or delays and risks (Trzuskawska-Grzesińska, 2017) [62] and
[31]. Digital technologies significantly impact agility and responsive- can be on an on-premise data center or a Cloud. Such information flow
ness (Ivanov and Dolgui, 2020; Dubey, Gunasekaran, Childe, Wamba, and insight generation happen in real-time, and hence response to ma-
et al., 2019) [31,26]. Monitoring systems enable the identification of jor disruptive events like congestion in the material flow path can be
failure modes and create notifications for disruptions in near-real-time generated quickly and holistically across the partner network (Ivanov
(Ivanov and Dolgui, 2020) [31]. Using the analytical and predictive ca- and Dolgui, 2020) [31].
pabilities from the data generated from real-time systems, like Global
Positioning System (GPS), Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) sensors, 3. Methodology
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags, smart sensors, images or
video feeds from cameras, results in improved visibility and fault de- The literature review process enables getting insights from a plethora
tection (Rai, Tiwari, Ivanov, and Dolgui, 2021) [48]. A connected and of knowledge bases available for a specific line of inquiry by assess-
collaborative supply chain has the following features – 1) Connected ing and synthesizing the existing body of knowledge (Tranfield, Denyer,
through sensors, GPS and RFID to Cloud or the Edge network, and and Smart, 2003) [61]. The value of the literature review is in the re-
generate data continuously to make real-time decisions 2) Optimized searcher’s ability to fully comprehend the phenomenon under study and
to allow automated workflows and continuous tracking 3) Transparent create scope for future research (Levy and Ellis, 2006; Webster and Wat-
to provide end to end visibility in real-time for converting data to ac- son, 2002) [37,65]. A quality literature review must possess “depth and
tionable insights 4) Proactive to anticipate and act before issues occur rigor.” It needs to follow a proper method for selecting articles and deriv-
through predictive capabilities using real-time data 5) Agile to adapt ing insight (Snyder, 2019) [57]. A quality review should also be replica-
and self configure in response to the changes (Burke et al., 2017) [14]. ble (Snyder, 2019) [57]. According to Webster and Watson (2002) [65],
These factors work together to enable synchronized cognitive decision- if there is not enough literature available on, for instance, emerging
making close to the event horizon and pervasive visibility. Synchronized topics that would need a theoretical framework, the review of current
response underlines the importance of ‘shared information and process literature on the emerging topic would be short. The author can con-
alignment’ by all participants (Christopher, 2016) [18] for a coordinated tribute to developing a conceptual framework. As part of this research
recovery across the supply chain. we develop a conceptual framework encompassing real time informa-
tion flow in predicting and notifying about disruption and a digital con-
2.4. Edge Computing and Distributed Decision Processing in real time trol tower signifying centralized visibility. A thematic analysis among
selected articles to identify, assess, and leverage the prevalent ideas in
“Edge” computing is a framework with computing and storage re- the extant literature helps develop a conceptual framework (Corbin and
sources between the data sources and cloud data centers near the source Strauss, 1990; Strauss and Corbin, 1998) [20,58]. An integrative litera-
of data generation (Dobrescu et al., 2021) [25]. The intermediaries with ture review is done to ‘assess, critique, and synthesize’ the literature on
such computing and storage facilities are variously referred to as edge a specific subject for developing new concepts and frameworks (Snyder,
cloud, cloudlet, Fog, or microdata centers (Satyanarayan, 2017) [50]. 2019) [57]. Integrative literature reviews can address new or emergent
Fog computing, a decentralized approach compared with the Cloud, op- topics such as edge computing, where the focus is “preliminary con-
erates on network edges and provides ‘compute, storage, control, and ceptualization” (Torraco, 2005) [63]. This review aims to synthesize
networking closer to the end-users.’ (Matt, 2018) [39]. Proximity to the the literature to integrate ideas and create a cohesive framework that
end-users or sources of data is crucial for latency minimization (Grover addresses the business problem of developing resilience in the supply
and Garimella, 2019) [5]. Edge nodes (which can be integrated with chain. The common methods of synthesizing include creating a concep-
the devices generating data like the camera for vision-based inferenc- tual model (Torraco, 2005) [63] that is presented in this paper as a
ing), can also encapsulate the logic for inferencing and provide tempo- research outcome. The conceptual framework, validated by the synthe-
rary storage and logic for transmitting the insights to other connected sized body of knowledge, addresses the research questions posed earlier.
systems (Dobrescu et al., 2021) [25]. Other possible options include an ProQuest and Scopus are the databases used in the search process, fol-
edge server or a gateway handling bulk of the processing of the com- lowing the leading research in this area. The keywords used are (Edge
putation logic and storage and pushing the data for persistent storage Computing AND Supply Chain resilience) OR (Edge Analytics AND Sup-
(also called cold storage) into the Cloud or on-premise server (data cen- ply Chain) OR (Edge Computing AND Supply Chain Agility) OR (Edge
ter). According to Satyanarayan (2017) [50], proximity matters because computing AND Supply Chain visibility). Peer-reviewed full-text articles
it “affects end-to-end latency, economically viable bandwidth, the es- are selected because of their reliability as they are 1) written chiefly
tablishment of trust, and survivability.” Real-time decision-making and by researchers 2) provide a detailed methodology. The contents of the
analytics is a special type in which data should be processed in real- eligible papers undergo a thorough analysis using their full text. The
time, as they are generated (Miloslevic et al., 2016) [40]. It does not al- thematic analysis phase is the input to the reporting and dissemination
ways need a big data infrastructure (BDA) and can leverage edge nodes, stage prescribed by Tranfield et al. (2003) [61]. Books, conference ma-
near or at the source of data generation. Processing information close to terials, newspaper articles, and other secondary sources are excluded
the source minimizes the round trip time or latency and improves upon from the integrative literature review scope as they belong to the 1st
the delay in data transmission associated with a regional cloud or an tier of gray literature (Adams et al., 2016) [67].
on-premise data center (Bajic et al., 2020) [6]. Many edge nodes can The outcome of the literature review presents four critical factors
exist for data sources like RFID readers for product tracking, cameras shaping Industrial IoT (IIoT) in general and edge/Fog in particular -
for vision data, GPS-enabled devices, temperature, pressure or vibration Security, Integration Architecture, Deployment, and Data Governance.
sensors, and other IoT devices. The data processing can happen in a dis- The different components underneath these four classes help in unravel-
tributed or federated manner or with multiple data aggregators near the ing the proposed framework. The recency of the articles is an important
sources, like edge gateways or hyperscaler edge clouds (Dobrescu et al., consideration, and hence we focus on the last five years of data. The
2021) [25]. The devices or edge clouds have limited processing power, scope of our research is limited to edge and Fog computing as part of

S. Dey Sustainable Manufacturing and Service Economics 2 (2023) 100008

Table 1
Inclusion-Exclusion criteria.

ProQuest Stage 1 Article Source

Inclusion - Peer Reviewed Journals, Full Text, English Language
Exclusion - Editorials, Conference Proceedings, Correspondence, News, Industry Reports, and Interviews
Stage 2 Subject wise
Exclusion - Big Data, Sustainability, Blockchain, Cryptography, Sustainable Development, COVID 19, Social Network, Climate
change, Business Model, Competition, CoronaVirus, Pandemic, Food, Research & Development, Smart Cities, Agriculture,
Environmental impact, Product Development, Knowledge Management, Marketing, Developing Countries, Mathematical
models, Economic development, Business competition, Robotics, Digital currencies, Employees, Computer Simulation,
Economic growth, Mathematical analysis, E-commerce, Healthcare, Factories, Simulation
Scopus Stage 2 Subject wise
Inclusion - Computer Science, Engineering, Business Management, Decision Sciences (Subject)
Exclusion - Social sciences, Environmental science, Mathematics, Material science, Energy, Physics and Astronomy, Chemistry,
Biology, Genetics, Chemical engineering, Geosciences

Table 2
Integrative Literature Review Process Flow.

Database Stage 1 - Identification and Planning Stage 2 - Development Apply Filters and Exclusion Stage 3 - Dissemination and Summary

Common Apply Keywords. Full text-based search on Peer-Reviewed articles from Scholarly Journals as the source, sorted by relevance. Last five years from 2017 to
2022. English Language articles only

• Initial Total number of articles - 3174 • Applying Exclusion/Filter criteria total number of • Overall Search Results
• Excluding Editorials, Conference unique articles - 898 • Phase 1
Proceedings, Correspondence, News, • Removing articles that do not have a DoI, we have • Initial total number of articles - 4396
Industry Reports, and Interviews a total of 821 unique articles • Before scope-based filtering, the total number of
• Total number of articles - 3098 • Eliminating 34 duplicate articles, of which one articles is 1486. One duplicate article is identified.
appears four times, we have a total of 803 unique The total number of articles is 1485
articles • After Scope based filtering and removing
• Eliminating non-journal articles, we have a total duplicates, the total number of articles is 229
of 775 articles for Title based search. No • Phase 2 - Title and Abstract based content search
duplicates are found in Scopus. • Only keep articles whose Title and abstract
• Title based search pertain to the following-
• Duplicate analysis based on Titles - 145 duplicate • Supply Chain in Industry 4.0, 5G Technologies
articles with Multi-Access Edge, Industrial IoT, and Fog or
• Apply scope on the titles - Supply Chain, internet Edge Computing.
of things, Fog, edge, cloud, industry 4.0 • Filter out Blockchain or DLT
• The final list of 115 unique article • A total of 49 articles are identified based on Title
and abstract on the application of edge and fog
Scopus Initial Total number of articles - 2819 computing and IIoT in supply chain and industry
Applying filters on the source - article, 4.0
journal, final publications, and taking the • Applying Exclusion/Filter criteria total number of • Phase 3 - Full Body search and Content Analysis
last five years of articles unique articles - 728 • A total of 10 articles are selected for content
Total number of articles - 1298 • Removing articles that do not have a DoI, we have analysis and integrative review based on full-text
a total of 711 unique articles analysis and their relevance to the subject under
• No duplicate articles based on titles found study, i.e., the applicability of edge and fog
• No duplicates with ProQuest found computing in supply chain and industry 4.0

Title based search

• Apply scope on the titles - Supply Chain, internet

of things, Fog, edge, cloud, industry 4.0, a unique
list of 114 articles are found for Title and Abstract
based content analysis

Industrial IoT (IIoT) and their applicability in the supply chain and In- in Fig. 1. The phases of DSRM are mapped to the sections in the paper.
dustry 4.0. A conceptual framework provides an interpretive approach and an un-
The inclusion-exclusion framework, which should be comprehensive derstanding of the phenomenon and can be developed from qualitative
for replicability (Randolph, 2009) [68], is provided in Table 1. studies like a literature synthesis (Jabareen, 2009) [49]. The conceptual
Overall Process Flow for Literature Review is presented in Table 2. framework encapsulates the concepts and can serve the future research
The above explicit criteria and systematic approach help reduce the agenda (Jabareen, 2009) [49]. This paper has adopted a Problem cen-
bias (Snyder, 2019) [57]. The limited number of final articles is justified tered approach, and the business problem formulation regarding supply
in an integrative review as the purpose is not to review all articles on the chain resilience is discussed in Section 2. Section 4 integrates the theory
topic but rather to ‘combine perspectives and insights.’ (Snyder, 2019) based on the integrative literature review. Section 5 discusses the model
[57]. and comes up with the research proposition. We have left the demon-
The Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM) (Peffers et al., stration and validation as research gaps to be explored in subsequent re-
2014) [46] is specifically developed for research in Information Systems search. The outcome of this research is a set of design propositions as a
and is critical in creating artifacts. The DSRM framework comprises six prescriptive framework using CIMO logic offered by Denyer et al. (2008)
steps - Problem Identification and Motivation, Definition of the Objec- [71]. CIMO stands for Context (C) or the Problem for which the design
tives for the Solution, Design and Development, Demonstration, Eval- proposition suggests an Intervention (I), to produce intended Outcomes
uation, and Communication (Haße et al., 2019; Peffers et al., 2007) (O), through specified Mechanisms (M) (Denyer, Tranfield, and Aken,
[28,46]. The research entry points correspond to the phases as depicted 2008) [71].

S. Dey Sustainable Manufacturing and Service Economics 2 (2023) 100008

Fig. 1. Mapping between the research entry

stages, the phases of DSRM, and the article sec-

4. Integrated Literature Review Findings devices (Basir et al., 2019) [7]. The complexity and distribution of edge
nodes make them difficult to secure from vulnerabilities (Ometov et al.,
The findings are listed in a Concept Matrix in Appendix A, which syn- 2022) [42]. Identity and location privacy can be compromised in edge
thesizes the points of maximal interest in framing a conceptual model. and Fog computing (Ometov et al., 2022) [42].
A total of 10 articles are selected for thematic analysis.

4.2. Architecture
4.1. Security, Privacy and Mobility
Three-layered architecture with devices, intermediaries, an edge
Security vulnerabilities and challenges in industrial IoT in the de- or edge cloud, with variations based on business needs, form the
vices that generate data to be processed in real-time are matters of con- architectural backbone. A Service-Oriented Architecture is used across
cern. Wang et al. (2021) [69] point out the different vulnerabilities and a heterogeneous system to serve business needs along multiple dimen-
potential solutions in the form of stronger encryption for data at rest sions covering the layers of sensing, data access, middleware, network,
and data in transit, multi-factor authentication for access, network pro- and application layers (Paudel and Neupane, 2021; Wang et al., 2021)
tection, and authorized access to the devices. With many distributed [44,69]. Dobrescu et al. (2021) [25] distinguish among edge, Fog, and
devices, the security of data and devices remains a prime concern be- Mist computing paradigms. Edge is the broader umbrella term compris-
cause of the potential exposure to vulnerabilities, and monitoring re- ing Fog computing, a gateway layer intermediate between the Cloud
mains a key deterrent (Wang et al., 2021) [69]. The different types of and the devices, and Mist computing with embedded limited computing
security issues can be in the form of Sybil attacks, Sleep deprivation power (Dobrescu et al., 2021; Ometov et al., 2022) [25,42]. Edge devices
attacks, false data injection, unauthorized attacks, distributed denial of can be vertically linked with the Cloud, with or without the gateways
services, among others (Wang et al., 2021) [69]. Dobrescu et al. (2021) and cloudlets, and also horizontally across other device ecosystems,
[25] claim that security at the edge computing level is improved through enabling synchronization and coordination for actuation functions
better cybersecurity measures regarding access control, authentication, in a protocol-agnostic way (Dobrescu et al., 2021) [25]. Achir et al.
and data integrity. Only authorized devices should access the network (2022) [1] propose a perception layer, abstraction or transport layer,
(Paudel and Neupane, 2021) [44]. Edge computing minimizes network service management or middleware layer, application layer, and the
traffic and improves in-transit data security (Bajic et al., 2020) [6]. management layer for the Industrial IoT architecture. The last three can
Edge computation may reduce energy consumption while improving re- be done in the edge gateways. In general, Fog computing can address lo-
sponse time (Paudel and Neupane, 2021) [44]. Encryption and crypto- cation and context awareness, supports mobility interoperability across
graphic algorithms and security protocols (Secure Socket Layer (SSL) devices, and improves real-time messaging (Achir et al., 2022) [1]. Edge
and Transport Layer Security (TLS)) are used in data transmission be- gateways can be used for running latency-sensitive applications, real-
tween devices, edge, and Cloud, and the data stored in edge is encrypted time analytics, and preprocessing data aggregated from the sensors to be
(Paudel and Neupane, 2021) [44]. Only lightweight encryption should sent to the Cloud (Achir et al., 2022) [1]. Perception layer sensors com-
be used for data in-store on the devices owing to their processing power municate through various protocols and interfaces with the IoT Gateway
limitations (Paudel and Neupane, 2021) [44]. Edge devices are more that aggregates data and communicates with the edge cloud and Cloud.
vulnerable, especially in interconnecting a large pool of heterogeneous Edge clouds or gateways are used to preprocess data to reduce band-
resource-constrained nodes (Sulieman et al., 2022) [59]. Autonomous width network traffic and provide low latency computation for real-time
and remote management using an orchestrator help in reducing overall decisions (Paudel and Neupane, 2021) [44]. Cellular technologies such
management costs and also make the application fault-tolerant through as 4G Long Term Evolution (LTE) and its variants LTE-M (Machine-
distributed processing (Sulieman et al., 2022) [59]. Location and con- Type) or LTE-A(advanced) are preferable for connecting devices across
text awareness and mobility are the clear benefits of Fog and edge com- a diverse ecosystem because of their ubiquity (Paudel and Neupane,
puting compared to the Cloud (Basir et al., 2019; Matt, 2018; Ometov 2021) [44]. An edge architecture can also be divided into the near, mid-
et al., 2022) [7,39,42]. Basir et al. (2019) [7] consider several chal- dle, and far edge (Sulieman et al., 2022) [59] and therefore represents
lenges in cloud computing like delays in propagation and transmission, an edge continuum rather than one entity. An overall management
bandwidth challenges, resource management, security, energy, and mo- or control tower layer monitors and governs the network for dynamic
bility, and recommend Fog computing for industrial IoT applications. adaptation to the context (Sulieman et al., 2022) [59], thus building
Fog computing ensures security as data can be processed on-premise. resilience. Marir et al. (2022) [38] define Fog architecture based on
The cost-effectiveness of Fog computing stems from its heterogeneity of Open fog consortium recommended features: distribution, low latency,

S. Dey Sustainable Manufacturing and Service Economics 2 (2023) 100008

location awareness, real-time interactions, mobility, heterogeneity, and governance and workflow model incorporates the following sequence
interoperability. Cloud and edge are not competitors but complement of data handling. Starting with aggregation from various devices, pre-
each other (Ometov et al., 2022) [42]. Fog nodes support data aggre- processing the aggregated data, feeding the data to the gateway node
gation and can be organized in clusters across devices in a federated or edge, caching data, and detecting action patterns. It then illustrates
manner, across layers, and are responsible for reducing the data traffic to the storage in edge or Fog nodes, running the ML model for prediction,
the Cloud (Ometov et al., 2022) [42]. Ometov et al. (2022) [42] provide alerts, and notifications based on continuous monitoring of deviations
a comparison across the edge, Fog, and cloud topologies along different and disruptive events, it ends with consuming data for tracking status
dimensions of Architecture (centralized vs. distributed), security, and understanding of location and context in a centralized node.
energy consumption, latency, mobility, location awareness, bandwidth,
storage, and scalability. Edge and Fog support the distributed paradigm
4.5. Overall Design Framework
with lower energy consumption and latency and limited storage and
cost, making them ideal for decisions triggered by disruptive events.
The integrated literature review validates the assumption that an
edge computing paradigm will reduce the overall cost of decision-
4.3. Deployment
making under disruption scenarios by reducing data to be mined and
analyzed and by making rapid decisions and flow of information. Al-
The deployment process covers two vital aspects: application deploy-
though there are concerns with the security of data in transit, it is also
ment and task or services deployment. Limited-scale dataset analysis
agreed that the vulnerabilities can be reduced with a well-planned secu-
can be performed using edge computing to build and deploy predic-
rity governance framework like authentication, encryption, and central-
tive models like fault analysis (Bajic et al., 2020) [6]. Edge devices can
ized monitoring. Across all studies, the architecture is split into multiple
provide deployment management, real-time data processing, predictive
layers - the perception or sense, the governance and aggregation, and the
and monitoring, and device management capabilities using appropri-
processing and control layer. Deployment of the application, especially
ate applications (Bajic et al., 2020) [6]. The devices should be updated
where edge node clusters are involved, is challenging, and the applica-
with patches and upgrades Over the Air (OTA) (Paudel and Neupane,
tions may be deployed as microservices, communicating via API, and
2021) [44]. Hyperscalers such as Azure IoT Edge and Amazon AWS edge
the coordination is managed through an orchestrator layer. However,
offer pre-deployed edge solutions (Sulieman et al., 2022) [59] and mi-
data governance is a real challenge that the literature does not address.
cro clouds like Outpost. Event-driven models are flexible, resilient, and
It is non-trivial to identify a potential disruption with the continuous
decoupled from each other to prevent any centralized point of failure
stream of the data entering the devices and distinguish between the
(Sulieman et al., 2022) [59]. Deployment of specific tasks and appli-
unimportant and the important information. Therefore continuous mon-
cations can happen in a loosely coupled distributed architecture across
itoring, preprocessing, and sensing, become critical capabilities. In the
devices, or the deployment process can be governed (Almutairi and Al-
absence of historical data mining or enterprise transactional software,
dossary, 2021) [4]. An edge orchestrator can manage the governance or
smaller enterprises will have to depend only on analyzing data flowing
task and resource allocation (Almutairi and Aldossary, 2021) [4]. The
in real-time for information and visibility. The framework for achiev-
deployment process covered in the literature does not cover the applica-
ing performance outcomes in supply chain based on real-time data for
tion deployment and operations part. For example, the applications are
a resource-constrained organization is a gap in the reviewed literature.
often deployed as microservices and communicate through Application
Processing at the edge helps in localizing the data near the source or
Programming Interfaces or API. The services are often governed while
the perception layer, improving security and governance, and reduces
performing specific tasks. These aspects are hardly covered in any of the
the congestion or data volume to be transferred to centralized reposito-
ries like Cloud (Achir et al., 2022; Paudel and Neupane, 2021) [1,44].
It therefore helps in reducing energy consumption aiding in sustainabil-
4.4. Data Governance
ity, and reduces the distance traversed by the data and insights to reach
the consuming layer, reducing latency and facilitating rapid decisioning
Data governance is one of the most challenging parts of the edge
(Ometov et al., 2022) [42].
computing paradigm. On the one hand, the normal data stream must
be distinguished from the deviations or outliers that are signs of disrup-
tions. On the other hand, false positives and negatives, and noises in 5. Discussions and Design Propositions
the data should be ignored. Outlier analysis is performed on the data
generated by the sensors to check on sensor malfunctioning (Paudel 5.1. Building Resilience in Supply Chain: Edge-based Real-Time
and Neupane, 2021) [44]. A similar outlier analysis can be done on Decision-Making Framework
the real-time data from the various data sources in a supply chain con-
text to detect disruptions or deviations of data from the normal. Edge Early Warning, Rapid Information Flow, and Collaborative Supply Chain
also helps in reducing the data volume to be sent to the Cloud for ad- help build Supply Chain Resilience in response to the rapid changes or signif-
vanced analytics and centralized processing (Achir et al., 2022; Bajic icant disruptions.
et al., 2020) [1,6]. Different formats and data structures are applicable Decision synchronization and alignment of the processes are criti-
in a real-time scenario, including structured streaming data from the cal responses towards disruption in a collaborative supply chain (Pa-
sensors, semi-structured (JSON or XML files, Application Programming padopoulos et al., 2017; Singh et al., 2019) [43,56]. An early warning
Interface or APIs), and unstructured data like images or videos (Paudel system built through real-time information sharing and synchronized
and Neupane, 2021) [44]. Transformation (preprocessing), integration, decision making is critical for preparing, responding to, and recover-
storage, and analysis of these data are the key components of the data ing from significant disruptions by reducing their severity of impact
governance model. Data that is not needed for time-sensitive or critical (Scholten and Schilder, 2015) [55]. Information sharing enhances visi-
processing can be sent to Cloud or centralized platforms, making a clear bility, flexibility, and velocity (Scholten & Schilder, 2015) [55]. Visibil-
distinction between Fog/edge and Cloud (Matt, 2018) [39]. Small and ity is thus an outcome of collaboration and information flow (Scholten
Medium-sized enterprises do not have the resources to manage private and Schilder, 2015) [55]. Prevention of disruption propagation or ripple
clouds. Hence, an edge or Fog-based model helps them build needed ad- effect and development of resilience is dependent on the availability of
vanced analytics capabilities with real-time critical data without large data (Ivanov and Dolgui, 2020) [31] for real-time communication to the
investments in the private Cloud or data risks in the public Cloud (Matt, collaborating partners. The proactive control may use historical data for
2018) [39]. As proposed by Almutairi and Aldossary (2021) [4], the data learning from actual disruptions and building models. In contrast, the

S. Dey Sustainable Manufacturing and Service Economics 2 (2023) 100008

reactive stage uses real-time event data from process feedback like sen- capacities are located in base stations, often at the premises (Hassan
sors, tracking, and tracing (RFID, GPS, Blockchain) for recovery simula- et al., 2021) [29]. Fog computing enables local fog nodes or commodity
tion using the “Plan-Monitor-Adjust-Control” loop (Ivanov and Dolgui, hardware devices, such as switches and routers, for basic inferencing
2020) [31]. Adapting AI in the supply chain helps trigger an immediate (Hassan et al., 2021) [29]. Cloudlets are self-managing, decentralized,
alarm and improves learning and adaptation through dynamic assess- distributed infrastructure for insight generation, mini data centers near
ment and risk response triggers (Das et al., 2021) [23]. Proactive mea- data sources (Satyanarayana, 2017) [50]. In all these cases, the data
sures like additional inventory, alternative supplier networks, alternate from different sources are sampled, aggregated, filtered, processed, and
transportation mediums, alternate facilities, and routes, for building re- forwarded as insights to the Digital Control Tower (DCT) on a Cloud.
silience, come with additional cost and depend on predictive capabilities Different partner devices like mobiles and handhelds are connected se-
(Baryannis et al., 2019) [9]. curely to the DCT. The DCT encompasses the edge devices and gateways,
Real-Time Monitoring and Reconfiguring Supply Chain through Predic- the analytics dashboard on the Cloud for complete visibility, and the
tive Actions and Alerts enable Early Warning and Rapid Information Flow partner devices to which the insights and alerts are forwarded in real-
and thus strengthen Supply Chain Resilience in a collaborative and networked time through a connected ecosystem provided by a private network.
partner ecosystem. One of the key characteristics of real-time data is that it is a continuous
Digitalization is the use of digital data and technologies to change or stream of information that needs to be monitored to detect anomalies
reconfigure supply chain processes to improve capabilities and flexibili- and disruptive events. Some of the data is processed in memory at the
ties through real-time communication and visibility (Ivanov et al., 2019) edge gateway. The remaining data need to go for cold storage to the
[33]. An increase in visibility reduces risk. Tracking and Tracing sys- data store. Such a real-time framework does not need a major invest-
tems, using RFID and mobile device data on Blockchain or AI-based ana- ment in the form of a Big Data infrastructure and can be adopted even
lytics, provide the capability of rapid information flow and transparency by a supply chain for a low digital footprint, resource-constrained fo-
(Ivanov et al., 2019) [33]. Supply chains with automated information cal entity. Cold storing a large amount of streaming data generated will
flow respond quickly through predictive capabilities, early warning sys- increase the cost of storage. Therefore context-aware and cognitive pro-
tems, or self-adjusting capabilities driven by a dynamic process of learn- cessing in the edge help reduce the data volume and cost (Lee and Lee,
ing through real-time information flow (Al-Talib et al., 2020) [3]. The 2015) [35] thereby helping improve sustainability. The data governance
application of streaming data and advanced analytics can identify the framework needs to identify the false positives and negatives from the
risk exposure and monitor disruptions (Ivanov and Dolgui, 2020) [31]. real disruption scenario. While false positives are tolerable, false nega-
For instance, active monitoring of GPS data provides immediate con- tives put the business at risk since real disruptions are ignored. One of
gestion information on the route. Alternative routes are identified, and the mechanisms to identify disruption is outlier analysis in the data. The
the cost and lead time are optimized to recommend a new route (Level- data distributions for normal and outlier scenarios differ, and such dif-
ing et al., 2014) [36]. Some real-life examples of major reconfigurations ferences manifest as anomalies in the data. The data governance frame-
driven by proactive monitoring of disruptions include A) Reconfiguring work a) aggregates, filters, preprocesses, and assimilates the stream of
nodes in a supply chain in response to a climatic/pandemic/geopolitical normal data b) divides the aggregated and accepted data storage be-
risk. B) Collaborative re-planning and forecasting adjustments induced tween edge and Cloud depending on the predefined threshold and c)
by a significant shift in consumer preference C) Predicting possible continuously monitors for detection of anomalies and disruption events
catastrophic machine failure from monitoring of sensor data and re- like breaching of a threshold by minimizing false positives while elim-
aligning operational plan D) Intelligent redistribution or replenishment inating the possibility of false negatives. Anomalies are sparse, and it
of store inventory for synchronization with unplanned demand shift E) is challenging to differentiate them in the data from the noise or ran-
Supply route/network/mode reconfiguration in response to catastrophic dom outliers (Cissokho et al., 2020) [19]. Continuous streaming data
events. On-time monitoring of disruptive events, using a digital infras- can be analyzed using synopsis methods such as reservoir sampling or
tructure, rapid information flow across the connected supply network, sliding windows. The computation framework should run AI models on
and consequent collaborative and agile planning reconfigures the sup- edge in a distributed fashion, generating alerts and notifications and up-
ply chain for better risk response planning(Ivanov, Dolgui and Sokolov, dating location and context information for actions. The analytical and
2019) [70]. It reduces both the severity and impact of the disruption. visibility tower aggregates information from the distributed sources and
In short, real-time monitoring, adaptive and dynamic planning, and col- shares it with each subscriber node in a connected supply chain partner
laborative information flow, together enable the supply chain to evolve network. The resulting rapid information dissemination with the collab-
with the rapidly changing demands of the environment and develop re- orative partners enables coordinated and quick response to emerging
silience . It can ensure continuity of demand fulfillment in the face of disruptions.
disruptions (Namdar et al., 2018) [41] and, therefore, significantly im- The overall model in Fig. 2 depicts a collaborative, connected
prove long-term supply chain performance (Belhadi et al., 2021) [10]. supplier-partner ecosystem as a prerequisite for rapid information flow,
Real-Time Monitoring and Decision Making in a Connected Supply Chain assured through a data processing and insight generation platform
can be achieved through Distributed Information Processing in the “edge” or that operates in a distributed way. The perception layer contains the
near the source of data and instantaneous dissemination of insights through data generating devices and systems like sensors, RFID readers, video,
a Digital Control Tower for pervasive visibility and action GIS data, point of sale systems, inventory systems, route conditions,
Real-time data is “data in motion” that is continuously streamed from and weather API that continuously stream data. The generated data
a source like RFID tags (in the presence of a reader), GPS (outdoor), are ingested via API or message queues and constantly monitored for
sensors, camera (vision systems), and other sources. Real-time systems abnormalities. The alerts are triggered based on the occurrence of a
process event data as they occur, within a specified interval, which can disruptive event like a breach of a threshold or the detection of an
be as low as a few milliseconds. Latency is the time delay between the anomaly in the edge nodes, and in-memory data analytics transform
cause and effect of a physical event under observation (Miloslevic et al., them to actionable insights like alternate identification as shown in
2016) [40]. Latency can be reduced if data is processed near the source Fig. 3. The insights and the aggregated data are sent to the Control
of data generation. The reduction in latency is achieved by three preva- Tower (DCT) in a data center edge, on-premise edge gateway with
lent mechanisms (Cao, Wachowicz, and Cha, 2017) [15] 1) Multi-Access higher computational and storage, edge cloud, or in the Cloud. DCT
Edge (MEC) (Taleb et al., 2017) [60], very significant and widely preva- governs information dissemination to the connected ecosystem and
lent in the 5G era of computing (Dolgui and Ivanov, 2022) [24] 2) Fog ensures transparency and visibility for real-time adoption of collabora-
computing 3) Cloudlets or micro data centers. MEC is a cellular network tive measures, like rerouting goods or rebalancing inventory positions.
paradigm, especially relevant for 5G, where storage and computational The control tower may consist of a focal firm controlled analytics

S. Dey Sustainable Manufacturing and Service Economics 2 (2023) 100008

Fig. 2. Model for Real-Time Information Flow and Impact on Disruption.

Fig. 3. The real-time decision flow through the edge and the digital contol tower model.

dashboard in the Cloud that can be accessed by the handheld devices of are prevented through coordinated rapid responses enabled by the
the suppliers who can view the statuses in near real-time in a secured insights. The depicted model resonates with the ‘lambda architecture’
way. In this way, the decisions are synchronized and coordinated proposed by Haße et al. for real-time data processing in logistics (Haße
across all nodes of the connected chain. Information processing in et al., 2019) [28] but precludes the need for Big data (BDA) and hence
this model thus represents an embedded system “enmeshed within its is broader in context. Therefore, this model is ideal for the digitally
context” (Orlikowski & Iacono, 2001) [73] and is therefore of strategic weaker firms with a low investment capacity in enterprise software
value (Barney, 1991) [8]. This active monitoring and real-time flow infrastructure, like small and medium businesses. Such businesses can
help develop resiliency over time through suppressing ripple effects still develop resilience and agility depending only on the real-time data
and reducing the severity of the impact with the help of mitigating analysis and visibility, using edge applications in commodity hardware
actions and coordinated contingency responses. Catastrophic failures on-premise or low-cost edge clouds. Such a model of operation will help

S. Dey Sustainable Manufacturing and Service Economics 2 (2023) 100008

Fig. 4. Research Summary: Integrating the

Technology Enablers as Intervention, Business
Contexts, antecedents as and consequences like
collaboration and real time data as Mechanisms
and Resilience and Agility as Outcome.

bring down the overall energy cost and cost of operations (Paudel and processing for reducing latency, and centralized visibility. Thus RQ2 is
Neupane, 2021) [44] and will also drive down investment in IT infras- responded to.
tructure. We can thus frame a response to the first RQ, that real-time Design Proposition 3 (P3) - Edge analytics enable rapid real-time infor-
information analytics in resource-constrained organizations devoid of mation flow within the constraints of computational resources and yet ensure
Big data (BDA) infrastructure can help generate resilience as outcome. visibility and resilience as business outcomes
Edge computing can help reduce the information overload on the
Cloud by storing and processing data in a distributed manner. Edge
framework helps in reducing the overall delays in decision-making. As
5.2. Implications and Propositions
rapid information flow is critical in a disruption scenario, edge comput-
ing reduces information asymmetry across the partner network. Cen-
The research questions with which the study begins, based on the in-
tralized contextual information from edge clouds, apart from alerts and
formation gained through the integrated review and the proposed frame-
notifications, helps the partners understand the source and the nature of
work, can be answered as the following propositions based on Fig. 4 that
disruptions. The participating entities can thereby undertake a coordi-
provides the research summary as a model.
nated risk mitigation strategy. The proximity of edge devices to the data
Design Proposition 1 (P1) - Resource-constrained organizations devoid
sources and the data consumers ensure rapid information, real time vis-
of large investments in enterprise Big data (BDA) infrastructure can achieve
ibility and adaptability in responding to the disruptions, thus resulting
a business outcome like resilience and visibility in the supply chain through
in a response to the RQ3. These propositions are structured as interven-
real-time, context-driven information mining
Monitoring the continuous stream of real-time information from the
The CIMO framework for the design propositions can thus be posited
connected nodes in a supply chain establishes the twin capabilities of
as: Context - Supply chain disruptions, Mechanism - Antecedents as
visibility and resilience. This outcome is achieved through edge-based
Connected Collaborative partner ecosystem and Consequence as real
decentralized contextual decision-making and subscription to the cen-
time rapid information flow, Intervention - continuous monitoring, early
tralized digital control tower for location and context awareness. This
warning, real time distributed information processing at the edge, and
proposition is derived from response to RQ1.
the digital control tower for visibility, Outcome - agility and resilience.
Design Proposition 2 (P2) - Early Warning, Rapid Information Flow, Col-
The given propositions are the design interventions that can be adopted
laborative Partner Network, Distributed Processing in Edge Nodes, and Cen-
for addressing the problem area in the framework proposed.
tralized Control Tower for rapid visibility are the key factors that influence
decision-making through real-time information mining
The early warning system develops from predictive capabilities in 5.3. Challenges
the edge for reducing latency and accelerates the information flow
across connected distributed nodes. Distributed processing in edge en- Some of the core challenges of an edge-based solution include het-
sures local information, near data generation sources, through data ag- erogeneity of devices and communication protocols that poses integra-
gregation. Contextual and locational information are sent to a central- tion and interoperability challenges, geographic spread of diversified
ized cloud or edge cloud-based repository, with higher storage and com- and distributed nodes, their connectivity and coordination, especially
puting power, for distribution across subscribed nodes. Every connected in the context of real-time interactions, management, and orchestration
partner gets visibility to the disruption information, thus reducing infor- needs and effort (governance), and security vulnerabilities for data in
mation asymmetry. The factors influencing real time decision-making transit (Matt 2018). Edge computing suffers from inherent limitations
include collaborative and interconnected partner networks, distributed such as storage, memory and processing power, security of data in tran-

S. Dey Sustainable Manufacturing and Service Economics 2 (2023) 100008

sit, performance under load, scalability of the solution, monitoring and ure the supply chain in response to the disruptive event, and decision
management across many devices, dynamic resource allocation needs synchronization in a connected, collaborative way among the ecosystem
(Almutairi and Aldossary, 2021) [4], and data governance. One of the partners. The agility in responding to a disruption arrests the severity
vital components of the solution framework is data governance - identi- of impact and thereby suppresses the ripple effect that can paralyze the
fication of disruption from normal data and avoiding false positives and entire supply chain. Information subsystems like AI analytics on edge
especially negatives or noises from the data. (sensors, RFID, GPS, and camera-based insights) provide the needed im-
petus to reconfigure the supply chain to respond rapidly to an event. A
5.4. Research Agenda rapid information flow needs to happen for taking coordinated actions
to prevent catastrophic failure. The rapid information flow is dependent
The model or the framework proposed need to be validated empir- on a connected supply chain as a precondition, but it is not sufficient to
ically. The propositions can be empirically validated with the help of ensure resilience. What is needed is real-time information processing be-
one or more case studies. Single case studies are accepted in IS litera- cause any delay in the face of an impending disruption can be potentially
ture (Levina and Ross, 2003; Seidel et al., 2013) [72,75] as they allow dangerous and debilitating. The framework that enables such real-time
researchers to develop a deep understanding of the application in their distributed processing and rapid flow includes insights generation capa-
context (Orlikowski and Iacono, 2001; Seidel et al., 2013) [74] [75] and bility at the edge or near the sources of data and an overarching digital
the actions taken by the organization. Specifically, single case studies control tower for ensuring visibility across all the connected nodes for
are appropriate if the case under scrutiny is critical, extreme, unique, decision and action synchronization. The ensuing transparency enables
or revelatory (Dubé and Paré 2003) [76]. Eisenhardt (1989) [74] notes every entity to be aware of the decision undertaken by the focal firm and
that the ideal number should be between four to ten cases for case-based act to reduce the magnitude of the impact, thus enabling a quick recov-
research. Depending on the paucity and sparsity of relevant work, one ery from the disruption. Real-life business case studies have validated
or more case studies are considered. However, if multiple case studies the usefulness of such a connected, agile, cognitive and collaborative
are not available in the emerging digital technology areas for supply supply chain in responding to global disruptions.
chains, at least one case study will be considered. The case study will be
critical for understanding how a real-time decision framework helps in
6.2. Contributions and Gaps
a distributed processing environment to develop resilience and visibility
as key outcomes in the supply chain. The conceptual framework devel-
The paper discusses a framework developing the intended busi-
oped will be verified for the applicability of the concepts in achieving
ness outcome of resilience using only real-time data for a resource-
the desired business outcome in a real organizational context. The de-
constrained organization like a small and medium business. Most of the
sign research framework with the aid of the case studies can demonstrate
data mining and analytics literature works focus on Big data (BDA),
the validity of the design propositions. The design research framework
which implies investment in infrastructure and enterprise software for
can also promote organizational prototypes as proof.
large-scale storage and computation. By providing a model that can
The main objective of the qualitative researcher is to gain a com-
help develop resilience and visibility as the outcome only from mon-
plete cognition of the topic of research (Polit and Beck, 2009) [77]. A
itoring and analyzing the data in real-time, the infrastructure needs
further qualitative research framework can be developed for develop-
and costs can be reduced, providing a sustainable, energy-efficient, scal-
ing a Grounded Theory based model illustrating the relationship (both
able and reliable solution. Edge computing and the Industrial Internet
directional and causal) between the antecedents and the consequences
of Things (IIoT) are emerging technologies in Industry 4.0. Commer-
as well as the intended outcomes using semi structured interviews as in-
cial and industry solutions exist to provide edge-based business solu-
struments for data collection and thematic analysis using an interview
tions. But the specific context of their application in developing sup-
guide and a carefully selected sample of experts on supply chain disrup-
ply chain resilience has not been explored much in the academic litera-
tion an edge computing (Krauss et al., 2009; Whiting, 2008) [79,78].
ture. Therefore this paper helps in framing an important area of research
The meetings follow a Standardized Open-ended Interview Approach
by extending the topic of supply chain disruption and resilience to the
(Turner, 2010) [51]. The coding process follows the method of compil-
domain of Information Systems and emerging distributed technologies
ing the data into themes (Turner, 2010) [51]. These themes or codes
like 5G and edge computing. As an outcome a set of design proposi-
are consistent expressions or ideas common across the different inter-
tions are posited and research agenda identified. The Design Research
view responses, and they help generate the conceptual framework at
(DSRM) model adopted does not cover the three subsections of Demon-
a later stage. The focus areas are a connected partner ecosystem and
stration, Evaluation, and Communication. Further research is needed to
their collaboration for real time data and information sharing and pro-
explore its applicability in the context of an actual or simulated business
cessing, continuous monitoring and sensing, a distributed computing
problem. The other potential areas of research include 1) developing a
paradigm like edge and 5G with deployment, architectural considera-
theory from a qualitative research and a sequential quantitative model
tions and privacy, security and mobility features, and data governance
validating the hypotheses from the design propositions 2) developing
with overarching visibility from a centralized DCT. A subsequent quan-
algorithms that will detect deviations or outliers from real-time data
titative model can be developed with the concepts from the grounded
for identifying disruptions from noises 3) developing data governance
theory as a sequential research by developing and empirically measur-
framework to reduce the data volume by processing and discarding irrel-
ing suitable constructs. The mediators and moderators among the latent
evant data, minimize false positives and eliminate false negatives from
variables need to be identified and tested.
continuous streaming data. Other research possibilities include integrat-
ing emerging technologies such as Blockchain with industrial IoT and
its impact on the intended business outcome of resilience, sustainabil-
6. Conclusion
ity, and visibility, and an assessment of 5G as an enabler of supply chain
6.1. Summary

Supply chain resilience enables a firm to recover quickly from ma- Declaration of Competing Interest
jor disruptions like disasters, delays, system breakdowns, and sudden
changes in demand. It is an adaptive capability dependent on enabling The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
responsive factors rather than proactive factors. The factors include real- interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
time monitoring, alerts, rapid information flow, flexibility to reconfig- the work reported in this paper.

S. Dey Sustainable Manufacturing and Service Economics 2 (2023) 100008

Data Availability Funding

Data will be made available on request. No grant has been provided for this research. This article is part of a
Doctoral thesis work.
Appendix A
We are thankful to the editor and the anonymous reviewer for their
help, support and guidance in improving the article. Concept Matrix - an Integrated Review of Edge Computing Literature

Topic/Subject Category Code Article Key Ideas/Theme

Industrial IoT Security Trust and Security Wang et al., 2021 [69] Distributed nature of devices induces many failure
points and vulnerabilities
Industrial IoT Architecture IoT Architecture Wang et al., 2021 [69] Multiple layers of abstraction for information
propagation and service orientation
Edge Computing Architecture Edge - Cloud Continuum Dobrescu et al., 2021 Proposes a Versatile Edge gateway layer connecting
[25] devices to the clouds for distributed processing,
reducing latency and reliability while improving costs
in Supply Chains
IoT Taxonomy Architecture Fog Computing Achir et al., 2022 [1] Fog and edge can be used to provide location and
context awareness, improve mobility and enable
real-time interactions
Real-Time Analytics Analytical Model Predictive Analytics Bajic et al., 2020 [6] Deployment of a predictive model in the edge and
Deployment in Edge processing of real production data for detection of
faults with minimal dataset and no-fault data in
Industrial IoT Architecture Real-Time Monitoring Paudel and Neupane, The architecture of a real-time monitoring system in
2021 [44] IoT and its implementation
Edge Computing Architecture and Edge - Cloud Continuum Sulieman et al., 2022 A Survey of edge applications, trends and the use
Governance [59] cases, challenges, and the architecture
Fog Computing in Classification and Fog Computing Matt, 2018 [39] The critical role played by the Fog computing in the
Industry 4.0 Application Industry 4.0 context, benefits and the challenges like
interoperability, integration & device heterogeneity
Fog Computing and IIoT Architecture and Fog Computing Basir et al., 2019 [7] Fog infrastructure and protocols and Fog as a critical
Governance enabler to the business domains in Industrial IoT
Security in Cloud, edge, Security Edge - Cloud Continuum Ometov et al., 2022 [42] Security and vulnerabilities in edge, Fog, and Cloud
and Fog
Offloading Tasks in Deployment and Edge Governance Almutairi and Aldossary, Task offloading (computation) by distributed devices
Distributed Processing Operations 2021 [4] to the edge and mechanisms of resource coordination
and orchestration

S. Dey Sustainable Manufacturing and Service Economics 2 (2023) 100008

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