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Code-A-Haunt - Rules and Guidelines

1. Team Composition:

• Each team must consist of a maximum of 5 members and a minimum of 1 member.

2. Reporting and Venue:

• All teams must report to the Innovation Studio (Block- 39) on 29th Feb sharp at 9:30 AM.

• Teams will be assigned their ID cards which must be worn during the Hackathon

3. Prototyping Components:

• Teams are responsible for bringing their own components, laptops, extensions, and other
equipment required for executing their ideas into a prototype.

• Students are required to execute their ideas during the 24 hrs. of the Hackathon.

• Students cannot go for purchasing of a component, sensor, or any other material amid the

• During the Hackathon one team cannot surrender and exit the hackathon before the Second
round of Evaluation the of Hackathon.

4. Duration and Stay:

• The hackathon will be 24 hours long.

• Students are required to spend the entire duration within the venue.

• No one is allowed to exit the venue during the hackathon.

• Proper bedding facilities will be available in the venue for relaxation.

5. Meals:

• One-time free refreshments will be given to all the participants.

• Breakfast and lunch: Students are not allowed to go out of the venue.

• Dinner will be arranged inside the venue on a paid basis. No one is allowed to go outside the
venue for dinner.

• Snacks and Cold drinks will be available inside the venue on Paid basis

7. Designated Areas:

• Each team will be allotted a designated area within the venue.

• Minimum 2 members from each team must be present at their designated area at all times.

9. Code of Conduct:

• Respect for all participants, judges, and organizers is mandatory.

• Any form of harassment or unethical behaviour will not be tolerated.

10. Intellectual Property:

• All ideas and prototypes developed during the hackathon are the property of the respective

11. Innovation and Originality:

• Plagiarism of ideas, code, or designs is strictly prohibited.

• Use of AI is strictly prohibited.

12. Judging Criteria:

• Projects will be evaluated based on creativity, technical complexity, feasibility, and impact.

15. Emergency Situations:

• In case of any emergency, participants must follow instructions provided by the event

16. Evaluation Criteria:

• Evaluation criteria will include novelty of the idea, complexity, clarity, and details in the
prescribed format, feasibility, practicability, sustainability, scale of impact, user experience,
and potential for future work progression.

• If a team is selected for the final Hackathon, members will need to travel to the assigned
center which can be anywhere in India.

• Teams are also encouraged to think out of the box and provide creative solutions to themes
under the ‘Students’ Innovation’ category.

17. Miscellaneous:

• Organizers reserve the right to make changes to the rules or schedule if necessary.

• Any disputes will be resolved by the event organizers, and their decision will be final.

• Teams found violating any of the rules may be disqualified from the hackathon.

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