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NATIONAL UNIT NAME Apply principles of wound management in the

clinical environment


TASK 1 Written Assignment A

TASK 2 Written Take Home Assignment B

TASK 3 Professional experience reflection activity on page 100 in TRB

TASK 4 Clinical Skills Assessment pages 30-32 and 74-75 in TRB

 There are 4 assessment tasks for this unit. 2 assessment tasks are contained within

this document. Task 3 & 4 are contained within your Training Record Book.

 This task makes up 100% of the assessment for this unit.

 You must achieve a satisfactory grade in each task to achieve a result of

competent for the units.



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1. I declare this assessment task to be solely my own work or, I have acknowledged within my

assessment if this work was completed with a peer

2. I have notified the trainer/assessor of any special needs or requirements I have in relation to

the assessment

3. I understand that my assessment will not be returned to me and I have kept a copy of my

own work

4. I have read and understood the Assessment Policy provided in Every Student’s Guide to

Assessment in TAFE NSW.



I declare that any workplace information contained in this assessment will remain

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 This assessment is to determine your competency in relation to the unit HLTENN006 – Apply

principles of wound management in the clinical environment.

 The assessments require you to:

o Complete the following tasks

o It must be completed and submitted in a professional, work processed format.

 Always keep a copy of the assessment submitted.

 Written Assessment Event is to be completed individually.

 Your assessment needs to have accurate spelling and grammar, in-text referencing,

reference list using the TAFE approved referencing system and relevant appendices

 Should you have any concerns about this assessment, please contact your trainer/assessor

before beginning the tasks.

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Marking Criteria – Written Assignment A


Describe in detail the physiological processes of wound


Patient assessment
Discuss 5 factors which can effect optimal wound healing

Pain management documentation 15

Strategies to minimise cross infection and prevent the

spread of disease and reduce further complications. 15


Wound assessment tool consultation 15

Intervention and wound management products rationale.


Total 100

Marking Criteria – Take Home Assignment B


Definition 15
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Describe in detail the physiological processes of wound


Patient assessment
Discuss 5 factors which can effect optimal wound healing

Pain management documentation


Strategies to minimise cross infection and prevent the

spread of disease and reduce further complications. 15


Wound assessment tool consultation 15

Intervention and wound management products rationale.


Total 100

ASSESSMENT TASK 1 – Written Assignment A

Question 1 Wound Types

Briefly describe the following wound types. Your response may include any relevant factors such as

causative factors, special nursing considerations and complications or treatment methods.

a) Surgical incisions

According to Gauta (2011), Surgical wound incision is caused by a cut made during surgery, it can

also be due drain paced during surgery. These wounds are typically treated by placement of surgical

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dressing over the wound which is changed regularly. In case of complications, they occur within 30

days of surgery.

b) Arterial Ulcers

These are known as ischemic wounds. They are caused by peripheral artery disease; they are

also exhibited in diabetics experiencing difficulties in managing their condition. Treatment involves

vascularization of the affected area as well as regular cleaning that is done by vascular specialist

(Margolis et al. 1999).

c) Venous Ulcers

These are wounds that occur due to abnormal functioning of the veins. Venous ulcers are

caused injuries, ageing, obesity, and blood clots. They are manifested by red skin rashes that

develop into wounds. Treatment involves compression of the leg and wound care. Critical conditions

may require surgery.

d) Mixed Ulcers

According to Margolis et al. (1999), mixed ulcers results from a combination of arterial and

venous ulcers. This form of ulcers is complex and can change their character rapidly especially when

the arterial disease is progressing rapidly. As such, the arterial infection is the most essential factor

to consider during treatment. Most specialists recommend the reduction of strength of compression

in patients with mixed ulcers to reduce the risk of compression related complications (Grey et al.


e) Malignant wounds

Malignant wounds result from cancerous cells which infiltrates the skin and the body vessels

(blood and lymph vessels). The cancerous cells cause tissue death due to vascularity. Malignant

wounds maybe caused by skin metastasis by tumour or primary cancer. The treatment focuses on

physical and psychological management of the patients to maintain the quality of life rather than

healing (Grey et al. 2006).

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f) Neuropathic ulceration wounds

Neuropathic ulcers results from peripheral neuropathy common in diabetic patients. The

disease results in autonomic disorder and loss of body sensation. This is further complicated by

ischemia. Neuropathic ulcers wounds are managed through maintaining the Escher dry and

cleansing the wounds with non-cytotoxic cleansers (Margolis et al. 1999).

g) Infected wounds

Infected wounds refer to skin excavations invaded by pathogenic organisms. These conditions

trigger the body resulting to inflammation, and damage of the tissues. Mild wound infections can be

treated at home; however, severe conditions should be referred proper medical attention.

h) Burns

Burns refer to the damage to the skin or deeper tissues typically by hot liquids electricity, fire

or chemicals. Burns are associated with severe skin damage that results to death of the skin cells.

Burns are classified according to the intensity of the damage. Third-degree burns are the most

serious with high risk of severe complications such as blood loss, infections shock or even death.

i) Fistulas and sinuses

The term fistula refers to the abnormal cavity which forms between internal body cavity and

body surfaces. Sinuses refer to unusual pathway that starts or ends in one opening. These

conditions are cause by infections, liquefaction and foreign bodies (Grey et al. 2006). Management of

Fistula and sinuses depends upon the underlying cause of the condition. Causes can be complex and

multifactorial thus requiring complex medical attention.

j) Skin grafts

Skin graft refers to a surgical procedure which that involves removing the skin from one area

of a body and transplanting it to a different area of the body. This procedure is conducted especially

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if part of the patient’s body has lost its skin cover due to injuries, burns or infections. Proper care

should be taken after skin graft procedure, the donor cite heals faster than the graft site.

k) Visceral wounds

This refers to damage to the internal body organs including those within the abdomen such as

the liver, pancreas and intestines as well as those within the chest such as the heart and the lungs

(Grey et al. 2006). Visceral injuries can be classified into two categories: those caused by penetrating

mechanism or those caused cause by blunt trauma. Due the versatility of this condition, surgery

incisions are the standard approach to the treatment.

l) Discharging wounds

Also known as drainage wounds, they are wounds with exudates that result from tissue

damage. These wounds occur as a result dilation of the blood vessels especially during initial

inflammatory healing stage. Presence of certain bacteria is the primary cause of discharging

wounds. The treatment concern of this condition is based on the underlying infection (Grey et al.


m) Pressure ulcers.

According to Grey et al. (2006), pressure ulcers are also known as pressure sores. They are

injuries to the skin or the underlying body tissues that are results when the skin experiences a

prolonged pressure. This condition primarily affects people confines to beds or chairs for prolonged

period of time. Treatment of the pressure ulcer depends on the severity of the condition.

Management may range from minor nursing to serious medical care for life-threatening


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Question 2. Wound Management Techniques

Provide a brief explanation of each of the following wound management techniques.

a) Wound debridement

Wound debridement refers to the removal of damaged, dead or infected tissues from the

body. This procedure is conducted to boost the healing potential of the healthy tissues (Grey et al.

2006). Wound debridement can be conducted through surgical, mechanical or through maggot

therapy. It may also involve self-digestion or chemical procedures.

b) Doppler assessment

Doppler assessment is a process of measuring the amount of blood flow through the body

veins and arteries. Vascular flow studies can abnormal blood flows in the blood vessels. This

assessment is carried out on the arms or legs of the patients to measure blood floor in vessels that

carry blood to this body parts.

c) Compression therapy

According to Vowden et al. (2017), compression therapy refers to the principle of applying

elastic material typically the compression socks around the leg. The process involves mechanical

compression of the legs to produce a gentle squeeze to the veins which allows the valves to close .

This reduces the cavity of the veins thus restoring the overall blood floor to normal. It also facilitates

blood circulation. Compression therapy is a form of wound care that aims at wearing specifically

designed stockings on the ankles and legs which functions to stretch out the vein walls thus reducing

the overall swelling.

d) Clinical photography

Clinical photography also known as medical photography is a routine capture and recording

of daily presentations of the medical conditions of the patients. This data is used for diagnosis as

well as for recording various conditions exhibited in particular stages of treatment.

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e) Wound tracing

Wound tracing is a clinical method used by nurses to measure and record the wound area.

The primary purpose of wound tracing is to measure the progress of healing through changes in

area of the wound (Velnar et al. 2009).

Question 3. Laboratory results

Describe the correct process you would use for sterile specimen collection.

During sterile specimen collection, the healthcare personnel should adhere to the

precautions regarding the use of sterile techniques (Gauta, 2011). Also, hazardous biological

materials should be responsibly disposed to protect the health of the patient and the staff.

Nonetheless, ultimate hygiene is a central factor in sterile specimen collection.

Question 4. Development of contemporary management strategies

Outline the principles of warm moist wound healing.

Moist wound healing is vital in progression of wound from the inflammatory to the repair

stage. It enhances the viability and migration of the white blood cells, stimulates the wound repair

phase of healing, reduces the incidences of wound infection, reduces the wound pain, and keeps the

wound in physiological temperature enhancing the healing cells functioning (Vowden et al. 2017).

Question 5. Standards

Briefly explain the significance of the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards

as they relate to wound management

The primary significance of NSQHS standards is to improve the quality of medical service

provision and to protect the public from harm. NSQHS provides quality assurance procedures which

measures whether relevant health systems are in place. These standards ensure safety and quality

for patients with different health complications. NSQHS enhances the prevention and management

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of pressure injuries; this involves strategies to ensure that patients do not develop pressure injuries

and offers best management practices in case such complication arises.

ASSESSMENT TASK 2 – Written Take Home Assignment B

Sarah Victor, 51 years has had an abdominal hysterectomy 12 days ago. She has been readmitted

with a wound dehiscence and has completed a course of antibiotics for her wound infection. There

are no signs and symptoms of systemic infection at this stage although there is still a moderate

amount of exudate. Sarah states that her wound is “sore and a bit smelly”. Sarah lives alone but has

four cats. She is concerned about not having enough sick leave while recovering.

Write a report on the case study above to answer the following:

A Report on Sarah’s Case

An abdominal hysterectomy refers to a surgical procedure that involves removal of the

patients’ uterus in the lower abdomen (Gauta, 2011). Hysterectomy can also be operated through a

cut in the vagina or through laparoscopic surgical approach. After hysterectomy process, wound

complications may occur which is critical causes of postoperative morbidity. Typically, surgical

wounds heal in systematic sequence such as inflammation, epithelialization, fibroplasia, and lastly

maturation. Sarah’s case is as a result of mechanical failure which has resulted to wound


Wound dehiscence is a condition where incisions made during surgical process separates

days after it has been stitched together. This condition occurs within 3-10 days after operation. It’s

majorly caused by injuries, infections, weak tissues in the wound area, early stitch removal,

stretching of the wound or incorrect suture technique. This condition interferes with correct wound

healing process.

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The physiological wound healing process can be divided into four phases namely the vascular

response, followed by inflammatory response which is followed by proliferation and maturation

(Velnar et al. 2009). Vascular response is the initial phase characterised with constriction of the

blood vessels to reduce blood flow which eventual coagulation. Inflammation is the second phase

characterised by fluid engorgement which allows healing and repairs the cells on the wound site.

Proliferation involves formation of new tissues made of collagen on the wound site. Lastly

maturation occurs when the wound finally closes. In the case of Sarah’s wound, the healing stopped

at the inflammation phase resulting to exudate complications.

According to Velnar et al. (2009), factors that can hinder optimum surgical wound healing

includes injuries, infections, and weak tissues in the wound area, early stitch removal, stretching of

the wound or incorrect suture technique. From the assessment of Sarah’s lifestyle her condition is

likely to be as a result of stretching of the wound while working this is because she cannot access

sick leave. Sarah’s condition can also be attributed to infections especially due to her four cats. Since

she stays alone, managing the hygiene of her four cats may be difficult hence resulting to infections.

Pain and comfort management are critical practices for patients especially after abdominal

hysterectomy (Nilsson et al. 2012). In the case of Sarah opioid narcotics should be used to reduce

post-operative pain management. This can be recorded in Sarah’s book in form of dosage and

frequency. Sarah should be advised to quit strenuous task while at work as well as home until full

recovery. Pain and comfort management can also be enhanced through proper wound dressing as

well as warming the cleansing solution (Velnar et al. 2009). Furthermore, music therapy and opioid

use can be applied to reduce anxiety.

Cross infection is one of the critical dangers of delayed wound healing. In the case of Sarah’s

condition, proper and frequent cleansing and dressing of the wound should be conducted. Also,

Sarah should be advised to maintain proper hygiene back at home. This may involve proper care of

the four cats; cats can be primary sources of cross infections. Sarah should also quit strenuous tasks
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until full recovery. Nonetheless proper follow up should be done by the healthcare practitioner to

ensure these strategies are followed.

Many chronic wounds need care from multidisciplinary team. The following are four multi-

disciplinary team members:

 Pharmacists – they prepare and dispense medical drugs according to a medical doctor’s


 General Practice nurses – they provide primary health care in a general healthcare


 Podiatrists – they are responsible for diagnosis treatment as well as rehabilitation or

surgical conditions of lower limbs.

 Family doctor or General Practitioner – provide comprehensive person care as well as

referrals for other health professionals.

In my opinion Sarah’s wound is experiencing complications during its inflammatory healing

stage. Therefore, the most appropriate management techniques for the patient will be proper

dressing of the wound to reduce the exudates as well as administration of opioid narcotics to reduce

pain. This will be advised to avoid heavy works until the wound heals (Nilsson et al. 2012).

ASSESSMENT TASK 3 – Professional experience reflection activity in Training Record Book

In the Training Record book complete reflective practice activity for apply principles of wound

management in the clinical environment on page 100 whilst on clinical work placement.

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ASSESSMENT TASK 4 - Clinical Skills Assessments

You are to complete relevant clinical skills in your training record book for this unit in either a

simulated, workplace environment or both as outlined on pages 30-32 and 74-75 of your TRB

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NATIONAL UNIT NAME/S Apply principles of wound management in

the clinical environment


Assessor – Note each assessment task/s included and the assessment method.

Add/delete rows as required.


 Satisfactory
TASK 1 Written Assignment A
 Not Satisfactory

 Satisfactory
TASK 2 Written Take Home Assignment B
 Not Satisfactory

Professional experience reflection Activity in  Satisfactory

TRB on page 100  Not Satisfactory

Clinical skills assessments page 30-32 and 74-  Satisfactory

75 in TRB  Not Satisfactory


Your result will be able to be viewed in the Learner portal

approximately three weeks after submission.

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Your trainer/assessor will provide you with feedback following completion of the task.

They will update your learner record with the result which you can view in the Learner

portal. If you wish to provide feedback, please complete the Learner questionnaire

provided here and detail your feedback in the Assessment comment box on Page 2.

Should you wish to query your assessment result please view the process in the

Assessment Policy available on the TAFE Western website.

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Gauta, J. (2011). Outpatient laparoscopic hysterectomy: evaluation of pain. JSLS: Journal of the Society of

Laparoendoscopic Surgeons, 15(3), 346.

Grey, J. E., Enoch, S., & Harding, K. G. (2006). Wound assessment. Bmj, 332(7536), 285-288.

Margolis, D. J., Kantor, J., & Berlin, J. A. (1999). Healing of diabetic neuropathic foot ulcers receiving standard

treatment. A meta-analysis. Diabetes care, 22(5), 692-695.

Nilsson, L., Wodlin, N. B., & Kjølhede, P. (2012). Risk factors for postoperative complications after fast‐track

abdominal hysterectomy. Australian and New Zealand journal of obstetrics and gynaecology, 52(2),


Vowden, K., & Vowden, P. (2017). Wound dressings: principles and practice. Surgery (Oxford), 35(9), 489-494.

Velnar, T., Bailey, T., & Smrkolj, V. (2009). The wound healing process: an overview of the cellular and

molecular mechanisms. Journal of International Medical Research, 37(5), 1528-1542.

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