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<header><br />Algebraic Concepts</header>
<hr />
<a href="#introduction" class="nav-link">Introduction</a><br />
<hr />
<a href="#definitions" class="nav-link">Definitions</a><br />
<hr />
<a href="#examples" class="nav-link">Examples</a><br />
<hr />
<a href="#solving_equations" class="nav-link">Solving Equations</a><br />
<hr />
<a href="#solving_equations_ii" class="nav-link">Solving Equations II</a
><br />
<hr />
<a href="#solving_equations_iii" class="nav-link">Solving Equations III</a
><br />
<hr />
<a href="#system_of_equations" class="nav-link">System of Equations</a
><br />
<hr />
<a href="#try_it_yourself!" class="nav-link">Try it Yourself!</a><br />
<hr />
<a href="#more_information" class="nav-link">More Information</a><br />
<main id="main-doc">
<section class="main-section" id="introduction">
Welcome to a basic introduction of algebra. In this tutorial, we will
review some of the more common algebraic concepts.
<section class="main-section" id="definitions">
To start with, let's define some of the more common terms used in
<b>Variable:</b> A variable is an unknown value, usually represented
by a letter.
<b>Expression:</b> Essentially a mathematical object. For the
purpose of this tutorial, an expression is one part of an equation.
<b>Equation:</b> An equation is a mathematical argument in which two
expressions result in the same value.
<section class="main-section" id="examples">
Sometimes it is easier to understand the definitions when you have a
physical example to look at. Here is an example of the above terms.<br
/><br />
<code>x + 5 = 12 </code><br /><br />
In this above example, we have:
<li><b>Variable:</b> The variable in the example is "x".</li>
<b>Expression:</b> There are two expressions in this example. They
are "x+5" and "12".
<b>Equation:</b> The entire example, "x+5=12", is an equation.
<section class="main-section" id="solving_equations">
<header>Solving Equations</header>
The primary use for algebra is to determine an unknown value, the
"variable", with the information provided. Continuing to use our
example from above, we can find the value of the variable "x".<br
/><br />
<code>x + 5 = 12 </code><br /><br />
In an equation, both sides result in the same value. So you can
manipulate the two expressions however you need, as long as you
perform the same operation (or change) to each side. You do this
because the goal when solving an equation is to
>get the variable into its own expression, or by itself on one side
of the = sign.</b
><br />For this example, we want to remove the "+5" so the "x" is
alone. To do this, we can <em>subtract 5</em>, because subtraction is
the opposite operation to addition. But remember, we have to perform
the same operation to both sides of the equation. Now our equation
looks like this.<br /><br />
<code>x + 5 - 5 = 12 - 5</code><br /><br />
The equation looks like a mess right now, because we haven't completed
the operations. We can <b>simplify</b> this equation to make it easier
to read by performing the operations "5-5" and "12-5". The result
is:<br /><br />
<code>x = 7</code><br /><br />
We now have our solution to this equation!
<section class="main-section" id="solving_equations_ii">
<header>Solving Equations II</header>
Let us look at a slightly more challenging equation.<br /><br />
<code>3x + 4 = 13</code><br /><br />
Again we can start with subtraction. In this case, we want to subtract
4 from each side of the equation. We will also go ahead and simplify
with each step. So now we have:<br /><br />
<code>3x = 9</code><br /><br />
"3x" translates to "3*x", where the "*" symbol indicates
multiplication. We use the "*" to avoid confusion, as the "x" is now a
variable instead of a multiplication symbol. The opposite operation
for multiplication is division, so we need to
<b>divide each expression by 3</b>.<br /><br />
<code>x = 3</code><br /><br />
And now we have our solution!
<section class="main-section" id="solving_equations_iii">
<header>Solving Equations III</header>
Now we are getting in to more complex operations. Here is another
equation for us to look at:<br /><br />
<code>x^2 - 8 = 8</code><br /><br />
Our very first step will be to <b>add</b> 8 to each side. This is
different from our previous examples, where we had to subtract. But
remember, our goal is to get the variable alone by performing opposite
operations.<br /><br />
<code>x^2 = 16</code><br /><br />
But what does the "^2" mean? The "^" symbol is used to denote
exponents in situations where superscript is not available. When
superscript <b>is</b> available, you would see it as x<sup>2</sup>.
For the sake of this project, however, we will use the "^" symbol.<br />
An exponent tells you how many times the base (in our case, "x") is
multiplied by itself. So, "x^2" would be the same as "x*x". Now the
opposite function of multiplication is division, but we would have to
<b>divide both sides by "x"</b>. We do not want to do this, as that
would put an "x" on the other side of the equation. So instead, we
need to use the root operation! For an exponent of "2", we call this
the "square root" and denote it with "√". Our equation is now:
<br /><br />
<code>x = √9</code><br /><br />
Performing a root operation by hand can be a tedious process, so we
recommend using a calculator when necessary. However, we are lucky in
that "9" is a
<a href=""
>perfect square</a
>, so we do not need to calculate anything. Instead, we find our
answer to be:<br /><br />
<code>x = 3</code>
<section class="main-section" id="system_of_equations">
<header>System of Equations</header>
As you explore your algebra studies further, you may start to run
across equations with more than one variable. The first such equations
will likely look like:<br /><br />
<code>y = 3x</code><br /><br />
An equation like this does <b>not have one single solution</b>.
Rather, there are a series of values for which the equation is true.
For example, if "x=3" and "y=9", the equation is true. These equations
are usually used to plot a graph. <br />
Getting more complicated, though, you may be given a <b>pair</b> of
equations. This is called a "system of equations", and CAN be solved.
Let's look at how we do this! Consider the following system of
equations:<br /><br />
<code>y = 3x | y - 6 = x</code>
A system of equations IS solvable, but it is a multi-step process. To
get started, we need to choose a variable we are solving for. Let's
solve for "x" first. From the second equation, we know that "x" equals
"y - 6", but we cannot simplify that further because we do not have a
value for "y". Except, thanks to the system of equations, we DO have a
value for "y". We know that "y" equals "3x". So, looking at our second
equation, we can replace "y" with "3x" because they have the same
value. We then get:<br /><br />
<code>3x - 6 = x</code><br /><br />
Now we can solve for "x"! We start by adding 6 to each side.<br /><br />
<code>3x = x + 6</code><br /><br />
We still need to get "x" by itself, so we subtract "x" from both sides
and get:<br /><br />
<code>2x = 6</code><br /><br />
If this confuses you, remember that "3x" is the same as "x+x+x".
Subtract an "x" from that and you get "x+x", or "2x". Now we divide
both sides by 2 and have our value for x!<br /><br />
<code>x = 3</code><br /><br />
However, our work is not done yet. We still need to find the value for
"y". Let's go back to our first equation:<br /><br />
<code>y = 3x</code><br /><br />
We have a value for "x" now, so let's see what happens if we put that
value in.<br /><br />
<code>y = 3*3</code><br /><br />
We perform the multiplication and discover that "y=9"! Our solution to
this system of equations then is:<br /><br />
<code>x = 3 and y = 9</code><br /><br />
<section class="main-section" id="try_it_yourself!">
<header>Try it Yourself!</header>
<p>Coming Soon!</p>
<p>Keep an eye out for new additions!</p>
<section class="main-section" id="more_information">
<header>More Information</header>
<p>Check out the following links for more information!</p>
<a href=""
>Wolfram Alpha</a
is a great source for multiple mathematic fields.
<a href=""
>Wikipedia's Algebra page</a
for more general information.
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