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By Reid

A. Format of IELTS General Training Test

Task 1 :

Situations → Writie a letter / 150 words

Task 2 :

Argument → Write an essay / 250 words

Timing : 60 minutes in total

T1 (20) + T2 (40), manage on your own.

 Membuat surat ( writing a letter)
 150 words (kata)
 Time: 20 Minutes

a. Jenis surat ( Type of letter) = Formal (kantor) , Informal ( ke teman, keluarga).

- Complaint (keluhan pelayanan) F/IF
- Request service (meminta layanan) F
- Applying job (melamar pekerjaan) F
- Offer (menawarkan barang ke teman) IF
- Etc dan lain-lain

b. The task 1 structure (struktur tugas 1)

1.1 Structure of the situations inside the command prompt
- Command Prompt
- Details (Bullet point)
- You recently moved to a new city and want to make friends. (situation)Write an email
to a local social club expressing your interest in joining and requesting more
information. (command prompt)
- Criteria: (Details/bullet point)
1. Introduce yourself and mention your interests.
2. Express your interest in joining the social club.
3. Request more information about the club's activities and how to become a
4. Use an appropriate tone and format for an email, approximately 150-200 words
Good luck!
1.2 Structure of the letter

Intoduction Greeting Purpose

Body paragraph 1 Adress the details Provide explanations

Provide additional Closing signature / best

Body paragraph 2 Adress other details informations
Appropriate closing regard, sincerely etc


1. Introduction
Greet the reader and state the purpose of the letter (kalimat sapaan dan maksud tujuan
surat yg jelas)
Paraphrase the question prompt (menulis kembali dengan mengubah kalimat perintah)
Provide a brief overview of what you will be discussing in the letter (memberikan
cuplikan hal yang akan didiskusikan, menyampaikan maksud dan tujuan pembuatan
2. Body paragraph 1
Start with a sentence that states the main point of the paragraph (awali kalimat yang
menunjukkan poin yang akan didiskusikan dalam paragraph)
Details and examples (detail pembahasan/penjelasan dan contoh kejadian)
Additional information (informasi tambahan)
3. Body paragraph 2
(sama dengan body paragraph 1 / membahas poin selanjutnya dari prompt yang
4. Colosing : Close the letter with a polite remark (tutup surat dengan sopan)

Dear Sir/Madam, (Greetings)

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the recent train journey I took from city A
to city B on your service. I encountered several issues that left me unsatisfied, and I would like
to bring them to your attention. (Purpose)

Firstly, the train was delayed by approximately 45 minutes, causing me anxiety as I had
a connecting flight from city B. Furthermore, the air conditioning in the carriage was not
functioning properly, making the journey extremely uncomfortable, especially considering the
hot weather. Additionally, the train was quite noisy due to a faulty engine, making it difficult for
me to concentrate on reading or working on my laptop. (Adressing Details 1)

As a customer, I believe your company can provide better service. To improve future
journeys, I suggest ensuring punctuality and resolving any issues with facilities, including the air
conditioning. It may also be worth considering compensating or offering discounts to
passengers who experience such problems to maintain their loyalty. (Adressing Details 2)

I hope you take my feedback seriously and take steps to enhance the travel experience
for your customers. I look forward to hearing from you. (Conclution/Closing statement)

Yours faithfully,

(Name) (Closing signature)

You recently moved to a new city and want to make friends. Write an email to a local social club
expressing your interest in joining and requesting more information.
- Criteria:
1. Introduce yourself and mention your interests.
2. Express your interest in joining the social club.
3. Request more information about the club's activities and how to become a member.

Dear Sir/Madam, (Introduction: Greetings (kalimat sapaan))

I am writing this email to express my interest in joining your local social club. I recently moved to
this city and I am looking for ways to meet new people and make friends. (introduction: Purpose
(menyampaikan tujuan pembuatan surat ini))

My name is [Your Name] and I am a [Your Profession]. I have always been interested in
socializing and meeting new people. I enjoy participating in outdoor activities such as hiking,
camping, and cycling. I also enjoy reading books, listening to music, and watching movies. I am
a very social person and I believe that joining your social club will help me expand my social
circle. (Body 1: Adressing details command 1 : disuruh express your interest, tunjukkan

Could you please provide me with more information about your club's activities and how to
become a member? I would like to know more about the club's upcoming events, social
gatherings, and other activities that you organize. Additionally, I would appreciate it if you could
let me know about the membership requirements and any fees that I need to pay. (body 2:
Adressing command 2 : memenuhi perintah pada poin 3 yakni meminta informasi lebih)

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing back from you soon.
(conclusion/closing statement, kalimat penutup surat, yg sopan….)

Best regards, (Closing signature, penutupan dengan nama pembuat surat)

[Your Name]

You recently moved to a new city and need to set up essential services for your new home.
Write a letter to the local utility company (electricity, water, gas, etc.) requesting their services.
In your letter, include:

 Introduction: Introduce yourself and explain that you have recently moved to the area.
 Specify the services: Clearly state which services you require (electricity, water, gas,
 Details: Provide any necessary details such as your new address, contact information,
and any specific requirements you may have.
 Request for prompt action: Politely request prompt attention to your request and inquire
about any necessary documentation or procedures.

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