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Lexicon of psychiatric and mental health terms SECOND EDITION World Health Organization jeneva 1994 \WHo Linrary Catatoguing n Pubcon Data Ulticon of pope ad rent! heal erns—2nd 0 ‘Merial leraare— terminology Psychiat terminology (SBN ge 4 T3466 XMM Clacton. WAT) ‘The Word Health Organization welcomes reget for permisslan to reproduce or translate is pubileations, n par inal Appieatons and engi shou ba nsoressed tothe Olice of Pastieione Wore Hosth Drganiation, Geneva. Suizer'and which il be glaato provide the aes ntornaton om any cranes mase fo the font pane for new eons, and oprinsané vansatione already ava abe (© Word Heath Organization 1954 Paton of he Wor Heath Orpanizaton enjoy conyigt protection a secardance with te provisions of ‘Protocol 2! the Universel Copyright Convention, Al rigs reserved ‘The designations employed an the preston of the materi! a his publieaton do nt imply he exprsion any opinion whatsowver onthe pat of to Secretariat a the Worl Heath Orgeiaatoncongeing te al ‘rato any country, terror, cy rare or of autores, or concerning te daiaion ofa rants ot ‘Tue mamton of specie companiae of certain mautacirer! product das nt imply hat they are endorse cor recommended by te Word Heats Organization impotence to others a nmlar nature tet ste ol ‘mentioned Errors and omissions excepte, he names of propilary product are ditingulanad by iia ‘pa ers rarer iy 0 Contents Introduction 1 Acknowledgements 3 Definitions of terms 4 Introduction Far from being a pastime of retired academics, psychiatric lexicography today is a necessary counterpart of the standardization of diagnosis and the refinement of classification in the mental health field. The past two decades have witnessed the introduction of explicit (or “operational”) diagnostic criteria ina field that was formerly considered open to subjective interpretation, with clinical judgement as the final arbiter. Recent classifications of mental and behavioural disorders, such as DSM-IIR! and Chapter ViF) of ICD-10%, have been developed with the ambitious goal of serving, as dinical, research, and teaching tools rather than merely as conventions for statistical reporting of psychiatric diagnoses. Clinical descriptions and diagnostic guidelines for some 380 disorders are incorporated in The ICD-10 Classifeation of Mental and Behavioural Disorders: Clinical descriptions anal diagnostic guidelines which represents a major step towards the attainment of a “common language” among mental health professionals and other workers worldwide. However, agreement and mutual understanding in the mental health field will remain incomplete or spurious unless the syntax provided by the classification and diagnostic criteria is complemented by an equally explicit and acceptable lexis, Clinical descriptions and diagnostic guidelines, explicit as they are, use terms that are not themselves defined. Many of these terms have a long history and evolved in contexts

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