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Spain itenary

Friday- Marbella and resort

Arrive at Malaga airport at 10:05

Leave to Marriot by 11:15-11:45 arrive

Relax and eat until 1:30 stock up on food

Marbella old town 1:50-2:30

2:55-3:30 walk across to the main beach

4:00-4:30 visit Marbella Masjid

5:00-7:00 Go to city centre and explore more of the markets and eat dinner

7:00+ Go home and rest

Saturday- Gibraltar

9:00- Leave for Gibraltar

10:30 arrive at Rock of Gibraltar

11:00 Visit the peak of Gibrlatar £17pp

Option 1: 11-5 St Michael's Cave, Skywalk, Windsor Suspension Bridge, Great Siege Tunnels, World War II & City
Under Siege Exhibition, Moorish Castle, 100 Ton Gun and various Footpaths within the Upper Rock Nature
Reserve £37pp

Option 2: At 1 go back down and visit gibraltar national museum £12 pp. Visit city centre and have food. Visit Gibraltar
beach and at 6 go home. The rest is upto you what you want to do

Sunday- Malaga

Leave at 9 and by 10 arrive at Alcazaba

11:30- 4:00 visit Gibralfaro castle


Go to the pier and relax

6:00+ go home

Monday- Meeting + Malaga

2:00-4:00 Visit Malaga cathedral

4:00-6:00 visit Malaga main attractions

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