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Fidelyn P.

Climaco BTLED-IA-2

What have you learned in intramurals?

Intramurals, also known as intramural sports, have taught me numerous valuable lessons throughout my
participation. From teamwork and time management to perseverance and sportsmanship, the
experiences and challenges faced in intramurals have shaped my character and contributed significantly
to my personal growth. have also taught me the importance of teamwork. Whether it was participating
in team sports like basketball or soccer, or engaging in group events such as tug-of-war and relay races,
the success of the team always relied on effective collaboration. Engaging in intramurals highlighted the
significance of communication, coordination, and mutual support among teammates. It taught me to
value the diverse skills and abilities each team member brings to the table and that achieving a common
goal is only possible when everyone works together towards it.

Intramurals have taught me the value of perseverance and the power of resilience. In any sport or
competition, setbacks and failures are inevitable. Whether it was losing a game, missing a shot, or
struggling with a new skill, intramurals have taught me that setbacks are opportunities for growth, not
reasons to quit. Through intramurals, I learned to pick myself up after defeat, analyze my weaknesses,
and work towards improvement. This resilience has translated into other aspects of my life as well, as I
have developed the ability to bounce back from failures and continue pursuing my goals with
determination and resilience. intramurals have instilled in me the importance of sportsmanship and fair
play. In the heat of competition, it can be easy to get caught up in the desire to win at any cost. However,
intramurals have reminded me that the true essence of sport lies not in victory alone but in the way we
play the game. Demonstrating respect for opponents, officials, and teammates, regardless of the
outcome, is crucial. Engaging in intramurals has transformed me into a better sportsperson, teaching me
to celebrate success with humility and accept defeat with grace, all while valuing the camaraderie and
friendships forged through competition.

Intramurals have also taught me the importance of taking care of my physical and mental well-being.
Regular participation in intramural sports has enabled me to stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Research has shown that exercise, including participation in recreational sports, has numerous benefits
for physical health, mental well-being, and stress reduction. Indeed, intramurals provided me with an
outlet to release stress, clear my mind, and rejuvenate myself amidst the demands of academic life.

Ofcourse lastly Intramurals have helped shape my character, teaching me essential life skills and
providing me with treasured memories and friendships. As I continue to participate in intramurals, I look
forward to continuing my personal growth and embracing the numerous lessons it has to offer.

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