Totally 'Ammered: On Runes and Runesmiths

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Totally 'ammered

On Runes and Runesmiths

Written by Adam Lowe (@adambeyoncelowe) /
With proofreading by the #wfrp-4e-homebrew channel
Images by AhmetCanKahraman, Alegion, alexandrecarod, effix35, jameszapata, Malvino, MatBirdie, Narog-art,
ncorva, Ozakuya, Serg-Natos, shurita, TinySecretDoor

How to use the existing Craft rules to carve Dwarf Runes and fashion mighty Runic Items.

It is a well-known fact that Dwarfs — and by that I mean

proper Dwarfs, and not them edgy Chaos Dwarfs that should A Gift from Thungni
know better — never become Wizards. No, sirree. They're too
Instead of spells, Dwarfs wield powerful Runes brought to
earthy and too 'ard to wear those daft robes. Also, their
them by the Ancestor God Thungni. The legend goes that
resistance to magic prevents the kind of innate aptitude
during the Migration, Thungni ventured deep into the earth
sometimes found in Humans and Elves. Dwarfs can't sense
and discovered Ankor Byrn, the Glittering Realm. There he
the Winds of Magic, they can't develop Second Sight, and
dug the secrets of the Runes from beneath the earth, bringing
they don't learn and cast spells in the traditional way. (Chaos
them to the surface like precious stones, and gifted them to
Dwarfs have some rather abhorrent ways to circumvent these
the wisest Dwarfs he could find.
limitations, but since they are calcifying wretches, marked for
life and filled with torment, it's best not to think about it.) The process of crafting Runes is thus a kind of worship for
Dwarfs, requiring dedication, devotion and dexterity. Some
Unlike Halflings, who are simply incapable of magic, Dwarfs
of the most legendary items in the Empire were beaten into
do have ways of harnessing the Winds of Chaos — but they're
shape by Dwarfs — including the Runefangs sported by the
slow, steady and dependable, just like Dwarfs. Though they
Elector Counts and Sigmar’s iconic hammer Ghal Maraz.
have a deep cultural distrust of wild magic and find its
connections to Chaos unpalatable, Dwarfs have their own Following Thungni’s sacred teachings, the revered
sacred ways of accessing magic. Runesmiths occupy a unique position in Dwarf society. Part
artisan, part priest, the Runesmiths use magic in the only way
Dwarfs know how: tamed under chisel and hammer,
conquered on Anvils of Doom, and consecrated with arcane
chants. Unlike Human and Elf Wizards, who through hubris
dally with perverse energies they barely understand, the
devout Runesmiths have found a more cautious way to
harness magic.

Though their processes seem slow compared to the fickle

practices of Wizards, the results are both durable and
relatively risk-free. The Runesmiths carve magical power into
items of the highest quality, using a combination of skill and
learning to create lasting effects. Such Runesmithing makes
the bearer capable of legendary feats without risk of miscasts.
What’s more, the Runes produced through this process last
thousands of years — if not forever.

‘Dwarf Crusader’​ by s​ hurita​ is licensed under ​CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

New Career: Runesmith
‘Dwarf Citadel Warrior II’​ by ​Serg-Natos​ is licensed under C
​ C BY-NC-ND 3.0

‘It were our lot that med that ‘ammer Sigmar ‘ad?
Dwarf ​(Class - Academics) But do we get credit? Do we boulders!’
—Diesa Oskarsdottir, Journeyman Runesmith of Yorvik
You beat magic into shape with your bare hands and finest
tools, crafting items of wonder and might. ‘It might look like posh work with all them gems on’t table,
but I promise yer, lad, yer gunna get dirty.’
Part of a prestigious tradition dating back to the time of the —Bardryn Lutgehr, Master Runesmith of Ledes
gods, the Runesmiths keep their knowledge heavily guarded.
Apprentice Runesmiths are often recruited from the families ‘Back off, yer little gobshite. This hammer could floor
of established Guild members. Each nominee is vetted by the Sigmar ’issen. Don’t mek me show yer.’
senior Runesmith in the Hold and is apprenticed for at least —Gunnga, Rune Lord of Grissenwald
five to 10 years, although some Masters spitefully keep
recruits in apprenticeship until they die. Rarely, an A Master is permitted to take Apprentices to study under
Apprentice flees his master and takes up trade as an Artisan or them, and will likely be among the most powerful of
Engineer, but those who leave the Guild are never permitted Runesmiths in a given Hold. Those few particularly
to return. venerable Runesmiths who become Rune Lords are rare
indeed. Often hundreds of years old, their status among
Once an Apprentice has proven himself, he receives his Guild Dwarfs is evident even to outsiders. Rune Lords are
Licence, and becomes a Journeyman. Those who are skilled at frequently treated as kings among their own people and they
seeking Rune lore and mastering the forms of this ancient have the status to match.
writing may eventually be promoted to the status of Master.
WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel

✢✢ ✢
Apprentice Runesmith – Silver 5
Skills:​Cool, Endurance, Language (Arcane Dwarf), Lore
(Metallurgy), Lore (Runes), Trade (Any), ​Trade
(Runesmith),​ Melee (Basic)
Talents:​Inscribe Minor Rune, Nimble Fingered,
Read/Write, Tinker
Trappings:​Apprenticeship Contract, Horse and Cart (to
carry Master’s anvil), 2 Minor Rune Scrolls o​ r​ 2 Minor Runic
Items, Trade Tools

Journeyman Runesmith – Gold 1

Skills: G
​ ossip, Perception, Research, Haggle, Evaluate, Melee
Talents: ​Craftsman (Smith), Detect Runes, Rune Focus
(Any), Strike to Stun
Trappings:​Dictionary of Arcane Dwarf, Guild Licence, 4
Minor Rune Scrolls, Really Big Hammer

Master Runesmith – Gold 3

Skills: I​ntimidate, Secret Signs (Runesmith), Intuition,
Talents:​Inscribe Master Rune, Master Tradesman
(Runesmith), Strike Mighty Blow, Tenacious Skills
Trappings:​Apprentice, Keys to the Guildhouse, 4 Master
Rune Scrolls, Runic Anvil Language (Arcane Dwarf)​(​ Int)
Language (Arcane Dwarf) is the skill Runesmiths use to
Rune Lord – Gold 5 read and understand Runes and Rune Scrolls. It
Skills:​Lore (Politics), Lore (Heraldry) comprises a few different writing styles which broadly
Talents:​Iron Will, Magnum Opus, Public Speaker, War cover the range of mystical and scholarly Dwarf Runes.
Leader Using Language (Arcane Dwarf), you can read and
Trappings:​Bickering Entourage, Library of Rune Scrolls, identify the Runes on an item or location. This also
Lordly Regalia, Ornate Staff covers the languages of incantation used during the
Binding phase of Runesmithing and is a mark of status
among members of the Runesmiths’ Guild.

Detect Runes
Test: ​Any Test to locate or identify a Runic Item
Perception and Intuition can be used by any Dwarf to
spot and recognise Runes, and no other species can do
this, since the knack for Runesmithing is alien to them.
However, the use of Detect Runes allows you to go
beyond this basic understanding to locate and identify
hidden Runic Items in your proximity (​Challenging
(+0) Canny Test​), identify their relative power or
limitations (​Challenging (+0) Lore (Runes) Test​),
determine their worth (​Challenging (+0) Evaluate
Test​) and even learn which Runesmith made them and
how long ago (​Challenging (+0) Trade (Runesmith)

Inscribe Master Rune

You are now capable of learning Master Runes. You may
purchase Master Runes at the following experience

Master Runes Currently

‘Character Creation’​ by n
​ corva​ is licensed under ​CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 Known Cost of New Master Rune

New rules for Runesmiths Up to Intelligence Bonus x 1 200xp

Runesmiths require arcane applications of skill and Up to Intelligence Bonus x 2 400xp

knowledge. As such there are some new Skills, Talents
Up to Intelligence Bonus x 3 600xp
and items — all unique to Runesmiths and integral to
their work as master forgers. Up to Intelligence Bonus x 4 800xp

...and so on
Inscribe Minor Rune never leave the Rune Lord or the Anvil, at any cost, and
Max:​1 will die protecting them.
You are now capable of learning Minor Runes. You
instantly learn and memorise one Minor Rune of this An Anvil of Doom is used for Runecrafting, but can
Form when you first take this Talent, and thereafter can also be lugged onto the battlefield by unlucky
purchase new Minor Rules for the following experience apprentices if extra power is needed in combat. Striking
costs: the Anvil as a Full Action can trigger the
combat-oriented Runes inscribed upon it. The secrets of
Minor Runes Currently
Known Cost of New Minor Rune
these Runes have long been forgotten and the only
existing copies are on the Anvils of Doom.
Up to Willpower Bonus x 1 100xp

Up to Willpower Bonus x 2 200xp

Rune of Hearth and Home:​Make a ​Challenging
(+0) Leadership Test​. You create an Area of Effect
Up to Willpower Bonus x 3 300xp equal to your Fellowship Bonus in yards, within a Range
Up to Willpower Bonus x 4 400xp
equal to your Willpower in yards. All allies within that
AoE may reverse to succeed any failed Melee or Ranged
...and so on Test until the start of your next turn.
Rune Focus (Form)
Max: ​Dexterity Bonus Rune of Oath and Steel:​Make a ​Challenging (+0)
You are an expert at one of the four major Forms of Leadership Test​. You create an Area of Effect equal to
Runes. Choose one of the following Forms to be your your Fellowship Bonus in yards within a Range equal to
Focus: Armour, Engineering, Talisman or Weapon. You your Willpower in yards. All allies within that AoE gain
reduce the Difficulty of all Crafting Endeavours,
including those involved in Runesmithing, of this Form +1 AP on all locations until the start of your next turn.
by one step per level in this Talent. Each repurchase
allows you to add a new Focus. Rune of Wrath and Ruin:​Make a ​Challenging (+0)
Leadership Test​. This Rune produces a m​ agic missile
Items with a Range of Willpower yards. The ​magic missile​ has
Anvils of Doom an Area of Effect of Willpower Bonus yards and deals
+10 Damage.
The Anvils of Doom are mythical items few Dwarfs will
see, let alone own. Forged of Gromril in the bowels of Lordly Regalia
Thunder Mountain, the Anvils cannot be purchased There are exceedingly few Lordly Regalia in existence,
and will only be gifted when a Runesmith reaches the each being a distinct set which cannot be copied. Larger
highest tiers of their profession. The Anvils of Doom Dwarf settlements may have such grand regalia, but
can only be used by Rune Lords who have put at least most settlements have never even seen a Rune Lord, let
+20 Advances into Language (Arcane Dwarf). They alone his hefty ceremonial gear. However, these sets are
must also have mastered at least five Master Runes. so distinctive that no one could misinterpret their
meaning: this is an extremely powerful individual. Each
These Rune Lords command utter devotion from their set of regalia is passed from Rune Lord to Rune Lord
guardians and have been known to bring them into upon election, and each new Rune Lord is only elected
battle for the most spectacular attacks. The Anvils are after the last one dies.
carried on wheeled platforms, usually positioned on high
ground, where the Rune Lord is protected by at least Lordly Regalia are Exotic, Fine and Durable, and cannot
two Rune Guards. The Rune Guards are oathbound to be bought or sold. They comprise a heavy ribbon chain,
made entirely from gold, from which is suspended a
medallion carrying the Rune of Election. From the
medallion hangs a thick gold badge with the coat of arms
of the Guild and thus the office of the Rune Lord.
Types of Runes
The set is imbued with a tracking Rune known only by
the Rune Lords and a Rune of Communication ties the There are two types of Runes: Temporary and
pieces together. The Rune allows for an ​Easy (+40) Permanent. Temporary Runes are much quicker and
Perception Test​to immediately detect the item and its cheaper to produce but have a limited number of uses.
location. It confers a Status bonus of +2 Gold among Once activated, Temporary Runic Items count as
Dwarfs (bringing the Rune Lord’s Status to Gold 7). Magical. When a Temporary Rune expires, it fades from
Illegal possession of Lordly Regalia will provoke Hatred the Runic Item it was carved on and the item no longer
of the thief in any Dwarf who sees it and likely end in counts as Magical. Some particularly powerful
gratuitously violent death. Temporary Runes completely destroy the item housing
Runic Anvil them upon expiring.
Styled after the original Anvils of Doom, a Runic Anvil Permanent Runes require expensive ingredients and
is infused with magic to make it more efficient and plenty of time to craft, but have a permanent effect.
suitable for the long hours Master Runesmiths spend Permanent Runes do not expire, and their items retain
with hammer in hand. No one but a Master Runesmith their power forever. They always count as Magical.
can have their own true Runic Anvil, though lesser
anvils are used by Journeyman Runesmiths. Form
These anvils are bestowed by the Guild and only work
Every Rune has one of four main Forms: ​Armour
for their official owners. Apprentices transport these
(armour), E
​ ngineering​(tools and machines), T​ alisman
heavy items by cart for their Masters. They load the
(worn or displayed items such as pendants or rings) or
objects, without help, as part of their ‘training’, while the
Weapon​(weapons). A Rune can only be imbued in an
Master stands back and offers colourful encouragement.
item determined by its Form. Shields are an exception, in
Possession of a Runic Anvil allows its owner to reverse that Armour, Talisman or Weapon Runes can be
the dice of any failed Crafting Test, if it will score a inscribed upon them, at the GM’s discretion.
Success. All Runic Anvils have the Unbreakable Quality,
and may also have the Fine and Practical Qualities. Each Materials
Runic Anvil will also possess three of the following
Materials for Runic Items should be robust. Leather and
Runes: the Rune of Efficiency, the Rune of Elegance,
wood are too soft for inscription; brittle substances like
the Rune of Finesse, the Rune of the Furnace or the
glass are equally no use. Workable but sturdy materials
Rune of Tempering.
such as steel, silver, gold, bone or ivory are the most
Runic Anvils are Exotic items and cannot be purchased common basis for Runic Items. Stone and gems are
or commissioned; they are gifted in exchange for signing usually only used in Talismanic Runes. Perhaps the best
an exclusive employment contract with a Guild. Should material of all is meteoric iron — known to Dwarfs as
you ever leave the Guild, or be kicked out, you are Gromril.
expected to return the Runic Anvil — or face the
The materials required will be Rare for all Minor and
consequences. The Runic Anvil is bestowed in a heavily
Temporary Runes. Permanent Master Runes always
ritualised ceremony that involves hours of chanting and
require Exotic materials ('three drops of blood from a
the reciting of complex vows.
Daemon and seven hairs given willingly from a High
Elf's head') which may spark whole adventures.
‘Daily Barter’​ by n
​ corva​ is licensed under C
​ C BY-NC-ND 3.0

Costs The Rules of the Craft

A Permanent Runic Item needs to be forged for this General rules:​Each Runic Item must obey certain
purpose – either by yourself or another Dwarf you trust. rules. These are a combination of magical laws,
It must be new, unused and of Fine Quality. It also Runesmith superstition and Guild protocol.
requires Rare materials, or Exotic materials if the
Permanent Rune is also a Master Rune. The Runic Item 1. The Rule of Form:​Each Rune Form can only
itself counts as an Exotic Trapping when complete. The be inscribed upon an item which matches that
cost of materials for a Permanent Rune is equal to the Form.
Inscription Number in gold crowns (1 GC). An IN +5
Permanent Minor Rune would therefore cost 5 GC. 2. The Rule of Three:​No more than three Runes
can be used on any single Runic Item.
A Temporary Rune can be placed on any item of the
right Form, though the requirements are less exacting. 3. The Rune of Mastery:​Only one Master Rune
Neither type of item may have any Flaws. The cost of may appear on each Runic Item.
materials for a Temporary Rune is equal to the 4. The Rule of Pride:​Each Runic Item should be
Inscription Number in shillings (1/-). So an IN 12 unique to that Runesmith. Except in a few
Temporary Minor Rune would cost 12/-. special cases where matching sets of items have
If multiple Runes are inscribed in the same Runic Item, been made together, Runesmiths do not copy
their costs are cumulative. Neither cost factors in the their own prior work. Modified or improved
Runesmith’s time, if the Runesmith is selling their inventions are fine.
goods. Rates are equal to the Runesmith’s Status tripled 5. The Rule of Time:​While constructing a Runic
for each full day of work. A Rune Lord, who has Status Item during an Endeavour, a Runesmith must
Gold 5, would therefore charge 15 GC for his time. spend at least four hours per day on the project
Runes are not cheap and Rune Lords don’t need to or it will fail.
Learning and Purchasing Runes The daily tuition fees for learning a new Minor Rune
equal your tutor’s status multiplied by 3. If you learn
Starting Runes under a Rune Master or Rune Lord, you can reverse the
roll to succeed at the end of the process instead.
Once you purchase the Inscribe Minor Rune Talent,
you immediately learn one Minor Rune. More can be Master Runes require twice the time to learn as Minor
purchased with Experience Points. Runes (i.e., two of your three possible Endeavours).

You can only learn Master Runes after purchasing the Learning without a tutor
Inscribe Master Rune Talent in the second level of the
To learn a Rune without a tutor, you must first
Runesmith Career (Journeyman Runesmith). You do
purchase a Rune Scroll and then succeed at a
not get one free Master Rune with this purchase but can
Challenging (+0) Language (Arcane Dwarf) Test​, as
buy Master Runes with experience points.
you read each of the five passages detailing construction
Starting Runic Items of the Rune. This takes a week as you attempt to
commit the Rune Scroll to memory. Failure means the
At character generation, each Apprentice Runesmith Rune Scroll is beyond your comprehension and you
can take two Minor Runic Scrolls o​ r​ two Minor Runic have wasted your Endeavour. Success means you learn
Items. The Runic Scrolls would usually be Minor Runes the Rune.
you currently have not learned but would like to learn or
use anyway. The Minor Runic Items can have one Rune Winging it
apiece, with no more than a total of IN 12 between You can attempt to craft a Rune directly from a Rune
them. Scroll without learning it first, but the Inscription
Number and Empowerment Number are both doubled.
Learning Runes as an Endeavour
Subsequently, you can make a ​Hard (-20) Language
Learning a new Rune requires an Endeavour and either a (Arcane Dwarf) Test ​to see if you retain the
Guild-sanctioned teacher, a Master willing to share their knowledge. If you do, you learn the Rune.
knowledge or a Rune Scroll. Only the first two methods
are recommended by the Guild. Whichever method you Purchasing Rune Scrolls
use, you may undertake no more than one Learning Rune Scrolls may be purchased at any time, including
Runes Endeavour per downtime. the M
​ oney to Burn​stage (WFRP4e, p.195) before your
Learning with a teacher Endeavours begin. The price is equal to a quarter of the
Inscription Number in Gold Crowns (round up).
When learning a new Rune, you should make a single
Language (Arcane Dwarf)​to understand and Usually, Rune Scrolls are only sold to those with the
comprehend the Rune. Reading one of the five passages required rank (see Trappings for each level) and are
relating to each Rune takes a minimum of 4 hours, so never sold to non-Dwarfs.
the entire process takes at least 20 hours plus rest and
sleep. You must then commit the entirety to memory, Runecrafting
which requires several days of intense practice (taking up Runecrafting is a slow and steady process, although the
the rest of the Endeavour). right tools and environment can certainly help. Several
If you succeed, you have learned the theory behind Runes and Talents may increase your chance of success,
crafting the Rune and can attempt to create it as normal add extra SLs or reduce the total time spent making a
in your own time (typically a brand new Endeavour). If Rune. In general, stacked bonuses from Runes and
you fail, you must start again but the new Endeavour Talents are capped at +60%. Extra SLs are not limited.
takes half the time. Talents and Runes that reduce the time taken to make a
Rune cannot themselves reduce the time to make a
Rune below 60% of normal (i.e., they can provide a may ignore any penalties you would otherwise receive
maximum -40% modifier). However, rolling well at for being of a lower Social Tier than your peers.
certain stages of the process can reduce the time spent Additionally, Runic Items are Magical, which grants
even further. them a couple of important benefits:

Inscription ● All attacks made with Runic Items count as

Magical attacks, meaning they can harm
To make a Permanent Rune, you should follow the rules creatures only susceptible to magic.
for the ​Crafting Endeavour​(WFRP4E, p.197). The ● Armour Points granted by Runic Items always
number of SLs required to make the item is increased by apply to Magical attacks that otherwise ignore
the Inscription Number (IN) of each Rune you wish to armour.

Each Permanent Rune must be carefully carved into an

item made for that purpose. The item must be Fine,
should ideally be Unbreakable or Impenetrable, and
cannot possess any Flaws. This means any Permanent
Rune requires a target of at least 20 SLs on an ​Extended
Trade (Runesmith) Test​to create the base item, b​ efore
you add any Runes.

Temporary Runes may be carved into any Fine item

without Flaws. Because the base item is already crafted,
you may make an inscription attempt by making an
Extended Trade (Runesmith) Test​, aiming to score as
many SLs as the IN +5. This makes Crafting Temporary
Runic Items much quicker, but at a cost. Once the Rune
expires, the item will be destroyed or, if Unbreakable,
gain a Flaw of the GM's choosing.

Both processes require an E

​ xtended Trade
(Runesmith) Test​. One Test can be made per
Endeavour for Permanent Runes and one test can be
made every four hours for Temporary Runes.

If any roll fails, you may try again later, but you will be
required to add +2 SLs to the target to correct any flaws
in the engraving. You may resume either on the next
Endeavour (Permanent Runes) or the next day
(Temporary Runes). ‘Dwarf Alchemist 2.0 - final’​ by ​Serg-Natos​ is licensed under​ CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

A Fumble on any roll in this step of the process will spoil

the engraving and render the item permanently unfit for The Runes
Runesmithing. A Critical Success at this stage allows you
to immediately finish the inscription and add one extra Form:​This indicates whether the Rune is an Armour,
Quality of your choosing. Engineering, Talismanic or Weapon Rune.
Inscription Number:​You must obtain this many extra
There is prestige in using Runic Items that does not exist SLs when making an E ​ xtended Trade (Runesmith)
for their mundane equivalents. If you carry one or more Test​to create the Runic Item.
Runic Items, while in the company of other Dwarfs, you Description (Permanent):​This is the permanent effect
that the Rune bestows. A Permanent Runic Item will may be stacked up to three times.
last forever, faithfully reproducing its effects, unless Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
destroyed. Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only
Description (Temporary):​This is the temporary effect one minute.
that the Rune bestows once crafted. A Temporary Rune
can be used only once before fading away. Rune of Cleaving
Inscription Number:​+7
Description (Permanent):​Any Melee weapon bearing
this Rune gains the Hack Quality. Additionally, after
Armour and Toughness Bonus, the minimum Wounds
you inflict with a successful attack increases to 2.
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only
one minute.

Rune of Communication
Inscription Number:​+5
Description (Permanent):​A pair of items must be
created. You can speak through either item to the person
holding the other. If you want to create more than two
items at once, increase the IN by +2 for each additional
‘Watcher’​ by S​ erg-Natos​ is licensed under​ CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 item. All the items will activate at the same time (you
can't choose which item from a set to contact). For
Minor Runes example, you might enable communication between a
sword and its sheath, or between a pair of gauntlets, or
Rune of Accurate (Form)
between holders of matching coins.
Form: ​Engineering, Talisman or Weapon
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Inscription Number:​+7
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only
Description (Permanent):​This Rune can be applied
one minute.
to many everyday items a Runesmith might use,
including Weapons and Trade Tools. Any Tests made Rune of Competition
with this item gain a +10 bonus. Where relevant, you Form:​Engineering, Weapon
may ignore Fumbles on even numbers while using this Inscription Number:​+3
item, treating them as failures instead. You may learn Description (Permanent):​This Rune helps you beat
this Rune multiple times to apply its bonus to a different the competition and can be stacked up to three times.
Form. When engaged in any relevant Opposed Test using this
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the item, you win all ties. If both parties have this Rune, the
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for a person with the most copies of the Rune wins. If both
single project. participants have an equal number of copies of this
Rune, then it goes to the person with the highest Trade
Rune of Blasting
(Runesmith) Skill, regardless of which Skill was Tested.
Form: ​Weapon
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Inscription Number:​+5
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for the
Description (Permanent):​Arrows explode and pellets
duration of a single Extended Test out of combat or a
shatter upon impact when weapons with the Rune of
single Opposed Test in combat.
Blasting are fired. A Ranged weapon bearing this Rune
gains the Blast Quality with a Rating of 1. This Rune
‘Dwarf and his mount’​ by a​ lexandrecarod​ is licensed under ​CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

Rune of Defiance Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the

Form:​Armour Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only
Inscription Number:​+8 one day.
Description (Permanent):​All missile attacks that hit a
character wearing armour inscribed with this Rune Rune of Direction
count as if they have the Undamaging Flaw. Form:​Engineering, Talismanic
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the Inscription Number:​+5
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only Description (Permanent):​As an Action, you may use
one minute. the item bearing this Rune as a compass. While using
this compass, you may also reverse the dice of any failed
Rune of Detection Navigation Test if it will score a Success.
Form:​Engineering, Talismanic Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but the
Inscription Number:​+5 effects last for only one day.
Description (Permanent):​This Rune can be affixed to
an item, such as a talisman or weathervane, which you Rune of Disclosure
can then place on or above a threshold. You may even Form:​Engineering, Talismanic
prefer to apply it directly to metal or bone panelling Inscription Number:​+8
which is then permanently affixed to an entryway such Description (Permanent):​This Rune can be placed on
as a door or gate. If someone with malicious or injurious a box or container to create a fraud detector. Any fake,
intent approaches the item, it will either glow red or deceptive, faulty or damaged items placed inside cause
make a warning noise (this must be decided during the box to glow. Bags with false bottoms are detected, as
crafting). The noise can be a message in your own voice, are counterfeit currency and documents.
if you wish.
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the units die), the effects last for only one project out of
Rune is activated, the effects last for only one minute. combat or one minute in combat.

Rune of Distraction Rune of Finesse

Form: ​Weapon Form:​Engineering
Inscription Number:​+5 Inscription Number:​+5
Description (Permanent):​Any weapon can be fitted Description (Permanent):​This Rune imbues a tool
with this Rune, which menaces its targets and forces with the grace and skill to help with even the most
them backwards. Your weapon gains the Distract arduous of tasks. Gain +10 to your Dexterity as long as
Quality. If the item already had the Distract Quality, you you carry your tool. This stacks with the Rune of
add +2 SLs for the purposes of forcing opponents back. Accurate Engineering but does not stack with itself.
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only
one minute. one minute.

Rune of Efficiency Rune of Forging

Form:​Engineering Form:​Engineering
Inscription Number:​+5 Inscription Number:​+5
Description (Permanent):​This Rune makes tools and Description (Permanent):​A tool, such as a hammer,
machines more efficient. If you use this tool or machine, inscribed with this Rune makes smithing more reliable.
tasks undertaken with it can be completed 10% faster. Ignore any Fumbles on odd numbers when using this
This Rune can be stacked up to three times. item for forging; treat such results as failures instead.
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but the This stacks with the Rune of Accurate Engineering.
Rune can only be used for one project. Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for one
Rune of Elegance project.
Form: ​Engineering
Inscription Number:​+10 Rune of Fire
Description (Permanent):​Tools inscribed with this Form:​Engineering, Weapon
Rune gain improved efficacy. When making items with Inscription Number:​+7
the Fine Quality, you no longer need to add +5 to the Description (Permanent):​Upon the wielder’s
SLs required. Other Qualities add +5 as usual. command, a weapon or item inscribed with this Rune
Additionally, you gain +1 SL on all Tests to use the item burns with a small flame (a Free Action). This provides
for its intended purpose (hammers used as weapons will the same illumination as a small torch, and the item
not get this bonus; hammers used for crafting will). burns until commanded to stop or until the next sunrise
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but can only (whichever comes first). Additionally, a weapon with
be used to craft one item. this Rune gains the Distracting Quality and inflicts +1
Ablaze​ Condition upon its target per hit. When
Rune of Excellency activated, forge items (hammers, anvils) gain +2 SLs for
Form: ​Engineering, Weapon the purposes of creating with heat.
Inscription Number:​+5 Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but can only
Description (Permanent):​A tool bearing this Rune be used once.
scores a Critical on any successful Test that rolls a '0' on
the units die, as well as on doubles. Weapons gain the Rune of Fortitude
Impale Quality. Form:​Armour
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the Inscription Number:​+7
Rune is activated (by rolling a Critical with a ‘0’ on the Description (Permanent):​When wearing armour
bearing this Rune, you gain extra Wounds equal to your
Toughness Bonus. If you remove the armour, these
Wounds are lost, but you can’t fall below 1 Wound in Inscription Number:​+5
this way. Description (Permanent):​Two items are created: one
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the the target and the other the seeker. Whoever holds the
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for one seeker will immediately be able to sense the general
minute. direction and distance of the target, provided it is within
one mile. For example, you can use this to connect your
Rune of the Furnace hammer to your anvil, so that you can find it if lost or
Form:​Talismanic stolen.
Inscription Number:​+10 Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Description (Permanent):​If bearing an item inscribed Rune is activated (a Free Action) it can only be used
with this Rune, you gain the I​ mmunity (Fire)​ Trait. once and will last until sunrise.
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only Rune of Luck
one minute. Form:​Talismanic
Inscription Number:​+10
Rune of Fury Description (Permanent):​While bearing an item
Form:​Weapon inscribed with this Rune, you temporarily increase your
Inscription Number:​+10 maximum Fortune rating by +1. Whenever your
Description (Permanent):​When wielding a weapon Fortune is fully restored, so is this extra point. If you
bearing this Rune, you count as having the ​Fury​ Trait. remove the item, the extra Fortune disappears as if it
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the were spent.
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only Description (Temporary):​You can activate this Rune
one minute. (a Free Action) to gain an extra Fortune Point. The item
is destroyed after a single use.
Rune of Grudges
Form:​Weapon Rune of Might
Inscription Number:​+10 Form:​Engineering, Weapon
Description (Permanent):​Once per engagement, if Inscription Number:​+10
you wield a weapon bearing this Rune, you can Description (Permanent):​Melee attacks with a
nominate one enemy as a Free Action. You are subject to weapon bearing this Rune cause extra Damage equal to
Hatred​ against this target and you can reverse the dice on your Strength Bonus. Any attempts to use a tool bearing
any failed attack made against your chosen foe, if it this Rune to craft with metal gain a +20 bonus.
would allow you to succeed. Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only
Rune is activated, the effects last for only one minute. one minute (Weapon) or for the duration of one project
Rune of Iron
Form:​Armour Rune of Overwhelming
Inscription Number:​+5 Form: W ​ eapon
Description (Permanent):​The Rune of Iron repels Inscription Number:​+8
lesser attacks. Your armour gains the Impenetrable Description (Permanent):​A weapon bearing this
Quality. If your armour already has the Impenetrable Rune adds +20 to any roll on the Critical Injuries
Quality, it loses the Weakpoints Flaw. Tables. If your opponent decides to deflect a blow with
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the this weapon, they sacrifice 2 AP instead of 1.
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but can only
one minute. be used for the length of one combat encounter. You
can activate this Rune after rolling a critical.
Rune of Location
Form:​Engineering, Talismanic
Rune of Parrying Rune of Presence
Form: ​Armour,​ W ​ eapon Form: A ​ rmour,​ ​Engineering,​ T
​ alismanic
Inscription Number:​+10 Inscription Number:​+5
Description (Permanent):​If you wield a weapon or Description (Permanent):​While wearing this Rune,
shield bearing this Rune, you may spend 1 Resolve to others find you aglow with charm and magnetism. You
automatically parry an attack as if you had won with +1 gain +1 SL on all successful Charm Tests. Alternatively,
SL on the Opposed Test. You must ordinarily be able to if placed on a tool that you carry with you, others are
parry the attack in question. You can choose to activate impressed by your obvious skill instead. You gain +1
this effect at any time before Damage is calculated. Status, and among Dwarfs and artisans you gain an
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the additional +1 SL on successful Leadership Tests. You
Rune is activated, it can only be used once. Your may stack this Rune up to three times and its effects are
Armour or Weapon is destroyed after use. always active.
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Rune of Precision Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only
Form: ​Armour, Weapon one minute.
Inscription Number:​+5
Description (Permanent):​Melee weapons or shields Rune of Purity
inscribed with this Rune gain the Precise Quality. If the Form: T​ alismanic
item already had the Precise Quality, the bonuses stack. Inscription Number:​+8
You can stack this Rune up to three times. Description (Permanent):​You gain +20 on all Tests to
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the avoid becoming corrupt.
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but can only
one minute. be used for the first test for corruption that occurs and
then will expire.

Rune of Renewal
Inscription Number:​+12
Description (Permanent):​This Rune provides power
where it is needed. It can be used to keep fires burning or
to keep a water wheel turning without current. By
spending 1 Resolve, the Rune will power mundane
things (a fire, a machine) for one full day. Runic or
magical items are powered only for an hour before the
charge depletes. By spending 1 Resilience, the Rune will
power machines or items for a full week.
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only
one day.

Rune of Repeating
Form: W ​ eapon
Inscription Number:​+5
Description (Permanent):​Ranged weapons inscribed
with this Rune fire multiple times without the need for
reloading. The weapon gains the Repeater 1 Quality and
‘Durin VI’​ by N
​ arog-art​ is licensed under ​CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 all attempts to reload it are made at a +20 bonus. This
Rune can be stacked up to three times.
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only
one minute. one minute.

Rune of Restoration
Form: ​Armour,​ T ​ alismanic
Inscription Number:​+10
Description (Permanent):​Once per day you may rest
this Talisman on the head of an injured person and heal
their injuries. Make a C​ hallenging (+0) Language
(Arcane Dwarf) Test​. You heal Wounds equal to the
SLs. The Talisman usually recharges at the next dawn. If
placed into armour, this Rune will speed your natural
healing. After you are injured for the first time on any
given day, you will begin to heal one Wound per Round
until you are fully healed. You must keep the armour on
while you are healing and if you ever reach full health,
the Rune will stop and cannot be used again until the
next sunrise. By spending 1 Resolve, you may recharge
this Rune and use it again immediately.
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Rune is activated (a Free Action) and the healing
complete, it expires.

Rune of Shielding
Form: ​Armour,​ W ​ eapon ‘Dwarf’​ by ​ncorva​ is licensed under C
​ C BY-NC-ND 3.0
Inscription Number:​+7
Description (Permanent):​Melee weapons become arcs Rune of Spellbreaking
of flashing metal, repelling the mightiest of attacks. Form:​Armour, Talismanic
Armour gives off an uncanny sheen as it extends subtle Inscription Number:​+10
protection all around you. For some exceptional items, Description (Permanent):​This Rune allows
even bullets and arrows can be repelled. Any weapon or Dispelling​(WFRP 4e, p.237) as if you were a
armour inscribed with this Rune gains the Shield 1 spellcaster, using Language (Arcane Dwarf)​ i​nstead of
Quality. This Rune can be stacked up to three times, Language (Magick). The Rune of Spellbreaking has no
allowing you to parry bullets with a sword. effect on summoned Daemons or re-animated Undead.
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last only for
one minute. the duration of a single Dispelling attempt.

Rune of Speed Rune of Stone

Form:​Weapon Form: A​ rmour
Inscription Number:​+5 Inscription Number:​+10
Description (Permanent):​Your weapon gains the Fast Description (Permanent):​Armour bearing this Rune
Quality. If it already has the Fast Quality, you also gain provides +1 Armour Point to all its Hit Locations and
+1 Advantage on your first Action of any combat. If ignores the Hack and Impale Qualities.
both you and your opponent have weapons with the Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Fast Quality, you may opt to use your Dexterity in place Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only
of your Initiative to determine who acts first. one minute.
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Rune of Striking metals, gems and stones.
Form:​Weapon Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Inscription Number:​+6 Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for the
Description (Permanent):​Melee attacks (but not duration of a single project.
defences) made with a weapon inscribed with this Rune
always have at least +1 Advantage. Rune of Trapping
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the Form: W​ eapon
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only Inscription Number:​+7
one minute. Description (Permanent):​A weapon bearing this
Rune gains the Trap Blade Quality. Additionally, when
using the Trap Blade Quality, you may choose to add
your Dexterity Bonus to the Opposed Strength Test
instead of your SLs from the Melee Test.
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only
one minute.

Rune of Unbreaking
Form: A​ ny
Inscription Number:​+7
Description (Permanent):​Items with this Rune gain
the Unbreakable Quality. In addition, you gain +20 to
any Tests to break things with your item (e.g., when
breaking down doors). You cannot add this Rune to an
item that already has the Unbreakable Quality.
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only
one minute.

Rune of Warding
Form:​Armour, Talismanic
Inscription Number:​+8
Description (Permanent):​While wearing this Rune,
you gain the Trait Ward (8+) against magic. This Rune
may be stacked up to three times. Each copy decreases
the Rating by 1.
‘The stairs of UzgrimHal’​ by O
​ zakuya​ is licensed under ​CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only
Rune of Tempering one minute.
Form: ​Engineering
Inscription Number:​+10 Rune of Warning
Description (Permanent):​Your favoured tool can Form: A ​ rmour,​ ​Talismanic
work even the hardiest materials. All manner of hardy Inscription Number:​+10
materials are malleable beneath your tool and may be Description (Permanent):​You can never be surprised
tempered with your Trade (Runesmithing) Skill. When or gain the ​Surprised​ Condition in combat. You will
making items with the Unbreakable Quality, you no always get to take an action or reaction in combat when
longer need to add +5 to the SLs required. Other ambushed.
Qualities add +5 as usual. Additionally, you gain +1 SL Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
on all Tests to use the item with hard materials such as
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only strike you, gaining more SLs than your Fellowship
one minute. Bonus (this is a Free Action). If he fails, he suffers a -20
penalty to hit.
Rune of Wrath Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Form: ​Weapon Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only
Inscription number:​+10 one minute.
Description (permanent):​Any weapon bearing this
Rune gains the Impact Quality. Additionally, when Master Rune of Balance
using the weapon, you may opt to add your Dexterity Form:​Armour, Talismanic
Bonus to the Damage instead of the rolled SLs. Inscription Number:​+25
Description (temporary):​As permanent, but once the Description (Permanent):​Only Runesmiths can use
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only an item inscribed with this Rune. You gain the Trait
one minute. Ward (6+) against magical or ranged attacks. By
spending 1 Resolve, you can use your Action to extend
Master Runes the effect over an Area of Effect equal to your Willpower
Bonus in yards until the start of your next turn. This
Master Rune of Adamant Rune stacks with the Rune of Warding, further
Form:​Armour reducing the Rating (minimum Ward (3+)).
Inscription Number:​+20 Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Description (Permanent):​Armour bearing this Rune Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only
gains the Shield 3 Quality. If the armour already has a one minute.
Shield Rating from another Rune, increase the Rating
by +3 (to a maximum of Shield 6). Additionally, you Master Rune of Banishment
may spend 1 Resolve to completely negate Damage up Form:​Weapon
to or equal to your Willpower Bonus. Inscription Number:​+25
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the Description (Permanent):​This Rune is usually affixed
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only to a weapon of silver, and is used against both corporeal
one minute. and ethereal Undead. A single Wound inflicted by this
weapon is enough to slay the creature outright.
Master Rune of Alaric the Mad Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Form:​Weapon Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only
Inscription Number:​+25 one minute.
Description (Permanent):​Attacks made by a weapon
bearing this Rune always ignore all Armour Points, even Master Rune of Breaking
if the armour cannot usually be ignored. Form:​Weapon
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the Inscription Number:​+25
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only Description (Permanent):​If you win an Opposed
one minute. The Rune must be activated before you roll Melee Test by more SLs than your opponent’s Strength
to hit. In the case of Talents such as Riposte or Reaction Bonus, you can opt to break their weapon. This replaces
Strike which allow a reactive attack, you must activate any Damage if you were attacking. If the weapon is
the Rune at the same time you declare you are using the Magical or has the Unbreakable Quality, you may
Talent. disarm your opponent instead. By spending 1 Resolve,
you can destroy a non-magical weapon too.
Master Rune of Authority Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Form:​Armour Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effect works only
Inscription Number:​+15 once. The wielder can activate the Rune after making
Description (Permanent):​This Rune is fixed to the O
​ pposed Melee Test​.
armour or a shield. Whenever an opponent engages you,
he must first make a C
​ hallenging (+0) Cool Test​to
Master Rune of Challenge Master Rune of Darts
Form:​Talisman Form:​Weapon
Inscription Number:​+20 Inscription Number:​+15
Description (Permanent):​This Rune allows you to Description (Permanent):​This Rune allows a single
issue a challenge to an enemy which all but the strongest ranged weapon (excluding those with the Blackpowder
wills cannot resist. Use an Action to issue your challenge, Quality) to fire ​magic missiles​ instead of using
waving your weapon in the air or yelling taunts as ammunition. The missile has identical Damage, Range,
appropriate. Your opponent must pass a C ​ hallenging Qualities and Flaws to the weapon’s standard
(+0) Cool Test​, rolling more SLs than your Willpower ammunition but never runs out. You can ignore the
Bonus. If your foe fails, they must fight you or gain the Reload and Repeater Qualities. Alternatively, the Rune
Surprised​ Condition. If they fight you, you go first and can be engraved into a gauntlet to allow the Dwarf to
gain +1 Advantage. throw m​ agic missiles​ that otherwise act as darts.
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Rune is activated (a Free Action), it can only be used Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only
once. one minute.

Master Rune of Crafting Master Rune of Defence

Form:​Engineering Form:​Armour, Talismanic
Inscription Number:​+20 Inscription Number:​+30
Description (Permanent):​This Rune is inscribed Description (Permanent):​When activated with a drop
upon a tool, usually a hammer, that the Runesmith of your own blood, this Rune will create a Ward (3+)
intends to use more than any other. Once created, the against all missile attacks, including m
​ agic missiles​. It will
Rune helps cement your connection to the tool so that it remain active for an hour and then cannot be used again
becomes an extension of your own body. The Rune until the next sunrise. By spending 1 Resolve, you may
demands that you carry the tool with you at all times — recharge this Rune and use it again immediately.
you must even sleep with it. In return, the Rune rewards Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
this faithfulness: the tool can now be used in combat or Rune is activated, the effects last for only one minute.
physical competitions that require the tool-wielding The Runic Item is destroyed after use.
arm, allowing you to use Trade (Runesmith) in place of
another Skill. It does not count as an improvised weapon Master Rune of Deterrence (Type)
in combat, it can be used to add force and grace to Form:​Armour
athletic endeavours, and it can be used in feats of Inscription Number:​+20
strength to break down doors or bowl over enemies. You Description (Permanent):​This Rune is fixed to
are encouraged to be creative in including your tool in armour or a shield. So long as it is worn, no creature of
the relevant action. the type chosen can come within a number of yards of
Description (Temporary):​This cannot be a you equal to your Willpower Bonus without winning an
Temporary Rune. Opposed Cool Test​. Types include Orcs, Goblins,
Ethereal Undead, Skaven, Dwarfs, etc. This can be
Master Rune of Daemon Slaying purchased multiple times to repel multiple creature
Form:​Weapon types.
Inscription Number:​+30 (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the Rune is
Description (Permanent):​This Rune, fixed to any activated, the effects last for only one minute.
two-handed weapon, is used to banish Daemons. A
single Wound inflicted by this weapon is enough to slay Master Rune of Diamond
the creature outright. Form:​Armour
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the Inscription Number:​+18
Rune is activated (a Free Action), it can only be used Description (Permanent):​The armour bearing this
once. Rune confers an effective Toughness Bonus of 10 for
the purposes of Damage reduction. Your Toughness
Bonus reduces Damage even against weapons or attacks
that would normally ignore Toughness.
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the

‘The last stand’​ by ​ncorva​ is licensed under ​CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only Master Rune of Dragon Slaying
one minute. Form:​Weapon
Inscription Number:​+35
Master Rune of Dismay Description (Permanent):​This Rune is used to
Form:​Talismanic destroy dragons. A single Wound inflicted by this
Inscription Number:​+20 weapon is enough to slay the creature outright.
Description (Permanent):​This Rune can only be Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
inscribed on a war horn or drum. Using an Action to Rune is activated (a Free Action), it only works once.
blow the horn (or beat the drum), you may make a The Runic Item is destroyed after being used once.
Challenging (+0) Leadership Test​. If you succeed,
you and any allies gain the Fear 1 Trait for one turn. For Master Rune of Duplication
every +2 SLs scored, increase the Fear Rating by +1. Form:​Engineering
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the Inscription Number:​+25
Rune is activated, the effects last for only one minute. Description (Permanent):​This Rune can be placed on
a container to create a perfect copying machine. Once
per day, any items, documents or materials placed inside
the box will be duplicated. Duplicated items of personal until they are used (a weapon vanishes when wielded,
or minor value, such as a hand-written manuscript or food turns to air in the mouth, a passport vanishes once
everyday clothing, will survive indefinitely. Copies of you cross the border, etc). By spending 1 Resolve, you
tradeable or essential items, including food or legal may
documents, will always dissipate within 24 hours or

‘Champion of the dragon clan’​ by ​ncorva​ is licensed under ​CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

recharge this Rune and use it again immediately. Point. A Critical Wound to the Hit Location closest to
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the the gem may result in its damage. Roll a d100. A roll of
Rune is activated, it can only be used to copy a single 96-00 means the gem is struck and destroyed.
item. Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Rune is activated for the first time, it expires.
Master Rune of Fate
Form:​Armour, Talismanic Master Rune of Fear
Inscription Number:​+30 Form:​Armour, Talismanic
Description (Permanent):​This Rune can only be Inscription Number:​+20
engraved upon a gem worth at least 100 GC and the gem Description (Permanent):​Whenever you Charge or
must be worn to have its effect. The first attack each day gain a Free Attack, you induce Fear 2 in your enemies
that would otherwise reduce the bearer to zero Wounds and Terror in anyone who is engaged with you.
or fewer is completely negated — as if you’d spent a Fate
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but can only Master Rune of Gromril
be used for the duration of one combat encounter. Form:​Armour
Inscription Number:​+35
Master Rune of Fire Description (Permanent): W ​ hen wearing armour
Form:​Engineering, Weapon bearing this Rune, and for the purposes of resolving
Inscription Number:​+21 Damage only, your Size counts as two steps larger.
Description (Permanent):​Upon the wielder’s Additionally, you may spend 1 Resolve to become
command, a weapon or item inscribed with this Rune immune to all Damage for one minute or 1 Resilience to
bursts into flame (a Free Action). This provides the same become immune to all Damage for one hour.
illumination as a brazier or large torch, and the item Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
burns until commanded to stop or until the next sunrise Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only
(whichever comes first). Additionally, a weapon with one minute.
this Rune gains the Distract and Impact Qualities while
flaming, and inflicts +2 A
​ blaze​ Conditions upon its Master Rune of Groth One-Eye
target per hit. When activated, forge items (hammers, Form:​Armour, Talismanic
anvils) gain +4 SLs for the purposes of creating with Inscription Number:​+35
heat. Description (Permanent):​Once per day, you can use
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but can only your Action to make your allies immune to Psychology,
be used once. Intimidation and the B​ roken​ Condition. They will also
be immune to a number of ​Fatigue​ Conditions equal to
Master Rune of Flight your Willpower Bonus. This lasts a number of turns
Form:​Weapon equal to your Fellowship Bonus and can be recharged by
Inscription Number:​+15 spending 1 Resolve.
Description (Permanent):​This Rune can only be Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
inscribed on a hammer. You can throw the hammer for Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only
SB+3 Damage (or SB+4 for a Warhammer) and always one minute.
count Ranged (Throwing) as a Basic Skill. The hammer
has a range of Willpower yards, and always returns to Master Rune of Healing
your hand at the end of your turn. It retains its usual Form: A ​ rmour, Talismanic
Qualities and Flaws. This Rune stacks with the Master Inscription Number:​+20
Rune of Crafting. Description (Permanent):​This Rune has a healing
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the effect when worn. Every time you are injured in combat,
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only you will automatically regenerate 1 Wound for each
one minute. blow you suffered at the start of the next round. For
example, if you were struck three times, you would
Master Rune of the Forge regain 3 Wounds at the start of the next turn. Out of
Form:​Engineering combat, you can spend 1 Resolve to heal a number of
Inscription Number:​+25 Wounds equal to your Willpower Bonus or 1 Resilience
Description (Permanent):​Only Runesmiths can use to heal all Wounds.
an item inscribed with this Rune. The item must be Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
fixed to a permanent location in your forge or home. Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only
Thereafter, you gain the Trait Ward (3+) against all one minute or until you are fully healed (whichever
magical or ranged attacks in that location. If the item is comes first).
ever removed or destroyed, the Ward dissipates.
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the Master Rune of Hiding
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only Form:​Armour, Talismanic
one hour. Inscription Number:​+20
Description (Permanent):​This Rune allows you to
use your Action to hide yourself completely. It will last
until the next dawn, provided you stay relatively still and
quiet. If you make any large or sudden movements, or
make any noise louder than a whisper, the effect ends
and cannot be used again until the next day. By spending
1 Resolve, you may recharge this Rune and use it again
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only
one minute.

‘Fantasy Portraits 7’​ by T

​ iny Secret Door​ is licensed under ​CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

Master Rune of Illusion supplementary Rune and can be engraved on a Runic

Form:​Armour, Talismanic Item with one other Master Rune, in an exception to the
Inscription Number:​+20 usual Rule of Mastery. If your item is stolen, it
Description (Permanent):​Once per day, you may use immediately combusts, causing +10 Damage and +3
your Action to temporarily change your appearance. Ablaze​ Conditions. Family and friends who move the
The most common reason to do so is to make yourself item, or clean it, will not trigger this effect provided
monstrous, which will cause Fear 3. You may also there is no malicious intent. If the item does not possess
approximate the appearance of someone you know well the Unbreakable Quality, it is destroyed. If it does, it
with a ​Hard (-10) Entertain (Acting) Test​, which remains undamaged from the blast.
cannot be opposed if successful. The effect will last for a Description (Temporary):​This Rune only has a
number of Rounds equal to your Willpower Bonus. By Permanent effect.
spending 1 Resolve, you may recharge this Rune and use
it again immediately. Master Rune of Kadrin
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the Form:​Talismanic
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only Inscription Number:​+25
one minute. Description (Permanent):​This Rune allows you to
re-roll any attack roll where you fail by 20 or less. Once
Master Rune of Immolation per day, you may use your Action and make a
Form:​Any Challenging (+0) Leadership Test​to extend this
Inscription Number:​+20 effect to every ally who can see you for one turn. By
Description (Permanent):​This is usually a spending 1 Resolve, you may recharge this second effect
of the Rune and use it again immediately. Master Rune of Opening
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the Form:​Talismanic
Rune is activated (a Free Action), it can only be used Inscription Number:​+15
once. Description (Permanent):​This Rune can open any
locked door — even one sealed with the Master Rune of
Master Rune of Kingship Locking. If used to open a door locked by the Master
Form:​Talismanic Rune of Locking, you can make an ​Opposed Canny
Inscription Number:​+35 Test​against the person who locked the door. If you win,
Description (Permanent):​This Rune is highly the door opens. If opposing a spellcaster who has used a
prestigious and extremely rare. It must be inscribed on a spell to lock the door, this Rune will allow you to
crown, and such an artefact is given to only the mightiest attempt to dispel it instead with Language (Arcane
Dwarf Lords. If you wear this crown, once per day you Dwarf).
can use your Action to make a number of allies equal to Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once
your Fellowship Characteristic immune to Psychology activated (a Free Action) this Rune can only be used to
and Intimidation for a minute. They must be within line open one door.
of sight for the duration of the effect. If you are not a
true Dwarf Lord, the crown will not work and will Master Rune of Passage
instead cause ​Fury i​ n all Dwarfs who see you. By Form:​Armour, Engineering, Talisman
spending 1 Resolve, you may recharge this Rune and use Inscription Number:​+15
it again immediately. Description (Permanent):​This Rune can be placed on
any portable item that can be carried on your person.
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the While held or worn (i.e., not in a bag or stowed), this
Rune is activated, the crown dissolves to sparkling dust. Rune reduces the difficulty of crossing any type of
terrain by one step (so ​Very Hard (-20)​becomes ​Hard
Master Rune of Locking
(-10)​and C​ hallenging (+0)​becomes ​Average (+20)​).
Once stowed again, the effect ends.
Inscription Number:​+15
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Description (Permanent):​You place this Rune on a
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for one
closed entryway. Thereafter, it cannot be opened except
by you or anyone who has the Master Rune of Opening.
The door may be broken down as usual, but attempts to
do so require twice as much Damage.
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only
one hour.

Master Rune of Might

Inscription Number:​+15
Description (Permanent):​You may add the higher of
your Willpower Bonus or your opponent’s Toughness
Bonus as extra Damage when attacking with any Melee
weapon bearing this Rune. This Rune stacks with the
Rune of Might.
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only
one minute.
the Runic Item is prepared, a quantity of the substance
which fits in your cupped palms is sacrificed into the
Aethyr. Thereafter, the container may generate more of
the substance every day. To receive this benefit, roll
1d100 once per day. On a roll of 01-75, the container
will produce two cupped handfuls of that substance or
item per SL rolled. So if you sacrificed water and rolled
+5 SLs on the first day, the container would generate 10
cupped handfuls of water.
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once
activated (a Free Action), the Rune can only be used

‘Dwarf King of the Unicorns’​ by ​jameszapata​ is licensed under C

​ C BY-NC-ND 3.0

Master Rune of Personality

Inscription Number:​+20
Description (Permanent):​This armour adds your
Fellowship Bonus to your Wounds. Once per day, you
may make a ​Challenging (+0) Leadership Test​. If you
succeed, all allies in line of sight gain the same benefit for
one round per SL. By spending 1 Resolve, you may
recharge this Rune and use it again immediately.
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only
one minute.

Master Rune of Plenty

Inscription Number:​25
Description (Permanent):​This Rune is placed on a
large container fit for holding one substance or item
(arrows, porridge, water, bullets, etc). The container
should be no bigger than you and the substance can be
no more expensive weight for weight than bullets. When
Master Rune of Reaction immune to electricity or Magical attacks are immune to
Form:​Armour this reaction.
Inscription Number:​+20 Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Description (Permanent):​Each time you are struck in Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only
Melee, your armour sends a jolt of electricity shooting one minute.
through the attacker, inflicting Wounds equal to your
Fellowship Bonus. This ignores all non-metal armour. Master Rune of Resistance (Weapon Group)
Metal armour also adds the sum of its APs to the Form:​Armour
Wounds taken, as it conducts the electricity throughout Inscription Number:​+30
your attacker’s body. For example, a target wearing Description (Permanent):​This Rune renders your
Breastplate (3 APs) and a Helm (1 AP) would take armour impervious to attacks from one type of weapon.
Wounds equal to your Fellowship Bonus + 4. Creatures

‘Dwarf slayers’​ by M
​ alvino​ is licensed under C
​ C BY-NC-ND 3.0
‘Dwarf Lord​’ by A
​ hmetCanKahraman​ is licensed under ​CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

Choose a Weapon Group from the Melee or Ranged will likewise be unaffected.
lists (​WFRP4e pp.294-5​) when you learn this Rune. Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
You may purchase this multiple times to obtain Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only
immunity to different Weapon Groups but only one of one hour.
these Master Runes can be inscribed per piece of
armour, as usual. The immunity is Hit Location-specific Master Rune of Sanctuary
so only Runes placed on a shield will protect all Form:​Talismanic
locations. Inscription Number:​+20
Description (Permanent):​This talisman is usually
For example, you can learn Master Rune of Resistance fixed to the crossbar of a standard, fixed into a helmet or
(Parry) and apply it to your shield. Provided you make crown, or otherwise worn on display in a visible place.
your Opposed Test with the shield, a swordbreaker will You must make a C ​ hallenging (+0) Leadership Test​.
do no harm. Any ally who can see the talisman gains +10 bonus to
resisting magic (if they can normally resist it) or the
Then you could buy Resistance (Brawling) and add it to temporary ability conferred by the Magic Resistance
your breastplate. If a brawl attack hits your body, you Talent (if they cannot). This lasts for a number of turns
equal to the SLs rolled. The talisman can only be used Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only
once per day and recharges at dawn. By spending 1 one minute​.
Resolve, you may recharge this Rune and use it again
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but can only
be used once.

Master Rune of Seeking

Inscription Number:​+20
Description (Permanent):​This Rune can be inscribed
onto any ranged weapon. It allows you to make one
perfect missile attack without making a Test. Once per
day you, you may use your Action to activate this ability.
The missile will hit with SLs equal to your Ballistic Skill
Bonus. It can still be opposed with Dodge or a shield, if
such defences are applicable. By spending 1 Resolve,
you may recharge this Rune and use it again
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only
one minute.
‘Choose the winner! Dwarf girl vs Goblin?’​ by ​effix35​ is licensed under ​CC
Master Rune of Skalf Blackhammer BY-NC-ND 3.0

Master Rune of Skewering
Inscription Number:​+20
Description (Permanent):​The weapon bearing this
Inscription Number:​+20
Rune gains the Impale and Impact Qualities, if it didn't
Description (Permanent):​When using a bow or
have them before. Additionally, after winning an
crossbow bearing this Rune, your ammunition gains the
Opposed Melee Test, you may spend 1 Resolve to inflict
Penetrating and Impact Qualities, if it didn’t have them
a deadly blow dealing extra Damage equal to the total
before. Additionally, you may spend 1 Resolve to
number of Wounds you have lost.
increase the minimum Damage after Armour Points and
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Toughness Bonus have been deducted to your Strength
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the Qualities last for
only one minute. The deadly blow effect must be
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
activated before this minute expires.
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only
Master Rune of Skewering one minute​.
Master Rune of Smiting
Inscription Number:​+20
Description (Permanent):​When using a bow or
Inscription Number:​+15
crossbow bearing this Rune, your ammunition gains the
Description (Permanent):​This Rune must be
Penetrating and Impact Qualities, if it didn’t have them
inscribed on a melee weapon. Once per day, it can be
before. Additionally, you may spend 1 Resolve to
activated with a Free Action and doubles any SLs rolled
increase the minimum Damage after Armour Points and
on Melee Tests for a number of turns equal to your
Toughness Bonus have been deducted to your Strength
Willpower Bonus. By spending 1 Resolve, you may
recharge this Rune and use it again immediately.
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Rune is activated (a Free Action), it can only be used your Willpower Bonus.
once. Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for no
Master Rune of Snorri Spangelhelm more than one minute.
Inscription Number:​+35
Description (Permanent):​With a little effort, this
weapon always strikes true. You can spend 1 Resolve or
all Advantage (minimum 3) to automatically win any
Opposed Melee Test with a number of SLs equal to your
Weapon Skill Bonus.
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Rune is activated (a Free Action), it can only be used

Master Rune of Spelleating

Form:​Armour, Talismanic
Inscription Number:​+30
Description (Permanent):​This Rune works as does
the Rune of Spellbreaking, but the caster of any spell
that is successfully Dispelled cannot cast that spell again
for 24 hours.
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Rune is activated (a Free Action), it can only be used

Master Rune of Spite

Form:​Armour, Talismanic
Inscription Number:​+35 ‘Dwarven warrior in a cold lit dungeon’​ by ​MatBirdie​ is licensed under C
BY-NC-ND 3.0
​ C

Description (Permanent):​After being hit for the first

time in combat, you immediately gain the Belligerent Master Rune of Stealth
and Champion Traits, plus additional APs equal to your Form:​Armour, Talismanic
Willpower Bonus on all Hit Locations. This applies even Inscription Number:​+15
against effects that normally ignore armour. The effect Description (Permanent):​This Rune allows you to
expires once combat ends and cannot be used again until move with greater Stealth. You may take a Free Action
the next dawn. By spending 1 Resolve, you may recharge to activate the Runic Item and gain +20 on all Stealth
this Rune and use it again immediately. Tests for an hour. This Rune can only be used once per
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the day. By spending 1 Resolve, you may recharge this Rune
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only and use it again immediately.
one minute. Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only
Master Rune of Stalwarts one minute.
Form:​Armour, Talismanic
Inscription Number:​+18 Master Rune of Steel
Description (Permanent):​This Rune is worn as a Form:​Armour
talisman or as armour. When worn, you may use either Inscription Number:​+30
the tens or units die for your SLs on any Willpower Test. Description (Permanent):​You may ignore your first
Additionally, you may spend 1 Resolve to become Critical Wound of any combat. You may re-roll any
immune to Psychology for a number of Rounds equal to subsequent Critical Wound and pick the better result.
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the your allies will automatically fail. The ward will last for a
Rune is activated (a Free Action), it can only be used number of turns equal to your Willpower Bonus. It may
once. only be used once per day. By spending 1 Resolve, you
may recharge this Rune and use it again immediately.
Master Rune of Stromni Redbeard Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Form:​Talismanic Rune is activated (a Free Action), it can only be used
Inscription Number:​+20 once.
Description (Permanent):​This Rune was made in the
days of Bael, Lord of Karak Azul. Activate the Rune Master Rune of Valour
with a Free Action and thereafter any ally who can see it Form:​Any
will always have a minimum of 1 Advantage. This lasts Inscription Number:​+20
for a number of turns equal to your Willpower Bonus. It Description (Permanent):​This Rune can be placed on
can only usually be used once per day. By spending 1 any item worn or carried in everyday use (including your
Resolve, you may recharge this Rune and use it again trade tools). When in contact with this item, you may
immediately. use your Action to activate it. Doing so makes you
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the immune to all Psychology, and you automatically
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only succeed on any Willpower or Cool Tests as if you had
one minute. rolled a number of successes equal to your Willpower
Bonus. The effect lasts for one minute and can only be
Master Rune of Swiftness used once per day. By spending 1 Resolve, you may
Form:​Weapon recharge this Rune and use it again immediately.
Inscription Number:​+25 Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Description (Permanent):​You can spend +1 Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only
Advantage to make a Free Attack once per turn at any one minute.
point in the initiative order. Your weapon gains the Fast
Quality if it didn’t already have it. Master Rune of War
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the Form:​Talisman, Weapon
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only Inscription Number:​+20
one minute. Description (Permanent):​This Rune can be activated
with a Free Action once per day, but only during
Master Rune of Transformation combat. It confers a temporary +20 Fellowship bonus
Form:​Engineering, Weapon and the ability to treat any Melee Skill as known for the
Inscription Number:​+15 next hour. By spending 1 Resolve, you may recharge this
Description (Permanent):​This Rune allows you to Rune and use it again immediately.
use an Action to transform your weapon or tool into any Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
smaller item, provided it does equal or less Damage. In Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only
this way, a sword can be turned into a dart and easily one minute.
hidden. A chisel could be turned into a nail for easy
escapes from prison. The effect lasts either until the Master Rune of Wisdom
bearer reverses it or until the next dawn. Form:​Talisman
Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the Inscription Number:​+20
Rune is activated (a Free Action), it can only be used Description (Permanent):​This Rune can be activated
once. with a Free Action once per day. It confers a temporary
+20 Intelligence bonus and the ability to treat any Lore
Master Rune of Valaya as known for the next hour. By spending 1 Resolve, you
Form:​Armour, Talismanic may recharge this Rune and use it again immediately.
Inscription Number:​+35 Description (Temporary):​As permanent, but once the
Description (Permanent):​You may use your Action
to create a ward against magic. All magic against you and
Rune is activated (a Free Action), the effects last for only
one minute.
‘Dwarf’​ by A
​ legion​ is licensed under ​CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

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