FCL8 Application Activities Output For Final Period 2023 Edited

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FOR FCL8: Final Period

Name: Repol Charlone Bernadeth L. Date: May 26, 2023 Rating: ________
Section code: ___________Regular Schedule (Day & Time):__________________

A. Dignity & Identity: 50% – 2/3 CS

Asynchronous Activity #1-4: 40pts

1. 10 Things I’m grateful for right now:

1. I’m grateful that I can go to school and study all the things that I’ve should
2. I have a very supporting parents and partner as well.
3. I have the ability to afford things that may quite expensive but essential to
my life as a student.
4. I studied at one of the greatest schools in Laguna.
5. I survive the engineering course for almost 4 years.
6. I’m grateful that I be able to acknowledge simple things into greatness.
7. I have a positive mindset
8. I can afford to eat at least 3 times a day
9. I can also pamper and reward my self in simple achievements I experienced.
10. To be able to trust God again.
2. 5 Goals I’d like to accomplish by the end of this month.
1. One of my goal before ending the month is to help myself to improve my
health diet.
2. To be able to start my body health fitness again by doing some exercise
and workout before going to school.
3. Before ending the month I would like to finish all my unfinished task in
4. To clean all my mess in my wardrobe.
5. To binge watch my favorite anime
3. The biggest mistake I made this week & what I learned.
One of my biggest mistakes I made this week is I let my anger pass in my
attitude that cause something not good in my surrounding that respond

Brgy. Paciano Rizal, Calamba City, Laguna, 4027 Philippines  Tel. No.: (049) 834-1159
Calamba Campus
In a negative vibe in our house.

4. On a scale of 1-10 my mental health is at a today because:

Well on the scale my mental health is at least 60% right now because I
don’t like the energy at our house that trigger my mental health
capability to adjust in my surrounding.

B. As Minister of Life - 2/3 CS


Asynchronous activity # 1-4: 20pts

1. Today my favorite quote is “_YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE (YOLO)
The reason is very simple you need to enjoy your life even though life is
a form of a devastating and agony, you must look at the brighter future
rather than staying on your past whether it’s good nor bad because
always remember that what will happen now is doesn’t matter.
2. 5 words I’d use to describe myself are: I am Talented, Smart, Over
thinker, Food Lover and also Gamer.
This are the 5 words that I think I can least say about myself, Maybe I
was talented yet I don’t like to show it, I do love dancing yet I don’t have
confidence to show it. Well if you gonna ask me, being an overthink
person is just a big disadvantages that’s why playing online games
helps me to cope up my anxiety.

3. Write about where you were this time last year and what you’ve learned
since then:
Last year is the most memorable year for me, that year I’ve learned that
not all people I cherish will help me in my lowest time and aside of that I
also learned to let go people who I trust the most. Last year is the year
where I understand the concept of life, be grateful, be contented and
cherish all the memories you had because you will never know what will
happen next.

Brgy. Paciano Rizal, Calamba City, Laguna, 4027 Philippines  Tel. No.: (049) 834-1159
Calamba Campus
4. One thing outside of my control that I need to stop worrying about is:
That not all bad things that stock on my head will happen, it also reflect
on how I handle things on myself. If I use passive way it will reflect in a
not good way while if I choose to listen and take a deep breath maybe I
can control everything.


Asynchronous activity # 1-2 : 10pts

1. 3 things I’d do if I wasn’t afraid:

 Well I think climbing in a tall hotel
 Eat all the foods that I’ve been allergy like shrimp and seafood’s
 Call for an ambulance even though there’s no one is in danger.
2. A bad habit I’d like to start getting rid of is :
I’d like to get rid of is drinking and self-harming myself.

C. A Man of God: 50pts (Output/OBE Exam) – 1/3 CS

1. My life mission in one sentence would be (why?)

My life mission is to be a successful woman for the reason is to repay
all my parents done to me and to live a life that don’t give a damn thing
to everyone.
2. Write about an experience that changed your outlook on life.
Well it happened last year when the person I trust the most betray me.
That’s the biggest thing that happened to me that change my point of view
in life. Maybe it was tragedy but maybe it was God plans for me to
understand that I need to focus on my self-worth.

Brgy. Paciano Rizal, Calamba City, Laguna, 4027 Philippines  Tel. No.: (049) 834-1159
Calamba Campus
3. 5 Core beliefs that guide my life:

Good things often take time, Everyone is doing the best they can, Small
improvement are enough, Failure is learning tool, It will all be over

4. Write a letter of forgiveness toward someone who has hurt you.

To the person who hurt me the most, last year of summer is the best
thing happened to me, for almost 2 years spending my life with you is
amazing, the thing that you’ve done to me cause a lot of pain and a lot
of questions that never been answered, but I’m trying my best. I’ve met
this guy and he is so nice and support me in every decision I made,
maybe he was not perfect but still he is trying his best, we made a lot of
mistakes but it serves a lesson for our relation to grow and matured.
Which is the thing that never happened to us. I do forgive you but
please don’t let me see you again.

5. Today my favorite Bible verse is: Proverbs 14:31

Because Whoever is kind to the needy honors God.

Date of Submission: May_26, 2023___, 2023 (Day & Time: 9:24

pm___am/pm); Please send to (Email;_______________) or Ms Teams

Note: See evaluation guide & rubrics on the

next page!

Brgy. Paciano Rizal, Calamba City, Laguna, 4027 Philippines  Tel. No.: (049) 834-1159
Calamba Campus
Scoring Rubrics: For 10 Items

Points 10 8 6 3
Compliance to Time On time 3 and above days late 1 and above week late 10 and above days late

Coherence/Organization of Well Organized, it includes Organized, it includes Poorly Organized, there Weakly Organized, no
Thoughts introduction and statement introduction and statement is a sense of sense of organization.
of the main idea. of the main idea. organization but some
are missing

Creativity/Technicality in The activity is original and The activity is original and The activity attempt to The activity has no
Writing imaginative and its imaginative and its is be original and originality.
creatively adds to the presented in unusual way. imaginative

Content Used of important details Used of some details to Using more details to No using details to
and information to support support your answer complete the topic support answer.
your answer

Style Sentence are clear and Sentence are clear but lack Sentence are generally Sentence are not clear
varied in pattern of variation clear but unclear

Note: See evaluation guide & rubrics on the

next page for 1-20pts !

Brgy. Paciano Rizal, Calamba City, Laguna, 4027 Philippines  Tel. No.: (049) 834-1159
Calamba Campus
Scoring Rubrics: For 20pts
Points 20 15 10 5
Compliance to Time On time 3 and above days late 1 and above week late 10 and above days late

Coherence/Organization of Well Organized, it includes Organized, it includes Poorly Organized, there Weakly Organized, no
Thoughts introduction and statement introduction and statement is a sense of sense of organization.
of the main idea. of the main idea. organization but some
are missing

Creativity/Technicality in The activity is original and The activity is original and The activity attempt to The activity has no
Writing imaginative and its imaginative and its is be original and originality.
creatively adds to the presented in unusual way. imaginative

Content Used of important details Used of some details to Using more details to No using details to
and information to support support your answer complete the topic support answer.
your answer

Style Sentence are clear and Sentence are clear but lack Sentence are generally Sentence are not clear
varied in pattern of variation clear but unclear

Passing grade for every period is 75% or its equivalent of 3.0 and any grade below
75% is a Failure.

1.00 99-100 Excellent

1.25 96-98 Superior
1.50 93-95 Very Good
1.75 90-92 Good
2.00 87-89 Meritorious
2.25 84-86 Very Satisfactory
2.50 81-83 Satisfactory
2.75 78-80 Fairly Satisfactory
3.00 75-77 Passing
5.00 Below 75 Failure
4.00 INC Incomplete
OD 6.00 Officially Dropped
UD 7.00 Unofficially

Brgy. Paciano Rizal, Calamba City, Laguna, 4027 Philippines  Tel. No.: (049) 834-1159
Calamba Campus

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