PT 7010 IBCseismic

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Power topic #7010 | Technical information from Cummins Power Generation

IBC seismic requirements

and transfer switches

> White paper

By Beth Kerr, Program Manager Power Electronics ATS

The International Building Code (IBC) provides Similar to UL standards, the ICC codes are available
an up-to-date building code addressing the for adoption—in whole or in part—by jurisdictions
throughout the United States.
design and installation of building systems
through requirements emphasizing perfor- For example, as of November 20th, 2006, 45 states,
mance. Published by the International Code the District of Columbia and the U.S. Department of
Defense have adopted some or all of the provisions of
Council (ICC), this comprehensive code
the IBC (FIGURE 1). The codes can also be adopted
establishes minimum regulations for building internationally.
systems using prescriptive and performance
Provided is a summary of the earthquake (seismic)
related provisions that combine the scope
provisions affecting power generation systems that
of existing model codes, such as BOCA and are included in the International Building Code (IBC).
ICBO Uniform Building Code (UBC). For designated building functions, the IBC can require
that systems critical to life safety and fulfilling the
Updated: 11/20/2006
building’s intended purpose remain online immediately
after a seismic event. This can affect the backup and
emergency system, requiring the system be certified
compliant for the same seismic design category as the
building. Because the IBC is the code for the building
structure, it is not typically a document that is used by
mechanical engineers. However, the mechanical design
professional is responsible for both identifying and
specifying the transfer switch plus interrelated equip-
ment when required. The designer should require proof
of compliance with each manufacturer’s bid to avoid
the risk of receiving non-compliant equipment.
Transfer switch manufacturers are responsible for
having equipment certified compliant by an approved,
One or more International Codes® currently enforces statewide
One or more International Codes® enforced within the state at the local level independent agency and providing proof of such com-
One or more International Codes® adopted statewide with a future enforcement date pliance from the agency. Cummins Power Generation
FIGURE 1 – As of November 20th, 2006, 45 states have adopted
has a number of compliant products that are certified
some or all of the provisions of the International Building Code. to meet these provisions, and the expertise to assist in
For map updates, visit applying these products.
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IBC and seismic requirements All information references the 2000, 2003, and 2006
versions of the IBC.
The IBC increases the mechanical design professional’s
responsibility by adding seismic reviews to the standard Four basic steps are required to determine whether the
building structure design and review process. The code transfer switch is required to comply with the seismic-
provides building life safety systems remain online im- resistance provisions of the IBC:
mediately after a seismic event. For buildings designated 1. Determine the seismic use group of the structure.
as critical, any system required to fulfill the intended use
is also covered. Additionally, the code provides a failure 2. Determine the component importance factor (IP)
of any component shall not cause the failure of any of the transfer switch equipment.
essential component. If a transfer switch is essential for 3. Determine the seismic design category of the
life safety functions, to protect life safety functions, or for structure.
a building to fulfill the intended use; it must be certified
compliant to meet the same seismic design category 4. Determine if the transfer switch is exempt from
as the building (see Certification Requirements). seismic requirements.

What constitutes a certified seismic- The seismic sample calculation in this guide illustrates
compliant product? the procedure for a specific building and component.

Seismic-compliant products must have been reviewed 1. Determine the seismic use group
and certified capable to withstand a given seismic of the structure
force (FP) by an approved agency. Additionally, Section All structures are assigned to a seismic use group
1702 of the code states a label must be applied to the based on their intended function, as indicated in Table
product that indicates that it has been inspected and 1604.5 of the code. This designation is a basic element
evaluated by an approved agency. The IBC outlines the in determining the building’s seismic design category.
requirements for an approved agency in Section 1703: The seismic use groups that are applicable to transfer
• 1703.1 Approved agency: An approved agency switch equipment are listed below:
shall provide all information as necessary for the • Seismic use group III: Structures that have
building official to determine that the agency meets essential facilities required for post earthquake
the applicable requirements. recovery and those containing substantial
• 1703.1.1 Independent: An approved agency quantities of hazardous substances, as indicated
shall be objective and competent. The agency shall by Table 1604.5 or as designated by the building
also disclose any possible conflicts of interest so official. Examples from Table 1604.5 include:
that objectivity can be confirmed. – Hospitals and other health care facilities having
• 1703.1.2 Equipment: An approved agency shall surgery or emergency treatment facilities.
have adequate equipment to perform required tests. – Fire, rescue and police stations and emergency
The equipment shall be periodically calibrated. vehicle garages.
• 1703.1.3 Personnel: An approved agency – Designated earthquake, hurricane or other
shall employ experienced personnel educated in emergency shelters.
conducting, supervising and evaluating tests and/or
inspections. As with most codes, an approved – Designated emergency preparedness,
agency is one that can display proof of competency communication and operation centers, and other
and that is found acceptable by the local approving facilities required for emergency response.
authority (building code official). Manufacturers are • Seismic use group II: Structures whose failure
not allowed to self-certify compliance as they can would result in a substantial public hazard due to
not pass the objectivity requirement in 1703.1.1. occupancy or use as indicated by Table 1604.5 or
The following provides parameters for determining as designated by the building official. Examples
whether seismic-resistant transfer switch equipment is from Table 1604.5 include:
required to comply with the IBC and the requirements – Buildings and other structures where more than
for certifying transfer switch equipment as IBC compliant. 300 people congregate in one area (i.e. theaters,
auditoriums, churches).
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– Buildings and other structures with elementary Component type IP value

school, secondary school or day-care facilities Life safety components required to function after an
with capacity greater than 250. earthquake 1.5 components containing hazardous
or flammable materials in quantities that exceed
– Health care facilities with a capacity of 50 or
the exempted amounts for an open system listed in
more resident patients, but not having surgery
Chapter 4 1.5. For structures in seismic use group III,
or emergency treatment facilities (i.e. nursing
components needed for continued operation of the
homes, outpatient clinics).
facility or whose failure could impair the continued
– Jails and detention centers. operation of the facility 1.5. All other components 1.
• Seismic use group I: Structures not assigned to 3. Determine the seismic
Seismic use group II or III. design category of the structure
2. Determine the component All structures are assigned to a seismic design cat-
importance factor (IP) of the egory based on their assigned seismic use group and
transfer switch equipment determined design spectral response. Use the following
steps to arrive at the seismic design category for a
A power generation system becomes a designated
seismic system based on its IP and the building’s
determined seismic design category. The 2000, 2003, Step1: Determine the maximum spectral
2006 versions of the IBC recognizes two values for IP. response accelerations (SS and S1) for the area
They are 1.0 and 1.5. Those architectural, electrical where the structure is located. The maximum con-
and mechanical systems and their components that sidered spectral response acceleration at 0.2 seconds
require design in accordance with Section 1702.1 have (SS) and at 1- second (S1) can be determined using the
a component importance factor greater than 1.0. The spectral response maps provided in the printed version
following IP values, taken from the code, have been of the IBC or the accompanying software.
interpreted to relate to transfer switch equipment: The
• Maps: Locate SS and S1 using the following maps
code does not specifically define for each seismic use
provided in the Code:
group what constitutes a “life safety system” or critical
component for determining IP. However, the following – Figure 1613.5.3 (1): SS, mapped maximum
appear to be generally accepted: considered earthquake 0.2 second short
periods (5 Hz) spectral response acceleration
• Seismic use group I: Not applicable.
– Figure 1613.5.3(2): S1, mapped maximum
• Seismic use group II: Anything associated with
considered earthquake 1.0 second spectral
fire and smoke control systems.
response acceleration
• Seismic use group III: Anything included for
• Software: Locate SS and S1 using the software
Use Group II buildings plus all transfer switches.
program, seismic design parameters for use with
Transfer switches and components that may have
the 2006 IBC, provided with the printed code. The
an IP = 1.5 include:
software accepts either the zip code or latitude and
– Backup power for heating and cooling systems longitude of the site.
required for maintaining occupant health and
Note: Sites with SS <0.15g and S1 <0.04g are
safety (use group III structures).
considered seismic design category A.4 buildings
– Systems requiring power to prevent failure of life on these sites, including seismic use group III
safety systems (fire sprinklers). buildings, and components such as transfer switch
must meet only the minimum structural design
– Systems requiring power to maintain critical life
criteria unless specifically required by local code.
saving equipment (ICU’s, heart/lung machines,
etc. in use group III structures) Step 2: Determine the site class (A to F) and site
coefficients (Fa and Fv). The site class depends on
– Any component covered by the interrelationship
the soil profile and properties, and ranges from A (hard
rock) to F (very soft poor soil). Table 1613.5.2 defines
© 2007 | Cummins Power Generation
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each site class based on the soil properties present Value of SD1 seismic design category use group I, use
on a site. In the absence of a detailed soil analysis, the group II, use group III.
IBC allows you to use site class D unless it has been SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY BASED ON
pre-determined that site class E or F soil is present SHORT-PERIOD RESPONSE ACCELERTIONS
at the site. Site coefficients Fa and Fv are based on Table 1613.5.6(1)

the site class and the spectral response acceleration Occupancy category
Value of SDS
(SS for Fa and S1 for Fv). Fa can be determined using I or II III IV
Table 1613.5.3(1) and Fv can be determined using SDS < 0.167g A A A
Table 1613.5.3(2) in the printed version of the IBC. The
software program accompanying the printed IBC can 0.167g ≤ SDS < 0.33g B B C
also be used to determine site coefficients.
0.33g ≤ SDS < 0.50g C C D
Step 3: Calculate the adjusted maximum ac-
celerations (SMS and SM1). Using site coefficients 0.50g ≤ SDS D D D
Fa and Fv, calculate the adjusted maximum spectral
response acceleration parameters at 0.2 seconds
Table 1613.5.6 (1): Seismic design category based on 0.2 second
(SMS) and one second (SM1) as follows: period response accelerations.
• SMS = FaSS • SM1 = FvS1 *Seismic Use Group I and II structures located on sites with mapped
maximum considered earthquake spectral response accelera-
Step 4: Calculate the design spectral response tion at 1 second period, S1, equal to or greater than 0.75g, shall be
acceleration parameters (SDS and SD1). Use assigned to seismic design category E, and seismic use group III
the values calculated for SMS and SM1 in Step 3 to structures located on such sites shall be assigned to seismic design
calculate the design spectral response acceleration category F.
parameters at 0.2 seconds (SDS) and one second (SD1)
as follows: Step 6: Determine if the transfer switch is
exempt from seismic requirements. Mechanical
• SDS = 2/3 SMS • SD1 = 2/3 SM1
equipment is covered under the seismic provisions of
Step 5: Determine the assigned seismic design the code unless one of the exceptions listed in Section
category. The seismic design category can be 1613.6.2 apply. These exceptions are based on the
determined using Tables 1613.5.6(1) and 1613.5.6 (2) in component importance factor and the determined
the printed IBC document and have been reproduced seismic design category. Specifically, mechanical
below. The seismic design category is a function of equipment, including transfer switch, is exempt when
the structure’s designated seismic use group and the any of the following conditions apply (Refer to Section
values for SDS and SD1 calculated in Step 4. 1613.6.2 for complete descriptions):
Value of SDS seismic design category use group I, use • The building is seismic design category A or B.
group II, use group III.
• The building is seismic design Category C and IP = 1.
1-SECOND PERIOD RESPONSE ACCELERTIONS • The mechanical component is located within 4 feet
Table 1613.5.6(2) of the floor, weighs less than 400 pounds and IP = 1.
Occupancy category • The mechanical component weighs less than 20
Value of SDS
I or II III IV pounds.
SD1 < 0.067g A A A

0.067g ≤ SD1 < 0.133g B B C

0.133g ≤ SD1 < 0.20g C C D

0.20g ≤ SD1 D D D

Table 1613.5.6 (2): Seismic design category based on 1-second

period response accelerations.
© 2007 | Cummins Power Generation
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About the author from Marquette University in Mechanical Engineering

in 1993, and from the University of St. Thomas with
Beth Kerr started with Cummins Power
a Master of Science in Manufacturing Systems and
Generation in early 2006. Her respon-
Engineering in 1998. She previously worked with
sibilities include technical product
Ingersoll Rand.
management, market research, and
contributing to the international codes
and standards groups. She graduated

Additional IBC information and resources The following resources provide information and
assistance with the IBC and seismic requirements:
The following chapters in the IBC describe the require-
ments for seismic design and equipment certification: • A printed version of the 2006 IBC and software CD
can be ordered online at
• Chapter 16 describes the requirements for
seismic-resistant design. Code requirements and • The U.S. Geological Survey provides spectral maps
methodology are based on data developed in the on its website at
1997 National Earthquake Hazards Reduction • The Building Seismic Safety Council of the National
Program (NEHRP) which was funded by the Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) provides its
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program
Section 1613 states the requirement to provide a (NEHRP) recommended provisions for seismic
compliant system. regulations for new buildings and other structures
• Chapter 17 describes the certification, testing (FEMA 450) at
and inspection requirements. It also covers • Cummins representatives can help determine a
requirements for special inspections, quality building’s seismic design category and define its
assurance plans, etc. Section 1702 defines applicability to components.
Certificate of Compliance and Section 1703 states
the requirements and definition of approvals, For additional technical support, please contact your
including approved agency and labeling. local Cummins Power Generation distributor. To locate
your distributor, visit
© 2007 | Cummins Power Generation and Cummins are registered
trademarks of Cummins Inc. “Our energy working for you.” is a
trademark of Cummins Power Generation.
PT-7010 (03/07)

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