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POWER SYSTEM OPERATION ANO CONTROL LINTU-HYDERABAD, PART-A SHORT QUESTIONS WITH SOLUTIONS Ge What iva sack UNIT-1_ L008 Flow Stuties ste tot ely with retina namin pwc to wih ond dead es 13 canner bun? magni nd phase ange fun vole (an) are ere serena no) ing ference fr the cape angie fl ber bes Hence nn “Scanned with Cam iy lad ba, Obs) then Gat meh apie. The Gauss-Seidel etd, oud flow sto ae appliabe wo hasepowesstems which consists of PQ ad [Unknown Quantities « specrnuM ALLIWONE JOURNAL Fon ENGHeeRING sTuDeNTs J NNND ene = $$ POWER SYSTEM OPERATION AN! ‘GAS. What are the advantages of Newion-Raphson method? Ans: 1 provides faster lle and acute reas han G-S mth {GiE. What are the disadvantages of Newton-Raphson method? Ans: 1. Progamming is more compler a number of arihnetic operation equied ae or. 2 Ieroqater more memory space. WARNING: Roose of ioe Moat rapa i hat oF NR metho. Ane od ys ABLE tac LEGAL process. i _ Jo CONTROL [JNTUHYDERABAy | yyrr-1_ Load Flow Studies 1s ‘Gao. What the diference between Gause and Gnuay Saigo memoaT Momtrouson| ans pes Pos velnges ar read imedey 3 “The converence ofthe tem i ft when compared (221. Compare Newton-Raphson and Gauss Seidel methods of load flow solutions. Athy, 19, 03 on uish between the Newton Raphson and Gauss-Seidel methods of load low analysis. oR Compare Gauss-Seldel and Newion-Raphon methods of load flow analysis. oR ‘Compare Gauss-Seidel and Newton-Raphson methods. Ans: 5 ‘Newton: Raphaon Method r 2 3 4 Proprmming is ompies. Less number of erations ar equ to reach convergence Computations ine pet iteration is mre. More memory space i required ‘SPECTRUM ALLAN-ONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS |) | Scanned with CamScanner 4.4 Inroouction, Bus Ctassiricarion, Novat Apmirrance Marnix, Loao Flow Eauarions, System Dara For Loao Fiow Stuoy lof synchronous conte 3 tacuPhtoeping of oka CRANAL at Reet ay a PART-B ESSAY QUESTIONS (oL UNTU-HYDERAE POWER SYSTEM OPERATION AND CONTR BAD, | yrt-1_ Load Fow Stuses WITH SOLUTIONS rete cure pearmance ofan existing poms fovimprovencnt of power fcr and Velage Discuss the various types of buses in a power Formulate the power flow equa ‘G25. Write short notes on statement of load flow Derive the static load flow equations for n-bus tion for n bus ying nodal analysis tothe above sytem, we obtain — ps2 bus pris network ‘sem to, Fiore Bos System ei h, sah h ht Substiing equation (3) im equation), meat, 5h 0,7 Stat 23m Scanned with CamScanner HY PNA imaigry pas of equation a, e r Jo CONTROL LINTU-HYDERABA | ir1 Load Fow Stes (Gas. What Is necessity of power flow studies? ‘POWER SYSTEM OPERATION AN! i 1.2.4 Gauss and Gauss Seidel Methods 231. Explain the load flow solution using G-S ine te extension or | __ method. cure! performance oft exising power the optima size and leeation of power Scanned with CamScanner ‘The reference buss beng specified. There re (n= 1) load bases, ‘AL the starting of the techie, the magnitdes and angles atthe (n= 1) uses are assumed. Y=Wsem sp “The complex power injected by the phar ofa power system is gen 35, 522+," bh WARNING: sewouPtopyig thesis CRIIAL ot J SPECTRUM ALLIN-ONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS jl rm toy ht oto penn | (ae A ae POWER SYSTEM OPER 1.10 Fare aon YES Bek eee _ 7” is Sa Teac Tow sain wim PH ne Serge nebo. 1 Voliage Controlled Bases Fer PY bse there ar two conto. Condition “The vac of ect omer must inthe ive ange Wi Whee she venting poet, the geo bas pet Oo, JaTion AND CONTR Weknow ty wp ‘Thelin on 05" fow so rote ‘Now: the pte ge V8 35 071 SQ, then Q,~ Opa OF" 0a then 0," Cran it 0.< 0%" <0, then Q,= O59"? Describe the step by step procedure for - - (OL [UNTU-HYDERABAp, | ar given below forthe folio top by step proved ‘Gauss-Seidel met oR Gause-Seldel method, resent along with slack 1 Load Flow Studies cedure for Gauss Seidl Method When FY Bane are Prevent unit pte Rend he stm dl ad fo bs ita ai 1 flat volage profile fr al he buses excep the slack bus. ser ie o=1+/0pu sup 3: Seiten ont = Oand come eriin=« sp 4 Ses cout = 1 ss Check wheter bus isslack bs (0) PO bs) PY bus. Goto tp 12 Fits bat” _and calculate reactive power using the following, sn bus is PO bs goto the tp Shere emporariy se W a opt =-tmnrg [Sita '+ et } and caused Qi within te pci nits, enti bu as PY bs and st Q,= 0; Cala 8 SW lee 28, and got sep 9 Step 8: telat he bus voltage sing following eatin. [2 1@e mt ‘tp 9: Caeuate the change in bs vole. ang tte Sep 10: Calculate acelerated bus voltae vgbevgraay Step 1: Replace V9 Step 12: Check p2 ‘Step 13: Catal, | AV a =" Sep 14: Chock fr convergence ‘Step 15: Cotulate the slack bus powes, ine lows and in loses ‘G34, wun a neat now chart explain the computational procedure for load flow solution using Thathad atin the system contains all types of Busses, . oR computational procedure for load flow solution using es goto ex step tbe inrenet ihe bs county p=p +1 a 91 Sen § 12 «inne the terion count bye 6 * Ya gone (Gauss Seidal With a neat fow chart and algorithm expla the Gauss-seldel method. on va peat how cart explain the amputations procedure forload flow sution ving Gauss See) load flow solution. r z Anas occu ALONE JOURNAL FOR ENGIEERG STUDS SED a Paper tc Scanned with CamScanner a 17 haa sl en ao reas OPERATION AND POWER SYS WARNING: oor Peicsoyig of it books Crna thao nd yi ABLE nc LEGAL pound ood Flow Studios 1.13 “lagram of a simple 3 bus power aystom wth generators at buses ‘marked in pion a 100 MVA bane, Determine the bus voltages at the end 1u88-Seldel method, Tomw 350 Muar Ane Scanned with CamScanner ae amon ano CONTROL WNTUAYDERAR| owen sysTEM OPER QD € s 3 = Ee 3 ® & € S S a THe = 26.7198 46136 02=8380p% Now, ‘The voltage at busi, Losoe74 0.00730 endof seco iteration a WARNING: rte ee CRNA af LBL oath pecynult ALLAW-ONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS SRT) Ga pai ‘ ‘ oad re 1s Bae. Single ine diagram of magnitude of vot power sysrem oPenaTiON AND CONTROL LUNTUHYOERARg sae es ane oe ve ahora ea 2 are ea operetta Ans: i terson Fersswer ref Unit 3 ‘Stack Bas Power The expression for Slack bas pose is Realpower P= 1.9488 pu= L988 « 100= 19458 MW Reactive power ,= 1Apu= 14 100= HD MVAR | WARNING: KeoPitcoig listo CRIMINAL ayn fa hy UMBLE tae LEGAL proceed - UNIT-1_Load Flow Studies 22) a3 byt = 0666-72864 My Iya tet 1+ 2668 Ta Yat tyt |-H2-f=3-f12 Table (1) Line Admitances Fa 3666 4664 Sa bbb eet [Bus Code [Pinpul Gin pu | Vinpu [Reman ts PLths)=- 0666 + 2.664 1 = | = | 108 | slack nomen, 2 | 03 [02 [t+jol ra Mya ary I-A 3 [04 [03 [repo ra Nya lgnaiue O24 a [03 | 01 |1+0[ Pa “The bas admitance mais, ‘able 2): Schedule of Active and Reactive Powers p-j2 2+ <1 0 1 -[ 278 3666-1468 0666+ 064 1+] nae wounec-ssimaa.arnn) | Tul iy “9656+ 66h 3665~ jlases —2~/3 Given ot tH2e8 3/1 “Ramiance Now, 2-60 Atbus2, = Pe, Py, 0-05 "OS pu 10 i Des 668 10 2/80 Tole: ineAdsinaee Ba Code Remarks Finpe [Ope Slack SPECTRUM ALLAN-ONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS Vill Scanned with CamScanner | “CONTROL [JNTU-HYDERABAD, 0 ‘POWER SYSTEM OPERATION AN aoe) as +0666 2 7 - pores ps S910 msrp 187 anes) --2+ 097056 — 04672) OTE 16093-0179) -0m9-porps lage, 209699 6 -(1+)= 00161 6 pu WARRING eProp id ty whan CA pcan. = 0.99056 008672 pa = 09782-0096 pu Ge Forte system shown In gore determine the voltages atthe end ofthe fist tration By Gi method. Assume base MVAas 100. uss Seidal dessa na\ 702 2 Fue Tenet Load aun vane | [a] & | jt ana Ne. tT asaroul = [=| == [=| = ${fiepa papaf=[ == ype] =e sapaezee = = Ans: ind, Cae inl pene | woe |e Tara 2 ‘Assuming, ase MVA~ 100 MVA Required to dtersine, 0, 100 Scanned with CamScanner fit tration, ¢= 0. MARIE: oad Wa a et CRMIAL ey iy UBL ae EGAL pens > rt text ow Se “ja Newton fapheon Method vatuate te Jacoban clement for NR oad low. 028 day Tp Calelaton of eb loon) on gute ne elements of Jacoban marx fora system with P< bises fers: (aefer Ont Tole: Caenaton of Ieoien Element) . or pnson method of oad flow analysis for polar coordinates. ns. cents of G5 met. Explain the Newton-Fat ont relisle mth which has overcome ale rus und fond low equations ar required. ) yar siven whereas for voltage consoled bus (ba) ony enstion saci with an nial estimates and nepecting the higher order terms, We ES = 0 -« o age 121 SEAL o ‘SPECTRUM ALLINONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS 1)" =e Scanned with CamScanner er 17 sil 1.22 Rene eran, me Be Tra ya) at fom (2) Diagonal Elemest Tm POWER SYSTEM OPERATION ‘Load Flow Studios “jth a neat flow chart, explain he Computational procedure | eect putational procedure for iad flow ach oR . Derive load flow algorithm using Newton-Raphson method and draw a neat low chart, OR Develop an algorithm and draw the flow chart forthe solution of load flow problem us method. ‘ano CONTROL UNTU-HYDERAR raion ving Gauss-Seidel ng WR on write the step by step procedure for load flow analysis infer Onl Tp: Computational Procedure for Lood Flow nabs Scanned with CamScanner iteration count c= 0 Jack bs otrwise go 0 nes 20 ers asl bs anti coin (i isis at he ra een tr x ‘G40. Draw the detalled flowchart and explain gor of Newten-Raphson method HM {he syst contains al ype of use oR With aneattiw chart explain th computaton rocedureforload ow solution using Nel Raphson erative method when the sy" contains all type of buses, oR speci ALL-IN-ONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING stuoets) 124 Gat Gia he deulled ow chart for Newton-Raphsen ‘method. eer Only Tpke: Flowchart) Eee POWER SYSTEM OPERATION AND CONTROL [JNTU-HYDERAR ap, Y u 1 Load Flow Studles yy 2— MO 70> = J MO Lone sovmmaL For EWGINEERNG STUDENT Scanned with CamScanner * srROL [JNTU-HYDERABAy unr Lond Flow Stas F211 120804 8-9 2004907) 427 Scanned with CamScanner it ns 011716) = 098288 POWER SY’ row Ano CONTIOL UNTU-HYD Penal ERARAy, STEM 0+ 1$8274 595569) Ms nit uty sLUALE ace LEGAL proces. 2a) ge [2099208 4058-90) 4.2.3 Fast Decoupled Method © x . G43, State the assumptions made for load flow solution using fast decoupled method. Also draw its flow chart. ante made fo load ow soon in at decoupled method Inview ofthe above assumption, we Ee, Hat, VI80e8 Hiya bg= BV PHA - o -@ ‘SPECTRUM ALLIN-ONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS 1 SRSA Scanned with CamScanner ~ LNiT-1_Lood Flow Stasis 13i ering te ane hing ees of pase sis fm Ee einen canes in ec per wih eect ‘Nepeing he esto f toe nto eens SEEMS SS eld wenger neal power wih ovata nee te itn in alain ec [ sub tage made andassume Y= canbe asides ty exouling suing ai Faw Gad Give stops for implementation of Fast Decoupled Power Flow algorithm. 4 oH Sees tas power anal fine ows an print the eu and goo step 20 pinta. © Wan mrtotes a RL a ove dy UBL ttc LEGAL pce «gece ALONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS) ll? Scanned with CamScanner Caleulte AQF WME: Opgny~ OF “OY [po 2 ow mandp #PV bus test for comerpntes max APIS sac step 12 sete for 8; using [AP] =151 [881¥.7= 12 mp # Btn Galeute 8 1= BE BBY P= Poop AS ‘seep 13 Now got sip 10 ems [925 eae, them zoo step 9 step 16 ‘with generators at buse necessary data are given in the < owen svsten OPERATION AND 9 etn i g:0 som ® WoO iz s Gon +000 Zeon 8 -2me 16216 Moan p2935 € gstz_ pris & igure Y iBseciiLs yenncoae rs anemia mauciossr = Bouccioer 402092-76247| iagam s shown nit (1) “ = ), the bus susceptable matrix is given 3s, 3 Ya = a e = S 1st -sa998 8 JoNTROL UNTU-HYDERABA) fazoxs 4017 1_[aaast 22938 inom: \-n20x5 -40.17¢ L Tsrass soo awe -fazg 002192)" -oozis2 —aasest We know tha, (assume) power st bus 23nd 3 vena, yMVA=(.5 +15) 848) Fc Ogt MP FeOMDg #8) 2) =35pu -0) 5,9200MW=2 pu es Pg.e-20pH 8,95) + cody) + HEV ama” BBD (102 +005) p9 sees pye0s, 5 850. (00124008)pu Ce Pea = 10869" - = 6496-1728 Tareas 686-1 ing al the above values in esuation (2 1569 2-681 «yet. YM Z5* gor ag 2.702 1626 1-0 -03+(.07 42472 e08-71,070)+(LOKLO5KED 90106 6-0°0) = 6a 290597 ay7 13 7763-72205-06154 neye deat 2" Tae ~ 688-2938 oy . “cape VOPsYqc080- 8,4 8)4 VY 608, cats ean cota, 8,48) HIFIT aC Oa 8" 8) ) oo gpcermuM ALLIWONE JOURHAL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS (055 ~)0.074954-6896 + 17241) + (1.0399 —0.00864-2.702 +1626} 118-0 +0)-(Lora247> 105y23.944sin (10665) 24062 ° 1457 4 (9.9819 + 34.7952 {5.817 + 178526» (-2.7352 +1687 = 104 (9.9819 + 34.7992 + 83769-34727 os 18.3588 + 0.0674 =(19093 +007 pu Therefore, «P= 1909spu= 19093 MW” 0,~007 p= TMVAR, sad also, 4+ j0- 1.0055 +/007498) nek he 5396+ (4.896 + /17 241400345 + 007495) —-0.754-+/L.887 1) (2.702 + j16.216K1.08 + 0-1.0399 + 0.0046) su ra -oco| However, bis requ bs. Hence the comesponing he caesponding Ow ad clumn of shoal be eliminated. Thus we 422935) (10055-07895 ~ 1.0399 + 0.0046) 03009 gly == 18501 403009 ‘The ine ows ate, Sa = il 78416-19528) pu = (716 MW 196248 MV WARNING: oouPecpg eta i lid et 8 IAL Ape nt iy * SPECTRUM ALLIN-ONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS | ahaa LEGAL peep. Scanned with CamScanner ARMING: ooo ERUILyean gtyai "s URBLE to fae LEGAL proceeding. ;rnot (JNTU- roe Gee a ee eee fat. Compare Newion-Raphon and Gauss Sede! methods of nad Now solutions, ‘anas Refer 21

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