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Specific objectives: By the end of this lesson, students should be able to
a. Present data in ordered form
b. Construct frequency table from a given data
c. Draw a pie chart
Data is raw information which is most times scattered and needs to be arranged
and presented in for easy reading. There are two types of data which are discrete
data and continuous data. Discrete data are countable data while continuous data
cannot be counted. There are two ways we can present data which by using table
called frequency table and by using diagrams.

Frequency Distribution Table:

Frequency is the number of occurrence of individual items that fall under a
particular class. It is also the number of times an event occurs. There frequency
table or frequency distribution table is a table showing the number of time an item
or event occurs. To avoid mistakes when constructing the frequency table we use
tally marks

Eleven telephone calls were made. The time each call took was recorded as
follows, to the nearest minute: 2,3,2,4, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3, 2
a. Arrange the data in a frequency table, using tally marks
b. How many calls lasted for more than two minutes?
c. Find the percentage of calls that lasted for less than three minutes
Minute Tally mark Frequency
1 11 2
2 1111 5
3 111 3
4 1 1
b. the number of calls that lasted for more than two minutes is 4
7 100
c. the percentage of calls that lasted for less than minutes is ( × )%=63.64%
11 1
Consider the scores of thirty students in a mathematics mental drill test: 2, 1, 0, 4,
2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 0, 5, 4, 3, 3, 0, 3, 2, 3, 1, 3, 4, 5, 3, 1, 5, 2, 3, 5, 4
i. Prepare a tally and a frequency table for the data
ii. How many students scored: a. 0 b. 1 c. 3 d. 4
Scores Tally Frequency
0 111 3
1 1111 4
2 1111 5
3 1111 8
4 1111 5
5 1111 5


There are several graphs and diagrams used to represent data which are pie chart,
bar chart, histogram etc. for this class we will consider the pie chart
A pie chart is used to represent a given information or data pictorially, using the
sectors of a circle. The following steps show how a given data is represented or
illustrated on a pie chart.
1. Find the total of values given
2. Calculate the angle of each category with the formula
𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑔𝑜𝑟𝑦 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒
× 3600
𝑠𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑔𝑜𝑟𝑦 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒𝑠
3. Draw the sectors on a circle diagram using the angles. To draw the diagram:
i. Draw a circle using a pair of compasses
ii. Draw a radius as a starting line
iii. Use a protractor to draw the angle of each sector. Make sure the
protactor is at the centre. Measure the angle very carefully.
iv. Label each sector carefully and the size of the angle also.
Example: The following table shows the distribution of voters in an election for a
class prefect
Name Number of
Akeem 6
Bright 12
Comatsie 18
i. Draw a pie chart to illustrate the information.
ii. What fraction of the votes was cast for Bright?
Total number of votes= 36
Angle of a circle=3600
Then we convert each entry to degrees
Name Number of Angle of sector
Akeem 6 6
× 3600 =600
Bright 12 12
3600 =1200
Comatsie 18 18
× 3600
= 1800
Then we draw using a protractor and a compass

bright akeem

1200 600

𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑣𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑠 𝑐𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝐵𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 12 1

iii. fraction of votes cast for Bright= = =
𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑣𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑠 𝑐𝑎𝑠𝑡 36 3

The following data gives the monthly budget of a man
Item Amount
Food 1000
Rent 500
Savings 500
i. Draw a pie chart to illustrate the information
ii. What fraction of the monthly budget is spent on rent?
Total amount used=₦2000
Angle of circle= 3600
We calculate the angle for each entry
Name Amount Angle of sector
Food 1000 1000
× 3600
= 1800
Rent 500 500
× 3600
= 900
Savings 500 900

i. savings rent

𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑛 𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 500 1

ii.Fraction of monthly budget spent on rent= = =
𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑑𝑔𝑒𝑡 2000 4

The following table shows the expenses of family in a certain month
Item Expenses
Food 5000
Housing 2000
Clothing 4000
Entertainment 1000
i. Illustrate this information on a pie chart
ii. What percentage of the total expenses is spent on clothing?
Total expenses=12000
Total angle in a circle=3600
Convert each entry to degree
Item Expenses Angle of sector
Food 5000 5000
× 3600
= 1500
Housing 2000 2000
× 3600
= 600
Clothing 4000 4000
× 3600
= 1200
Entertainment 1000 1000
× 3600
= 300

Evaluation Questions:
1. The number of students in three classes are shown in the table below
Class Number of
History 20
Geography 23
Art 31
a. Draw a pie chart to show this information
b. What percentage of the total number of students is in history class?

2. Thirty two men were asked how they travelled to work. Their results are shown
in the table
How they Frequency
Walk 14
Car 4
Bus 5
Train 9
a. Draw a pie chart to illustrate the information
b. What fraction of the workers travelled by car?

3. The table below shows the number of students who offer certain subjects in a

Subject No. of a. Draw a pie chart to illustrate the data

students b. What percentage of students of economics?
Mathematics 45
Physics 39
Chemistry 28
Biology 14
Economics 36
History 18


Specific objectives: By the end of this lesson students should be able to
a. Give three occurrence of chance events
b. Calculate the probability of chance events
c. Give four examples of the application of probability in everyday life



An experiment is a process by which an observation is made; an observation is
referred to as an outcome, and an outcome of an experiment cannot be predicted
with certainty.

Sample Space:
The sample space is the set of all possible outcomes of an experiment.

An event is a set of outcomes of an experiment or a subset of the sample space.
Note, a Simple Event or element is an event that cannot be decomposed.
Probability of an Event:

number of ways an event can occur n(E)

P(E) = number of possible outcomes = n(S)

Relative Frequency

In the card game, "Between the Sheets," each player is dealt two cards,
face up. Ace is low and king is high. The player can then fold or bet that
the value of a third dealt card will be between the values of the two
original cards. The bet is lost if the third card is above, below, or matches
the first two cards. You have been dealt two cards. What is the
probability of winning the bet if your cards are dealt?

a) a three and a nine?

b) a four and a ten?
c) a five and a Queen?
d) an ace and a king?
e) a pair of jacks?


A and B are two events defined on the sample space S; the union of A and B
[AUB] is the event that A occurs or B occurs or both occur.

A and B are two events defined on the sample space S; the intersection of A and B
[A  B] is the event that both A and B occur.

Complement of an Event
If E is any event, the event that E does not occur is called the complement of E; it
is all the outcomes that are not associated with E but are in the sample space; it is
written E' or Ec. Furthermore, P(E') = 1 - P(E)

Mutually Exclusive Events

Mutually exclusive events are events that have no outcomes in common.
Example 2.1
An experiment consists of rolling a single die.
S = {1,2,3,4,5,6}

Define two events, A, B as follows.

A = {1,2,3,4}
B = {2,4,6}

Union of A and B: AUB = {1,2,3,4,6}
Intersection of A and B: A  B = {2,4}
Complement of A: A' = {5,6}


A probability measure on a sample space S (i.e. collection of all possible

outcomes) is a function P from subsets of S to the real numbers that satisfies
the following axioms.

Axioms of Probability
1. Nonnegative. The probability of an event is a number between 0 and 1.
0 < P(E) < 1

2. Certainty: The probability of the sample space is 1. P(S) = 1

3. Union: The probability of the union of mutually exclusive events is the

sum of each event's probability. P(AUB) = P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B)

Example 3.1
An experiment consists of rolling a single die. S = {1,2,3,4,5,6}

Define two events, A and B, as follows.

A: "roll an even number" A = {2,4,6}
B: "roll a five" B = {5}

Events A and B are mutually exclusive events; they have no elements in common.
n(A) 3
P(A) = n(S) = 6
n(B) 1
P(B) = n(S) = 6
3 1 4 2
P(AUB) = P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) = 6 + 6 = 6 = 3

Some Essential Properties of Probability

(Assume A and B are events from the sample space S.)
1. P(F) = 0
2. If A is a subset of B, then P(A) < P(B).
3. P(E') = 1 - P(E)
4. Non Mutually Exclusive Events: events with common outcomes
If A and B are non mutually exclusive events,

P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A and B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A  B)

Example 3.2
An experiment consists of drawing one card from a deck of 52 cards.

S = {AS,2S,...,KS,AC,2C,...,KC,AH,2H,...,KH,AD,2D,...,KD}

Define events, A, B, and C, as follows.

A: "draw a black card" A = {AS,2S,...,QS,KS,AC,2C,...,QC,KC}

B: "draw a queen" B = {QS,QC,QH,QD}

C: "draw a joker" C = F (based on definition of the


Events A and B are non mutually exclusive events because there are black queens:
the queen of spades and the queen of clubs.

n(S) = 52; n(A) = 26; n(B) = 4; n(C) = 0; n(A and B) = 2

P(A) = 52
P(B) = 52
P(C) = P(F) = 0
P(A and B) = P(A  B) = 52
26 4 2
P(A or B) = PAUB) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A  B) = 52 + 52 - 52


1. Explain the mistake in the following statements.

a. The probability that a mineral sample will contain silver is 0.38,
and the probability that it will not contain silver is 0.52.

b. The probability that a drilling operation will be a success is

0.34, and the probability that it will not be a success is -0.066.

c. The probability that a student will get an A in a geology course

is 0.32, and the probability that he or she will get either an A or
B is 0.27.

2. What is the probability of the following events?

a. An odd number appears on the single toss of a fair die.

b. A black card is drawn when drawing a single card from an

ordinary deck of 52 cards

c. A black card or red card is drawn when drawing a single

card from an ordinary deck of 52 cards

d. Do not get a heart when drawing a single card from an ordinary

deck of 52 cards

e. An ace, a ten of diamonds, or a three of clubs appears in

drawing a single card from an ordinary deck of 52 cards.
3. The probability that an integrated circuit chip will have a defective
etching is 0.12, the probability that it will have a crack defect is 0.29,
and the probability that it will have both defects is 0.07.

a. What is the probability that a chip will have either an etching or

a crack defect?
b. What is the probability that a chip will have neither defect?

4. A car rental agency has 18 compact cars and 12 intermediate -size

cars. If four of the cars are randomly selected for a safety check, what
is the probability of getting two of each kind?


1. An experiment consists of drawing one card from a deck of 52 cards. What
is the probability that the card is:
a. the ace of spades
b. a red jack
c. a three of clubs or a six of diamonds
d. any suit but clubs
e. a ten or a king?
f. the card is a spade or an ace
g. neither a four or a club?
2. What is the probability of making a 7 in one throw of a pair of dice? Find
the probability of the other sums.

3. From a group of 10 republicans and 8 democrats, a committee of 4 is to be

a. What is the probability of choosing 2 democrats and 2 republicans?
b. What is the probability of at most 2 democrats? 0.7941

4. The probability a new airport will get an award for its design is 0.16; the
probability that it will get an award for the efficient use of materials is
0.24, and the probability that it will get both awards is 0.11. a) What is
the probability that it will get at least one of the two awards? b) What is
the probability that it will get only one of the two awards?
5. A box contains 9 tickets numbered from 1 to 9 inclusive. If 3 tickets are
drawn from the box, one at a time, find the probability that they are
alternately: a) odd, even, odd; b) even, odd, even.

6. In the game of bridge each of 4 players is dealt 13 cards from an ordinary

well-shuffled deck of 52 cards. Find the probability that one of the
players gets a) 7 diamonds, 2 clubs, 3 hearts, and one spade, b) a
complete suit, c) 9 cards are of one suit.

Calculate the probability of winning the Texas lottery. [Randomly select 6
numbers. You win the grand prize if your numbers match all of the 6 numbers
selected by the State. Lesser amounts are won by matching 5, 4, or 3 numbers.]


Independent/Dependent Events
Two events, A and B, are independent if the occurrence of A does not affect the
probability of the occurrence of B; otherwise the events are said to be dependent.

If A and B are independent events: P(A and B) = P(A) xP(B)

If A and B are dependent events: P(A and B) = P(A)xP(B/A)

the occurrence of event B is dependent on the
occurrence of event A (written B/A).

Example 4.1
An experiment consists of drawing two cards from a deck of 52 cards with
replacement, i.e. draw one card and replace it before drawing the second card.
Define two events A and B as follows.
A: "draw an ace"
B: "draw a queen"

Events A and B are independent events because drawing an ace does not affect the
occurrence of drawing a queen (replacement).

n(S) = 52; n(A) = 4; n(B) = 4

P(A) = 52
P(B) = 52
4 4 16
P(A and B) = 52 x52 = 2704 = 0.00592

Now change the experiment so the first card is not replaced before drawing the
second card. Now the probability of the occurrence of B is dependent upon the
occurrence of the first event; on the second draw, the number of elements in the
sample space has been reduced from 52 to 51.
4 4
P(A) = 52 P(B/A) = 51
P(A and B) = P(A)xP(B/A)
4 4 16
P(A and B) = 52 x 51 = 2652 = 0.00603

1. Find the probability of drawing 3 aces from a deck of 52 cards if the
cards are:
a. replaced [1/2197]
b. not replaced. [1/17,576]

2. Among 24 invoices prepared by a billing department, 4 contain errors

while the others do not. If we randomly check 2 of these invoices,
what are the probabilities that:
a. both will contain errors?
b. neither will contain an error?


1. An experiment consists of tossing a coin and a die. Find the probability of

a. a tail on the coin and anything on the die?
b. an odd number on the die and anything on the coin?
c. heads on the coin and a 2 or 4 on the die?
d. heads on the coin given that a 3 has come up on the die?
2. Suppose that a box contains 3 red and 2 green balls. Two balls are drawn from
the box without replacement. What is the probability that the first is red and
the second is green?

3. A fair die is tossed twice. a) What is the probability of getting a 1, 2, or 3 on

the first toss and a 3, 4, 5,or 6 on the second toss?

4. What is the probability that at least one head appears in two tosses of a fair

5. Two machines are used in the production of screws. The probability that
machine A will break down on any given day is 1/20, and the probability that
machine B will break down on any given day is 1/25. What is the probability
that production will cease due to the simultaneous breakdown of the machines.
Assume that the two events are independent.

6. Two cards are drawn from a deck of 52 cards. What is the probability that both
are aces given that the cards are drawn a) without replacement and b) with

7. If a sales call is the result of a "lead," an industrial sales representative will

make a sale 40% of the time. The individual has three leads during a given
week. Assuming independence, what is the probability that a) all three leads
will result in a sale and b) at least one lead will result in a sale?

8. Jill has three quarters and four nickels in her pocket. Two coins are selected at
random. What is the probability that a) both coins are quarters, and b) both
coins have the same value?

9. George has automobile insurance, homeowners insurance, and health

insurance. Within a given year, the probability that he will file a claim on his
automobile is 0.10, on his home is 0.06, and on his health is 0.75. Assuming
that the claims are independent, find the probability of a) filing a claim on all
of these policies in a year, and b) filing at least one claim in a year.

10. Tay-Sachs (TS) disease is a genetic disorder that is usually fatal in early
childhood. If both parents are carriers of the disease, the probability that their
offspring will develop the disease is approximately 0.25. Suppose a husband
and wife are both carriers of the disease and the wife is pregnant on three
different occasions. If the occurrence of Tay-Sach in any one offspring is
independent of the occurrence of any other, what are the following
a) All three children will develop TS disease.
b) Only one will develop TS disease.

In a party with 23 people, what is the probability that at least 2 people were
born on the same day of the year?

Ignore February 29; assume 365 days of the year are equally likely to be

What is more probable in playing against an equal adversary (if the game
cannot end in a tie:
a) Win 3 games out of 4 or win 5 games out of 8?
b) At least 3 games out of 4 or win at least 5 games out of 8?


A and B are events of S, and the occurrence of event A is dependent on the

occurrence of event B (written A/B), then A is conditional on B and the
probability of A given B is:
P(A and B) P(AhB)
P(A/B) = P(B) = P(B)

If B is conditional on A,
P(A and B) P(AhB)
P(B/A) = P(A) = P(A)

Example 5.1
The experiment is to roll one die and observe the number showing.
S: {1,2,3,4,5,6}
Define two events, A and B, as follows.
A: "an odd number" A = {1,3,5}
B: "a number less than 4" B = {1,2.3}
(A  B): {1,3}
Note: P(A) = 6
Now if we use B as a restricted outcome space, and consider the ratio of
number in A to the number in B, then it can be deduced that:
P(A/B) = 3
In terms of a probability, this problem translates into the ratio of the
probability of both A and B happening to the probability of B happening;
thus, using the formula for conditional probability:

P(AhB) 2/6 2
P(A/B) = P(B) = 3/6 = 3

1. Two chips are drawn without replacement from an urn containing five
black chips and three green chips. What is the probability that a) the
second chip drawn is green if the first one was green, and b) the second
chip drawn is black if the first one was black?
2. A committee is composed of six Democrats and five Republicans.
Three of the Democrats are men, and three of the Republicans are men.
If a man is chosen for chair, what is the probability that he is a
Republican? [1/2]

3. A coin is tossed 3 times. Find the probability that all 3 are

heads if
a. it is known that the first two are heads, [1/2]

b. if it is known that 2 of them are heads. [1/4]

4. A hand of five cards is to be dealt at random and without

replacement from an ordinary deck of 52 playing cards. Find
the conditional probability of an all spade hand given that there
are 4 spades in the hand. [.044]

5. A coin is tossed 3 times, and 2 heads and 1 tail fall. What is the
probability that the first toss was heads? [2/3]
6. From an ordinary deck of playing cards, cards are drawn
successively at random and without replacement. Compute the
probability that the third spade appears on the sixth draw.


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