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SESSION 1 Introduction to Al In this session, students are introduced to Ariiicial Inteligence and its concepts. They understand what Arffcial Intelligence actually means and why we need it for now and in the future. During this time, they are also encouraged fo think deeply about some common misconceptions about Al and self-thinking machines. By doing this, they will bring their own reasoning and assessment to the table about the implications of the technology. Once they fully understand the implications, Al brings with it and the responsibilty of an Al programmer, they will see some areas in which Alis being used. They will also think about areas where it can be pretty helpful it applied. Finally.they will leam the steps involved in creating an Al project by looking at the Al project lifecycle. Assignment 1: What is AI? Assignment 2: Why Al? Assignment 3: Application of Al Assignment 4: Al project lifecycle Session 1: Review Technoalsr 1 TECHNOKicS Assignment 1: What is Al? How is a machine different from a human? A human being can be considered an exiraordinary machine. However,there are many differences between humans and machines. Can you think of 5 ways in which humans are different trom machines? Humans Machines 1. | Humans understand the sit machines do not have the 2. | Humans are creative andi | Machines are operated ar 3. | Humans have organ syster_ | Machines work with their n 4 | Humans have emotions ai | Machines don't have emo 5. | Humans have many diver. Machines only have abiiitic Technet 2 TECHNOKICS. Having known these differences, isit possible fo make machines more human-ike? List 5 ways in which you think machines can be made more human-like. 1.| Machines can be taught to perceive emotions 2.| Bringing creativity to Al to produce unique pieces of music or 3.| Alcan support people in making better decisions 4. Allbecoming more sophisticated in its capacity fo interact on 5. Alcan help to support a whole range of strategic processes, F Earlier machines could not think for themselves. They only followed instructions that were given to them by humans. There was a commen term used tor this - GIGO. s ' s ° Gorbage In Gorbage out Garbage in Garbage Out’ meant that the output you get from your computer depends on ‘what you give it as input, sof you give it Garbage, It gives back Garbage to you as output, But nowadays, Iris possible to train machines to learn things by themselves so that they can think for themselves and make their own decisions. Technoatst 3 TECHNOKics What is Intelligence? Inteligence Is the ably to use past experlence to solve problems, adept to new circumstances, and act purposefully. The key here is'leaming from oast experiences’ and applying this to your day- to-day lives. Who in your opinion is the most intelligent person? What is Artificial Intelligence? Artificial Intelligence is a simulation of human intelligence. Nothing but computers and machines trying fo think and work ike hurnans. Its @ branch of sclence that stresses the creation of intelligent machines. Some areas of arliicial intelligence may include leaming, reasoning, and self- correction. Some examples of Al technologies include Speech Recognition, object detection, and recognition, as well as problem-solving. TechnoAlst 4 TECHNOKicS Is Al something to be afraid of? Alot of movies have been made on the concept of Artificial inteligence. Can you think of some? Transcendence Tomorrowland Most movies portray Arfificial Inteligence as something that will eventually cause harm to the human race. Do you believe this will be possiole? Why or why not? In movies, the portrayal of Al causing harm to the human race is a common theme. However, it is important to remember that The truth is that unless human beings out all thelr power into the hands of machines, we have nothing to worry about, At this stage, Als stil in its infancy. We stil have a long way to go betore machines can gain complete ‘cutenomy’ or starr thinking for ‘nemselves and acting at thelr own will Techno Als 5 TECHNOKics. Assignment 2: Why Al? Advantages of Al Alas many advantages and can make things a lot easier for us. Here’s how: 1. Since machines don't get bored or tired quickly, they can help do repetitive or tedious tasks. 2. Machines don't have emotions. They also don't get distracted easily. So they can think more logically and have a much lower error rate than humans. 3. Machines don’t need any sleep, rest or break. As such,it can wark for hours without complaining. This can help increase the efficiency of the performed task. 4, We can send Al machines out to do tasks that would otherwise be dangerous for human beings. We can also send them into space without sacrificing human lives 5. Since Al machines can think for themselves, they can assist humans and even give recommendations. They can easly search for the required Information,ask relevant questions, and predict what @ human wants. Technoflse 6 TECHNOKiCS. Can you think of ways in which the above advantages of Al can be put fo use? 1, Machines can be made used to answer commonly asked questions in customer service booths or kiosks 2. Machines can act as advisors in important military activities or medical centers. 3. Machinescanwarkin24-hourjobsikecalicenters,oharmacies,6ic. 4, They can be sent fo high-isk are as for military operations 5. They can serve as reliable personal assistants or secretaries. They con even serve as waiters or fight attendants in any place requiring customer service. TechnoAtse 7 TECHNOKics. Disadvantages of Al Despite so many advantages, Al does come with some disadvantages too, It can be expensive and time-consuming to build and repair Al machines. 2. Alrequites a lot of supporting data and code.As such, storage of this data can be quite expensive, ‘Al machines are, after all, machines. They are devoid of sympathy or ‘emotions and lack human contact. As such, they cannot be applied to are 8 that require a human touch, such as nursing. 4. We human beings may not be as fast as a machine, but we do nave something innate that ¢ machine con probably never possess. We humons ‘are blessed with common sense that machines, even Al machines, lack. 5. If humans became too dependent on Alwe may be come lazy and lose physical and mental capacities. TECHNOKics. TechnoAlse So we know that Al, like all other new technologies, has its own share of Pros and Cons. Bul, having said this, here are some questions for you fo ponder: 1.|sit ethically and morally correct to have androids or humandike robots? | personally don't think its ethically or morally corect to have androids or human like robot. Creating androids or human-ike robots raises ethical questions about their rights, treatment, and potential exploitation. It may be argued that creating entities that closely resemble humans could blur the ines 2. Is inteligence a gift of nature that shouldn't be recreated? HW has both positive and negative sides. On the bright side, attempting to recreate or enhance intelligence artificially could have potential benefits, such ‘as advancing scientific research, improving problem-solving capabilities, or addressing societal challenges. While on the negative side, there would be TechnoAlse s TECHNOKics. 3..Wil Al lead to increased unemployment? ‘Al may lead to unemployment in certain sectors, particularly those involving routine and repetitive tasks. 4, Can machines lead fo desiruction if fallen into the wrong hands? Any powerful fool or technology, machines can be misused or exploited by Individuals or groups with malicious intent as actions and consequences ultimately depend on the intentions and actions of the humans controlling or utilzing the machines. 5. Can Al supersede humans or enslave us? No, Al cannot ensiave humans. Alis a tool created ana controlled by humans, and Its capabiities are determined by the programming and algorithms designed by humans. Al systems do not possess consciousness, intentions, or desites of their own. They operate based on predefined mules and data inputs. Technoslse 10 TECHNOK ics. Assignment 3: Application of Al? Al has many applications. Today you can apply Al to practically any field or area you can think off Computer Vision Computer vision is an area of Al that deals with images and video. Al has come along way in this area. Today you can create an Al appication that can detect objects in on image er video, recognize your face, and even tell what emotion you are going through by looking at your facial features! ‘Medical Sciences Alls being used in medicine in many ways. + You can use Alin Computer Vision to detect tumors and cancer collsin CT scan that sometimes the human eye can miss. + It can diagnose and predict diseases much in advance simply by looking at your history of X-rays, CT scans, or MRI scars. Technoalse u TECHNOKics. Self-driven Cars + Computer Vision Al can help create sel-driven cars by detecting obstacles like trees, people,cr any other object in your way. It can then guide your vehicle to steer clear of these obstacles. + Alcan also help you see a map and decide on the shoriest route to reach your destination, Can you think of any apps or software that uses Al in Computer Vision? Facebook/Snapchat If you thought of Facebook and Snapchat, you'te tight! You will notice that Facebook uses @ Face recognition system (An Al technology) to auto-tag you in both your as well as your friends’ uploaded images. Similarly, Snapchat uses Face Detection (Al technology)te find your face and parts of your face and add different embellishments. Technoalse TECHNOKics. Look at the following pictures. From the data that you have in each image,can you predict what will happen next? Technol 8 TECHNOKicS TechnoAlst Me TECHNOKicS. Natural Language Processing ‘You must have seen numerous movies or read science fiction books about robots that can understand and talk to humans, This is no longer science fiction but almost @ reality! The branch of Al that facilitates this is Notural Language Processing (NLP). Natural Language Processing Is the technology that allows computers to understand human language. Since machines lack common sense, they cannot inherently know how we communicate. Thay need to be trained to read, translate and understand what we say and how they should respond to different verbal cues. Technofisr 6 TECHNOKiGS Atypical interaction between humans and an NLP machine can involve the following steps: Human talks to the machine Machine Istens{collects the audio) Translates the oudio in to text Processes the toxt Converts the text back to audio signals The machine responds using this audio fle on eee Sentiment Analysis Natural language processing is being used every day by businesses in the form of Sentiment analysis Social media is always buziing with people's comments on different topics and trends. Its easy to collect comments from different people ‘about @ particular topic on social media ike Facebook, Twitter, etc. Once this data is collected, you con then use Natural Language Processing with Al to determine the general public sentiment about the given topic. For example, say you want to create a new language app. You can conduct sentiment analysis on social medic to see people's sentiments about language: ‘opps in general. After you have released the app into the market, you can also find out how the general public reacts to it, whether they are satisfied or have, complaints. TechnoAlse 5 TECHNOKics. Governments use Sentiment Analysis to determine public opinion about theit other policy announcements and campaigns. This way, they can quickly find out what's working and not. They can further use the results of this anatysis to make better strategies and plans for the future, Chat Bots A chat bot is software that uses Natural Language Processing to cary on one-to- one conversations with humans through veice or text. These machines are usually made fo simulate human conversation. Technoslse Many organizations use chat bots to act as automated customer service representatives, This allows the organization to be available 24/7 to Its ‘customers without hiring human customer service agents to work 24/7. This clso helps take care of routine and frequently asked questions and allows speedy processing of multiple customer requests simultaneously.in this way, ofganizations use chat bets to gain customer loyalty. Chat bots are being used In some countries to automatically set medical ‘appointments, send money, make flight reservations, ete. 7 TECHNOK ICS. Can you think of any opps or software that uses Natural Language Processing? Google Translate, Alexa It you thought of translation apps ike Google Translate, you're right! Google translate uses Natural Language Processing automatically translate ony sentence or paragraph into any other language. Similarly personal. assistant applications like Si and Alexa use Netural Language Processing to interpret what you ask, say or request ond respond accordingly. Look ot the following sequence of numbers: 1,2,48,16,32,64. Can you detect a pattem here? Locking at the pattem,what number do you predict should come next? Answer: | 128, TechnoAist 8 TECHNOKicS. Internet of Things This has become a buzzword In the tech industry nowadays. The Internet of Things (Io1] is cn interconnection of different machines, objects, and people via small embedded devices. These devices enable all the interconnected entities to communicate with each other. A simple loT can consist of your phone, washing machine, music system, and you, all connected through a cloud network. Organizations world wide are rushing to combine the benefits of Al with the loT so that people can live a completely automated ife in the true sense. Techno alse 1% TECHNOKics Home Automation Once considered a concept in Science Fiction movies and books (Ever watched ‘The Jetsons'2), Home automation Is now a reality thanks to oT and Al. Today, it's possible to integrate your everyday devices with one cnother through the Intemnel. With the help of sensors embedded in your devices, you can manage them using your smart phone or tablet from anywhere in the world. + With the help of loT and Al, Robotic Vacuum cleaners can automatically clean your house, effectively detecting parts of your home that reauire the most attention. When you are on your way home, your car can send signals to your home heating devices to switch on, so your home is nice and toasty when you're there. It can even set your microwave fo heat up your food and the coffee maker to brew you a fresh cup of your favorite coffee. This way, you can be welcomed with warm food and hot coffee when youre home + Security cameras can be integrated with Al to detect potentially suspici ‘guests or activities. Technoflse 2 TECHNOKicS. Industrial Equipment Operation and Maintenance + IoT data analytics can predict when your devices are likely to fall so that proper maintenance procedure scan be scheduled. This is known as Predictive Maintenance. + IoT with Al models can be used on industrial equipment to ensure operational efficiency. These models can identity equipment parameters that need to be adjusted an the go. Can you think of any opps or software that uses Al in loT? Alexa Technoslse 2 TECHNOKics. It you thought of Amazon Echo or Alexa, you're right! Applications like Alexa: allow us to interact with devices in our home and convert it into a'Smart Home. In this way, just by giving verbal instructions, we can get Alexa to control devices like lights, thermostats, and music in our home. We can also Get it to order products tram Amazon! Have you ever imagined your dream Smart Home that uses loT integrated with Al® What features do you want your Smart Home to have? TechnoAlse 2 TECHNOKicS. Data Science Nowadays, a lot of data Is available as we humans are Increasingly hoarding date through different devices. Increased automation and the use of computers have given tise fo almost 2.5 quiniilion bytes of data being produced dally! Iquintilion byle=10186ytes How many Klobytes Is a quintilion? 10° Kilobytes How many Megabytes? 10% Megabytes How many Gigabytes? 10" Gigabytes How many Terabytes? 10* Terabytes TECHNOKics. TechnoAlse Data has now become the most precious resource. Many people callit the new ‘OI afer the Industrial revolution. Thus the term ‘Big Data’ was coined. Quite. Iterally, 81g Data means a considerable amount of data. This data can b9 cnalyzed computationally to find essential pattems,trends,and_ correlations between the data items.This kind of analysis is beneficial in the business and finance Industries. It Is also widely used In studying human behavior and Interactions to find business opportunities. Banking Banks ore using daia about their consumers’ spending pattems to detect large purchases made by them. Depending on this information, banks can Predict which financial products they should offer the consumer.in this \way,banks can affer customized solutions that serve the exact needs of their consumers Government Polls Govemments use data about past election pattems to make early predictions about how nominated candidates are likely to fare in future elections. TechnoAlsr 2 TECHNOKicS. Weather analysis and Prediction It ls now possible to analyze weather pattems over past years and then use Al to predict how the weather willbe on any particular day. Fraud detection in card-based systems Froud-based attacks in payments are increasing day by day, and they are becoming more and more complex in nature. This is making it increasingly difficult to detect them using rule- basediiogic.Al can be used to analyze the data to find pattems in @ user's interaction history. This can help detect and predict fraudulent activities early so immediate action can be taken. Can you think of any opps or software that uses Data Science? Google Search Engine 2 TECHNOKics. It you thought of Google Search Engine, you'te right! Google uses past search pattems and trends to predict our queries in this way,it can find us pages that might not exactly have the exact words that we queried but would be relevant to what we want. Similarly, Netfix processes our watch pattems to leam our tastes and recommends movies and TV shows we are likely to Ike. Avengers: ¥| Terminator Toy Story AChiisimas Carol v Baby's Day Out FasteFuriow v Tronic spidermen iv] Ect Pray Love the Lion king 7 ‘he Noteeook Dumb ond cumber How to train Yourcragon [4] ‘crazy Rich asions v Tomb Raider Sheek v TechnoAlsr 2 TECHNOKiGs Now depending on the cbove-selected movies, which of the following movies would you recommend to your friend? Pick the movie that you feel your friend is most likely to watch, Bos Eoby v antluon surostic word Bruce Almighty ‘Shanghei Neon The Fouttin Our stars Ask your friend to see if your recommendation was right. Would he/she like to. watch the movie? Yes a No TechnoAlst 7 TECHNOKics. Assignment 4: Al Project Lite Cycle A series of steps need to be taken to build an Al project. These steps need to be followed in a particular order. Skiping or overlooking any one of the steps can compromise the quality of results of the Al project. What is an Al Lite Cycle? The Al Life cycle,also known as the Machine Leaming Life cycle, is a cyclical process that AI projects follow to derive practical business value. This cycle has six steps, and every step has equal importance. Steps in the Life Cycle The six steps in the Al Life Cycle are as follows: 1. Decide on what outcomes you want The first step Is the planning phase, where you Identify what result you want from the Al project. This could be to solve an exsting problem, increase customer satisfaction, improve operations or create valve for your business. TechnoA'st 2 TECHNOKics. 2. Gather Data This step involves identifying sources from where data can be acquired. These sources may include files, images, databases, or the Intemet. The quality and quantity of data collected will determine the quality and rellabilty of your Al project’s output. The more data you have, the better the outcome. If it is Impossible to collect large amounts of date physically, you can download ready-bullt data sets available on the Interet. For example, Google allows you to download data on user search activities. There ore even medical data sets like MRI scans, Xray images, etc. At the end of this step, you get a coherent set of data. This is called the data set. 3. Prepare/Wrangle the Data Data wrangling is the process of making the data suitable for use. This Is done by cleaning up the data fo remove noise or repetitions, converting all the data inte a uniform format so there are no biases,and selecting the variables that are useful and will affect resuits. echnoAlse = TECHNOKics. 4, Select a Suitable (and accurate) Model The wrangled data is analyzed using various techniques in the next step. This step. starts with fist deciding on a suitable machine leaming model that can effectively ‘extract the required information from the data set to achieve the desired outcome. Different machine leaming mode's can be used, like Classification, Regression, Association, Cluster Analysis, etc. ‘Once the suitable model is chosen, it is applied to the data to evaluate and see it the model works. This process is called training. A model is trained for two purposes: + To see understand pattems, rules, and features in the data + To improve its own performance for @ belter outcome: 5, Deployment In this step,we deploy the model intotherectworldsysiem.We test it out fo see if the above steps were successful in producing our required results. Setore putting it out Into there al world, the data Is checked fo see If we are getting desired resuits on gvailable data. If yes, then we convert the model into an applicati be used without the need for training. Techaoals: % TECHNOK ics 6. Fine-Tuning Once your machine has been deployed, you can continue to test It and find new bugs. This way, you will be able to identify which areas of your Al project require fine- tuning. Once you know what improvements you want in your system, this willserve as the new outcome you wish to achieve. Thus,the cycle continues Technoals a TECHNOKics As areview, fl up the blank boxes in the chart below with the steps in an Alife oyele: Decide Outcome Deployment Gather Data ——_‘Fine-tuning Select Suitable Prepare / ‘Model Wrangle Dota Fine - Tuning Gather Data Prepare / Deployment Wrangle Data 4 Select Suitable Model wu ee reamoris Now, let us try to see how we can apply this cycle to a real Al project. Think of an Al project you would want to create/improve. Write how you would go ‘about 8ach of the above staps to complete one Al cycle successfully 1. Decide on what outcomes you want (State what result you want your project to give 2. Gather Data (Write where you can find relevant data for your project and what kind of data you wil need) TechnoAlsr 3 TECHNOKics. 3. Prepare /Wrangle the Data (How will you process the data to prepare It for training? Which variables from the data set will be most beneficial to get results?) 4, Select @ Suilable(and accurate) Model (Since you have not yet leamed any machine leaming models, you can skip this step and assume that you have already selected a suitable model to train on your data.) Technoslse 3 TECHNOKics. 5. Deployment (Write what platform you would want to deploy your working system on,so it can be used. Would you want to create a mobile app for it? Would you upload it to. a website? Or would you make a desktop app for it?) 6. Fine-Tuning (Write how you can find areas in your project that need improvement. How con you improve it or add value to your current system?) Technoslse a5 TECHNOKics. Session 1: Review Abbreviations in Al: Write the full form for the following Al abbreviations. 1Al - Artificial Intelligence 2. NLP - Natural Language Processing 3. lol - Internet Of Things TechnoAlst 3s TECHNOKics. Al Terminology: Give the Al term for the definitions below Co 4, An area of Al that deals with image Computer Vision and video is called. 5. Avery large amount of data can be ‘analyzed computationally to find patterns or Big Data trends 6. Inter connection of different machines, objects, and people via small embedded Internet of Things devices and the Intemet. a TECHNOKicS Technonlse Give examples of each: J} fo 7. AChat bot Facebook Chat Bot 8. ARecommendation System Nettlix / Linkedin / Facebook 9. An Al Personal Assistant ‘Alexa / Cortana / Echo integrated with lot = TECHNOKics. TechnoA'st Answer the following question: 10. List the steps involved in an Al Life Cycle and explain each step in one line. There are 6 steps involved in an Al Life Cycle: 1] Planning Phase 2)Gather Data 3] Prepare the Data 4)Select a Suitable Model 5)Development 6]Fine- tuning - Finding Bugs Technosse s TECHNOKicS. SESSION 2 Introduction to Machine Learning In this session, students will lean the basic concepts of Machine Leaming by Correlating them with real-world problems. Next, they will look at how machines con leam the same way humans can. They will then understand the purpose behind using Machine Leaming and how it can solve some of the biggest problems in the world. Many people mix up the tems Al and Machine leaming or et Confused between the Iwo. In Assignment7,students will eam the fundamental relationshio between the two and see how the concept of Al gave tise to the concept of Machine Leaming. Following this, students are introduced to the main steps involved in Machine Leaming with a reckworld example. They will also lean the main concepts behind some of the popular Machine Leaming algorithms. ‘Assignment 5: What is Machine Learning? ‘Assignment 6: Why Machine Leeming? Assignment 7: Co-relation between Al and Machine leaming Assignment 8: How does Machine Leaming Work? Assignment 9: Types of Machine Leaming Session 2: Review TechnoAist a TECHNOKics. Assignment 5: What is Machine Learning? How Our Brain Learns By looking at the picture, can you differentiate between a cat and a dog? ) os TechnoA'st 2 TECHNOKics. How did you learn to do this? When we were born, our brains were like a clean slate. We knew clmost nothing. We had never seen a cat before or a dog. But soon, we started learning and becoming more capable every day. By hearing people repeatedly utter the word ‘dog’ whenever a dog was nearby, our brains started to associate the word ‘dog’ with the shape, color, and other features of a dog. On seeing a number of dogs of different types (including cartoons), we started realizing that all dogs have a set of similar features associated with them, even if they are from different breeds. We leamed to recognize cats exactly the same way. In other words, cour brains used past experiences with dogs and cats to leam the difference between the two. TechnoAist a TECHNOKicS How a Computer can learn So, is it possible 10 accomplish the same kind of learning using a computer? In fact, Just as your brain uses experience to Improve at a task, so can computers. How can you get a compuier to recognize a dog from a cat? You can start by feeding it with muttiple images of cats and dogs and telling it which is which. oo This ir @ eat This i @ eat This ie dog Thiele dog This Ie a dog echnoAlse “a TECHNOKics. When you program a computer to lear, it will ry fo find statistic al pattems within ‘tne data you provide. And in this way, It will leam to recognize a cat and a dog. For example, it might figure out that cats have whiskers, dogs have flatter noses,dogs have longer ears, etc. ‘Once it has been trained on enough images of cats and dogs, it will be able to recognize eny cat or dog in the future when you show It a new Image that It has. never seen netore ©° Technoslse 6 TECHNOKicS. Its Important to remember here thal the computer identifies the patiems, not the programmer. Instead, the computer uses these pattems to establish an algorithm that it will use to identify images of animals in the future. This process that the computer uses to leam is called Machine Leaming. This is not the only way in which machines lear, though, there are different types of machine leaning techniques. You will see many of them as you progress in the course. How can you tell how good a machine learning system is? Just ke our hurnan rain is not perfect, neither is @ machine leaming system. You cannot expect a machine learning system to be correct 100% of the time. But itis possible to keep improving it. We can find out how good a macine learning system is by measuring: + How accurate the system is (How much % of the answers it got conect) If amachine learning system got 20 answers out of 50 answers correct, how accurate would you say itis2 (h percentage) + How time efficient the system is [How test it leame and is able to predict the onswersIt ‘one machine leaming system(A)answers30questions In 0.05 seconds, and another system (B)answers the same 30 questions in 0.02 seconds, which Is he better system? TechnoAlsr 4“ TECHNOK ics. How do you improve the accuracy of the system? You can improve the accuracy of a machine leaming system in numerous ways. + You can collect more data to train the system. The more cate you feed into the system, the more exposed it is to a variety of ‘examples and the better the predictions. In our cat and dog example, you can train the systam with more Images of cats and dogs to Improve Its aocuracy. + You can add more variables/features while training the system. In our cat and dog exemple, you can include additional information relating to each of the images, for example, the breed of the animal or the height/weight of the enimal + You can fine-tune the parameters of the machine learning algorithm. You will understand what this means once you have leamed about the machine leaming life cycle. Challenges in Machine Learning We now understand that machine leaming Is this really cool technology that can make machines jean and think like human beings. However, ke every new technology, machine leaming cornes with some chellenges. Technoalse ” TECHNOKics. + Quantity of Data: In order for your machine leaming model to work well, you need to feed it very large amounts of data [remember the term Big Data’). It is often very ciffcult to acquire such a large amount of data. Moreover, storing this data is also a big challenge, as storing large amounts of data can get quite expensive. Sometimes you might not have enough storage space. and may need to compress the data in order to store it. However, it can be quite. tough to find the best compression clgeritnm that can squbh large amounts of data Into small storage spaces while not comoromising the data quality. + Quality of the Data: The data quality also affects how well your machine leaning model performs. The data has to be clean and noisetree [noise is ony additional data thot is meaningless. For example,in a set of dogs and cats, if an image of a cow gets in, it wil have 100 much variation from the other images and so can be considered noise). Moreover.tne data needs to be structured uniformly so that all of them can be. treated in the same way. This can include resizing images to ensure all are the same size or making all the images have the same brightness or color. Owing to the large. volume of data, it can sometimes become difficult to find noisy elements or to clean up the data thoroughly. TechnoAist a TECHNOKics. Assignment 6: Why Machine Learning? Can you think of the Biggest Problems in the World Todayé There are surely many!But with the advancement of technology, it is now possible to address (if not solve) many of these problems. echnoslse s TECHNOKicS. What problems can Machine Learning/Al solve? + Healthcare: The human eye has limitations, and human Intuition does not always work. As such, problems Ike cancer or tumors often go undetected. However, machine leaming makes it possible fo scan through massive amounts of dota, xray images, MRI scans, and CT scans within record time. After going through so much data, a machine leaming system can detect cancers, tumors, and other cartlers of dissases even better than humans! + Accidents: Most trafficrelated accidents hoppen due fo late reactions by people. Studies have revealed that when a person becomes aware of a dangerous situation, it sometimes elapses before he/she can take some defensive action. This time Is called reaction iime,roughly about 0.7 seconds for an average human being. Machine leaming can help detect obstacles in advance, steering you clear of the danger well before your brain can react. In fact, selt-oriving cars are already a realty! TechaoAls: #0 TECHNOK ics Education: Machine Learning is transforming how we lam too!There are still a number of remote areas of the world where if is difficult to find teachers to educate chiloten. However, it is possiole to use machine leaming to create @ number of artificial tutors who can look and sound as much humandike as possible. these: tutors can be aacessiole even in remote areas to assist students in their leaming. In fact, Georgia Tech University in the US has already created a robot teaching assistant to answer student questions. And so for, it answers with almost 97%. Energy Crisis: The whole planet is suffering from on eneray crisis. As such, ithas become very important to ensure we use energy wisely. We need to save os much energy as Wwe can for future generations. Machine Leaming can help us accomplish this through smarter use of energy. Google has used its Machine Leaming platform, Deep Mind,to predict when thelr hardware systems will IKely get too hot. This way, they activate thelr cooling systems only duting those predicted times. As a result, Google has saved almost 40% in eneray costs! The world is changing daily, and so are the needs of people. So there is a LOT of data that Is getting created every day. And there needs 10 De a way to Use. this data and get some meaningful insights out of it. Techno 3 TECHNOKicS Do you remember from Session 1 how much date we are producing every day? [ This data is increasing exponentially. It i said that the world is going through a fourth industrial revolution, with data being the driving force. Types of Available Data We are amassing data in all forms and sizes. Following are some of the types ot data avaliable nowadays: Data Generated By Businesses: Businesses generate a whole lot of useful, structured data. This form of data is also known as ‘exhaust data’, since It cames as a by-product of business processes. The information thus produced can come in very handy in making financial decisions. TECHNOKics. 8 Here are some forms of data generated by Businesses: + Crodit card transaction data + Soles transaction data + Data from government agencies + Email Receipts Can you name one more? Data Generated By Peop! Individuals spend a lot of time on the Internet and Social media, thereby creating a lot of data every minute. Unfortunately, most of this data tends to e Unstructured and is thus, harder to process Out Useful nevertheless. Here are some forms of data generated by Sensors: + Satelite images + Data trom geo-location devices + Data trom POS systems, + Parking lot sensor data + Data from precipitation sensors, pressure sensors, thermometers,etc. Can youname one more? echnoAlse = TECHNOKics. Data Generate By Sensors: Many electronic devices are being used worldwide, and sensors in these devices ‘are continually picking up signals and transfering them too their devices. Most of these signals are unstructured data but can provide a wealth of information for various purposes. Here are some forms of data generated by Sensors: + Satellite images * Data from geo-location devices + Data from POS systems, + Parking lot sensor data + Date from precipitation sensors, pressure sensors, thermometers, etc. Can you name one more? echnoAlse 3 TECHNOKics. What can we do with this data? All of the above forms of data, whether structured or unstructured, can provide uswith a wealth of information and insights If we can process them correctly. + Governments and businesses can use dete from Social media interactions to determine how the public reacts to new policies or products. + Data from search engines can help companies find out what kinds of keywords their audience is using to look them up or what kind of products would have a more significant number of buyers. + Gecocation data is the data received by devices like your phone, GPS, WiFi‘or Bluetooth devices to help track their location. This data can be used to make location- based decisions. For example, an organization can get to know which locations have the most demand for specific products or services. For example, retail stores can use this data to decide on which areas ‘iney should expand their business. TechnoAise s TECHNOKics. Can you tell us how we can put the follawing data to use? Data from POS systems Data from precipitation sensors.thermometers.ete Satellite images Technoalse % TECHNOK ics How can this data be gathered? There are numerous ways in which we can collect data for machine leaming. Raw data: Data can be collected in raw, unprocessed form, and this can be obtained right from the source. For example, we can obtain signal data from a sensor {mainly In the form of a collection of numbers). The data Is in completely raw form without being cleaned or structured in any way, Web scraping: Web scraping Is the process of extracting data from websttes.This Is done by running apiece of code called a ‘scraper’ that goes through entire websites locking for specific data Items, pulling ther out, and transferring them to @ spreadsheet. Data scraped can include: + Product details + Images + Videos + Text * Contact information (email address, phone numbers, etc.) Technoalse 7 TECHNOKicis. 3rd party licensing: Certain companies obtain exhaust data from other companies. They then process this data, clean it up, structure it nicely and sell it to other organizations. These companies need to obtain a license to collect and sell this data. But this type of data is usually easier to work with, as they are already ready to use. How does Machine Learning help us Use this Data? Machine learning systems run computational algorithms that go over all the date and find pattems, associations, and dependencies in the data. Once they find the relationship between variables in the data, the system uses this to classify, detect essential elements, or make predictions about new data, In other words, machine leaming systems make sense of this flood of data and provide us with steadfast and accurate insights about it Technontse 2 TECHNOK ics Assignment 7:Co-relation between Al and Machine lear Traditional Al Traditionally, Al mostly comprised of instructions that were rule-based and hard- Coded. That means we, as human beings, had to give the computers the rules and the data and tell it what kind of output we expected from each type of input. ‘One of the early forms of Al could be seen in an app called Eiza, backinl966. Also known os the Ezabot, it was fist implemented by IBM and was clcimed to be capable of carrying on conversations by text, It is stil available online. You can have some fun conversing with Eliza by going to the link below: hitp://www.masswerk.at/elizabot/ The problem with the Elizabot was that all the instructions and responses that Eizo would give were hard-coded. That means the programmer had to anticipate in advance the kinds of inputs Eliza was likely to get and then instruct Biza on how to respond with a number of ‘if’ statements. Again, this was not a very favorable way to work. The result? Take a look ai a conversation of a user with Eliza: Technoalsr # TECHNOKics Eliza mn? F did not say anything yot! ‘can you elaborate on that? Do you say how can you elaborate on something you even say for some special reason ? nope, no special reacon T give wp! on My Cod! Your goa? you: Forget it, Bye Eliza Ihave your god ? ou: Bye. estan: serybe we could discuss this moreover in our next Tak Reset From the cbove conversation, you can see that it is not always possible to anticipate every kind of input. Therefore, a rule-based Al system can never really ‘work well since there are so many exceptions to take care of. TechnoAlst 0 TECHNOKics. Con you wite a set of rules on how a teacher should grade a student depending on the student's marks? Now try fo write a set of rules to teach someone to swim. Write as many rules as you can think of, So you notice, it s not possible to teach someone to swim using a rule-based epproach because there may be an infinite number of situations! TechnoA'st st TECHNOKics. The Advent of Machine Learning Somewhere cround the time of the Elzabot, a group of programmers came up with a new theory. They proposed that instead of feeding the computer with rUles, if would be more beneficial to give the computer alot of data and let the computer makeup the rules by itself. This is the basis of machine leaming, where the machine leams from data. Machine Leaming basically simulates the human brain. |t copies the process ‘hat we as humans use to lean and be intelligent. It uses a process of trial ana error to establish a set of Its own rules and then uses the rules to function. Two things facil ted the advent of machine leaming: 1. We now have an enormous amount of data at our disposal 2, We now have high-power computing machines fo process large amounts of data and high-capacity storage systems to store the data, So now, thanks to machine learning, we have machines that can eam to write, recognize handwriting, walk, or even compose music! TechnoAlst 2 TECHNOKicS Machine Learning and Al Although the words Machine Leaming and Arificia! Inteligence cre being used inter changeably in many places, there is a fundamental difference between the two OCA M UU sy eg at DEEP eT TechnoAist 8 TECHNOKics. Al is @ branch of science that deals with technologies to create computers) robots that can simulate human behavior. Machine Learning is a subse of Al and is one of the technologies that help accomplish the goals of Al by leaming from date. Machine lecming can be considered a concept, an algorithm, or a technology; conversely, Al can be viewed as a broader umbrella under which Machine Leatning comes. Deep Leaming is a more specialized area of Machine Leaming, but we will discuss itn later sessions. TechnoAlse 6a TECHNOKic's. inment 8: How does Machine Lear g Work? Machine leaming oims to create a model that answers questions correctiy. This question may be a classification question ([s the given it mean’x’ or a ‘y’?), it may be @ prediction question (Will it rain tomorowa), oF a problem-solving question (should | buy that purse or not?) The algorithm that answers these questions is called a model. The model is created through a process called training. To train the model, we need date that it can train ‘on. The machine learning algorithm runs over the data again and again, identifying Pattems in the data as it trains. It trains with the goal of getting to know the data ‘enough Io be able to make predictions about It if It comes across any new data input in the future Let's see how this works with on example. Fist, let's design system that answers the ‘question of whether a student will Ikely go for Commerce or Science. We will use this example to go through the steps involved in « machine leaming process one by one. echnoalse 6 TECHNOKics.

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