Teaching Practice Assignment 2024

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Filipe Miquione



Chimoio, March 2024



Filipe Miquione
dr; Carolina Neves Masanvu



Chimoio, March 2024

1. Introduction.............................................................................................................................1

2. Flashcards to introduce a reading passage..............................................................................2

2.1 The concept of flashcards.....................................................................................................3

2.1.1 The Use of Flashcards in Teaching.............................................................................3

2.2 Types of flashcards................................................................................................................5

2.3 Advantages of flash cards.....................................................................................................8

2.4 Activities for using flashcards...............................................................................................9

2.4.1 Memory activities.......................................................................................................9 Memory Tester.........................................................................................................9

2.4.2 Drilling activities........................................................................................................9 Invisible Flash cards................................................................................................9

2.4.3 Identification activities........................................................................................10 .Reveal the word....................................................................................................10

2.4.4 TPR activities......................................................................................................10 Point or race to the flash cards...............................................................................10

3. Conclusion............................................................................................................................11

4. References.............................................................................................................................12

1. Introduction
To assert that, the first use of cards dates back to at least the 19th century, by Favell
Lee Mortimer, an English teacher and author of educational books for children. In the past,
these were purely paper-cut cards, with a handwritten question on one side and the correct
answer on the other. This approach led the pupil to ask questions concerning the given topic
on the front and then turn the card to the other side where the answer was writtten. The used
card was then placed in pre-prepared boxes that were organized based on the Leitner system,
that is, divided according to the degree of information acquisition (Javorcik, 2021, p. 3).
Along with that, Flashcards are instructional and educational tools containing numerical,
alphabetical, andother visual elements. Moreover, flashcards are cards that can be used for
studying, practicing, memory retrieving and improvement. These cards are usually two-sided,
with one side containing a piece of specific information, and the other with an answer or extra
information. Flashcards are among the go-to and common educational and instructional tools.
So, this assignment goes further talking about flashcards to introduce a reading passage.

2. Flashcards to introduce a reading passage

Using flashcards has been found massively effective repeatedly in learning, it can be
recommended to teach reading as an effective teaching strategy in mainstream primary school
setting without being questioned due to its efficacy. Flashcards are a simple, versatile, and
effective for learning skills like sounds, letters, historical dates etc. (Maheady & Sainato, 1985).
Multiple intelligence theory that suggests appealing all the different learners at some point
during class as there are many types of learners out there (Gardner, 2011). There are a
significant proportion of learners who tend to more effective in visual learning than others
where flashcard learning is the most appropriate. Potter, Wyble, Hagmann, & McCourt (2014)
noted that it takes as little as 13 milliseconds to see an image although it takes longer to process
the content of an image. This means a learner will read a flashcard significantly faster compared
to reading text alphabetically. It has shown by several studies that visual learning is more
effective compared to other learning techniques in early years (Glover, McLaughlin, Derby, &
Gower, 2010).

According to Budden (2023), for children at reading age, flash cards can be used in
conjunction with word cards. These are simply cards that display the written word. Word
cards should be introduced well after the pictorial cards so as not to interfere with correct
pronunciation. Flash cards are a really handy resource to have and can be useful at every stage
of the class. They are a great way to present, practise and recycle vocabulary and when
students become familiar with the activities used in class, they can be given out to early-
finishers to use in small groups. Sometimes, it’s crucial to get the students to make their own
sets of mini flash cards that can be taken home for them to play with, with parents and

Lots of media can be used in the teaching and learning process, especially visual media.
One of the visual media that can be given by the teacher to students is flashcards media.
According to Kusumawardani (2019) Flashcard is a picture card complemented by words
launched by Glenn Doman, a brain surgeon from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, those cards shown
to children then read every sentence on each card. The cards are usually designed with such
attractive colors and images animals, fruits, colors, shapes, alphabet, numbers, professions.
Muhyiddin (2019) also states that Flashcard media not only improves the ability to listen, speak

read and write but flashcards can also train students' abilities in vocabulary, pronunciation,
grammar, spelling.

Based on this opinion, it can be explained that the size of the flashcards can be adjusted
to the situation of students faced, if the number of students is large then the flashcard is made
with a larger size, and if the number of students is small then the flash scards is made with a
small size. With the pictures used in the card the images can be adjusted to what material will be
conveyed by the teacher to students.

2.1 The concept of flashcards

In Merriam-Website, flashcard defines as a bearing words, numbers, or pictures that is
briefly displayed (as by a teacher to a class) usually as a learning aid. It is good that flashcard
is flexible. It can be used in every level of education, from kindergartens up to senior high
schools. It can also be created or made based on the theme or the topic that will be learned. As
written in Merriam-Webster that flashcard can be a picture, where the students can learn
through, and learning vocabulary will not be boring. Flashcard is a paper containing a picture
and name of the picture.

Cross (1991) defines a flashcard as a simple picture on a piece of paper or card, which
is probably the most widely visual aids in language teaching. Another definition comes from
Kasihani (2007) points out that t flashcard is cards measure A4 papers amount to 30 to 50
cards and every card contains a picture and name of the picture. Besides, Halliwel (1992)
defines flashcard as a kind of cards contains pictures, words, instructions that are arranged in
various combinations. Other opinions come from Finocchiaro (1974, p. 105) defines flashcard
as cards with individual words (either printed or in manuscript).In language teaching,
flashcard, as a teaching media, is really needed to help the teachers in explaining the material
and to give a variation in teaching.

2.1.1 The Use of Flashcards in Teaching

The use of flashcard in learning as a strategy for teaching vocabulary in a text passage
can be resting way of teaching, because flashcard contains pictures, words, or symbols, or the
real shape of the things’ name. Usually flashcard is used for teaching vocabulary as the basic
knowledge that have to be understood better before the others. It will be best if this media is
used for teaching young learners or beginner learners, and elementary level. Because these
three levels of educations are still focusing on enriching the vocabulary. This media will help
them better. When the teacher tells them a name of thing, they do not have to imagine the

shape of the thing, let the teachers show them the picture, then, they will know the shape of
the thing’s name. So, they will get a clear understanding or shape of the thing.

Harahaf and Zulfitri (2019) argue that a good media is a media which is suitable for the
topic, the material, the students, and practical to use. Based on the opinion, it can be concluded
that before applying a media, the teachers should know what are the preparations and how the
utilization of the media in classroom. According to Susilana, and Riyana (2009, p. 96) in
Lindiawati (2018), there are several steps that must be prepared in the use of flashcards media
they are :

1) Preparing yourself, the teacher should understand the teaching materials that will be
delivered to the students and have the skills to use the media flashcard.

2) Preparing the flashcards media, to ensure that the media is reday so that it does not need
other media in the classroom.

3) Preparing place, this relates to the position of the teacher that students can see the
flashcardfrom all directions.

4) Preparing the student, their seats are arranged prooperly, so that they can pay attention to
learning, material delivered with a flashcards.

There are things that must be considered when utilizing flashcards media accroding to Susilana,
and Riyana (2009, p.96) in Lindiawati (2018):

1) The cards that have been arranged in a holding at chest level.

2) Take the cards after the teacher has finished explaining the material

3) Give cards to students observed, then pass them on to nother students so that they all can see
the cards.

4) If the use of media in the form of the game, keep the cards on the box randomly, and then the
students will arrange the cards.

This opinion was supported by Khoiriyah (2013, p.17) cited in Kusumawardani (2019),
she stated that in the utilization of flashcard before using this media, the teacher should know in
advance the material to be studied and then adapt to the media, and then show and give the
cards to the students to be observed and ensure all the students get to observe the cards. So it
can be said that the media cannot be seen from the price, whether it is cheap or not, but it is seen

from the media related with the material, and steps in their utilization are adjusted to the needs
in learning process, that is interesting and able to help the teacher in creating fun and effective
learning in the classroom.

2.2 Types of flashcards

Haycraff (1978, p.p102-106) states two types of flashcards. They are word Flashcards
and picture flashcards.

1. Word flashcards are cards on which Words have been printed. When practicing word
order, the teacher can use a number of cards representing all the words in a sentence.
The flashcards can be fixed to the board, or given to a student, and arranged correctly
either by the class a whole or individual students. The Word flashcards also can be
used to practice structure.

2. Picture flashcards are useful for presenting, practicing and revising vocabulary or as
prompts for other activities – for example, to illustrate the characters in a dialogue, to
help students improvise. Picture flashcards can be used as prompts for simple
substitution drills. Picture flashcards are also useful for identifying verbs on action.

According to Gelfgren (2012, p. 1) teachers have to prepare internet access, printer, A4

paper in different colors, laminating machine, laminating pockets, scissors, rubber bands, and
magnetic paper or tape. Gelfgren (2012, p.3), there are some types of flashcard:

1. Quiz Card

It is a card that can be used to vary the methods used to test students’ skills, making the test
into a fun game. This is the example of the flashcard:

2. Role Play Cards

It is card that may encourage the students to learn in a fun way. Here, the students can use
their existing vocabulary and learn new words in a foreign language. Example of the


3. Flashcards with Associations, Synonyms, and Opposites


This kinds of flashcard develop both vocabulary and language fluency. It is believed that this
way can independently develop students’ vocabulary faster and more stimulating than having
the teacher explain the word. The example:

4. Flashcards about numbers and times

It contains the numbers and time. For example 1, 2, 3, etc (for flashcard number) and
three o’clock, four o’clock, etc (for flashcards times). The example is:

5. Flashcards for Dictation and Reading

The purpose of dictation cards is to make it easier for students to learn spelling by

reading the cards first. For example: reading card (use), dictation card ( u - - ). The example:

So, here, the writer will provide some ways on how to use flashcard as a media in
teaching English vocabularies. In this first way, students have to find out the name of the
picture displayed by the teacher, the way is:

1. Teacher prepares the association flashcard related to the topic of that meeting (e.g,
2. Teacher divides students into some small groups
3. Teacher prepares the flashcards based on the amount of each member of each group
4. Teacher reads the rules of the activity
5. Teacher display the picture of the animal
6. Every representative of each group have to run and to front of the class to find the
displayed picture’s name.
7. If they found it, they have to stand on the flashcard word

8. Do the same activity to every representative of each group or every student in each
group will get the chance
9. After that, the teacher drills every single vocabulary which was used in the activity
10. At the end, teacher may ask students to draw their favorite animal and label or write
down the animal names under its picture.

2.3 Advantages of flash cards

According to Molpv (2012) the advantages of a flash card are as follows:

 Flash cards can be used to introduce and present topics

 Flash cards can be used to apply information already gained by students to new
 Flash cards can be used to review a topic.
 Flash cards can be used for drill and practice in elementary classes.
 Flash cards can be used to develop the cognitive abilities of recognition and
recall of students
 A series of special purpose flash cards can be used for playing educational games
to couplelearning with fun.
 Flash cards can work as useful supplementary aid and can be effectively used with

Flashcards serve a similar purpose to flipcharts. They are smaller than a flipchart and
thesheets are not fastened together. They can be prepared on paper or on stiff card – even
onold cardboard boxes. They are particularly useful in small groups, where everyone is close
enough to see the cards clearly. The user can show each card, to emphasise or illustrate
particular points or to stimulate discussion. Advantages of flashcards over flipcharts are that
they can be handed around the members of the group for a closer look, and that they can be
used in any combination or sequence.

However, when making your own visual aids, you should bear in mind the following points:

 Lettering should be large

 Diagrams should be simple
 The amount of information on each sheet should be limited
 If pictures from posters and magazines are cut out and stuck on to form part of the
visual aid (useful for those who cannot draw), they should be large enough for
everyone to see.This is often not the case.

 Ideally, they should be pre-tested.

2.4 Activities for using flashcards

According to Budden (2023), the activities are divided into the following categories: Memory,
drilling, identification and TPR activities.

2.4.1 Memory activities Memory Tester

 Place a selection of flash cards on the floor in a circle.

 Students have one minute to memorise the cards.
 In groups, they have two minutes to write as many of the names as they can remember.

2.4.2 Drilling activities Invisible Flash cards

 Stick nine flash cards on the board and draw a grid around them.
 Use a pen or a pointer to drill the nine words. Always point to the flash card you are
 Gradually remove the flash cards but continue to drill and point to the grid where the
flash card was.
 When the first card is removed and you point to the blank space, nod your head to
encourage children to say the word of the removed flash card.
 Students should remember and continue as if the flash cards were still there. They
seem to be amazed that they can remember the pictures.
 Depending on the age group and then put the flash cards back in the right place on the
grid, asking the children where they go, or ask students to come up and write the word
in the correct place on the grid.

This activity highlights the impact of visual aids. It really proves that the images 'stick'
in students’ mind.

2.4.3 Identification activities .Reveal the word

 Cover the flash card or word card with a piece of card and slowly reveal it.
 Students guess which one it is.

 Once the card is shown, chorally drill the word with the group using different
intonation and silly voices to keep it fun. Vary the volume too, whisper and shout the
words. Children will automatically copy your voice.
 Alternatively, flip the card over very quickly so the children just get a quick glimpse.
 Repeat until they have guessed the word.

2.4.4 TPR activities Point or race to the flash cards

 Stick flash cards around the class.

 Say one of them and students point or race to it.
 Students can then give the instructions to classmates.
 You can extend this by saying 'hop to the cat' or even 'if you have blonde hair, swim to
the fish' etc.
 You can also incorporate flash cards into a game of Simon Says. 'Simon says, jump to
the T-shirt' etc.

3. Conclusion

The assignment has come to the end, and much content concerning flashcards to
introduce a reading passage. Many authors point of vires have beeen shown and discussed
um details. Therefore, flashcards are really relevant um the field of learning and Teaching
because they provide a real image and the students behold what is being talked about in a
certain moment. Furthermore, in language teaching, flashcard, as a teaching media, is
really needed to help the teachers in explaining the material and to give a variation in
teaching. According to Naz and Akbar (1987), stated in their paper that media are the

means for transmitting or delivering message and in teaching-learning perspective

delivering content to the learners. It also helps and easiest the students to understand their
teachers explanation, but unfortunately, the use of flashcard as the teaching media has not
maximum enough. Some teachers, especially in Mozambique, many teachers still use a
traditional ways of teaching. The teachers only lecturing and the only media that they use
are black or white board and board marker. MA (2018, an initial) as one of the students in
a junior high school in Sumbawa, said that, “in teaching English, the teachers do not use
any media, except black or white board and board marker. There is no any interesting
activity, only lecturing.

4. References
Budden, J. (2023) Using flashcards with Young learners, Spain: British Council. Retrieved

Finocchiaro, M. (1975). English as a Second Language Teaching. New York: Longman.

Gelfgren, V. 2012. Fun with Flashcards. Learn More Project.


Halliwel, S. 1992. Teaching English in the Primary Classroom. London. Longman . Group

Harahap & Zulfitri . (2019). Penerapan Media Flashcard dalam bahasa Inggris untuk
meningkatkan kemampuan Kosakata bahsa Inggris siswa TK Setia Budi Abadi Perbaungan.
Prosiding seminar Nasional hasil Pengabdian.

Kasihani, K. E. S. 2007. English for Young Learners, Jakarta: PT. Bumi Aksara.

Kusumawardhani, P. (2019) The Use of Flashcards for Teaching Writing to English Young
Learners (EYL). UNINDIRA: Journal of English Language Teaching , Vol.4, No. 1. 35-52.

Lindiawati, N. P. (2018). Keefektifan pengajaran Kosakata bahasa Inggris pada anak Sekolah
Dasar dengan menggunakan Flah Card. Jurnal manajemen pelayanan hotel akademi
komunitas Perhotelan Indonesia , vol 2 no 2.

Merriam,S.&.Tidel(2015). Qualitative research: A guide to design and implementation.fourth

edition. san Fransisco : Jossey- Bass.

Muhyiddin, I. (2019 ). The Effectiveness of using Flashcard to Teach Vocabulary at

Elementary School. Repositori Insitusi Universitas Islam Majapahit , 18-29 thesis.

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