BaBiO3 V

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Physica B: Condensed Matter 570 (2019) 328–333

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Structural electronic and magnetic properties of BaBiO3 single crystals T

a,b,∗ a,b a,b a,b
O. Foyevtsov , S. Balandeh , S. Chi , G. Sawatzky
Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6T 1Z1, Canada
Stewart Blusson Quantum Matter Institute, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6T 1Z4, Canada


Keywords: We report on growth of high quality BaBiO3 single crystals and their characterization via x-ray diffractometry
Superconductivity (XRD), atomic force microscopy, surface nanoindentation, electronic transport, and magnetic susceptibility. The
Perovskites grown crystals are mildly twinned, which was analyzed and twin law with twinning factor is obtained. Surface
Crystal structure studies revealed very peculiar adsorbate assisted and mechanically induced degradation. The XRD and induced
surface degradation point to micro twinning with large strains on the twin boundaries. The observed as-grown
surface morphology suggests high sensitivity of crystal growth to the growth temperature variations and might
be related to twinning. Electronic transport and magnetization measurements are consistent with previous
works, but systematic comparison of latter with earlier works renders an interesting question: can local moments
be structurally induced in BaBiO3?

1. Introduction semiconductor [14]. Disproportionation of Bi ions in BaBiO3, however,

cannot be understood on the basis of fully ionic bonds as it is known
BaBiO3 is a perovskite compound with a three-dimensional crystal that Bi6s and O2p states are strongly hybridized [14,15] leading to
structure of interconnected BiO6 octahedra. Its most intriguing property interpretations based on bond rather than site disproportionation.
is, perhaps, the discovery of superconductivity upon substitution of Ba Not only unconventional superconductivity is of great interest in
with K ions [1] in BaBiO3. Thus, at certain x, Ba1-xKxBiO3 (BKBO) de- BaBiO3 family, but also surface phenomena in BaBiO3 itself. For ex-
monstrates an insulator to metal transition which coincides with a ample, BaBiO3 is a well known photocatalyst of certain dyes with ex-
monoclinic to tetragonal structural transition [2]. Upon further doping, tremely high quantum efficiency [16,17]. Recently discovered two di-
it demonstrates superconductivity with Tc of up to 34 K. This super- mensional electron gas (2DEG) at oxide interfaces [18] motivated the
conductivity is highly unconventional in nature featuring low electronic search of new heterointerfaces demonstrating such phenomena. It was
density of states at the chemical potential [3,4] with regard to high Tc, also theoretically suggested [19] that a BiO2 terminated BaBiO3 surface
missing discontinuities at Tc on both magnetic susceptibility and spe- should reduce the band gap in the vicinity to the surface and, in prin-
cific heat [5], and complex electron-phonon coupling [6]. ciple, may lead to 2DEG phenomena.
The complex nature of superconductivity in BKBO, is likely closely In this work, intended to further elucidate peculiar phenomena in
related to the interplay between electronic and structural degrees of BaBiO3 we performed a series of characterization studies on our recent
freedom in BaBiO3, which has been appreciated over last few decades. grown high quality single crystals.
It has been shown that oxygen deficiency [7–9] cations non-stoichio-
metry [10] and twinning [11,12] strongly affect the experimental re- 2. Crystal structure
sults making their interpretation more challenging. Thus, both, im-
proved crystal quality and a better understanding of the properties is High quality BaBiO3 single crystals were sintered, as it was de-
highly desired. scribed earlier [20]. Such a growth results in a multidomain slab of
In pure BaBiO3, Bi ions are formally disproportionate [11,13] into crystallized BaBiO3 in an alumina crucible. The slab is mechanically
6s0 and 6s2 configuration. This introduces a breathing type distortion of broken, and crystals are collected for further characterization. For
octahedra, which is also accompanied by rotations in order to accom- crystal structure determination we used both, single crystal and powder
modate their volumes [2]. Due to lowered crystal symmetry in such a prepared from crushed crystals. The powder diffraction measurements
way a small band gap is opening, making BaBiO3 an indirect gap were done at room temperature using Philips PanAlytical laboratory x-

Corresponding author. Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6T 1Z1, Canada.
E-mail address: (O. Foyevtsov).
Received 14 March 2019; Received in revised form 31 May 2019; Accepted 6 June 2019
Available online 07 June 2019
0921-4526/ Crown Copyright © 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
O. Foyevtsov, et al. Physica B: Condensed Matter 570 (2019) 328–333

ray diffractometer (XRD) with CuKα1 radiation in parallel beam geo- Table 1
metry. The XRD alignment was done on Si (004) Bragg reflection. Collection of unit cell parameters (in Angstroms and degrees) obtained via
Powder with average particle size of about 5 μm was prepared by Rietveld refinement.
crushing of 81 mg (10.35 mm3) of BaBiO3 crystals. The results of the Single crystal, 90 K, P2/m:
crystal structure refinements are summarized in Table 1 and are in a a = 6.1728(18) b = 6.1452(18) c = 8.6926(26) β = 90.0357(61)
good agreement with earlier reports [2,15]. Single crystal, 210 K, I2/m:
a = 6.1597(6) b = 6.1537(6) c = 8.6985(8) β = 90.1333(2)
The measured powder diffraction pattern as well as the result of
Powder, room temperature, I2/m:
Rietveld refinement is shown in Fig. 1. The refinement was done using a = 6.1903(27) b = 6.1471(27) c = 8.6819(33) β = 90.0764(47)
GSAS computer code [21]. Convergence of the refinement is overall
good, but a few distinct reflections are not present in the theoretical
structure, suggesting an impurity phase (see insets in Fig. 1.). Presence
⎛1 0 0 ⎞
of possible phases from constituent elements their oxides and carbides ⎜ 0 0 − 1⎟
have been ruled out. On one hand, a very small number of such re- ⎝0 1 0 ⎠
flections require a high symmetry of the potential impurity phase. The Since the intensity of Bragg reflections is proportional to the co-
shape complexity of the peaks, on the other hand, clearly requires a low herently scattering crystal volume, we can estimate the twin scale factor
symmetry phase. Such a phase, if present, must inevitably affect more x. For this we compared the ratio between the experimental and the-
peaks of the diffractogram, which is not observed. We have to mention oretical intensities among all pairs above with the results shown in
that these extra reflections are not observable in the single crystal re- Fig. 3.
finements, neither is the variation of their relative intensity for powder Thus, we conclude that the probed crystal volume consists of ap-
samples over time. Thus, we speculate that either surface degradation proximately 85% of (110) oriented domains and 15% of (001) oriented
or grain boundaries give rise to the non-refined reflections, as discussed domains in monoclinic notation.
below. Given the relative intensity of non-refined reflections, such a The local crystal structure on the twin boundary is expected to be
degradation, if responsible, should affect a detectable, yet small volume highly distorted. Different terminations of the neighboring twin do-
fraction of the volume probed by x-rays. mains at their boundary are possible (see inset in Fig. 3). Regardless of
Crystal twinning has long been recognized in a number of ABO3 the termination, two stackings are possible. One would preserve the
systems [11,22–24]. Twinned crystals are inherently subject to internal long-short-long sequence of Bi-O-Bi-O chains while the other would not.
strains which may substantially influence the electronic and physical Thus, a long-short-short-long type sequence of Bi-O-Bi-O chains is ex-
properties. In particular, interplay with superconductivity has been pected to occur locally. In either case, large stress and strain would
extensively investigated in a number of doped ABO3 systems [12,25]. naturally be expected at the twin boundaries and especially at those
The electron-phonon coupling in the parent and doped BaBiO3, whose where short-short and long-long Bi-O bond sequences are formed. Such
accurate knowledge is essential for understanding its super- boundaries, although thermodynamically stabilized during crystal
conductivity, can be probed by, e.g., Inelastic X-ray Scattering [24], but growth, structurally may be very unstable.
either perfect crystal or knowledge of the twin law is required for re-
liable interpretation of its results. Here, we report on characterization
3. Surface properties
of twinning in our BaBiO3 crystals. Crystal twinning manifests itself by
overlapping of different Bragg reflections, related via the twin law, and
The as-grown surface of our BaBiO3 crystals is shiny gold colored
modified intensities [26]. However, if a small monoclinic distortion is
with a number of rounded square plateau (Fig. 4).
present, which is the case in BaBiO3, this overlap is not complete, and
In respect to their long edges, these plateau share common in-pane
splitting can be directly resolved on reciprocal space maps (rsm). We
orientation. The level of roundness varies within a single batch, as well
measured a number of rsm and show several of themin Fig. 2 (see
as between the batches. The typical lateral size of the plateau is about
Supplementary Materials for a complete set).
50 μm.Their height above the host crystal and rms roughness is about
In this experiment, for proper alignment on the XRD goniometer, a
80 nm and 3.5 nm respectively, as probed by atomic force microscopy.
single crystal was polished in a form of a parallelogram of about 3 mm3
Out-of-plane XRD showed no other phases except of BaBiO3 (110) and
with faces parallel to {100}C (in pseudo-cubic unit cell). The polishing
its twin (001), as discussed above. Our XPS analysis performed on
orientation was guided by Laue diffraction with achieved angular ac-
different areas of the grown crystal also, to within its accuracy, did not
curacy of better than 1.5°. The as-grown surface was left unpolished and
reveal variation of stoichiometry. Thus, we conclude that these plateau
aligned normal to the goniometer axis. The same four-circle dif-
are of the host phase. In principle, these islands can be twin domains
fractometer as above was used for rsm.
with respect to the host crystal. However, their surface density, small
On all measured rsm's one clearly recognizes a double peak pattern.
volume in respect to the coherently scattering crystal volume probed by
To within high accuracy, these reflections can be ascribed to the BaBiO3
x-rays1 cannot solely account for the amount of twinning observed.
phase using the refined crystal structure with Miller index pairs
Thus, we conclude that the observed twinning must be intrinsic to the
(monoclinic unit cell): (110)/(002), (220)/(004), (330)/(006), (332)/
host crystal.
(116), (334)/(226), (440)/(008), (444)/(228). Using these pairs of re-
Let us briefly analyze the shapes of the mentioned surface islands, or
flections one can derive the twin law for the probed volume of the
crystals. In general, according to the Gibbs-Wulf theorem [27], the
shape of a grown crystal corresponds to the minimum of its total Gibbs
surface free energy, G. For cubic crystals grown under proximity to
⎛ 1/2 − 1/2 1/ 2 ⎞
thermodynamic equilibrium conditions, generally [28], G(110) < G(100)
⎜ − 1/2 1/2 1/ 2 ⎟ and (110) face will dominate (100) by area on the crystal surface. Re-
⎜ ⎟
⎝ − 1/ 2 − 1/ 2 0 ⎠ call also that faces of the crystal in Fig. 4 (a) are polished parallel to
{100}C. Now, if we neglect for a moment the small monoclinic distor-
which is a two-fold rotation around (110) direction. Thus, twinning is tion in BaBiO3 and assume that the islands are crystallographically
non-mehrohedral as only selected integer h, k , l sets have their integer aligned with the host crystal, then the islands' long edges should be
counterparts under this transformation. In a pseudo-cubic cell the twin
law is simply a two-fold rotation around {100}C direction with the
corresponding twin law: For BaBiO3, linear attenuation coefficient, μ , for CuKα1 radiation is about
1 × 104 cm−1.

O. Foyevtsov, et al. Physica B: Condensed Matter 570 (2019) 328–333

Fig. 1. Measured powder XRD of the BaBiO3 powder prepared from a single crystal (red), Rietveld refinement of the measured data (black), and their difference
(blue). Insets demonstrate regions with unaccounted reflections. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web
version of this article.)

parallel to {110}C planes. This is exactly what we see in Fig. 4 and it is

well supported by the principle of minimum G. As the crystal growth
departs more from thermodynamic equilibrium, the domination of en-
ergetically more favorable faces is expected to become less pronounced.
Thus, the earlier mentioned variation of roundness, or increase of the
area of faces with higher G, of the islands even within a single growth
indicates that the temperature variations attainable in the current
growth setup are non-negligible. It is, however, not yet clear how such
variations related to twinning. It has to be mentioned that the physical
properties of BaBiO3 have been reported to vary depending on its
thermal history [11,29,30] also suggesting a strong influence of the
Fig. 2. Reciprocal space maps of (220)/(004) Bragg reflections (a), (444)/(228)
Bragg reflections in monoclinic unit cell (b). growth setup. Thus, it would be of particular interest to see how further
improved temperature stability during crystal growth would affect
twinning, island shapes, and physical properties in general.
Mechanically, BaBiO3 crystals are soft and the surface can be easily
scratched even with plain paper. Young modulus of elasticity which we
measured using nanoidentation method was 162 GPa (standard devia-
tion 23 GPa), which is comparable with other perovskites [31–33]. The
surface hardness was 1.34 GPa (standard deviation 0.13 GPa). We also
performed a number of cleaving experiments using several approaches.
However, we found no apparent cleavage planes. Instead of cleaving,
crystals readily fracture exposing either irregular grains or curved
surface with terraces. Right after fracture, crystals appear to be elec-
trostatically charged and stick to each other. The effect subsides within
Another interesting observation on the surface has been made
during crystal polishing. Although, as appears first, crystals can be
Fig. 3. Intensity ratios between theoretical and experimentally observed Bragg polished down to a smooth mirror surface, such a surface is very un-
reflection twin pairs. The inset shows a schematic of the undisturbed local stable against air and degrades quickly (see Fig. 5). The degradation is
crystal structure of two twin domains at the twin boundary. Small Bi-O6 octa-
observed regardless of polishing plane with respect to crystallographic
hedra are shown in blue, while large ones appear in pink. Notations are in the
axes or polishing speed and abrasive used. The process is very slow on
monoclinic unit cell. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
atomistic scales and develops over seconds to minutes, thus physi- or
chemisorbtion must be assisting the degradation. In the course of de-
gradation, an initially smoothly polished surface starts fragmentation
into small crystallines of the order of tens of microns or less, which are
quickly accelerated away from the surface (see Supplemental

Fig. 4. Optical photograph of as-grown surface featuring surface islands (a),

AFM micrograph of one of such islands (b).

Fig. 5. Optical photograph comparing freshly polished crystal surface (left)

with itself after exposure to air for 20 s (right).

O. Foyevtsov, et al. Physica B: Condensed Matter 570 (2019) 328–333

Fig. 6. Temperature dependence of resistivity demonstrating regions with dif-

ferent activation energies. Red lines are guides to the eye. (For interpretation of
the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web Fig. 7. Measured magnetic susceptibility of BaBiO3 crystals (open circles) and
version of this article.) numerical fit (solid line). See text for details.

Materials). moments, which are known to develop on it upon polishing. Quartz

If a smooth and stable as-grown surface is polished, it degrades in parts were cleaned with concentrated nitric acid in an ultrasonic bath,
the same way. When polishing is conducted under pure argon atmo- rinsed with de-ionized water, acetone, and eventually dried in clean air
sphere, the polished surface is stable as long as it is not exposed to air. environment. The BaBiO3 crystals were cleaned in ultrasonic bath se-
Once exposed, it degrades in the same way. One may conclude that any quentially using acetone, isopropyl alcohol, de-ionized water, isopropyl
post-growth created surface on BaBiO3 crystals is unstable toward ei- alcohol, and dried using compressed nitrogen. All samples and the
ther OH− groups, oxygen or water. Thus, some adsorbates on the quartz holder parts were handled using clean non-magnetic tools. For
BaBiO3 surface have a dramatic effect on the crystal stability. We background correction the bare holder was characterized first and the
conclude that the as-grown surface must be reconstructed in a way that sample was introduced into the holder and characterized next. The
stabilizes it against air. It is yet unclear, but may be plausible that the holder consistently demonstrated small temperature independent
observed fracture develops along the twin boundaries while the an- magnetic susceptibility within the measured temperature range with
ticipated strain is released during acceleration of the small crystallines. absolute value of 1.8 × 10−5 emu/mol Oe. The measured crystals
weight were 41.13 mg (sample 1) and 30.35 mg (sample 2). The
background corrected measured and fitted BaBiO3 magnetic suscept-
4. Electronic transport
ibilities are shown in Fig. 7. The numerical fit was performed using
Curie-Weiss law including Larmor diamagnetic susceptibility χcore and a
We performed temperature dependent electronic transport mea-
temperature independent susceptibility term χ0 :
surements on selected BaBiO3 crystals. The crystals were wire-bonded
to the as-grown surface using Al-Si wire of 15 μm diameter. Gold wire C
χm = + χcore + χ0
was found to demonstrate very poor sticking to the crystals. T−θ
Measurements were done using a standard lock-in technique in four-
probe geometry. One of the temperature dependencies of resistivity is Here, C is the Curie constant and θ is the Curie-Weiss temperature.
shown in double log scale in Fig. 6. Core diamagnetic contribution per 1 mol of BaBiO3 formula unit (f.u.)
In a wide temperature range, our crystals demonstrate activated is:
behavior. Two distinct activation energies are observed, 143 meV and χcore = 3 × χ O2 − + 1 × χBa2 + + 0.5 × χBi3 + 0.5 × χBi5 +
207 meV which are met at around 230 K. It has to be noted that two
distinct activation energies also have been reported earlier [34,35] in Which, using Pascal constants, results in
BaBiO3 samples with a factor of two larger energies. The kink on the
χcore = −8.65 × 10−5 emu/mol Oe
resistivity from the previous works was observed at about 230 K and
205 K, which is far from any of the BaBiO3 structural phase transitions. The results of the numerical fits are summarized in Table 2 and
Adhikary and coauthors [35] observed changes of temperature depen- compared among different works [36–38]. The small negative θ , ob-
dent BiO6 octahedra tilting angle and associated with short Bi-O bond served in all works, suggests small antiferromagnetic interactions be-
length in their samples at around 250 K. However, it is not clear whe- tween the magnetic moments. In contrast, the χ0 term shows substantial
ther and how such variations would affect electronic transport prop- scattering, indicating possible influence of sample quality, growth
erties and how sample-dependent they are. procedure or a small instrumental offset.
All works report very similar Curie constant, which corresponds to
5. Magnetic properties magnetic moment of about 0.05 μB / f . u. In a defect-free BaBiO3 struc-
ture, it is, however, difficult to regard such a small moment as an in-
We further characterized the as-grown BaBiO3 crystals by magnetic trinsic effect. Worthwhile of mentioning that Shizuya and coworkers
susceptibility measurements using Quantum Design SQUID magnet- [36] addressed the influence of oxygen deficiencies on the magnetic
ometer. Since BaBiO3 does not feature local moments, one would expect susceptibility. Their findings, however, show a very small variation of
that the low temperature part would be dominated by magnetic im- Curie constant, i.e., effective impurity concentration, in a wide range of
purities in both, the sample and the sample holder. A great care has oxygen deficiencies. Thus, diluted magnetic impurities should be pre-
been taken to minimize contribution from the latter. The lowest back- sent. If, as such an impurity, Ni2+ ions are considered, their effective
ground was found for a fused quartz holder. The holder consisted of a concentrations can be easily estimated. These concentrations can now
quartz tube and two quartz rods sliding into it with flat polished ends be compared to the purities of the starting materials among different
holding the crystal in between. The polished quartz was additionally works, where data available (see Table 2.). What is quite remarkable
heat treated to facilitate surface relaxation and removal of magnetic here is that the purities of the starting materials, spanning two orders of

O. Foyevtsov, et al. Physica B: Condensed Matter 570 (2019) 328–333

Table 2
Comparison between magnetization data from several works.
Uchida Shiozaki Shizuya Sample1 Sample2

Curie constant, 2 × 10−4 4.09 × 10−4 3.31 × 10−4 2.45 × 10−4 2.94 × 10−4
Curie-Weiss temperature, K − 3.05 − 2.53 − 2.6 − 2.2 − 4.0
χ0 , emu/mol Oe 2.37 × 10−5 3.0 × 10−5 2.05 × 10−5 1.42 × 10−4 2.2 × 10−4
Effective impurity concentration (Ni2 + , 3F4), ppm 535 1093 885 655 786
Purity of the source, ppm 10 100 no data 1000 1000

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