9 Process

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SB 12.3.




srutah sankirtito dhyatah

pujitas cadrto 'pi va
nrnam dhunoti bhagavan
hrt-stho janmayutasubham


srutah -- heard; sankirtitah -- glorified; dhyatah -- meditated upon; pujitah --

worshiped; ca -- and; adrtah -- venerated; api -- even; va -- or; nrnam -- of men;
dhunoti -- cleanses away; bhagavan -- the Supreme Personality of Godhead; hrt-sthah
-- seated within their hearts; janma-ayuta -- of thousands of births; asubham --
the inauspicious contamination.


If a person hears about, glorifies, meditates upon, worships or simply offers great
respect to the Supreme Lord, who is situated within the heart, the Lord will remove
from his mind the contamination accumulated during many thousands of lifetimes.


Although one may practice the mystic yoga system, his ACCTUAL SPIRITUAL advancement
is DUE TO the mercy of the Supreme LORD within the heart; it is NOT directly the
result of his AUSTERITY and MEDITATION. If one becomes foolishly proud in the name
of yoga, his spiritual position becomes ridiculous.

By one's engaging in the processes of demigod worship, austerities, breath

control, compassion, bathing in holy places, strict vows, charity and chanting of
various mantras, one's mind cannot attain the same absolute purification as that
achieved when the unlimited Personality of Godhead appears within one's heart.
bhaktir asya bhajanam tad ihamutropadhi-nairasyenamusmin manah-kalpanam etad eva
naiskarmyam iti //

Devotional service to Lord Krsna is performed when the heart no longer desires any
material benefit to be obtained in this life or the next. This is freedom from the
bonds of karma.
harav-aikantiki bhaktir muktir ity-abhidhiyate

"Pure devotional service to Lord Hari is actual liberation."

As a result of engaging in Lord Krsna's service, one develops intense ecstatic love
for Him. This is described in the Eleventh Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam:

bhaktya sanjataya bhaktya bibhrat uppulakam tanum

"As one becomes advanced in devotional service to the Lord, he becomes ecstatic.
The hairs of his body stand on end, and he manifests ecstatic symptoms."
. Bhaktya sruta-grhitaya. This is the process of understanding absolute knowledge.
Please note these points, what are the process. First thing is that one must be
faithful. Second thing is that he must be thoughtful. The third thing is that he
must have knowledge. What is that knowledge? "I am not this body." And then
detachment. As soon as I am convinced that I am not this body, then why should I
take so much care for the body? Let me take care of my self. And as soon as these
qualifications are fulfilled, then you can see within yourself what you are.
Pasyanty atmanam catmani. And all these things is on the basis of devotional
service and by the process of hearing from the authoritative source

HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

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