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Each level of sound Svaki nivo zvuka odgovara

corresponds to a level of existence, nivou postojanja,

and one's experience of sound a nečiji doživljaj zvuka
depends upon the refinement of one's ovisi o profinjenosti nečije svesnosti.
It takes a realized consciousness Potrebna je svesnost na nivou spoznaje
to experience the full range of sound, da bi se iskusio čitav opseg zvuka,
the full range of existence. čitav opseg postojanja.
The seers who can comprehend Oni koji vide, koji mogu razumeti
the four stages of sound četiri nivoa zvuka
are known as Manishis. poznati su kao Maniše – veliki mudraci

The higher three forms of shabda Tri viša oblika šabde opisane su u Rig Vedi
are described in the Rig Veda as hidden in "guha", kao skriveni u "guhi", ili unutar jastva,
or within the self, dok je četvrti
whereas the forth is the external manifested speech, vanjski manifestovani govor,
known as laukika bhasha. poznat kao laukika bhasha - (običan govor)

These four levels of sound correspond Ova četiri nivoa zvuka se podudaraju
to four states of consciousness. sa četiri stanja svijesti.
Para represents the transcendental consciousness. Para predstavlja transcendentalnu svesnost.
Pashyanti represents the intellectual consciousness. Pashyanti predstavlja intelektualnu svesnost.
Madhyama represents the mental consciousness. Madhyama predstavlja mentalnu svesnost.
And Vaikhari represents the physical consciousness. A Vaikhari predstavlja fizičku svesnost.

These states of consciousness correspond Ova stanja svesti se podudaraju

with the four states known technically as sa četiri stanja koja su tehnički poznata kao
jagrat, svapna, sushupti, and turiya - jagrat - budno stanje - Vaikhari
or the wakeful state, svapna - stanje sanjanja - Madhyama
the dreaming state, the dreamless state, šušupti - stanje bez snova - Pashyanti
and the transcendental state. turiya - transcendentalno stanje - Para

Shabda-brahman in its absolute nature Šabda-brahman u svojoj apsolutnoj prirodi

is called para. naziva se para.
In manifestation the subtle is always the source of Taj suptilni zvuk je uvek izvor grubog,
the gross, and thus from para-vak manifests i tako iz para-vaka se manifestuju
the other three forms of sound. ostala tri oblika zvuka.

Though the manifestation of sound takes place Iako se zvuk manifestuje od para-vaka
from para-vak down to vaikhari-vak do vaikhari-vaka
(or fine to gross), (ili finog do grubog),
in explaining these stages we objašnjenje ovih raznih zvukova
will begin from the external vaikhari-vak, započećemo od vanjskog vaikhari-vaka,
as that is the sound we all have most experience of. jer je to zvuk s kojim svi imamo najviše iskustva.

Vaikhari-vak is the grossest level of speech, Vaikhari-vak je najgrublji nivo govora

and it is heard through the external senses. i on se čuje kroz vanjska čula.
When sound comes out through the mouth Zvuk koji izlazi kroz usta
as spoken syllables kao izgovoreni slog
it is called as vaikhari. se zove vaikhari.

Madhyama-vak is the intermediate unexpressed Madhyama-vak je srednje neizraženo stanje zvuka,

state of sound, whose seat is in the heart. čije je sjedište u srcu.
The word Madhyama means "in between" or "the Riječ Madhyama znači "između" ili "sredina".
middle". The middle sound is that sound Srednji zvuk je onaj zvuk
which exists between the states of sushupti and koji postoji između stanja šušupti i jagrat.
jagrat. Madhyama-vak refers to mental speech, Madhyama-vak se odnosi na mentalni govor,
as opposed to external audible speech. za razliku od vanjskog zvučnog govora.
It is on this level that we normally experience Na tom nivou obično imamo iskustvo misli.
thought. Some hold that wakeful thought is still on Neki smatraju da je misao u budnom stanju
the level of vaikhari. još uvijek na nivou vaikhari-vak.

In the manifestation process, U procesu njenog ispoljavanja,

after sound has attained the form of pashyanti-vak, nakon što zvuk dobije oblik pašjanti-vaka,
it goes further up to the heart on ide dalje do srca
and becomes coupled with the assertive i spaja se sa pouzdanom inteligencijom,
intelligence, being charged with the syllables a, ka, ispunjen slogovima a, ka, ča, tha, ta, itd.
cha, tha, ta, etc.
At this point it manifests itself tada se zvuk se manifestuje
in the form of vibratory nada rupa madhyama-vak. u obliku vibracionog nada rupa madhyama-vaka.
Only those who are endowed To mogu da osete samo oni
with discriminative intelligence koji su obdareni
can feel this. diskriminativnom inteligencijom.

On the levels of madhyama and vaikhari, Na nivoima madhyame i vaikharija

there is a distinction between the sound and the postoji razlika između zvuka i objekta.
object. The object is perceived as Predmet se doživljava
something different from the sound, kao nešto što se razlikuje od zvuka,
and sound is connected to an object a zvuk je povezan s objektom
mostly by convention. uglavnom zbog ustaljenog pravila.

Pashyanti-vak is the second level of sound, Pašyanti-vak je drugi nivo zvuka

and is less subtle than para-vak. i manje je suptilan od para-vaka.
Pashyanti in Sanskrit means Pashyanti na sanskrtu znači
"that which can be seen or visualised". "ono što se može videti ili da se vizualizuje".

In the pashyanti stage Na nivou pašyanti,

sound possesses qualities such as color and form. zvuk posjeduje odlike poput boje i oblika.
Yogis who have inner vision Jogiji koji imaju unutrašnji vid
can perceive these qualities in sound. mogu da opaze ove odlike u zvuku.
On this stage the differences between Na ovom nivou razlike između
language do not exist, govorrnog jezika ne postoje,
as this sound is intuitive jer je ovaj zvuk intuitivan
and situated beyond rigidly defined concepts. i smešten je izvan strogo definisanih pojmova.
On the stage of pashyanti-vak, Na nivou pašjanti-vaka,
speech is intuitively connected to the object. govor je povezan sa objektom
There is near oneness neposrednim saznanjem.
between the word and Skoro da postoji jedinstvo,
the experience described. između reči i opisanog iskustva.

Pashyanti-vak is the finest impulse of speech. Pashyanti-vak je najfiniji pokretač govora.

The seat of pashyanti is in the navel or the Sedište pašjantija je u pupku ili Manipura čakri.
Manipura Chakra. When sound goes up to the navel Kada se zvuk uzdigne do pupka
with the bodily air pomoću telesnih vazduha (prana)
in vibratory form u obliku vibracije
without any particular syllable (varna), bez ikakvog posebnog sloga (varna),
yet connected with the mind, a ipak je povezan je sa umom,
it is known as pashyanti-vak. taj zvuk je poznat kao pašjanti-vak.

Para-vak is the transcendent sound. Para-vak je transcendentalni zvuk.

Para means highest or farthest, Para znači najviši ili najudaljeniji
and in this connection it indicates that sound i s tim u vezi ukazuje na onaj zvuk
which is beyond the perception of the senses. koji je izvan opažanja čula.

Para-vak is also known as "rava-shabda" - Para-vak je poznat i kao "rava-shabda" -

an unvibratory condition of sound nevibrirajuće stanje zvuka
beyond the reach of mind and intelligence izvan dometa uma i inteligencije (avyakta),
(avyakta), only to be realized by great souls, koji spoznaju samo velike duše, parama-jnaniji.
On the stage of para-vak Na nivou para-vaka
there is no distinction between the object and the nema razlike između predmeta i zvuka.
sound. The sound contains within it all the qualities Zvuk sadrži u sebi sve odlike nekog objekta.
of the object. ….
In terms of the universal cosmology, U smislu univerzalne kosmologije,
vaikhari, madhyama and pashyanti vaikhari, madhyama i pašyanti
correspond respectively to bhuh, bhuvah, and svah. se odnosi na bhuh, bhuvah i svah.
The para-shabda ultimately corresponds to the I konačno para-shabda se odnosi na
Lord's tri-pada-vibhuti. Gospodovu tri-pada-vibhuti.

Within the pashyanti-vak exists the nature's iccha- Unutar pašjanti-vaka je iča-šakti
shakti, or the power of will. ili snaga volje.
Within the madhyama-vak exists the nature's jnana- Unutar madhyama-vaka je jnana-shakti,
shakti, or the power of knowledge. ili snaga znanja.
And within the vaikhari-vak exists the nature's A unutar vaikhari-vaka je kriya-shakti,
kriya-shakti, or power of action. ili snaga djelovanja.
The pranava, or the syllable "om", Pranava, ili slog "om",
is the complete representation of the four stages of potpun je predstavnik četiri nivoa zvuka
sound and their existential counterparts. i njihovih egzistencijalnih kopija.
The existential realities are Egzistencijalne stvarnosti su
the physical (sthula) fizička (sthula)
which is connected to the vaikhari-shabda, koja je povezana s vaikhari-šabdom,
the subtle (sukshma) suptilna (sukšma)
which is connected to the madhyama-shabda, koja je povezana s madhyama-šabdom,
the causal (karana) uzročna (karana)
which is connected with the pashyanti-shabda, koja je povezana s pašyanti-shabdom
and the transcendental (para) i transcendentalna ( para)
which is related to the para-shabda. koji je povezan sa para-šabdom.
These four existential realities Te četiri stvarnosti postojanja
further correspond to the four states of su dalje analogna sa četiri stanja svesnosti.
The sthula sarira, Sthula sarira,
or physical body, ili fizičko tijelo,
operates in the state of jagrat (wakeful state). deluje u stanju jagrat (u budnom stanju).
It is in this realm of consciousness, U ovom domenu svesnosti,
and through this body, i kroz ovo telo
that the vaikhari-vak is manifested. se manifestuje vaikhari-vak.

The sukshma-sarira, subtle or psychic body, Sukšma-sarira, suptilno ili psihičko telo,
operates in the state of svapna. deluje u stanju svapne.
It is in this realm of consciousness, U ovom domenu svesnosti,
and through this body, i kroz ovo tijelo,
that the madhyama-vak is manifested. manifestuje se madhyama-vak.

The karana-sarira, or causal body, Karana-sarira, ili uzročno telo,

operates in the state of sushupti, or deep sleep. djeluje u stanju šušupti ili dubokog sna.
It is in this realm of consciousness, U ovom domenu svesnosti,
and through this body, that the pashyanti-vak i kroz ovo tijelo,
is manifested. manifestuje se pašjanti-vak.

The para-vak is manifested through Para-vak se manifestuje kroz

the fourth state of consciousness, četvrto stanje svesnosti,
known as turiya. poznato kao turija.
The sacred syllable "om" is composed of three Sveti slog "om" sastoji se od tri matre, i to
matras, namely "a", "u", and "m". "a", "u" i "m".
These three matras correspond respectively Ove tri matre odgovaraju
to bhuh, bhuvah and svah; bhuh, bhuvah i svah;
jagrat, svapna and sushupti; jagrat, svapna i sushupti;
sukshma, sthula and karana; and sukšma, sthula i karana; i
vaikhari, madhyama and pashyanti. vaikhari, madhyama i pashyanti.

Besides these three matras, Pored ove tri matre,

the pranava ("a-u-m") is also composed pranava ("a-u-m") je takođe sastavljena
of a forth constituent, od četvrtog činioca,
namely the a-matra or anahata-dhvani - naime a-matre ili anahata-dhvani -
the non-syllable or unstruck sound. zvuka bez sloga ili neuništenja.
NOTE: when all the senses are shut up and the BELEŠKA: kad se sva čula zatvore i kontrolira um
nerves controlled and the breath suspended kada se prestane sa disanjem
through a yogic process, there arises a spontaneous kroz proces joge iznutra se pojavljuje
sound, within, which is known as spontani zvuk koji je poznat kao anahata dhvani.
the anahata dhvani .
For our practical understanding, Za naše praktično razumijevanje,
this a-matra corresponds to the humming sound ova a-matra je slična zujanju
after one recites the "om" syllable. nakon što se izgovori slog "om".
The a-matra represents the transendence, A-matra predstavlja transendenciju,
the turiya, the para-vak. turiju, para-vak.

Thus the syllable om contains all elements of Tako slog om sadrži sve elemente postojanja.
existence. It is the reservoir of all energies To je rezervoar svih energija
of the Supreme Lord, Vrhovnog Gospoda,
and for this reason Lord Krishna states in the Gita: i iz tog razloga Gospod Krišna u Giti izjavljuje:

om ity ekaksharam brahma om ity ekaksharam brahma

"The single syllable Om is the supreme "Slog Om

combination of letters." je vrhunska kombinacija slova."

Elsewhere the Lord states: Na drugom mestu Gospod kaže:

yad aksharam veda-vido vadanti yad akšaram veda-vido vadanti

"Those knowers of the Vedas "Oni koji poznaju Vede

recite Om (akshara)." izgovaraju Om (akšaru)."

Why do they do this? Zašto to rade?

Because the syllable om is the Supreme Lord Jer je slog om Vrhovni Gospod
and the potency of all Vedic mantras: i poseduje moć svih vedskih mantri:

pranava sarva vedeshu pranava sarva vedeshu

"Within all the Vedas, I am the symbol Om." "U svim Vedama, ja sam slog Om."

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu established Šri Čajtanja Mahaprabhu utemeljio

the pranava as the maha-vakya of the vedas, pranavu kao maha-vakja vedu,
for within it exist all Vedic hymns (and shabda). jer su u njoj nalaze sve vedske himne (i šabda).
The world itself is a manifestation of this syllable. It Materiajlni svijet je manifestacija ovog sloga,
is the sound representation of the Abslute Truth. i zvučni je Apsolutne Istine.

The vak is not a manifestation of the material Vak nije manifestacija materijalne prirode,
nature, for the Vedanta sutra 2.4.4 states as follows: jer Vedanta sutra 2.4.4 daje sledeću izjavu:

tat-purvakatvad vacah tat-purvakatvad vacah

This indicates that Ovo ukazuje na to
the vak existed before the pradhana. da je vak postojao pre pradhane.
Pradhana is the root of the material manifestation - Pradhana je uzrok materijalne manifestacije -
the three qualities non-differentiated tri guna koja su ne-različita
in absolute equilibrium. u apsolutnoj ravnoteži.
Yet prior to this is the vak. Ipak pre ovoga postoji vak.
Thus the vak is non-material. Stoga vak nije materijalan.

For this reason we find in the Vedanta Sutras Zbog toga u Vedanta Sutrama
the following statement: nalazimo sledeću izjavu:

anavriti shabdat anavriti shabdat

"Liberation by sound." "Oslobođenje zvukom."s

Since sound is Budući da je zvuk

the non-material source of the material nematerijalni izvor materijalne manifestacije,
manifestation, it is the key by which we can become on je ključ pomoću kojeg se možemo
free from bondage. osloboditi ropstva.
It is the thread-like link between Zvuk je poput niti koja nas povezuje između
the material and spiritual realms. materijalnog i duhovnog carstva.

Ili: zvuk je poput niti koja povezuje duhovno i

materijalno carstvo.

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