Nazly Raad y Jose Ternera

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Hobby: Ride Bik

I have been enjoying going out and riding a bike

every Sunday morning, because it helps me
control anxiety and it is a great opportunity to clear
my mind, in addition to doing it to improve my
endurance and strength in my legs..
I have been doing this 6 months ago at the idea of
a friend, later more people were added to our
weekly outings, currently we are a group of 3 people who go out to
drive, sometimes more come, but almost always there are 3 of us.
We usually drive through the north of the city, where the river is and
around that, sometimes we go to nearby towns, such as "La Mesa", "La
Paz" and "Guacoche", but it is not very usual, we usually exhaust
ourselves before starting and end up bathing in the river.
This tradition began because one of my
friends wanted to exercise, but I wanted to
have people to accompany him because the
schedule at which he wanted to do it was very
early in the morning, from 5 am, then, he
contacted us, at first it was somewhat
difficult to have to get up at 5 am to exircise,
but over time it became easy, the body gets used to it and currently it
no longer costs anything. This tradition began because one of my
friends wanted to exercise, but I wanted to have people to accompany
him because the schedule at which he wanted to do it was very early in
the morning, from 5 am, then, he contacted us, at first it was somewhat
difficult to have to get up at 5 am to exercise, but over time it became
easy, the body gets used to it and currently it no longer costs anything.
We have had several minor accidents on our trips,
it's like a habit that happens, the first time we
crashed into each other because some dogs were
following us, the second time because one of us
got the air out of one of the tires of the bicycle,
the third time because another of us couldn't climb the river hill and
fell. Despite that we have also had very good memories doing that
activity, so it is something that has already become part of us as a
group, it is simply relaxing to set aside all stress and bad
thoughts while talking to your friends and riding a bike. It is an
activity that recommend to everyone if they have the possibility, it
is something very good for mental and physical health.

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