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Shaohua Jiao, *Zhiqian Bo, Wanshun Liu, Qixun Yang

North China Electric Power University, Beijing 100085 CHINA

*ALSTOM T&D Protection & Control Ltd, UK

ABSTRACT two types of faults can be very large, different principles

are applied to detect faults during power swing.
This paper presents new principles to detect the faults
during power swing. Faults during power swing can be Several techniques have been developed to address the
classified as non-earth faults and earth faults. Since the problem of fault detection during power swing. For
difference in fault resistance between two types of faults example, the transient reactance caused during the pre-
could be very large, different principles are applied to to post-fault transition period is used to detect faults
detect different types of faults during power swing. This during power swing blocking [2]. In this paper, a new
paper presents a new principle to detect the non-earth principle is presented to detect the non-earth faults
faults during power swing by describing waveform of during power swing by describing waveform of swing
swing center’s voltage (WSCV). It also presents a new center’s voltage (WSCV). There is a great difference
principle to detect the earth faults during power swing by between the waveform of swing center’s voltage non-
introducing a new concept, the synthetic negative earth faults and that of power swing. The fast algorithm
sequence vector (SNSV), which is derived by combining for WSCV and the detecting logic are introduced in this
the three phase negative sequence components. Studies paper. In order to detect earth faults during power swing.
show that WSCV and SNSV can be used as ideal fault A new concept, synthetic negative sequence vector
exponents to detect faults during power swing, even for (SNSV) is proposed. The current SNSV is used to
condition where three phases faults occurred at swing identify the earth fault during power swing. WSCV and
center and earth fault resistance reaching 300 ohm at the SNSV can be used as ideal fault components to detect
remote end of transmission line during power swing. The faults during power swing. In the new technique, the
technique is also able to provide fast and reliable fault principles are first defied and the fast algorithm for
detection. Results from simulation studies using EMTP fault identification using the vector is then derived.
are presented in the paper. Extensive simulation studies with respect to different
types of fault conditions were carried out using EMTP,
results show that the proposed technique is able to
1. INTRODUCTION accurately detect the fault during power swing. In
particular, three phases faults occurred at swing center
One of the most important issues for power line
’ and an earth fault with 300 R resistance at the end of
protection is to detect the fault during a power swing transmission line during power swing can be detected
condition. Distance protection relays are more likely to fast and reliably.
mal-operate during power system swing because of the
changing impedance. For example, the local voltage and
current of swing center could be the same value as that in 2. DESCRIPTION OF WAVEFORM OF SWING
a three phases fault condition. In order to avoid the mal- CENTER’S VOLTAGE
operation, power swing blocking is introduced.
However, this will inevitably delay the operation of relay The basis phase vectors during power swing are
when a fault occurred during power swing. Therefore, proposed in Fig.1 in ideal condition. U c o q is
fault detection during power swing is an important area approximately equal to swing center’s voltage. It is used
for research and extensive studies are required to as an exponent to detect non-earth faults. In the past, the
develop reliable techniques. magnitude of Ucoq is used to distinguish faults from
power swing. Nevertheless, the threshold is difficult to
Faults during power swing can be classified as earth set. In this paper, new principle is proposed by
faults and non-earth faults. The resistance of the earth describing the waveform of Ucoq.
fault can be very high; the maximum earth fault
Fig. 2 shows the waveform of u c o q during power
resistance can be lOOR for 220 kV system and 300R for
swing, Fig. 3 is the waveform of Ucoq when a three-
500 kV system. Whereas fault resistance of non-earth
faults is the fault arc resistance, and generally several phase-fault occurred during power swing. Obviously, the
ohms. Since the difference in fault resistance between waveform of Ucoq has changed when a fault occurred.

Developments in Power System Protection, Conference Publication No.479 0 IEE 2001. 51 5

1 . 5 ~ 01 6 , I
And the slope of UCOVwaveform is different.

o J - 1- 5( x '1 O

E, U, U , E2 I
Figure 4 Characteristic sections of Ucov



It is necessary to design a fast algorithm in order to apply

the new principles in real time.
Figure 1 Basis phase vector during power swing
U[k] is the sample point of U , , I[k] is the sample point
of I,, k = 0,1,2,3 ,..., n , the sampling rate is 12 points per
,rj=u, -- U,,,cosm + j U , sinwt
= U, cos& + j U , cos(m - 90')
200 1 0 0

Figure 2 Waveform of Ucov during power swing

Let U,,,COW = qk], then

>x,os U , cos(wt - 90°)= U [ k - 31 0i.e.

U = u[k]+ jU[k -31
in the same way, we can get,
I = I [ k ]+ j l [ k - 31 1 (3)
, x , a sO Figure 3 Waveform of Ucosy, when
O O*.,"PI. a O

S = U * I = (U[k]+ j U [ k - 31). ( I [ k ]- j I [ k - 31) (4)

three-phase-fault occurred during power swing P = uzcosp = Q k ] .f l k ] + U[k - 31. flk - 31 (5)
There are two rules to detect faults during power swing, Q = UZsinp = U[k - 31. I[k]-Cl[k]. T[k -31 (6)
1. magnitude of UCOVis very small
2. slope of U c o v in characteristic sections has changed u c o s p = PI I (7)

The characteristic sections of UCOVdetecting faults are

shown in Fig. 4. During characteristic sections the slope of 4. DEFINITION OF SYNTHETIC NEGATIVE
Ucoq is monitored by a fast algorithm. The slope of SEQUENCE VECTOR
Ucov is defined as below,
The ABC system is a coordination system of phasor in,
time domain. Space component of space phasor
At the beginning of a characteristic section, the slope of coordination system is made up from synthetic negative
sequence. The relationship between synthetic phasor and
UCOV is recorded as U,. Then Uck in the same ABC system is as follows:
characteristic section is calculated dynamically.
Definite 77[i] as

di]= - I (2)
(uc4'1+ 'KS
During power swing, U, is approximate equal to Uck, Where ( = wt , B = 2 x 1 3 , g,,, E,, gwrepresent space
so di] is about 0. When a fault occurred, Uck will
instantaneous positive, negative, zero sequence phasors
change, ~ [ iis]about 2. It is proper to deal with this type of hwl coordinate system. g,, g,and gcare
discrimination by fuzzy sets. The details are introduced in
reference 141. instantaneous values of each phasor in ABC coordination

51 6
system. Figure 5 System used in simulation for non-earth faults
When ABC system is transferred into instantaneous
symmetrical components using 1, 2, 0 transformation, Figure 6 shows a typical 300 km 500 kV dual
different instantaneous negative sequence components transmission line system. In the studies, the new
can be obtained by using different phase as reference algorithm is incorporated in to the relay installed at
phase. The instantaneous negative sequence component location for the protection of line section LINEl. The
based on ABC phases are defined as g U r ,g b 2 ,gCz,
thus power swing was created by a three-phase-fault occurred
at the end of LINE2 (F3) at 0.02 second. During swing,
synthetic negative sequence phasor is given as:
at OSs, an A-to-earth fault occurred with 300R fault
resistance at the middle of the line section line-I (Fl).
The EMTP software package was used in the simulation



The calculation of synthetic negative sequence phasor is

based on the instantaneous negative sequence
component, which uses ABC phase as phase reference.
Therefore the instantaneous negative sequence
component of each phase is first calculated. Time series Figure 6 System used in simulation for earth fault detecting
of 2, > g/), g, are s l h x i b e d as g , [k], g , [ k ] g , [k].
Current negative sequence component obtained by using
The sampling rate here is 36 points per cycle.
typical fast sequence filter algorithm is shown in Figure
9. Figure 10 shows the response using the current SNSV.
As shown in Figure 9 and 10, the fault inception time is
clearly evident from Figure 10 for whch the new SNSV
algorithm is used. Figure 14 shows the SNSV for the
fault at the remote end of the transmission line with a
fault resistance of 300 R. Studies also show that the new
The SNSVg, is derived by using (10)-(12), which is algorithm is less sensitive to the changing in system
given as: frequency, therefore a criterion for fault detection during
g J k 1 = gu*[kl + g , , P - 121+ g,,[k + 121 (13) power swing can be designed easily. The detail analysis
is introduced in reference [4].

6. SIMULATION STUDIES It can be seen that the current SNSV is usually zero
during the power swing period before the fault inception.
Figure 5 shows a test network with two power systems. After fault inception, current SNSV increases to a very
The capacity of system M is ten times as much as that of high level. During power swing, when the power-angle
system N. Z m 4 6 8 R OZm46.8 R Ofault resistance difference between the two ends of the equivalent
Rg=5 Q 0 the relay is installed at location M. A three- system's electric potential is 0" , the SNSV is maximum.
phase-fault occurred at point K, which is power swing When power angle difference is 180" , the SNSV is
center. At that time the power angle is just equal to 180 minimum. If the swing center is near to the location of
degree. Fig. 15 shows the waveform of Ucoq. It is the relay, such as 6 = 180°, the magnitude of the SNSV
obvious that the slope of WSCV has change during is zero. Theoretically, the proposed identification method
characteristic sections. Fig. 16 shows the detecting result must rely on a time delay for fault detection in this
of WSCV. When a fault occurred on power angle equal situation, that is to wait for power angle to depart from
to 180 degree at swing center, there is no any fault 180", so that the SNSV is large enough to reach the
exponent in voltage or current at all. It is the most presented threshold value. In practice, most earth faults
difficult situation for non-earth fault detecting. EMTP result from insulation breakdown. During power swing,
simulation verified that the new principle is valid and while system's voltage is maximum and requirement for
fast enough. insulation is the strictest at 6 = 0". When 6 = 180", the
voltage at the swing center is zero, and voltage at the
relay point is very low, fault is impossible to occur.
Thus, an earth fault during swing will not happen when
6 = 180" when swing center is within the area.

Electric Power University, May, 1996 .
In addition, the technique for detecting earth fault during [4] Shaohua Jiao, “Research on New Technology of
power swing can be further reinforced by combining the Power System Intelligent Protection”, Doctor’s
current SNSV and the zero sequence current Degree Thesis of North China Electric Power
components, for which a criterion is given as follow: University. Mar. 2000

ifxfx I
(A )

where, I , is the magnitude of current SNSV, and Io is 2500

the magnitude of zero sequence current. And I , is the

residual current, which is defined as the 15 percents of
normal load current.
200 400 600
S a m p l e points
5. CONCLUSION Figure 13 SNSV for a bc-n double phase to earth fault,
fault resistance = 100 R
In order to detect the non-earth faults during power
swing, this paper presents a new principle by describing 1500
ifxfx ( A )
waveform of swing center’s voltage (WSCV). In order to
detect the earth faults during power swing, a new 500
concept is presented in the paper, the synthetic negative
sequence vector (SNSV). The describing rules of WSCV
and SNSV are first derived using real time computation
algorithm, and subsequently used to detect fault during
power swing. Studies show that an earth fault with high -1500
200 400 600
fault resistance at the remote end of the line section S a m p l e points

Figure 14 SNSV for a bc-N double earth phase to fault,

during power swing whch is up to 300 SZ and the three-
fauilt resistance = 300 R
phase-fault occurred on power angle is equal to 180
degree at swing center can be detected by the proposed 1.5~10~
technique. Simulation studies with respect to typical I
power line systems prove the feasibility of the technique.

-1 .5x106,j
U.L u.4 U.0 u.u .O
The authors are grateful to the China National t
Foundation of Nature Science for sponsoring th~sproject Figure 15 WSCV for a three-phase-fault during power
(contract No. 59577010). swing, which occurred at swing center


[ 13 GEC, Protective Relays Application Guide. 3rd

Edltion. ALSTOM Protection & Control, Stafford,
UK, 1990 t I
0 0 2 0 4 0 6 0 8 I O
[2] P.JMoore, A.T.Johns, A New Method of Power
Swing Blocking For Digital Distance Protection, Figure 16 Detecting result with WSCV
Intemational Power Engineering Conference 1993,
[ 3 ] Zhenyu Xu “Research on New Generation
Microprocessor based High-Frequency Directional
Protection“, Doctor’s Degree Thesis of North Chma

51 8

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