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Installation & Configuration Guidelines

Table of content
▪ WINManage Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………...... 3

▪ WINManage highlights ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 4

▪ WINManage Installation Options .……………………………………………………………………….. 5

▪ How to download WINManage installation file? …………………………………………………. 9

▪ Network Discovery and provisioning …………………………………………………………………… 19

▪ Creating New User …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 30

▪ Monitoring ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 35

▪ Tags …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 48

▪ Reports ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 51

▪ Bulk Software Backup and Restore .…………………………………………………………………… 56

WINManage Introduction
WINManage is a powerful network management
system that empowers operation teams to manage and
monitor RADWIN networks, interfaces and services

WINManage Highlights
▪ On premise, web-based carrier grade NMS
▪ Realtime view
▪ Fault management
▪ Performance monitoring
▪ Reporting
▪ User management
▪ 3rd-party monitoring
▪ Small & large networks (up to 50K devices)

WINManage Installation Options

WinManage server can be installed either on physical server hardware, also called a bare metal
installation, or as a virtual machine on VMWare or Hyper-V system.

VirtualBox VMware Player

Basic Server Requirements for up to 250 devices
The basic free of charge version supports up to 250 monitored devices. This version
requires a single server with a minimum specification as shown on this slide.

WINManage architecture for large networks​
Larger networks can be supported using distributed architecture based on remote polling engine servers.
Each remote polling engine (RPE) will monitor a large group of up to 2500 devices, typically located in a
specific geographic region of the network. Such a system is not supported by the free of charge license.
Please refer to the WINManage user manual to make sure you design the system properly for high
performance and acquire the required license.

Network Ports
The network protocols and ports listed here are used by WINManage server for monitoring
network devices, as well as for Web browser-based user interface. Make sure these ports are not
blocked by firewall or other security devices on your network.

Port number​ Protocol​ Purpose​

TCP port 80 and/or 8443​
HTTP / HTTPs​ WINManage Web UI​
(can be customized)​
UDP port 161​ SNMP polling​ Monitoring network devices​
UDP port 162​ SNMP traps​ Alerts from network devices​
TCP port 21 /20 FTP software/configuration backup/resto
Maintenance access
TCP port 22​ SSH​
to Ubuntu Linux console​

How to install WINManage
How to download WINManage installation file?

1) Login to your RADWIN OSS account ( ) 2) Click on the “Manage A Network” on the home page

3) Click on the DOWNLOAD WINMANAGE tab 4) Downloads WINManage installation ISO file
How to install WINManage (Cont)

1) To start the installation process, first you need to connect to the

virtual environment. In this example we will use a server running
VMWare ESXI. First we will login to the ESXI management interface.
2) Navigate to Storage menu,
then go to Datastore browser

3) Select the disk which will be used to upload the installation ISO file.

How to install WINManage (Cont)

4) Click on Upload

5) select the WinManage ISO you downloaded,

press Open and wait until the upload is

6) Now you can close the browser window

How to install WINManage (Cont)

7) Now the installation of the virtual machine is ready.

Navigate to Virtual Machines and select Create/Register VM

8) Select Create a new Virtual Machine and click Next

9) Enter a name for your virtual machine, leave Compatibility at the default setting,
and select Linux and Ubuntu Linux 64-bit for the Guest OS selection, then click Next

How to install WINManage (Cont)

10) Select the storage with appropriate free space. Click Next

11) Select the required number of CPUs, Memory and Hard Disk per minimum hardware requirements according to network size as presented in the
previous chapter
12) Scroll down, now select the correct network adapter which will connect the WINManage system to your network, make sure Connect is selected

How to install WINManage (Cont)

13) Then select Datastore ISO file option for CD/DVD drive

14) Datastore Browser will be displayed, and you will need to select the ISO file

15) click on Next

How to install WINManage (Cont)

16) Review the settings to confirm the HW requirements and that the
virtual environment matches the network configuration, and then press 17) Your new VM appears in the list. Now is
Finish the time to select it and power it on.

18) When language menu appears, click on Console and select English, and press enter. After
the Ubuntu window will appear select “Install Manage Master Server” and press enter

How to install WINManage (Cont)

19) Ubuntu operating system is now being installed. Wait until the
system prompts for your input. Be patient, this may take time
depending on the specs of your system

20) When Ubuntu console appears, you can login. Press Enter and
login with username manage, default password is wireless.
The next step is to configure IP settings using the Ubuntu console

21) Type sudo ip-setting and press Enter. Write /root/backup.

In this example we set static IP. For static IP enter y and fill the required parameters.
Write reboot and press enter. Wait until the server responds to the new IP address.
The WINManage server is now ready

How to install WINManage (Cont)
Open the browser and enter the IP address defined during installation.
You will see the login screen, enter username admin and password admin

How to install WINManage (Cont)
IP & Date setting can be done via the WEB interface.
Once you are login in go to Admin > System Config.

Here you can set below mention things.

• Host Name
• Interface Type
• IP details
• DNS (Name Server)
• Date Time Settings

Note: Once you update all setting you need to restart

WINManage Server once to save changes.
Network Discovery and provisioning

Use of network discovery

▪ Network discovery allows you to
find the entities you want to
monitor easily, automatically and in
the time you want
▪ In order to discover a set of devices,
you need to create a specific
discovery profile that matches these
Network Discovery and provisioning

Creating a discovery profile

▪ In the network discovery profile window, click “New”
▪ You will need to provide appropriate applicable
details to create a Network Discovery Profile:
1. Name: You may provide appropriate name of
the discovery profile as per your choice for
easy identification.
Network Discovery and provisioning
2. IP: There are 4 ways to discover multiple IP
addresses in Motadata
a) IP/Host for a single device
b) IP range for multiple devices
c) CSV Import for selected multiple
Provide hostname, IP address and tags of
that host in a horizontal row separated by
cells in CSV file.
d) CIDR for IP range in CIDR format
Network Discovery and provisioning

3. RPE: Mention the Remote

Polling Engine PE associated
with the mentioned IP
addresses. If you are
implementing distributed
monitoring, then you need to
select the RPE which should
poll the information from the
monitors of this discovery. The
default setting is Master RPE
which is the Master server
4. Device Types: Mention the
types of Devices which lie in the
IP range you have mentioned
Network Discovery and provisioning
5. Credential Profiles: Enter the credential profile
associated with the mentioned device type. In
case if you have not created the associated
credential profile then you may also create it in
this window itself with the help of + New button
6. Tags: Mention the tags which will eventually help
you during search
7. Default port will automatically appear in the
Network Discovery and provisioning
▪ Once the user created a
discovery profile, he need
to run it by clicking on the
play button
Network Discovery and provisioning
▪ The discovered devices which could
be pinged will appear in green in the
discovery status window
▪ You will see Discovery Status window
where you can monitor the discovery
progress. This process may take quite
a long time depending on the size of
the network segment or IP range you
Error messages:
selected, and number of different 1. Ping failed: IP address is not responding
types of devices you need to detect 2. Family not found: Device Family does not match the device type defined in the profile
3. SNMP community
▪ You can improve the speed of
discovery by using a CSV file with
exact list of devices – the
template can be found in the user ▪ Once Discovery is done, you will see a green
pop-up window where you can click on a link
manual to see the list of discovered devices.
Network Discovery and provisioning
▪ You can select specific devices,
or all discovered devices using
checkboxes on the left
▪ Press Provision Objects to add
these devices to your
WINManage system
Network Discovery and provisioning
After the units are
discovered, the monitors
menu displays all devices
that are were discovered
and provisioned on the
User can access the
dashboard of each device
from this list, by clicking
on monitor name.
Network Discovery and provisioning
Click the device name opens the dashboard window and allows to see in different widgets the
data that was collected by the server like current status of the specific monitored device, general
information, availability in the last 24H, resources, service status and others any active alarms
Network Discovery and provisioning
▪ Keep in mind that currently you
are using the evaluation license
for up to 10,000 devices for 60
▪ Once you activate your free of
charge license it will be limited
to 250 devices
▪ You need to make sure not to
provision more than 250
devices in case you want to
activate a free of charge license
instead of ordering a higher
capacity license
Creating New User

Flow to create a new user

User Roles Department Data Security Create a user

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

User Roles
▪ Enable to define the privilege level of a user profile to
monitor and modify configuration in the system

▪ Admin user – User which is set with “Admin Panel

Access” enabled

Department & Data Security

• Department - Group of users which were assigned by the Admin user.

• “Global” department is set by default and contains the list of all monitored devices.
• Admin user can assign a list of monitor devices for each department using the Data Security settings.

Data Security
▪ By default, all devices belong to “Global”
department. Due to this fact in most
cases no need to modify Data Security
▪ In this example, a new “test”
department was created in
“Departments” menu
▪ The next step is to assign specific
devices (monitors) to this department
▪ The list of devices are available

Creating the User
Flow to create a new user

User Roles Department Data Security Create a user

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

What are the things that can be monitored by WINManage?
1. RADWIN Devices : WINManage is able to monitor all RADWIN devices with SNMP.
2. Generic Network Devices : WINManage is able to monitor all network devices with SNMP. WINManage
has a built-in set off defaults plugins for such devices as example:
a) Servers
b) Routers , Switches
c) Firewall
3. Generic SNMP device – a new device template can be created based on specific OIDs (MIB) which related
to the generic device
Monitor dependency and templates
WINManage contains a set of pre-defined monitor templates. Once the user install the WINManage app
then the templates associated with the app will automatically show up in this section
This section shows the following details related to the Monitor Templates:
1. Name: This field contains the name of the monitor template.
2. Network Devices : WINManage is able to monitor all network devices with SNMP
3. Description : This field contains the description associated with the monitor template (if any).
4. Use Count : Displays the number of times the template has been used.
5. Default - Yes/No : This field shows if the monitor template is the default template or not.
6. Actions : There are a set of actions associated with every monitor template. If the template is pre-defined template
then you have an option to assign monitors and clone that template. If you have created the template then the
following set of options are available:
a) Edit : You may edit the monitor template.
b) Lock : If you lock the template then there the widgets and dashboards associated with the template become
“View only” and the options to edit the dashboards and widgets associated with the template will not show up.
c) Assign Monitors : You may assign monitors to a specific template. Hence when you click on the assigned monitor
then its details will show up in the selected template.
d) Clone : You may clone or copy the monitor template. Thus to make minor changes in existing template clone
proves to be a savior.
e) Delete : you may delete the monitor template by clicking on button.
Different representations of monitoring data
If user click on any monitor in the monitor tab, it will show up its dashboard in its template.
For example: Here the user clicked on the monitor with type “PTMP HBS”
Managing provisioned monitors
For every monitor (in respective monitor’s dashboard) there are
a set of actions available:
1. Edit : Edit the monitor by changing its properties or
monitor’s IP address.

2. Enable : You may enable the monitor. Once you enable a

monitor WINManage will start polling its details.

3. Disable : If you disable a monitor then WINManage will

stop polling the data from that monitor.

4. Ping : You may ping a monitor to know if the device is up or

down. Ping details are as follows:
a) RTT in ms
b) Max RTT in ms
c) Min RTT in ms
d) Sent Packets
e) Lost Packets
f) Received Packets
5. Trace Route : You may get to know the hop count
and RTT in ms if you trace route for destination

6. Manage RPE : If you have multiple remote polling

engines then you may move the selected monitor
to a different remote polling engine.

7. Credential Profile : You may assign credential

profile for selected monitor. Credential profile
comes into place during discovery.

8. Metric Collection Time : You may change the metric

collection time for the selected monitor. Once you
change it then the information in the widgets shall
be displayed as per the new metric collection time.
You may also check recent alerts by clicking on button.

This will show the recent alerts for the selected monitor.

To refresh the information in the monitor’s dashboard click on the Pull now
button. This will poll the details from the selected monitor.

The header gives an overview of the monitor’s health and performance statistics. For
every monitor the header will showcase the following:
1. Monitor Name/IP Address
2. IP/Host
3. Tags associated with the monitor
4. RPE
5. Last Polling Time
6. Departments associated with the monitor
7. Vendor
8. Current State – Clear/Down
9. Last 24 hours health state
10. Alert trend
The header of the monitor’s dashboard is completely dependent on the monitor
type. The widgets and tabs are fully customizable, for more information refer to
dashboards section.
Root Cause Analysis
If you click on button, you will be able to see root cause analysis.
Monitor Templates
based on Monitor
WINManage comes with a set of
pre-defined monitor templates.
Once you install the WINManage
app then the templates
associated with the app will
automatically show up in this

This section shows the following

details related to the Monitor

7. Template Name : This field

contains the name of the
monitor template.
8. Tags : This field contains the tags associated with the monitor template.
9. Description : This field contains the description associated with the monitor template (if any).
10. Use Count : Displays the number of times the template has been used.
11. Default - Yes/No : This field shows if the monitor template is the default template or not.
12. Actions : There are a set of actions associated with every monitor template.
If the template is pre-defined template then you have an option to assign monitors and clone that template. If you
have created the template then the following set of options are available:
a) Edit : You may edit the monitor template.
b) Lock : If you lock the template then there the widgets and dashboards associated with the template become
“View only” and the options to edit the dashboards and widgets associated with the template will not show up.
c) Assign Monitors : You may assign monitors to a specific template. Hence when you click on the assigned monitor
then its details will show up in the selected template.
d) Clone : You may clone or copy the monitor template. Thus to make minor changes in existing template clone
proves to be a saviour.
e) Delete : you may delete the monitor template by clicking on button.
Monitor Tags
Tags are really useful for creating
report, topology, filtering
information etc.

You may create, modify and

delete tags from here. You may
create a tag by clicking on

To create a new tag you need to

mention the following:

1. Tag Name
2. Parent Tag (choose from
drop down)
You may also assign and
unassign monitors from here.
To assign monitors devices to monitor tag you need to click on button associated with the
Click on the checkbox corresponding to the monitor you wish to assign and then click on
Assign button.
▪ Tag is a WINManage label which allows the user to sort, order
and locate a monitored device
▪ Several Tags are included by default and available under
“Monitor” section > “Monitor Tags”
▪ The Tag can be assigned to any monitored device, regardless
to its type
▪ The monitored device can have more than one Tag
▪ The Tag can be used for creating a topology map of the
monitored devices, based on the assigned Tag

Add & Assign Tags
▪ Creating and assigning Tag can be done in 2 places
1. When creating a Discovery Profile – The discovered devices will be assigned to this Tag (or several Tags)

Add & Assign Tags
2. On the “Monitor” section – Selected devices can be assigned to a Tag (or several Tags)

• Reports panel is accessible from the navigation bar. There are folders for different categories of reports
• Click on the relevant folder name to see the list of available report templates.
• You can add reports to the Favorite reports folder. Click on the report name to run the required report.


There is a filter box available which helps to easily focus on the required reports.
In this example, only reports with contains “HBS” are presented

Using the Actions menu, the report can be exported to PDF or CSV file. Here you will also
find an option to create a scheduler job to run the report automatically.

The contents and layout of the report can be customized using Widget Properties menu

Example – in the Widget setting, user can change the display columns order

Bulk Software Backup and Restore
▪ Manage device software and configuration backup on WINManage

▪ Schedule backup jobs during off-hours

▪ Save device backup configuration locally or remote (S/FTP)

▪ UI improvement for easy management

Software Backup and Restore – Scheduler Setup
▪ Create a Scheduler entry for SW backup

▪ Fill the required settings:

▪ Monitor tags to select the devices to back up
▪ FTP/SFTP server details (or local folder on server… )
▪ Backup schedule
▪ Update to save
▪ Trigger the scheduler for verification (see next..)

Software Backup and Restore – Progress Monitoring
▪ Open Device Maintenance menu
▪ Backup/Restore tab will show devices selected by tags
▪ Check Backup Status column for progress

▪ Check Logs tab for messages

Software Backup and Restore – Actions
▪ Restore or Download backup

▪ Export backed up device list to CSV / PDF

▪ Export backup/restore logs to CSV / PDF
Name : SW Device
Backup Report
Last Restore
Device IP/Host Device Type Software Version Departments Backup Status Last Backup Time Restore Status Time RPE Scheduler Name Location Error Message
Alpha1 PTP HBS 4.9.76_b0019_Oct 22 2020 Global Success 06/05/2021 17:25 Master RPE LAB backup FTP -
Alpha2 PTP SU 4.9.76_b0019_Oct 22 2020 Global Success 06/05/2021 17:25 Master RPE LAB backup FTP -
Dplus1 PTP HBS 4.9.76_b0019_Oct 22 2020 Global Success 06/05/2021 17:26 Master RPE LAB backup FTP -
Dplus2 PTP SU 4.9.76_b0019_Oct 22 2020 Global Success 06/05/2021 17:26 Master RPE LAB backup FTP -
PTMP HBS and HSU Destination Host Unreachable
TVWS-HBS1 TVWS BS - Global Failed 18/06/2021 17:00 Master RPE Backup Job FTP


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