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Section A

1 Label the following hardware components. (5 X 1 mark)



b) c)

…………………………….. ……………………………..




Section B
1) a) what does E-mail stand for ? (1mark)



b) State 2 advantages of email. (2marks)



c) State 2 disadvantages of email (2 marks)



2) Give example of 3 storage devices that can store above 1 GB and write their storage capacity in brackets.

i) ……………………………………. ( ) (2marks)
ii) ……………………………………. ( ) (2marks)
iii) ….................................... ( ) (2marks)

Use the convertion table below to attempt question 3, 4 and 5

1 Kb = 1024 bytes
1Mb = 1024 kb
1 Gb = 1024 Mb
1Tb = 1024 Gb

3) Convert 3 Tb to Gb . (Show working) (2 marks)

4) A word document is 3.5 mb. How many word docs would fit on a cd rom ?
(Show working) (3marks)

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