MO-IT101 - Task 2 - Group 4

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MO-IT101 | Task 2 | S1102 | Group 4 MOTORPH PORTAL

- A, B, & C can log in with verified credentials.

- A, B, & C then access their own dashboard.
- A & B, access their profile page; C access the employee list.
- A & B access the Loans and Benefits page; C access record of loans and benefits.
- A, B, & C access of their own payroll page; B & C handles the processing of payroll
ACTORS: - A & B access of leave request page; C access the record of leave requests
- A: Employee, Marketing, IT personnel - A & B access of their performance rating; C access performance record for evaluation
- B: Accounting - A & B access of Help page to send email to higher ups; C access of their inbox for received emails
- C: HR - A & B access of other relevant request forms; C access of other requests record

MotorPH Portal: Payroll System

Verify ID /

<<include>> Loans & Leave Performance Other

Proifle Page Payroll Page Contact/Email
Benefits Page Request Review Request

A Log in / Log
Dashboard <<include>> <<include>> <<include>> <<include>> <<include>> <<include>> <<include>>

Loans & Leave

Payroll Performance Request
Employee List Benefits Request Inbox
Processing Record Record
Record Record


Display Login <<include>> <<include>> <<include>>

Employee Calculate Calculate Calculate net
<<include>> <<include>>
Time of log hours worked Gross salary salary


if logged in
Apply salary
from 8:11 am <<extend>>

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