Part 1: General Appearance: Mystery Shopper Exercise For

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A good way to understand how you can deliver the best customer service is to go incognito
into an organisation and see what they do well and not so well. Choose a premises or business
to visit and complete this form in as much detail as you can.

Mystery Shopper exercise for

(enter name of organisation)

What are your expectations of the organisation:

Part 1: General appearance

Were the premises clean, tidy and presentable? Yes No

Please comments on the general appearance of the premises:

Part 2: Staff and service

How would you rate the following? Excellent (4) Good (3) Poor (1)

Friendliness of staff

Greeting and/or welcome

Were the staff good ambassadors for the business?

Speediness of service

Staff appearance

How would you rate the following? Excellent (4) Good (3) Poor (1)

Staff communication skills

Ambience and atmosphere

Did you feel special or valued as a customer?

Part 3: Overall experience

How would you rate the following? Excellent (4) Good (3) Poor(1)

Overall experience

Likelihood of going back to spend money with this

business based on today’s experience

Please add up your scores and work out the percentage. It is considered that a score of 65% or more is a
good standard.

Total Score: /40

State what this is as a percentage: %

Make a list of what was good and what was disappointing or bad concerning the customer service you
experienced at this premises.
Good Disappointing/bad

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