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Directions: Read the story then answer the questions that follow.

Write your answers in your

Living at the Shoreline
Author: Perpetua M. Fiel

Shirley has lived near the shoreline with her family for 5 years. She loves living near the sea and
being near to a variety of creatures on the shoreline. Some rocks are spiky and pokey, sometimes
they`re smooth and they come in all different colors. The sand beneath their feet is boiling,
especially when you stand on it when you`ve been from the sea. The water`s tides come and go
every day and Shirley likes to play with the waves every morning. The shells on the seashore are all
colorful and they glisten as the sun rises and sets each day. Her shell collection already counts up
to 85 and various shells! Sherley sees different sea creatures daily-from fishes popping up and
down from the water, whales flapping their tails, dolphins giggling as they swim in groups, crabs
making their tiny homes in sand, and seagulls flying over the horizon and looking down to all
creatures both from land and sea. The lighthouse in the north near their home shines every night,
guiding all fishermen as they make their living. Clouds of all sizes and shapes follow Shirley
everywhere she goes. Shirley`s most favorite thing living at the shoreline is seeing the crystal-clear
water change colors from blue to green, green to gray, gray to light purple, then purple to blue
again. Shirley loves near the sea and being close to beautiful ocean life.

Answer the following questions:

1. Where did Shirley play every morning?
2. What was Shirley`s collection that reached almost 85 various types?
3. What type of ecosystem does the story describe?
4. What are the living things found in an ecosystem?
5. What are the non-living factors found in this type of ecosystem?
6. How can you protect your shoreline?

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